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thanks for the rovs \m/
@DaveRandom what came to mind was tempura..
@Jimbo Good news: the forthcoming auryn-based web sapi framework is as fast as php-phalcon. Better news: aerys does ~120k/s on the same benchmark/hardware.
@rdlowrey That's awesome dude, not too far off hhvm ;)
@rdlowrey whaaa?!
@DaveRandom Yeah still got it
@Ocramius Yeah it baffles me how all these userland php frameworks manage to be so slow.
@rdlowrey lol, so slow :P
@rdlowrey no JIT. Process for a 'hello' response is crazy, if you do all the rest of the things each time - gets crazier.
(so slow refers to the current things there)
@rdlowrey haha
@BenjaminGruenbaum Exactly. Being forced to load a full application for each individual request is just O(wtf)
@rdlowrey the phalcon or phalcon-mirco?
@rdlowrey you saw this, right?
@bwoebi the phalcon one. I can't make mine any faster in userland.
@Ocramius I did ... the bootstrap phase is definitely the problem. Loading up everything for every possible route the application could take and then using only a small portion of that is painfully slow.
(and kind of non-sensical when you think about it)
@rdlowrey ah, if only we had a mechanism that figures out the painful slow parts like bootstrapping and routing and makes them go away though dynamic recompilation and inlining... gee whiz.
Figuring out the routes itself could be even more effective than statically compiled code - that would be awesome to have.
@rdlowrey - that's a hello world benchmark that yields those results, right?
Here comes the part where @BenjaminGruenbaum makes me feel dumb for writing code in PHP.
not necessarily ...
@N.B. yes.
I'd like to think HHVM will just get good enough and will support enough thing to be usable with Aerys.
Is your framework by any chance based off of a php daemon? :)
@N.B. it's not a framework. It's a server.
@JoeWatkins you couldn't resist ^^
Yea, so it's basically CLI PHP that doesn't spawn tons of processes / threads and you use coroutines to do context switching between tasks?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I dunno ... I mean aerys is already fast enough that hhvm is completely unnecessary.
@BenjaminGruenbaum when this happens, it will be happening because daniel wrote in php ...
and it'll happen without any of the complexity or requirement for a JIT ...
one might come along all the same ...
yo guys, SO question.. how do you ping someone with a space in his name?
@N.B. It's a single-process non-blocking event loop server. And it scales by automatically spawning a process for each available CPU.
@Mr.Alien commented so you can twist it a bit more in your answer^^
@rdlowrey on tests, not on actual apps. On an actual app something that inlines routing, code and other things could be fast. Then again you might say it's fast enough but that's another story.
@rdlowrey - yup, seems we're working on a similar thing ^^
@JoeWatkins because?
@rdlowrey that's a contradiction in terms ... just saying ...
single process, auto spawning ...
@N.B. only @rdlowrey actually delivers and I haven't seen your thing. His actually works quite nicely.
@JoeWatkins No it's not.
@Benjamin well I'm working on mine, it's not like I'm trying to compete here, I'm just delighted I had a similar idea like someone else
It's a single process unthreaded server. That doesn't mean you can't spawn multiple single processes.
@N.B. I'm sorry if that came off as rude - what I meant is - do you have anything to show :)?
@rdlowrey it's not single process if there are multiple processes ...
@Benjamin - I do, but I'm in the process of documenting it so at this point - no :) (except some numbers that mean nothing) :)
@JoeWatkins That's like saying if you spawn multiple instances of bash that bash isn't single process.
@N.B. why not join @rdlowrey and help with Aerys instead?
Or even better, use a language that's actually good? :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum there it is :)
if I had spawned multiple instances of bash and I was referring to them, I couldn't and wouldn't refer to that as a single process ...
@Benjamin - I am all in for that :) and we're already using a good language :D
@N.B. Really? Because it sounded like you were using PHP ^^
@rdlowrey - if you're interested, I'd like to exchange ideas one of these days or at least help out when I get the time so I'll poke you :)
@N.B. the actual discussion about Aerys usually happens (don't ask me why) in the Dart room. No dart there at all, just Aerys and other stuff like that.
@BenjaminGruenbaum - sorry, no intention to argue about that :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum I've advocated to change the name as there really is no dart discussion that happens.
PHP has its market, if there are customers to be found there - it's a good language to me because I don't glue language preferences to money I earn :>
But no one else seemed to care.
@rdlowrey - do you have any benchmarks available by any chance? I'm just interested to see the benefit over classic SAPIs, to compare whether we're at the same mark
@N.B. yeah, because PHP developers are known to be paid the most. Way more than other sorts of backend developers...
Is there a way to do this?
$(this).attr({variable: variable});
@Fabien why are you setting a variable attribute on something?
@N.B. The benchmark is 120k/s on this test. Yes. You read that correctly. Nearly double the web sapi.
@BenjaminGruenbaum skrollr uses the data attribute to dictate when to start scrolling.
And that's with full routing, auto dependency injection and websockets as a first-class citizen of the server.
@rdlowrey - awesome, I'm actually seeing similar results
@Fabien ewewewew :( You have .data but just ew.
To be honest, the performance was just a nice bonus to what I was aiming to make :)
@N.B. I'd be very surprised if you were.
well I am not exactly in a position to build a parallax script.
@N.B. Not to say that I don't believe you, but I don't believe you ;)
That's fine, I don't mind that and I'm looking forward to proving you wrong :)
that's like some trash talk from Big Bang Theory ...
@rdlowrey still wondering if this gets any better with hiphop xD
@Ocramius Ah, that's a super-old benchmark. Let me do some updated ones. I'll ping you.
no need :O
That one is about 15% of the current speed.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Is it possible? Ugly as it might be, I need skrollr right now.
HHVM is such a PITA to even get it to compile ... I can't waste my time on half-baked technologies.
So, if I told you I had a bunch of code in which many many functions open with global $global, how would you react?
@TRiG You're fired. The person who hired you is fired.
nm, I got it. I'll try to figure out a better way though.
@Jimbo kk no worries, I'll drop you a text when I know what's going on, but whatever happens I reckon I should be there - is it deansgate you get into at 18:20 or pic?
@rdlowrey Oh, I never said I wrote the stuff. It's inherited.
@TRiG write tests and refactor.
guys i have a large number of domains and i'm trying to park them all on one server with my own technology. To that end i have a simple server setup and default apache vhost which is meant to catch all domains pointed to it. Thing works unless i dont specify a subdomain, (i.e. example.com vs www.example.com)
@TRiG lol I was just making jokes. I mean, no one writes code with global, right? Right???
@DaveRandom Oxford Road - and you better had be! I'm not going on my own! :P
i'm stuck as to why this is happening.
@rdlowrey lol, ok, nvm :D
the domain i'm currently trying is: shopping-world.co.uk this doesnt resolve yet www.shopping-world.co.uk works fine
@rdlowrey Oh, of course not. *whistle*
the DNS has * and @
@Jimbo No danger of that, just a question of whether I can get back to town for 18:20. If I can't get away from work at 5 I probably just won't bother going home
$ dig shopping-world.co.uk

; <<>> DiG 9.8.2rc1-RedHat-9.8.2-0.17.rc1.el6_4.6 <<>> shopping-world.co.uk
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 23979
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 2, AUTHORITY: 2, ADDITIONAL: 2

;shopping-world.co.uk. IN A

shopping-world.co.uk. 14400 IN CNAME shopping.mediabandit.co.uk.
shopping.mediabandit.co.uk. 14400 IN A

mediabandit.co.uk. 172800 IN NS ns.123-reg.co.uk.
ohhh kay so it's all setup as i'd expect
thanks for the dig command, completely forgot about that one!!
also looks like it might be a DNS issue
@N.B. So what happens in your server when the application fatals?
What happens if I upload a 4Gb file to it?
@Andy Both the root and www. resolve to the same IP, it's probably a web server config issue
What happens if I send TRACE \ HTTP/1.1? Is that allowed?
I could go on and on ... my point is that it's not hard to create a non-blocking server. What is hard is making it actually usable in the real world and being fully HTTP/1.1-compliant.
Limiting number of simultaneously connected clients ... limiting the number of requests a single client can make over a keep-alive connection before you automatically disconnect them, etc, etc, etc. Is my app able to respond to a request with the Expect: 100-continue header before the server accepts the enormous entity body that I don't want to allow?
@DaveRandom hi, i think it's DNS .... it's resolving as expected now .... slaps head
@Ocramius assuming I am in a prePersist event, what do I get when I call $event->getEm()->getUoW()->getChangeset($event->getEntity()) and is there a reason why this is not available directly in the LifeCycleEventArgs object as it is in preUpdateEventArgs?
What's the maximum allowable header size of a request in bytes before you realize you're under DoS attack?
@rdlowrey I humbly think the hard part isn't the HTTP 1.1 spec but the non-blocking wiring in a good way (that includes the 4gb upload thing)
Does the client application have to manually assign the charset for outbound text/* responses ... Can I tell the server to set the SO_LINGER = 0 option to mitigate DoS attacks by not keeping sockets open in the TIME_WAIT state?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I agree with you on this now.
@Gordon I think you will not get a changeset
@Gordon prePersist doesn't have a "change" state
you didn't change anything, you just added an item
so the entity is already the entire state change
@rdlowrey I say this because implementing non-blocking I/O from scratch (even with an event library) is very hard to get right imo, I did it multiple times and I suck at it. I built a fully complaint HTTP 1.1 server for fun once, it was fun but I had node's TCP (net) module so it wasn't too challenging.
@Ocramius ok. thanks. will the Entity have an ID already in prePersist or would I have to use postPersist if I want that?
Probably the most unit tests I've written in my life too.
@Gordon postPersist
@BenjaminGruenbaum Exactly. All these things are why simply making a server work isn't remotely useful to anyone. I thought I really had something after working on it daily for a year. That was about eight months ago.
@Ocramius ok thanks.
yw =)
Good Morning
So @N.B. you can forgive me if I'm skeptical. People are wowed by performance numbers, but they have no idea how much has to happen under the hood for an implementation to be remotely useful for anything.
@rdlowrey - I'm not using PHP as frontend server
public function removeItem(LineItem $lineItem) {
    $this->line_items = array_diff($this->line_items, [$lineItem]);
I'm using Mongrel2
^ is that a dumb way to remove an item from an array?
@Fabien fucking w00t
It's not exactly the same solution as yours, I went to achieve a different thing, however I had to run PHP in CLI and the side-effect I got in the end was performance
@N.B. Then it's not the remotely the same thing as what I'm doing ;)
Actually, it's the same thing
It's fundamentally the same
The purpose is vastly different though
> Hi Joe - Jonathan and I have discussed and we would like to make you an offer.
w00t w00t
And as for the file upload, it works safely since it's not just M2 I have to interface with, and you can have a nice upload progress status without using mechanisms such as APC/OPCache/Sessions to store that data :)
1 min ago, by rdlowrey
@N.B. Then it's not the remotely the same thing as what I'm doing ;)
@JoeWatkins winner!
Well, you do have PHP server replying to requests :>
So do I
@rdlowrey I'm a bit baffled by these benchmarks at techempower, I don't have measly hardware and can reach nothing like those numbers with any of the software they mention ...
is 8 cores and 16gb of ram not enough ?
@JoeWatkins CONGRATS :D
@Fabien YAY :D
Squeeze 'em for every penny ;)
@JoeWatkins I can't really say -- My benchmarking is done with the same exact cpu :/
Which was an odd coincidence.
@JoeWatkins This is probably a dumb question but do you have zo+ enabled?
yeah I do
@rdlowrey - I'm not trying to compete with you in any way, as I said I'm just glad someone crossed the same problem as I did. You even used LibEvent, if I'm not mistaken, right?
wat cpu is it ?
Are you loading a million unnecessary php extensions?
@JoeWatkins who :)?
no, bare php with json static
huh, weird. I've been testing with --enable-maintainer-zts so I know that's not your problem
wat's the cpu ?
that's my cpu !!
@JoeWatkins ?
As of Round 7, three Intel Sandy Bridge Core i7-2600K workstations with 8 GB memory each (early 2011 vintage)
@BenjaminGruenbaum white-bullet.com
@JoeWatkins Awesome
@BenjaminGruenbaum yeah pretty pleased with that, I went after a few but I liiike this one ...
@JoeWatkins lol wut? Really?
@JoeWatkins Oh, you realize those numbers are aggregated for three machines right? You have to divide the number by 3 to get the per-machine number.
@JoeWatkins Is now a pirate hunter.
I get about 10k from the builtin server
Well the builtin server should never be used for any sort of benchmark because it can't keep-alive connections. A benchmark with Connection:close on every response is a complete waste of time.
I get 13k from onion
You aren't benchmarking the server at that point, you're benchmarking the OS kernel's ability to establish TCP connections.
@JoeWatkins Hope you get a solid offer. You've proven time after time you can actually take things from scratch and build them to completion. That's a rare property in a candidate. You deserve an interesting job.
@FernandoSilva let me check :)
@JoeWatkins I should also mention that my 120k/s number is with 1,000 simultaneous clients. The web SAPI would fall over and die under that load. The techempower benchmarks only use 8 to 256 simultaneous clients.
> The request handler will be exercised at concurrency levels ranging from 8 to 256.
@rdlowrey Have you tested at their level for funzies?
@LeviMorrison I haven't, though I don't think it would be appreciably faster. Not enough to really matter anyway. I get roughly the same performance at 10k clients as 1k. There's ~15% slowdown at 20k simultaneous clients and I haven't tested beyond that.
But your DB backend IO would likely become a real problem much sooner than 20k simultaneous users (per server machine) if you didn't write your application in a way that addressed those kinds of problems. Scalable high-performance is not a silver-bullet one component can provide. But server speed does tell you what your upper bound will be.
@JoeWatkins is that finally some stimulating job for you or what? :)
@JoeWatkins ^^ that. Is it work you think you'll be happy about?
yes, and yes, definitely ... it's just the sort of creative I can do, technically creative ...
Hell yea.
some code of mine has been put into print:
crap crap crap
I don't have a road legal car, my stupid MOT ran out on 3rd January ... I've been driving around for days with no MOT ...
why must I forget absolutely everything ...
@hakre It looks like you compiled it first. Either that or I don't have any east asian charsets installed :)
@rdlowrey I compiled nothing. It's just the link I got from the author of that book.
@hakre lol I was just making a joke about my inability to read it :)
I meant "it looks like binary data to me" ... sorry ... not funny, apparently.
And it's a sad story actually: I get in edition 2, this is edition 1.
now I'm a little bit depressed.
and yes I did not understood your joke. Binary looks different to me :D
hourly rate in london at the moment ?
@rdlowrey I laughed a little.
don't like hourly rates
Then again, I do have Asian character sets.
@DanLugg The sad thing is that I do have Asian character sets as well ... this makes the failure of my joke even worse.
lol, so your joke operated on the presumption that the listeners don't have Asian character sets installed?
> Explaining a joke is like dissecting a frog. You understand it better but the frog dies in the process.
^^ obligatory at this point.
@DanLugg lol @ my whole attempt at humor ... total failure
If chat were a VCS I would git reset --hard && git push -f and pretend like it never happened.
Anybody? No? Okay, I'll stop making jokes and write some code :)
# On branch master
# Error 11: SEGFAULT
Sorry, the joke fiasco is no longer addressable by your process @rdlowrey
array(2) {
  ["totalRecords"] => int(3)
  ["items"] => array(3) {
    [0] => array(9) {
      ["fileuploader_id"] => string(1) "1"
      ["title"] => string(14) "auto intensity"
      ["uploaded_file"] => string(33) "custom/upload/File-1386305972.pdf"
      ["file_content"] => NULL
      ["product_ids"] => string(7) "171,183"
      ["file_status"] => string(1) "1"
      ["content_disp"] => string(1) "0"
      ["sort_order"] => string(1) "0"
      ["update_time"] => string(19) "2013-12-10 13:01:03"
^ I have the above array
I need to filter it by "content_disp" where it is equal to "2"
I am not good in php
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'joke'
any help?
@Mr_Green this:
A: How to create a function in PHP that sorts an array based on one of its keys

Alma DoYou're looking not for sorting your array, but for filtering it - feel the difference. In PHP, there's array_filter() to do this. If you want to create flexible function, you can act like this: function filterArray($data, $key, $value) { return array_filter($data, function($row) use ($key, $...

array_filter(function ($item) {
    return $item['content_disp'] == '2';
}, $array['items']);
btw, use pastebin or similar to paste code.. that is expected from user with 6k rep :p
"Everybody gets one, tell him Peter"
"Uh, apparently everybody gets one"
thanks I will try
I have seen the docs of array_filter but was not able to figure out how to do this
array_filter takes a callback and an array; each element of the array is passed to the callback. If the callback returns a truthy value, the element is placed in the resulting array; if falsey, it's not.
$x = array_filter($array['items'], function ($item) {
    return $item['content_disp'] == '2';
^ this worked for me
@DanLugg thanks
@AlmaDo thanks you too :)
in Lounge<C++>, Jul 4 '11 at 14:16, by Cat Plus Plus
PHP sucks.
@AlmaDo =P
@Jefffrey not many people here will argue
@AlmaDo let's discuss about that dinosaur
@Jefffrey nah.. troll protection 100 lvl :p
PHP sucks.
PHP sucks.
Long live PHP.
on, then
PHP sucks. Long live PHP!!!
Jul 4 '11 at 14:22, by Gordon
@Robik if by standard library the OP means STL, then we have SPL.. and the "idiotic type systems" remark hints at OP not liking dynamic typing which means he's a dinosaur. and complaining about "restart on every requests" means OP never had to write something that scales
PHP Sucks! And so does every other language! More news from the Captain Obvious Department at 7
Stop complaining about PHP in the PHP room FFS.
@ircmaxell news? that "captain" seems to be late for 3 years..
@rightfold FFS, is that another design pattern? lol
PHP sucks, and I'll keep writing PHP
@Jefffrey It was probably not about dynamic typing but about weak typing.
situation, when language adepts agree with some newcomer who blames language in something is a good sign that language is evolving, maintained and modern ..
@AlmaDo ob_end_clean(); haha
@ircmaxell Hi! Managed to watch some of the tv you suggested :) I will say PHP is meh and attempt to pretend to be on topic
@Pandagrrl Hey there! What did ya think?
heh.. that mean all discussion should be moved somewhere else
@ircmaxell Well we watched 5 episodes of The B in APt 23 last night, Old Boy is def up soon, we just havent had enough time to watch a real film but the show was hilarious and you were spot on about the Dawson humor
I love that show. I just wish there was more of it :-D
is it over?
they cancelled it after the 2nd season
oh too bad its funny so far
maybe it will get a lot of attention on netflix and they'll pick it back up
@Pandagrrl is Old Boy this ?
@Ocramius Yep
just saw the film 2 days ago
Did you like?
still having chills
amazing movie
I am looking forward to seeing it!
It is in IMDB top50 iirc :D
@CarrieKendall Arrested Development
@Ocramius original or new?
@ircmaxell probably the new one
2008 iirc
was it dubbed over from Korean?
meh, 2003
@ircmaxell yeah, we were just discussing how that show is less humorous (IMO) and got picked back up
the original one then :-D
@ircmaxell can't really tell the difference
@CarrieKendall I LOVED the original. The new isn't great...
there's a new movie?
@ircmaxell agreed
@Ocramius were the actors asian?
then it was the original
I haven't seen the new one yet. Half don't want to
oh, I see...
I see also that the new one got pretty bad ratings
mmmm, tea is good :-D
I don't believe there was even a need for a remake...
@Ocramius weird movie, primarily
@NikiC why weird?
want a fantastic movie that you will never ever want to watch again?
@CarrieKendall @Pandagrrl how was the drive back home?
I'm back
@ircmaxell well @CarrieKendall had to change a tire on the side of the interstate in freezing temps but after the cold in NYC we were better equipped to deal with it
other than that it was nice
Well, that's good, I guess :-D
haha yes indeed
at least you missed the crazy cold of today
did you go into the office?
True but it was 9 here today...
also, after we left beer authority, @Pandagrrl and i went to play in the snow in times square and there were maybe 10 people there too.. it was a fairly unique experience :]
really? it was 6 here... with wind-chill -10
@CarrieKendall now that does sound like fun
took me over an hour to get home (trains running on a slow schedule)
Should have just stayed with us and played in the snow!!
we were all feeling that inner warmth lol
@ircmaxell it was awesome, minus the unintentional sidewalk ice skating
why does the lounge and the php room have to be in war?
I think that's called alcohol, and I think it actually works against you, but all in good fun :-D
there should be love instead
@Jefffrey because people like you post messages almost 2 years old to instigate :)
yes either way, also @CarrieKendall was a bit more tipsy than she let on i think
yeah, I think we all were... But it was all good fun
True, true
@CarrieKendall that's not true :(
and nobody got permanently disfigured or emotionally scarred. Which is always a bonus :-D
PHP and C++ are two equally* beautiful languages
@ircmaxell don't be so quick to speak for @cheesemacfly :P i think we overwhelmed him
I've born with one and matured with the other
yeah, that's true. I think it was mostly that we were already quite friendly, and quite tipsy by the time he came...
Quick Question: Which is the best online(paid/free) 'project management & collaboration' tool according to you based on your experience ? (for web development domain)
yes also Beer Authority wasn't the easiest place to have a conversation because of the noise
tis true
The staff was nice though :)
does anybody have/know where i can get a disposable us number (for account verification) besides pinger?
that is very true
* equally here means equal just how all men are created equal, yet some are severely handicap while others are geniuses.

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