though not sure whether that's related to the issue
for that branch to hit you would need to have zobj1->properties_table[i]==NULL and zobj2->properties_table[i]==NULL for an i in 0..zobj1->ce->default_properties_count
which I don't really understand in this particular case. maybe the default properties count is computed incorrectly due to the inheritance or somethin like that?
@Danack That's a lot better than what I found, not too bothered about draft status, the parts I need will be well finalised by the time document reached that stage. Thanks :-)
@NikiC Yes, but different lines have copyright dates from different years. If it just said 1997, someone could theoretically start copying it without heed to the copyright, in um, 2092 rather than 2114.
@NikiC It's the individual lines that are copyrighted. People put the date range on to indicate that some lines will have their copyright expire at some time, other lines will expire later. The copyright for the whole file doesn't get updated each time the file is modified.
This was a bug in PHP. It's fixed now, see the commit. In short:
If you extend a class and redefine the same property the properties_table of the object ends up having a NULL value.
The comparison code incorrectly aborted comparison when two objects had a NULL value in the properties_table at t...
Who's able to help me :) Its 3.00 at night I would like to see a youtube video or something to improve my php programming skills. Not in a way of learning how to write it but how to structure it so I have a better view on it?
I just have multiple directories which have different projects and want to be able to test them out at same time. Right now I have to shutdown server, restart it under other path, once done, then reverse it and blah, it's very annoying.
@andho When a hacker comes by and asks for a page not in a specific directory, I want my server to fake nonexistence so that I'm not put on a hack list.
@ThW Because hackers will not know the directory that users know (note: my server is a hobby, nothing businesslike). Hackers usually only look at the specific IP (no directory) anyway.
A clean http application sends replies with different status codes, 200 OK, 404 Not Found, 403 Forbidden, the application does not "fake" anything, it just answers requests
@ThW Any HTTP reply or otherwise will just let the hacker know that a server exists at this IP. A hacker won't look at a 403 and say: "well, I guess there's no reason to continue trying."
@ircmaxell Alright! Good night! Thanks a LOT for the help! You've probably restored a couple days of my life in the future from aimless google searches.
@HelpingHand i do not have a solution. I have a theory. Don't know if it's feasible. You can sniff the packet at firewall level and block it if it doesn't contain the url you want
@rdlowrey i was looking for the rfc that defines a "cgi standard" about query strings: aa[bb][7]=1 and it also defines as alternative (i don't remember) valid/recommended ? which i believe is better than square brackets [] which need to be escaped (6 bytes for each key), as opposed to . (just 1 byte)... can you remember what the rfc was?
Same thing in the CGI RFC, unfortunately. It just specified which characters are reserved and which aren't.
damn, i clearly remember it exists, but i can't find it too :\
name="test[7][8]" would have been name="test.7.8" name="test[][]" would have been name="test.." <- i remember this because i thought it was terrible :P
could you please take a look in this question mine… and see if someone can explain why I had to bind the paremeters when is no necessary?
(I realize similar questions may have been asked a hundred times already, but a lot of them seem to provide only partial answers and does not match my scenario exactly, so apologize for semi-duplicated question)
We have a scenario where we need to store multiple feeds under a site model as follo...
@zerkms the problem you mention is because of lack of transactional features more then lack of relational features. If you don't use Transactions when inserting your data, you will still get the same kind of contention.
@zerkms absolutely sure. And ofcourse it's not ignored. Good systems handle these kinds of failures. While naive systems just use an RDBMS and leave it at that
Well anyway, banks are close to facebook and twitter in there transaction levels so, it is in line with what you said. But I'm saying there are apps so simple that you don't even need a DB, but people use mysql (any RDBMS) because they cannot imagine an application without a DB
@zerkms development time. Defining datastructures. Writing ORM configuration. I saved a lot of time changing one of my systems to mongodb for read storage
for example a bookmarking website that handles your bookmarks. No other user is gonna change your bookmarks. So you don't need to worry about race conditions