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git's CLI should just alias "ass" to "add"
@tereško Looks like python ran into the same issue with subjectAltName fields in August of this year. /cc @NikiC FYI see this message. I believe my SAN name matching code (in the 5.6 branch) is vulnerable to this same problem. I have a preliminary fix and should be able to correct this with test cases in the next couple of days.
To the cv-ring, good job this month. The chat backlog source grabs last 25 pages of transcript to fetch cv-pls questions from, and it has roughly doubled recently, meaning more cv-pls has been posted. Good way to end the year! =o)
Glad this was found well in advance of the 5.6 release ... no messy bug reports or disclosures needed.
@tereško works only for first jsfiddle.net/j9cf6
@Muhammet ID must be unique per document
A: How to get current element in getElementsByClassName

BlenderThis should work: var elements = document.getElementsByClassName('test'); for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { elements[i].addEventListener('click', function() { this.innerHTML = 'New Text'; }, false); }​ Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/ydUtd/2/

(in case it's handy)
@hakre nice one helped
@hakre that bullshit is manually adding a listener to each element
@tereško Yes you've got this nice javascript snippet I always ask for :)
back from germaniez
@tereško how do i do that ?
I mean how do i know it in js
@hakre I keep meaning to add XHR support but always forget .. or get distracted
@tereško : can I ask you a question about Late Static Bindings?
to me in particular .. that might not be all that good idea. I am one of those people who thinks that static should be removed in PHP 6.x
but you can ask the room in general
even better :-)
ok I'll ask the room also...
... also, while I have not gotten again: please spend your damn votes in cv-backlog
Don't use static ... problem solved.
let me re-paste this snip, easier to ask the question.....
there is this magical button
Or press ctrl+k -- you can't use backticks for multiline code formatting
also, press "arrow up" key to edit previous
any body work with phantomjs on php ?
@tereško add to what?
ok let's try one more time....new to the code pasting....
@hakre on( 'readystatechange', xhr, do_stuff ); .. it fails in IE
you can edit previous questions. for the moment I clean up your previous one. let me know if it's going too far.
// YourCoolService.php

class YourCoolService implements MyCoolPackageInterface {

    public static function make(MyCoolPackage $myCoolPackage)
        $instance = new static;
        return $myCoolPackage->make($instance);


// YourCoolController.php


   $output = YourCoolService::make()->withInput(Input::all())->render();

1 message moved to recycle bin
1 message moved to recycle bin
ok...so looking at my code snippet.....
any body work wit phantomjs ?
I used a late static binding in the Service
so I could make a cool one-liner call in my Controller and "chain" it a bit
@DavidGraham for no reason actually.
@hakre thats what I'm curious about?
what other way could I have accomplished this one-liner I'm doing in my Controller?
no what I mean is that you do not need no late static binding at that place.
and I'm paranoid about this "Global - Singleton" issue......am I using Global space here? I don't fully understand that
you are using Laravel .. embrace the singletons, it's like worrying about unflushed toilet while your house is on fire
so I could say return $myCoolPackage->make($instance);
yes you use global space there. and it's simple: the name of the class.
it's in the global namespace.
yes, I'm using laravel
YourCoolService::make() is just a fancy way to write a global function.
you could also write it as:
I don't want to make facades out of every service, just a facade for the package is fine
function my_cool_service_make(MyCoolPackage $myCoolPackage) {
    ... // roll it baby!
    return $snookyDooky;
who doesn't love //comment humor
Service: the word all popular PHP frameworks use to disguise their bad coding practices.
Model: the word all popular frameworks use who don't use Model properly
also true :)
Manager: Not so popular even many of those coders don't have one.
that's why I didn't go with Model from this popular framework
lol @hakre
I have too many dynamic queries to use the Repository Pattern
so I just said....hmm...I'll just use "Services" and thats it
anyone concur?
I mean, some of my writes go into this "Common" repo-like place
but that's it
I have no real meaning what concur means but I would take care not fall into Analysis Paralysis.
concur = you approve
Just write the code you need, in case that changes, refactor and change.
now back to the late static bindings issue....
how would my code be better written?
// YourCoolService.php

class YourCoolService implements MyCoolPackageInterface {

    public static function make(MyCoolPackage $myCoolPackage)
        $instance = new static;
        return $myCoolPackage->make($instance);


// YourCoolController.php


   $output = YourCoolService::make()->withInput(Input::all())->render();

I just had the "nice" situation at my new job finding out that the kid who did framework all symfony annotate the hell wrap shrink sink whatever - hey, jenkins running for a "team" of 2 developers - wrote so much code that hard to refactor (downsize, throw out) that the code from the non-programmer (stupid, but just straight to the point) will go into refactoring and the rest is just going to throw away.
I have a package that needs some properties and methods defined by YOU.....so is this a good approach (I don't want to jump to Inheritance)
Is there a pure-PHP MIME parser that doesn't suck? I really don't want to install ext/mailparse.
@Charles look into the imap extension.
@hakre That means you need to watch catch me if you can again ;)
This is my post where my question is coming from: stackoverflow.com/questions/20860263/…
@NikiC I've seen that one lately, at least the end IIRC.
Why is it that some folks do this:
    if (!isset(static::$instance)) {
        static::$instance = new static;
    return static::$instance;
why do we need to check for existing instance?
@hakre Unfortunately all the useful MIME bits there require the message to be in an IMAP mailbox, which isn't the case for the code I'm working with.
in my Service I don't do this
@hakre Any idea?
@DavidGraham that is a boilerplate singleton implementation. so that singletons can extend from singletons. In PHP this is a cumbersome way to describe a global variable.
@Charles hmm.
have you taken a look into pear?
Next to that I don't know if Zend_Mime sucks.
@hakre Currently using Mail_mimeDecode and I hate it.
@hakre and you don't remember the concur part?
hmm, I forgot that ZF has MIME bits. Lemme see here...
@NikiC I've not watched it in English.
ah, okay ^^
@Charles ZF1 was practically getting the water away from Pear, so perhaps they "forked" (read: take over some parts) from there and it feels nice (if you're lucky).
The code is nicely tucked into the class YourCoolService. Hence the singleton approach is used to keep everything in that one place....the class. Right?
@NikiC but maybe you've got a quote on youtube?
Eh @NikiC, which computer parts do you need currently? I haven't send you any stuff last year, did I?
@hakre Yeah, it looks like ZF2's Zend\Mime isn't too horrid. Just have to see if it gags on the same messages that Mail_mimeDecode chokes on...
@Charles With a binary intersection you can probably handle that well. Good luck :D
@hakre What would be your approach to writing a package that relies on methods defined by a user class?
@hakre Nothing broke down last year, so don't need any ^^
i have a php/mysql api that feeds certain mp3 and jpgs. i want to restrict access to these files and only feed them through my api and not make them accessible via a simple browser request. how should i go about it? some sort of url signing?
@hakre Thanks, I'm gonna need it. Stupid Java and PINE and their not-quite-RFC-noncompliant headers...
Anyone have a good approach for creating a package (I'm in Laravel 4) that relies on a user's methods defined in their own classes?
@NikiC Fine fine. So when I come to Berlin next time I perhaps have the pleasure to invite you to dinner or something?
@hanleyhansen There's no shame in HTTP authentication (over SSL)...
@David - enforce their adherence to an interface?
@Charles RFC conformance. I've read numerous really often and since ages. And still I find parts I've overlooked.
@DavidGraham describe relies.
@MarkBaker If you scroll up you will see I did use an Interface
in my code snippet
not again, you link previous conversations.
1 message moved to recycle bin
ok sorry..
np, just saying :D - @MarkBaker: code is here: chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/13806825#13806825
so "relies" .....
@hakre Yeah, and then it's the little things. The RFC specifies, for example, that content types are case-insensitive, but by convention everyone uses lowercase. Except for freaking Alpine, which insists that content-types are all uppercase. Totally compliant, but the stupid code in Mail_mimeDecode doesn't use case-insensitive comparison, and I'd rather not patch it a dozen times on my production machines just to fix the one tenth of one percent of emails we get from Alpine users.
@hakre That will need some convincing ;)
@Charles Yes, that's the reason why I actually think the Robustness Principle is something every developer should know about.
@hakre And/or have beaten into them. Violently.
@Charles think so? the api is used mostly by an android app, i would have to hardcode the credentials into the app and even if i obfuscate my code there's a chance the creds can be compromised
@Charles Well, we share the code, we share the bugs. It's nothing we beat into anyone else.
@hanleyhansen Do you have a way to do per-user authentication at all?
@Charles yeah the users have to authenticate to use the app.
@hanleyhansen Yeah, there's your authentication method right there. A per-user token stored app-side (and tied to (changes with) the password) should do just fine... served over SSL :p
@DavidGraham yes, relies. what does it mean in your example? is it the name of a function or a variable or a class?
@hakre Let's say I have a package that creates a datagrid. The package will accept data from a method from a user class. The reason it accepts it from a user's method is because it will do certain tasks on the input coming from the Controller and then give that input to the user method. It's not only ACCEPTING data from a user method, but it's giving data to it beforehand as well.
relies = like extend
ok ... that's it. I have no votes left for today ... maybe only few flags.
I was saying the package relies on methods existing in your class
relies, like an abstract method relies on the child implementation
@DavidGraham sounds like you're looking for interfaces: php.net/interface
no, an interface is just a contract
it doesn't DO anything
I already added an interface
if you notice in my code
but then everything is already fine, isn't it?
the users can implement whatever they want, and you can do whatever your want with it and to it.
I was looking for a better approach if my use of static was not the best
a better approach for what? (sorry if that sounds ignorant, I just ask)
right, but the only way I know of doing that is by accepting a referenced object and then doing work on it......but I wanted to do this in a clean one-line, chainable way
what are you people talking about ?
what is the underlaying problem that you are trying to solve ?
I get the feeling, that you are asking us to fix your solution, instead of solving the problem
@NikiC well, who does not :) but have no fear, I dunno when that will be anyway. perhaps in march or so.
@tereško See the answer to my own question.....Is that a good way to accomplish it. What I'm looking for is the best way to have a package rely on user created methods to work
@tereško No I'm only using my solution as a communication device
An example can speak a 1000 words
@DavidGraham okay, one-liners are nice, but most often they are not clean (that is in mutliple dimensions).

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