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Because Java is just like PHP anyway ... /hides
@happy first chapter after "introduction" is "MVC" ... for fuck sake
@Jack uncle bob is horrible :)
Well, that's a lie. He's filled with good intentions.
What's so horrible?
I just feel like after reading 50 pages or hearing an hour long lecture he didn't really say anything at all.
/me cannot sleep
Just a lot of name dropping.
Clean code is hundreds of pages of "don't do stupid shit" like "name your variables meaningfully"..
@Jack I surely like to read code but something you (anyone belong my skill which are pretty low) code and most of the time there is bunch of stuff way too heavy from me, would like to help myself and stop writing garbage
@BenjaminGruenbaum he has been coasting on the "single good thing he was part off" ... namely: SOLID principles
@tereško out of which he didn't really invent anything. He just coined an acronym. I find solid funny though.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I think Clean Code was a good book to start with, afterwards I read Refactoring as well the Refactoring to Patterns books.
I think Clean Code is a really good intro to good principles for self-taught people. It's very light on technical things and is easy to read. For someone who's not a beginner you could sum up all the useful information by saying: write readable code.
The L in solid has objective meaning (As in, it's a mathematical property of a type system) where the rest are more good advice.
@rdlowrey Agreed.
@Jack refactoring is a solid book, lots of recipes. I second that .
@rdlowrey You can tell them write readable code and sum that up in a 2 page style paper.
@BenjaminGruenbaum hehe true.
As @rdlowrey mentioned, it's a good introduction ... afterwards you should read other books :)
Well, the original php-src authors could have benefited from such a paper.
That's the thing with Uncle Bob, you feel like you're learning a lot.
{| style="float:right; background:none;" |- | |- | |} The broken windows theory is a criminological theory of the norm-setting and signalling effect of urban disorder and vandalism on additional crime and anti-social behavior. The theory states that maintaining and monitoring urban environments in a well-ordered condition may stop further vandalism and escalation into more serious crime. The theory was introduced in a 1982 article by social scientists James Q. Wilson and George L. Kelling. Since then it has been subject to great debate both within the social sciences and in the public ...
I would like title or link, please
You feel like he's teaching you oh so many things. Where in fact he doesn't teach you anything a 40 minute lecture can't cover.
@happy Title is given.
^^ Because php-src is already a mess I'm fine with doing things like nesting control structures and whatnot that I would never do in my own projects.
@rdlowrey haha.
Nesting control structures without function calls to separate them for maintainability and readability? Good graces, man! Are you insane?
This for example - look how dramatic and somewhat charismatic he is here - youtube.com/watch?v=mslMLp5bQD0
And use macros everywhere? What's not super awesomely good about that?
Nesting control structures is cooler when you do it in C.
What you learn? Nothing.
Uncle Bob is great for obscure anecdotes about planetary science and/or astrophysics.
It lends real gravity to his programming talk that would otherwise be uninteresting.
See what I did there?
Not at all, can you please explain the joke?
Learned how to drum really badly ;-)
I need more sound-effects than just chat pings. I want to be able to broadcast a comedic drum sound when I make bad jokes.
@rdlowrey ping @rdlowrey ping
has anyone interest with pdepend console output?
I've hacked something together and wonder if it's worth to get that towards upstream.
text output for summary as well as filtering objects:
$ pdepend --summary-text="php://output" --filter-objects="*Monkey*/*::{{s,g},test{S,G}}et*" --no-progress .
PHP_Depend 1.1.4 by Manuel Pichler

Package              Class                                  LoC %Comment Variables Methods Class_SiZe   WMC
-------              -----                                  --- -------- --------- ------- ----------   ---
Monkey\Punk          MonkeyJob                              197     12.2         0       2          2     2
Monkey\Punk          MonkeyCheck                             86      0.0         0       2          2     2
Off-topic: what are you guys/girls going to do with newyear's evening ?
what word(s) you would use to describe in PHP classes, namespaces, traits, methods and interfaces, when talking about fact, that they are implemented to be case-insensitive? Calling it "OOP implementation" sounds somewhat retarded.
or would you just list them all?
@tereško It's the secret weapon against coding-style fetishists.
I am just trying to describe the autoloading system that I am using in my framework .. or actually: the goals
Like: "Hey, your method is not wimpyCaps" - "It is, you just did invoke it wrong." :)
if your framework craps itself just because you try to write $foo = new sOMETHING; $bar = new SomeThing; , then it was not written for PHP
The PHP way: add an i in the name. Think about strpos() & stripos()
that is not what I am talking about ... that's a different rant-inducing subject
my bad ...
@HamZa Year end maintenance that has to be hand-held and run after the nightly backups. Wooooo, exciting!
sounds exciting
Yeah. Goddamn purchaser locale derived sales tax rates, sigh...
new blog post scheduled for tomorrow (the meta 2013-year-in-review post)
and the flip side, is that I finally built my markdown - to - blogger-html converter (for example, using justified paragraphs, prettyprinting code, etc)
:) Looking forward to it.
before I was doing it all by hand
@ircmaxell ahah all those people running are a hilarious show indeed
This room always dies when I have a question to ask =o(
@BenjaminGruenbaum I would recommend Domain Driven Design by Eric Evans for any one trying to grasp "real" OOP.
@crypticツ I'm here.
Can't promise a helpful response, though ^^
"The case expression may be any expression that evaluates to a simple type, that is, integer or floating-point numbers and strings. Arrays or objects cannot be used here unless they are dereferenced to a simple type. " per the docs. So does that mean something like case $this->methodName(): is valid if that method returns boolean?
@crypticツ as long as it returns a simple type (integer or floating-point numbers and strings)
@crypticツ I'm fairly certain you can't use a method, but object property, yes.
@LeviMorrison doesn't expression include method calls? "any expression that evaluates to a simple type"
@andho I am working on a test to see.
It should allow boolean though, since it does a loose check so the boolean should be converted to integer. I assume.
o.0 It allows method calls.
undocumented feature
I'll be honest: I highly discourage the use of this 'feature' lol
arrays doesn't complain either :P
it matches arrays too :S
1 hour later…
sheeez. I can't pay attention when you all talk at the same time
If a method has lots of parameters that work like deep switches, how it can be improved?
@shiplu.mokadd.im that method is doing too much then isn't it?
@shiplu.mokadd.im In general, each case would contain a functionality. So for each case there would be a Class. This is called Strategy Pattern
for example I have a method like,

function download_and_save_image($url, $attribs, $model_attribs, $check_hash, $save_on_disk=true, $do_stuff_a, $do_stuff_b ...)
You can pass these parameters to a factory that will then give you the correct Class to save your image.
A strategy pattern would work here. But we need to break the code block in a way so more strategy can be created easily
this function seems like a controller to me. Meaning it looks like code that is trying to "make sense" of user input.
It seems you have a couple of flags indicating different things you want to do with the Image. In this case I would publish an Event with all these properties and then the relevant subscribers can process it. So there would be a CheckHashProcessor, SaveOnDiskProcessor, DoStuffAProcessor and DoStuffBProcessor
this way you can plug in processors at anytime
and that's the beauty of Event Driven Architecture <3
there is a name to this pattern right??
This is one (AWESOME) example of this pattern: martinfowler.com/articles/lmax.html
question: if say 2 close-votes are cast for a question can someone place a bounty on it at that point and halt the closure, since you can't close a question with a bounty? I've never paid attention to see if a bounty question can have prior close votes.
nvm, found stackoverflow.com/questions/20681180/… two votes but voting is halted while bounty in place
yes, placing a bounty on a question is a popular way of preventing closure
and urf
@tereško or anyone with rep, can you see if delete option appears for you for a bountied question?
question has to be closed, before we can start voting to delete
if you really feel that question should be closed, usually you can flag it for moderators
ok that makes it s bit easier. I forgot about bountied questions showing up in backlog. You cant further vote to close on them, so going to mark them as review-pls in that case.
well at least until the bounty expires
1) find a point where the actual data doesn't match the expected data (by step debugging, var_dump or whatever other means). This would be the hard part.
2) go back in stack to find the point of origin (of the discrepancy).
3) Add tests for it if possible.
4) Fix the issue. Push.
What's up..
Java...Java is up -.-
morning @webarto
Is it ok to use a minified/compressed copy of an opensource JS library on a live site? Considering it removes comments and stuff.
or do I re-add the header comment?
@crypticツ I don't think that's a problem ...
how do you represent money as an icon? All the ones I find have $ symbol, but that's not very international =oP
need an icon to specify questions in backlog that have a bounty
officially ... but not very obvious ...
@crypticツ gold coins, about three.
if only question bounties were in gold bouillon =oP
all I can find is a piggy bank
@joeWatkins : I am using downloading functionality and I am using below code for that :
$fd = fopen ($file_path, "r");
while(!feof($fd)) {
echo fread($fd, 1*(1024*1024));
However it is generating temp files ... i think it is using buffer but files are too big ...may be problem occured when 100 users click at a time for downloading
Do you have any idea ,how can it be solved
Can we o download functionality withour buffering
fize is coming from another server
@NarolaInfotechDemo use readfile
See the "Notes" section
you need to turn output buffering off anyway
@andho : thank let me see
github is awesome ... and, no, I will not elaborate
Morning ji
I need to create a carousel but I suck at javascript :'(
@Fabien jQuery! It can do ANYTHING!!
But if it weren't encrypted then using this hash to login to the ftp under the username provided would work, and yet, it does not. — user3145650 30 secs ago
lol. :'(
@NarolaInfotechDemo to be specific, you need to turn output buffering off for this request
why is he using a hash to login to FTP with?
@Fabien yeah .. well ... she's right
do what everyone else, who sucks at JS, does: use jquery plugin
I will, but it makes me a little sad inside. Even through jQuery it's not something that will look nice.
luckily , this is about the time to make "new year resolutions"
Yeah, already started with that.
make a list
It needs to be a carousel with prev/next buttons. And when an item is clicked it enlarges that item to show the whole thing while pushing it's siblings nearly off screen. then the prev/next buttons stay fixed and change to switch between this new view.
hmmm See stackoverflow.com/questions/20835328/sql-loop-statement and the above cv-pls. I dunno, it looks to me that the person asked for help in getting a table dump basically (likely through SQL injection), they now have hashed passwords and are trying to 'decrypt' them. I like the stories that go with each question. Rule of thumb if you are giving too much irrelevant info, you are lying.
1) Stop suckling on jQuery's tit.
2) Develop an understanding of a good few design patterns
3) ....
4) Profit.
good mornings :)
Hey Hakre
who here wants to volunteer to write unit tests for the backlog?
aww, nobody =o(
I could ..
does the '..' mean you could as in are capable of it, but meh? =oP
it means "I can try, but I am not certain about how much time I will have after Jan 2nd"
which is the current branch ?
oh, well v1.2 won't be ready for awhile so there is plenty of time.
I'm working on it right now, it's not up on github, a large amount is changing in the back-end and a little on front-end.
client-side table sorting and the ajax refresh are mainly the front-end additions.
lemme know when you have pushed, because currently what I see is 3+ month old .. unless I looking in the wrong place
nope, it's really that old, last time I pushed was when moved to the new VPS.
@crypticツ i'd write it if it's in phpspec
How's Fracture coming @tereško? Sticking to your guns and doing a commit each day?
@Fabien starting again with the "commit every day" approach
it was not really possible during xmas
I suppose not. It'll be even more productive when you get your triple monitor gaming beast PC... -_-
I had to do extensive research regarding CSRF and while on country-side, it's really hard to actually sit down and write code
Well good that the new job has you researching. Makes everything more tolerable.
that research was not really for the job but for the Fracture
Oh, fair enough.
Anybody knows how to format the SOAP response? I am trying to customize the namespace parameter of my response. I don't like the default name for 'ns1'. I hope it is possible.
@dskanth Please don't start messing around with this. Namespace prefixes have no significance, they are just identifiers. SOAP is not supposed to be human readable.
I'm still not convinced it's supposed to be computer readable.
I wonder about something with PHPUnit and PHPStorm.
When I execute a single method from a testcase, I get three times "Empty test suite.", which is exactly the number of dataproviders I've got.
I wonder why this is triggered.
@DaveRandom Yes
@dskanth Are you using a WSDL?
@dskanth Can you pastebin it?
I can't reproduce that in shell, it's perhaps PHPStorms runner.
epic [head:desk]
@JoeWatkins: who stores pictures like that? With this black background.
@DaveRandom Yes, i am using a WSDL mode in my Zend_Soap_Server
1 message moved to Trash can
whoever that does, this needs fixing :)
@DaveRandom The method i am calling is: 'getNumber'. But the SOAP response has the node: 'ns1:getNumberResponse' under <SOAP-ENV:Body>. Can i change that to: 'ns1:IntegerResult' ?
@hakre: nice pic editing ;) tnx ;)))
@DaveRandom If you can answer this question of myne, i can donate 200 of my reputation to you
user image
@dskanth give me a fews mins, I am busy at work
@DaveRandom Sure :)
Are we allowed to flag stuff for being fucking retarded?
I think EXACTLY the oposite the code is MUCH MORE readable if you "TAB" the variables/methods under the visibility keywords - then you can only check ah - PRIVATE BLOCK, PROTECTED BLOCK, PUBLIC BLOCK. C++ language itself has this notation and its widely used... — jave.web 8 mins ago
This question appears to be off-topic because it is about a typo. — Barmar 39 secs ago
There's no range() in JS? :(
If you start with putting your code under version control and do actual development, you'll quickly notice that your idea is counter-productive as you can not cleanly separate the diffs on lines of each own. That's something my suggestion posted as answer below does not yet criticize. Imagine you refactor a property from private to protected, it's then like a slab avalanche in your diff. — hakre 51 secs ago
Yeah, just sad it doesn't exist.
Has any1 here read some interesting book lately?
@Glavić leanpub.com/cleanphp Not complete though
@hakre You can test it against the command line version of running a single test like "phpunit -–no-configuration -–filter testAdd DataTest DataProviderTest.php"
Just trained a new user :) - stackoverflow.com/q/20857045/367456 (not that recently registered, but not asking much so far)
@DaveRandom I'm obviously being dumber than usual. Levi asked people to review that book yesterday, how can I read it without paying cash-money?
@Danack which book sorry?
omg, sorry - it's definitely me being dumb today.
@hamza - I'm obviously being even dumber than usual. Levi asked people to review that book yesterday, how can I read it without paying cash-money?
@Danack I downloaded the "sample", it was interesting especially at my level ...
I hate my "month younger self". He had no clue about writing tests.
on that note, I am going on a 2 week holiday tomorrow and I want to read a few good books. Mainly interested in OOP stuff (like PoEEA) and testing (ideally one about phpunit if that exists). Any recommendations?
there are no books for unit testing, seriously
you have to write the tests to learn how to write tests
@tereško: so you would not suggest this book > leanpub.com/grumpy-phpunit > for starters on tests?
@DaveRandom Thanks, but SOAP UI says: 'Unexpected WSDL element <messages>'
@Glavić I could review it, if you have me a torrent
I'll wait with that then until I am back
@dskanth Ugh, I thought that might happen. That WSDL is "correct", but implementations are a moving target. One second, I'll "fix" it.
Got to finish DDD anyways. Would GoF be good after that?
@Patrick you could read Fowler's "Refactoring" book
GoF is not really all that useful, IMHO
oh yeah that got lost somewhere, that used to be on my reading list
@Patrick have you done "SQL Antipatterns" ?
@tereško It's on torrent sites ;)
After like a 5 second google
@Glavić the bit about providers was kinda lame. But I will check the torrents
@tereško: tnx
@tereško no. Is it applicable beyond SQL? I am using mongodb on my current project and I really enjoy it so far. For the stuff I usually work on document storage seems to be a much better fit than a relational db
@DaveRandom At first I had hard time to find well organized samples for android (most of them were: put everything in activity!). This series looks good to me, you might be interested as well. Oh, morning and sorry for ping.
@DaveRandom Huh, it gives response like this:
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ns1="https://test.ws.fredloya.com/ws/dev/public/soap/soap" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/">
<return xsi:type="ns1:IntegerResult">0</return>
@Patrick nope. It talks about solving problems in SQL.
@Danack thanks for the suggestions, but I have read a lot of books about productivity and entrepreneurship in the past. Right now I really want to work on my coding/oop skills because on my past projects I had trouble finishing projects because of bad coding habits (AR etc.. easy in the beginning but in a mature project you just want to quit...)
@Glavić basically, that book is a rehashing of PHPUnit manual. It does not even cover the "hidden" features (which have not been documented yet) or production of coverage reports. And it has nothing about "how to test".
@Patrick you can always "attend" some PHP conference on youtube instead.
@dskanth Oh I see you mean you want to re-label the actual response envelope - no, you can't do that. Or at least, not in any remotely sensible way - you could do it by throwing it through DOM but please don't, you'd just be making an already very broken protocol even more broken
@tereško true. But I still need to fill my kindle so I can read stuff while laying on the beach :D
You can "rename" types by effectively aliasing them, as I did there with a simpleType but you can rename the wrapper because if you did, clients wouldn't know where to look for the response data
@DaveRandom No, but my client wants the response data with 'ns1' renamed
@DaveRandom And one more thing, the response has a wrong value in it, when i run it through SOAP UI.
Then your client does not understand SOAP... it's not supposed to be human-readable. You could change the namespace prefix (assuming your server library supports it) but that really is not the point of the prefix. The prefix just identifies which namespace is in use, the URI is the thing that defines the namespace. If they're looking for a specific prefix string then not only do they not understand SOAP, they also don't understand XML.
I get a feeling of deja vu over this particular point...
@Leri Thanks, I'll check it out later
@DaveRandom You're welcome. I'd love to hear your thoughts about it when you check one out.
@DaveRandom Ok, thanks for all your time. I will check with my client.
@tereško: tnx for quick review. Do you know of any better PHPUnit tests book?
@Glavić "better" would imply that I can categorize the previous one as "book"
it's a downloadable manual .. which happens to be shorter then the original
34 mins ago, by tereško
you have to write the tests to learn how to write tests
there are no magical books which will teach you how to write unit tests
@tereško: so like many other things: learning point starts on phpunit docs.
^^ I didn't realize python had the same issue that PHP is fixing in 5.6 (no peer verification by default)
@rdlowrey what about this old thing: youtube.com/watch?v=Ut4SUTummas
Dunno. I'll have to watch it before I can comment.
lemme know when you are done (if you have time)
Aaaaand we're read-only :)
@Jack what happened ?
Interesting, I've always wondered why PHP doesn't expose GMP floating points.
@tereško Not sure ... I was doing some rep whoring and now the site is read-only .. probably not related :)
welll ... at least chat still works
@Leri Y14 problem?^^
Off to home. Later.
Aaaand we're back :)
Yeah, no other explanation ...
It's back now though
Perhaps bug fix release.
whats a good CMS that I can throw up on a site so that my sister can manage it herself? I would like to avoid wordpress :)
@Patrick Why?
@Patrick teach here how to write simple HTML files =P
@Jeremy no good reason apart from hating it as a developer
@rdlowrey no, we just drove up yesterday. I actually drove past the city to germantown to see friends. we'll be in the city tomorrow until the 4th.
Hey guys! Is there a way to not reply at all to a blocked ip (not even a blank page or 403) (preferrably done with .htaccess). Thanks for the help.
Hacker scripts find out that my computer is a server and keep banging it with attack hits. I want to block these by not replying to their requests before they find my server.
@HelpingHand Why is your computer a server in the first place?
There are plenty of very low-priced/free hosting services out there
Why would you want to serve an actual production site from your PC?
@MadaraUchiha Hate to tell ya, but this is useless info to me. I do what I do.
@HelpingHand You won't solve problems with that attitude. Heard of the XY Problem?
hello, can you please help me with this one: stackoverflow.com/questions/20833368/complex-algorithm
@Luka That... does not seem like it's PHP..
@MadaraUchiha You don't know my situation, nor do you need to. I'm asking a fairly simple question. The context doesn't really matter in this case.
it's an logarithm, it can be written in any language. do you have any suggestion, please?
@HelpingHand Good luck with that.
@MadaraUchiha Is it harder than i'm assuming?
First answer reaching +10K upvotes ...
@HelpingHand Maybe not, but I doubt it's the correct solution.
@Luka I think you mean algorithm
(I've actually never tried doing that, never found the need).
lol, stupid spell checker :P
@MadaraUchiha If by chance I wanted to do that (just to see if I could), do you know how I could go about doing it?
@HelpingHand Unless you sleep on a cot next to a server farm, really, don't use your home PC as a production unit.
@DanLugg Why?
@HelpingHand Because chances are your internet connection (along with the usage contract, unless you have business class), hardware, software environment, and other factors are not up to snuff.
Places charge $3 a month to sort that out for you. Some things are just best done out of pocket.
@DanLugg Its sort of a hobby for me. Nothing commercial or professional. My hardware is strong enough to deal with my requests, and software is Apache, MySQL, and PHP.
(Plus, I do it for free :-)
Fair enough. Just try to leave some hair on your head when you're pulling it out living a double life as a developer and sysadmin.
@DanLugg Hehe! Good point, I hope to do that! (I'm probably odd in that I don't do this as a job)
@DanLugg Do you happen to know how to fail to reply to a blocked ip with a http response (Ex. No response whatsoever)
@HelpingHand Off-hand, no, but I'm sure it's something that can be handled via .htaccess or elsewhere in Apache conf.
@DanLugg Yeah, I'm doing this in my current .htaccess: ErrorDocument 403 " "
@DanLugg But instead of a blank page, I want to reply with no page (or anything else for that matter).
@HelpingHand Definitely not odd, just don't try to monetize that situation.
do you folks get "help me please" emails via your blogs from desperate SO users?
> I need a help from you..
i am working on travel port api using php soap client . i am stuck ..how i authrize and request service. so if you have any sample code .please share with me..
@cspray I know you helped me last time. Could you take a look at my question to danlugg above. I appreciate it! (A lot!)

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