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Why didn't you just let us vote on associativity in the first place?
And also, when does voting close?
@rdlowrey BC Break Thu approaching.
Saw the new Hobbit today. 55% disappointed, 35% entertained and 10% blown away. Some parts were awesome. The rest was worth seeing. Go IMAX.
@LeviMorrison Because it's a secondary concern which is already addressed in the proposal.
@Jack It's why everyone is voting no, so it's your call if you really want it.
But when does voting close?
31st of Dec. Didn't I mention that in my email?
Probably; I don't read them anymore honestly.
The demands on my time have gone through the roof; I skim at best.
Also, saying you won't reopen if it doesn't have right associativity is... silly. Why do you care so much about that?
I may change my vote anyway, but I'm not sure why you are so stubborn on that.
I think right associativity is correct, but -3**2 should be 9, not -9...
IMHO at least
Oh, the cut off date wasn't in the proposal, added :)
@ircmaxell In isolation, perhaps ... but then 1 - 3 ** 2 would be -8 :)
@Jack correct...
To me that's somewhat of a wtf hehe
what else could it possibly mean?
what would you expect 1 - 3 ** 2 to be if not -8?
remember, order of operations turns that into 1 - (3 ** 2). Which then becomes 1 + -1 * (3 ** 2) which then becomes 1 + (-1 * (3 ** 2))...
@ircmaxell can you make my account post questions please?
@Jack honestly, what were you expecting?
How can I do it. I go to answer questions but they get answered instantly
@ircmaxell No, I meant it the other way around :)
@Jack what do you mean? I'm confused by your remark
I meant that because 1 - 2 **3 should be -8, having -2 **3 become 9 is contradictory :) @ircmaxell
@Jack HUH? (1-3)**2 == 4...
not sure where that's going.
1-3 == -2. -2^2 == 4...
-2^3 is never 9...
and 1-2^3 could be (1-2)^3 == -1 or 1-(2^3) == -7...
the second is correct
@Jack there, the - is not a unary negation sign, it's a subtraction binary operator
Argh fuck! I meant -3 ** 2 becoming 9 would be contradictory.
Yeah, I believe Kris asked for that to be added.
1 - 3 ** 2 must be -8. If it's not, you're doing something seriously wrong
That's what I'm saying too.
so... what's the contention?
(-3 ** 2) also must be 9, since negation is a unary operator here, it must apply to the number, not the operation...
When written down on paper it would become -9 ....
It could be argued that programming language != paper :)
No, it wouldn't be -9 on paper
because - is not an operation, it's part of the number -3.
on paper, - is only a binary operator. It's not an operator at all as unary...
@ircmaxell okay, let me think about this for a while, I have to get dressed for work .. thanks for the feedback :)
ROTFL!!! Check out the latest comment!!!
@Jack Hmm ... I've been convinced to abstain for now.
@rdlowrey what do you mean by that? :)
The (-3 ** 2) === -9 is bothering me.
Also, are scrollbars missing for everyone on wiki.php.net or just me?
Yeah ... I probably should change it :)
@rdlowrey hrmm...they seem to be missing for me too
It's annoying ... I have to use the mousewheel to scroll
Double finger swipe for me ;-)
1 hour later…
@LeviMorrison Yes sir. I should have some stuff to push tomorrow.
@Jack I think many systems have you put parens around the number if you want it to be a negative raised to a power.
So I think (-3 ** 2) would be -9.
@LeviMorrison that's majorly wrong IMHO... But that's just my opinion...
@LeviMorrison I agree with @ircmaxell here .. my initial reasoning was wrong, the unary minus should bind stronger. /cc @rdlowrey
yay for multi ping ^^
@ircmaxell The only two mathematical systems I am familiar with, Matlab and Mathematica, both have it equal -9.
And it seems logical
When I write -3^2 on paper I would have to put parens around the minus anyway.
Looking for help with a PHP API question :) stackoverflow.com/questions/20645905/…
@LeviMorrison really?
@ircmaxell Yes. The minus binds after the exponent.
we must have learned different math... because - is not an operation.
@LeviMorrison it's not a minus. It's a negative signifier that binds to the value to its right
just like you wouldn't write -(4 + 4), you'd write -1*(4+4)
@ircmaxell But does so after the exponent, not before.
@LeviMorrison it's can't
because the only things that happen after the exponent are operations
-4 does not signify -1*4, it signifies the value -4
I'm not going to argue about that; I really suck at math.
But I know that it binds after the exponent.
it definitely does not bind after an exponent
I guess we need to go to math.stackexchange.com to settle this?
:) I just looked it up on several edu websites, plugged it into Matlab, Mathematica and Google.
It binds after the exponent
So a substantial amount of sources are wrong (possible) or you are (possible).
And I really don't care what is correct as much as expected.
lol ... and I thought math was fun =/
@ircmaxell I wonder if it's already been asked. I'm not too familiar with that website.
I'm doing some research
A: what does $-2^2$ evaluate to?

Henning MakholmThere are different conventions. In mathematics the usual one is to write $(-2)^2$ if you want to raise a negative number to a power, whereas $-2^2$ usually means $-(2^2)$. This is, however, not completely universal. For example, many programming languages (that otherwise follow mathematical con...

There's that.
Which was the only hit when you search for 'unary minus power' :)
Q: Exponent rules with negative numbers

DerrickHello if you could answer this please what is the difference between -2^2 and (-2)^2

I'll accept being wrong here. I really disagree, as it seems illogical that negation has lower precedence than any other binary operator, but I concede that it appears the rest of the world (mostly at least) disagrees with that. So...
It does mention that programming languages may do this to follow "tradition" so to speak.
Oh, and it's retarded (IMHO) to say it's that way because -3 is really -1 * 3, because that's infinitely recursive (it would become -1 * 1 * 1 * 1 ... 1 * 3). Yes, you could handle a special case for -1, but the point is that you don't need that if you consider - a unary device. And if you consider it a value signifier (not an operator), the problem disappears
@Jack Supposedly Excel got it wrong, admits it, but won't change because of BC.
saying -3 is 0 - 3 is slightly more sensical, but not sure that it makes sense that -3^2 is 0 - 3 ^ 2... whatever though
Meaning, they did -3 ^ 2 = 9
Hmm let's see, currently the unary minus of php is at the same precedence as T_INC and ~ ...
just like C
which goes above multiplication, thus -3 * 1 is (-3) * 1 even though you can't tell the difference in that :)
I've actually been trying to find an example in which there is a difference ...
And so far only ** has the property of doing that.
this is a bad morning =(
Guys, since when

$a = array();

$a['z'][][] = 1;

wouldn't throw any warning/notice?
@zerkms , it's not a bug, it's feature...
Was it introduced in a particular version?
I used to defining every level manually but only today I realized it's not necessary
@zerkms , congratulations : ^ )
@zerkms Ah yes, nice ya?
Looks like since 4.3
Or forever
@Jack it's terrible actually
Nah, don't say that!
@zerkms I agree
Just because you've always declared them, doesn't mean it's a bad thing heh
okay: it's not terrible just because it's a part of php
@zerkms , it's time to reread manual :^ )
@sectus any reference?
So you were expecting a notice then? But why? @zerkms
Or just for the fact that $a[][] is kind of nonsense? heh
@Jack because [] opeartor is applied to a non existent element
@zerkms Ah right, it's specifically the double [] then.
@sectus thanks
I can somewhat agree that it's not the best decision ever made ... but it's consistent, at least :)
Reading it as ( $a[] ) [] = 123; it makes sense.
any guesses on what it will throw?
@Jack That isn't the only reason it is bad
@cspray What's the other reason?
Notice: Undefined index: z
@Jack Beyond the reason given in the manual for not doing it
@zerkms erm .. i wouldn't have guessed that tbh hehe, though the example is somewhat contrived :)
@sectus why is your nickname so familiar to me? Any active participations in russian programming communities?
@Jack would you?
@Jack when ++ is evaluated = z already exists
because [] creates it implicitly
@zerkms No, I wouldn't have.
Oops, misread it
You wind up working with something you think is an array but have never explicitly set it to be that. I just don't see the point; sounds like inviting weird debugging problems and errors for the sake of not having to write $var = array();
@zerkms , do not really know.
Or in 5.4 even just $var = [];
well, $var = []; does make sense
pretty much
Ultimately, the same reason that I want braces on if statements that are only 1 line
keeping in mind [a, b, c] syntax - [] is just an empty array
Because it is easier for me to understand what the code is doing
I don't see how it's relevant :-S
It's only about habits presumably
Do some (more?) js and it will become more natural for you :-)
I try not to rely on too much magic ... that's about my only rule of thumb with php hehe
@cspray Tbh, with your beard I would be a hardcode C developer
So $a[][] is E_TOO_MAGICAL for me :)
anyway, back to chrome js debugger into long extjs stack traces :-(
actually a wrong smile - I do like it )
good morning
even though they (sencha) cannot keep stability on some decent level for long time
@Jack any ideas on how [] language construct can be called?
I need get the last 8 month entry from a rest service, i'm using $start = date('Y-m-d\TH:i:s', time() - 20736000);
$end = date('Y-m-d\TH:i:s', time() - 19440000);
It's not in the operators precedence table. So it's not an operator?
@EmilioGort strtotime
but I get diferences in the time
//8 months = 20736000
//8 1/2 = 19440000
//7 months = 18144000
//7 1/2 = 16848000
//6 months = 15552000
//6 1/2 = 14256000
//5 months = 12960000
//5 1/2 = 11664000
//4 months = 10368000
//4 1/2 = 9072000
//3 months = 7776000
//3 1/2 = 6480000
//2 months = 5184000
//2 1/2 = 3888000
//1 months = 2592000
//15 days = 1296000
//7 days = 604800
//1 days = 86400
@zerkms array push operator maybe?
for example for the month 8 I get this 2013-05-07T23:32:55-2013-05-22T23:34:30
if it was an operator $a['z'][]++; would throw something not relevant to z
for the fist 15 days
for the las 15 days I get 2013-04-22T23:34:26-2013-05-07T23:34:26
@zerkms Oh, it's right associative :)
are a difereces between 23:34:30 and 23:34:26
Right associative postfix unary operator
It does make sense, lol
I ehh yeah. ... :)
are there any other lvalue-alike "operators" in php?
@zerkms how can I strtotime to get fine the end date and start date pls
@EmilioGort -8 month
but I need get the data in 15 days by 15 days...the rest onle allow donwlond 5000 rows by request
@Jack may be only array items access operator [, which IS in operators precedence table
@EmilioGort I'm not getting the question then
@zerkms Yeah, sorry .. I didn't mean that [] itself was an operator ... [ is the operator :)
So it has higher precedence
and left associativity
Almost the highest in fact.
so $a['z'][]++; should blame not defined value, not not defined z
anyway, it all shouldn't be used in a production code ever
I need download an amount of info into a csv...but the rest service only allow download 5k rows by request...then I'm downloading the last 8 months but 15 days by 15days
No, it's right associative ... meaning that it tries to do []++ on $a['z'] which doesn't exist yet.
[]++ --- are 2 operators which should be evaluated in order
[] goes first, then ++.
hold on, let me get the codez
so after [] is evaluated - z does exist
actually makes sense only for item dereference
could you help when you finish when your stuff?
yeah, assignment rules are somewhat diff.
so $foo['asd'] - here [ is right associative indeed
since it needs to evaluate an expression
i.e. [] followed by = is not the same as []++.
In that example, there's no real ambiguity.
Associativity only matters when you have more than one.
more than one what?
more than one of the same operator.
not only that
a() + b()
consecutively :)
if they aren't pure functions - associativity matters
pure functions? que?
the functions that don't have side effects
with no side effects
usually i/o or global state
then, yes :)
evaluation order matters
/me has read a half of the clojure book and now pretends to be a smart ass while he is not
though, somehow I remember that associativity is not the same as eval order ... forgot the exact point, though.
" eval order ... forgot the exact point, though." --- now I also remember that, hmmmmm
I think it had to do with those funky $a++ + ++$a; or something.
it definitely was something about that
yep, exactly
which in some companies means that you're fired :)
for the same reason as <blink />
what "which"? the lack of knowledge of the difference between eval order vs precedence or using $a++ + $a++ in the code?
both, but more of the latter :)
good morning @bjori
Good Morning All
morning :)
good evening
evening :)
(my mamma used to say, always smile when talking to people)
really? why did she say that?
anyone wanna rip the pencil edit button from wiki.php.net and add it to the php.net doc pages? including that fancy "popout" box?
> Forrest Gump: My momma always said, "Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get."
Is it true that there might be markdown in the future for the doc editor? Because that would make me really happy ...
5AM here...
or make icons that say "description", "parameters", "return values", "examples", "notes" that would follow you and be #anchors
Speaking of wiki .. how come the section edit boxes are no longer working?
Hello everyone! Are there any WP developers that can help me with something that should come easy to me? stackoverflow.com/questions/20673220/…
@rdlowrey I had a prototype working, but my laptop crashed and www has been burned in fire so I don't have it anymore
@rdlowrey php wiki rumours? ^.^
@jack I hide them.. didn't bother styling the button so I figured I just kill them :P
aww that's a shame.
why do you need section edit button anyway? why not edit the whole page?
@bjori because sometimes I only want to edit a section :) okay, sometimes it's annoying to move stuff between sections, I'd agree.
@rdlowrey one day, when I've plenty of time, I'll resume it
But Markdown would definitely be awesome!
the biggest problem with markdown for documentations is syntax for our "cool docbook stuff", like linking functions and autogenerate version info.. that all can be done at rendering time.. but then what about tables? and whitespace sensitivity is the root of all evil...
But we cursed Markdown so many times here :(
Oct 16 at 15:36, by DaveRandom
screw you markdown
I'm sure I can get used to the docbook editor ... I was hoping I might be able to demo something different to do openssl doc updates for 5.6
@jack speaking of wiki... I also hid the breadcrumbs for the same reason ;)
Nov 20 at 11:13, by tereško
stupid markdown
waiting on @levi to do breadcrumbs on phpweb so I can steal it ;)
Dec 13 at 21:44, by rdlowrey
Stupid markdown fail
Also, wiki: I have no scrollbars. I miss them.
Nov 5 '12 at 14:04, by Tim Post
Oh sod you markdown
@bjori I noticed that almost immediately because I couldn't jump back to RFC overview in one click anymore heh
@webarto lol
@rdlowrey Get a Mac =p
Nov 20 at 11:51, by webarto
@Jack why do that when I can ssh into @bwoebi's mac!?!?
@webarto That's only because Markdown in chat !== Markdown on site.
@rdlowrey You make a good point :)
scrollbars are overrated
I didn't realize browser still had them visible
I agree >D
Greatest bumper sticker of all time:
now that you mention it, it is very likely that the scrollbars are there.. just out of bounds :P
* My other car is your Linux box *
(since its a <section> with overflow: scroll you are scrolling, not <body>)
had to do that to fix the #anchor problem underflowing the header
famous problem
doing any negative margin and positive padding tricks fuck with everything else
so.. now we just have a simple <section> that is scrolled, and tata, no problem
@bjori what do you think of moving function list to bottom?
yes please
or show/hide with that menu icon
preferably show/hide thing (hidden by default)
I haven't seen Levi, he would probably get mad if I touch his.. HTML..
his html is horrid
Sure, I'll ping him tomorrow and we'll do some.
its gigantic
Hmm, has it been brought up that || operator should not cast to boolean by default?
that won't change
omg winter bash has led to the queue falling below 100K =oD
For example: $x = 0; $y = $x || 5; echo $y; // 5
15 secs ago, by bjori
that won't change
@webarto bjori is not on my ignore list, ya noe =p
@Jack also.. you probably mean echo $y ?
oops ... yes :) edited.
I may have seen it on ML ... let me dig
changing operators is a bad bad idea
Yeah, I'm not proposing that ... someone emailed me personally about it.
yesterday i was having a problem with include_path for php.ini. it wasnt reflecting when i checked with phpinfo(). I tried from my end and found it was because i had put date_default_timezone_set('America/New_York'); in php.ini. If i remove this statement it works and gives a different error Warning: strtotime() [function.strtotime]: It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings
Can anyone help
@crypticツ Maybe all the people who ask bad questions just went on holiday?
@ScoRpion Derick says you must set a default timezone.
@rdlowrey or died =oD
too soon?
Christmas came early!
Maybe it should be winter bash all year long.
Yesterday it was a good day for bad answers, though.
Either that or people wanted to get the venerable tin hat.
@Jack thats what i am trying to do put then it doesnt load my php.ini properly.. it misses the include_path
that doesn't make sense
loading php.ini has nothing to do with include_path.
gawd, what's wrong with my fingers today.
@Jack i have a parameter in my php.ini file that looks like :
Windows + Zend = AWESOME An angel just lost its wings
@jack.Gud MRNG. i need ur help
It's Zendows!
@Jack So if i add date_default_timezone_set('America/New_York'); and check with phpinfo() it shows me the wrong path and if i remove date_default_timezone_set('America/New_York'); and check phpinfo() again it works
Inside php.ini it's called date.timezone = America/New_York
@jack how to avoid web server down while hitting the database often .how can avoid?
good night folks
bye webarto gn
@soundari More web servers.
Or add caching.
@Jack :) thanks.. a foolish mistake
welcome :)
morning... guys i'm using xhr to show a stream of log messages from various sites on the same server; sometimes it hangs for a couple of seconds and so i get a big dump of messages all together that are impossible to read. if i use websockets will i improve the performances? i believe it happens because of both the sucky client connection and the hardware of the server
@soundari i am new one.can u explain clearly
@jack i am new one of this.can u explain clearly.
i spent lot of time already on js to "dilute" messages but sometimes it isn't enough
@Wesabi it might, polling with ajax is not the best way for a rolling log :)
@jack i want to get live data so hit the database often.so server down problem comes that why how can rectify?
do you know libraries/tools that i should use @Jack ? i did a fast search yesterday but it confused me more than how i was :P
@soundari well, is your database the bottleneck?
@jack my database is mysql with php
@soundari What I mean is ... is your database spending a lot of time doing queries or not?
tail -f + egrep --color=auto is awesome!
@jack no.hit the database per 1 sec i dont know exactly what problem
Hi Morning ,
I need a help http://devserver.in/socialforum/?forum_categories=ambulance if you see , everytime i got Character Encoding problem in 2nd post

‘Project X’ Actor Nick Nervies — ' ... one
and if you open that you will didnt get the same error
@Wesabi Not really, I'm not that deep into web sockets, but perhaps @rdlowrey could help you further?
Ah yiss, Manly. http://t.co/YOdbdRbQcS
@Danack Is packagist going to do anything about that "replaces" issue? :)
@Jack Apparently not - I'm actually scared to get involved with it. They seem to be quite opinionated about "how to do things" and they don't seem to consider either that, or the even worse 'composer self-update not being secure' issue to be things that need fixing.
Who is running packagist anyway?
@Jack The top committers are Seldaek, Naderman and @igorw
I see ... making "replaces" safer surely won't be easy.
The "self-update" is kinda worrying, though :)
Should be relatively trivial to sign builds, no?
Currently I'm using the semi trusted way of keeping composer.lock in my VCS.
how can i execute a php block of code after finish other?
And deployments are done by doing composer.phar archive and then uploading the tarball.
@EmilioGort wat?
for example I'm making a rest request...I want start other request after finish the first
@Jack There are reasons why it's difficult - something to do with distributing the keys I think. However, there's no reason to actually run 'composer self-update' - you can just download it from the website over https, and then store it in VCS so no-one on your team has to use the insecure download method.
@EmilioGort php doesn't do anything asynchronous by default.
I have a list of url like this...I want run every one automatic after each one finish to make the request
yes is MLS
@EmilioGort And you're using curl_multi or something?
Just normal curl_init(), etc.?
Just put those URL's in an array and loop over them ... job done.
ok...let me try
Keep the curl_init() outside of the loop.
I'm using a library
whe I make the request i wrote
$search = $rets->SearchQuery("Property", 1, ((131=2013-05-02T00:30:57-2013-05-16T00:30:57),(246=A,B,PS),(61=DADE)))
That's not even valid code.
why you say that?
$search = $rets->SearchQuery("Property", $class, $query);
@bjori It's not mine.
And this is one of the things I knew I needed to fix before going live.
the SearchQuery method is complicate...because transform all to valid xml for the request and send the request...has almost 300 lines
@LeviMorrison whats not yours?

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