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no reason why someone would say mysql_over mysqli, it's literally mysqlImproved
could i ask?
@phplover: Don't ask whether someone is here or can help. Just ask us. If anybody can and wants to help, they will. But no one can know before you actually ask your question.
Just ask!
How can I make a function like:
`$class->func()->sefunc()->sefunc()` etc..
Just make functions return $this
It's very simple
could you explain it please?
Okay, what don't you understand? :)
@NikiC Which is why I want a smarter syntax
@Robik, how it works ?
	class f1{
		function func()
			return new f1();

	$var=new f1();

You have what you wanted
@GlitchMr if it has return $this; $this variable what should contain
class monkey {
    function one(){return $this;}
    function two(){return $this;}
    function three(){return $this;}

$class = new monkey();

@phplover see above
$this is used by PHP to store current class object.
It's reserved by PHP
You get it? :)
yeah, but another question with it
You cannot do $this=2, you will get error if you will do that
Fatal error: Cannot re-assign $this in /code/h3da6s on line 2
@GlitchMr well u can if there is a variable $2
ahh u edited
There can't be variable $2
@Neal: I used wrong operator
firstly how do i put my code in code syntax ? XD
@Robik lol yes there can
why not?
Also, variables cannot start with numbers.
@phplover: You use `
@GlitchMr hmmm true
if i have this:
In every/most langauge(s) variable can't start with digit
I don't think it would cause problems in PHP, but you still cannot.
I would like to see langauges where you can :P
class myclass {

function main() {
$var1 = "some string here";
return $var1;

see i want to make another function replaces string with new string each time
Uhmmm... no...
If you want to store variable in class use $this->var1
If you want multiline code, you insert four spaces before each line or press button to do it.
@Robik: If you want to make global class variable.
If you want to just use it for while, just one function - you can easily use $var1=
um its hard to explain
@Neal Chaining is evil
@ircmaxell lol i was just answering @phplover :-P
`class myclass {

function hello() {
$var1 = 'hello string bye';
return $var1;

function this_replace($text) {
return $this;

> OOP support is lame, prepared statements are slow, multiple statements are injection-prone and embedded server is ridiculous. Honestly, there are no real benefits.
@ircmaxell :-P and why i schaining evil? hehe
so much for: maybe the cool down phase helped
    class niceclass
        function nicefunction()

    $nice = new niceclass();


    var_dump($nice->var1); // not set (NULL)
    echo '<br>';

    var_dump($nice->var2); // int(2)
see my class, I want the function ` this_replace($text) ` to replace $var1 in that function the $text each time i call it
@Gordon lol
Is there anything wrong with skipping public in function classes. It doesn't seem to do anything.
@Gordon did u read my comment?
@Neal yes, i did, but i dont see why that will rule out using ext/mysqli. the future proof extension is ext/mysqli. tbh, i cannot understand why someone would start a new project in 2010 with ext/mysql. but thats a different topic. the answer to your question is: check if you need any of the features it offers and see if you have the budget.
@Gordon nothing to do with budget. is it worth the time? yes all new projects i will step away from mysql_*, but for now is it worth converting the old one?
@Neal time === budget
@Gordon lol and time === mytime. im the only php guy...
well, then do it
so @Neal help me :P
if you need the features :)
@Gordon I dont know if I do.
i dont think i do
basically all i need is select/insert/update/delete and one time a transaction
o and create/drop
@Neal how about prepared statements?
@Gordon like what?
for any query
not pretty with mysqli though
SELECT * FROM users WHERE id=$id
I don't think that mysqli can do it
I would use PDO if you need such thing
@GlitchMr i mean i do do that, but i use sprintf and a format to make it
select * from users where id = ?
why code doesnt work for me
@Robik: As long you make sure $id is (int), you should be safe.
oh worked XD
@GlitchMr Dunno why, but I saw $_GET['id']. Weird
@Neal how many lines of your code use mysql? how much effort do you estimate it to be?
But I wanted to type ?, not $id...
@Robik: Who today uses register_globals?
@GlitchMr $query_format = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE id='%d'";
If you use printf, it should be OK... wait...
$query = sprintf($query_format, $id);
Something like this.
@GlitchMr i did it, see above..
Of course I still like PDO ? operator.
@Neal this will work for integers but not for strings. sprintf cannot prevent sql injection for strings
@GlitchMr never used it befoe
@Gordon why is that? "%s"
@Gordon that is why i validate 1st
@Neal if you would use prepared statements, you'd just use where id = ? and then bind the value. That would make it safe.
That MySQLi/MySQL question is painful
@salathe 'splain plz
@Gordon and mysqli_* can do that?
@salathe well, okay. I asked Johannes what the current status and he didnt know either, but afaik none of the mysql guys want to work on ext/mysql anymore
PHP wasn't made to be secure language...
@Neal yes
@Gordon can you show me how?
@salathe added likely
@Gordon merci beaucoup
$database->prepeare('SELECT * FROM users where id=?');
@GlitchMr is that pdo or mysqli?
mysqli, obviously ;)
Good day everyone.
pdo would have used the proper naming convention (bindParam) :)
@toopay hi
What is on...
I don't care about points - I still have 137 points
Guys, did you notice laravel.com ? Its kinda interesting framework, but unfortunately, it seems nobody (or most of us) spotted. I just found it several hours ago, through a debate in other coding forums. Have anyone heard, or even better, try it for "real" project?
@GlitchMr Start caring :)
I don't care if you have 13000 points. Really.
@toopay Just from glancing it seems like it's using static classes (i.e. hard coupling + hard to test)
@GlitchMr Good that you don't ;) Because reputation !~ knowledge ;) But you should get yourself more points, at least so you can closevote ;)
@Neal because it is :-X
@GlitchMr how would i do bind param when i just get params in a function?
@NikiC Rep != knowledge, but highrep ~~ knowledge (at least in some areas to some extent)
(where ~~ is congruent to)
@NikiC. Indeed. The author likely is one of Kohana core developer, i guess. But, the author said, his framework is even better. And for several hour, i try to look up deeper, and i came to a conclusion that elegant framework is worthy, but maybe limiting itself for intermediate to high-level PHP programmer. Its kinda shocking that "simple" framework just appear 4 times in StackOverflow : stackoverflow.com/search?q=laravel
@Neal: $database->bind_param('i',$id);
Check PHP documentation for details
@GlitchMr and if i have multiple params?
function run_query($format, $_){

    //$_ can be multiple
@GlitchMr i never know how many params i will have
see above
I have implemented a simple ACL with SF2 and basically HTTP authentication
now, just for the sake of it I forced a failed login
now I cannot reproduce the login-dialog anymore
I get immediately "access denied"
@Raffael, groub based or task based ACL?
group based
"access denied" from webserver?
as an exception
I could delete everything from browser cache to sf2 cache of course
but there must be a really simple way to recover from the failed login
i need some help about php cache please
can some one help me /
@Meo, go on...
i am trying to cache my website, and i have read around, i have found some codes that works in caching, like this one :
@Raffael1984, what 'login-dialog' you mean here? is that like general HTTP auth : taufanaditya.com/auth
this is at top of page... :

// Settings

$cachedir = 'cache/'; // Directory to cache files in (keep outside web root)

$cachetime = 600; // Seconds to cache files for

$cacheext = 'html'; // Extension to give cached files (usually cache, htm, txt)

// Ignore List

$ignore_list = array(




// Script

$page = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; // Requested page

$cachefile = $cachedir . md5($page) . '.' . $cacheext; // Cache file to either load or create
this is at bottom of the page :

// Now the script has run, generate a new cache file

$fp = @fopen($cachefile, 'w');

// save the contents of output buffer to the file

@fwrite($fp, ob_get_contents());



here are some things that i need and this code dont have them :

- gzip
- the expired cache is not autodeleted after it expire.

Also wanted to ask, if this code is secure to use , if some one can suggest a better one or something to improve the current code it will be just great
@toopay thank you, for looking into it
@Meo, that link is related @raffael1984 issues, not yours.
@toopay yes, i saw, i just replied, to you, cus you said, meo go on..
@Meo, so you want to use gzip, did you have related php extension installed(gzip support)? Check it : if (function_exists('gzopen'))
WOW. I got Talkative badge.
i am using a vps at hostgator, i think they allow to gzip , the files. (lvl 7 vps.)
But seriously. What downvoting gives? All it causes for me is lose of points.
@Meo, VPS will alow you to install it, if it not present. Check it via above function. If not installed, install Zlib first : php.net/manual/en/book.zlib.php
Good time everyone !
Q: Object-Oriented PHP File Handling

Omeid HeratI know that PHP includes a lot of built-in functions for handling files and directories. I can read, write, delete, and I can get almost any possible information about files thru the use of PHP filesystem functions the problem with these functions are that they are all procedural. is there any ...

@toopay i have a current website that is gziped so it allow that function.
@Meo, after that you can set header for accept encoding, and save your cache into temporary zip: `@file_put_contents('tmp.gz', $your_cache_file);
$fp = @gzopen('tmp.gz', 'r');
for($your_cache_file = ''; !@gzeof($fp); $body.=@gzgets($fp, 4096)) {}
Can I get some Flags (offensive) on the last comment please ?
Q: Object-Oriented PHP File Handling

Omeid HeratI know that PHP includes a lot of built-in functions for handling files and directories. I can read, write, delete, and I can get almost any possible information about files thru the use of PHP filesystem functions the problem with these functions are that they are all procedural. is there any ...

@toopay thnx for reply toopay, i am not a big expert on this thinngs, is possible to post the full code here please ? thank you a lot
That the problem. I'm new to this chat, and i didnt know how to write a block code beside using this
@Gordon Thanks
@toopay i am new too, ucan pate it at pastebin.com , and give me the link if is possible
Anyone can explain to me how to write a block of code in chat?
Paste your code and next to 'send' and 'upload..' button there will be
'fixed font' click on it and you are ready to go !
"PHP's ability to create websites out of the box is not only its main purpose, but its biggest downfall" Do you agree? #PHP #PHPFramework
@file_put_contents('tmp.gz', $your_cache_file);
$fp = @gzopen('tmp.gz', 'r');
for($your_cache_file = ''; !@gzeof($fp); $body.=@gzgets($fp, 4096)) {}
@Ormeid, thanks
there you go !
@toopay thank you a lot, what about the security, of the code i have pasted ? need it any kind of changes? thank you
Anyone tried AnthillPro? Or anything from urbancode
@Greg No, unless it wasn't started as 'Personal Home Page Tools'.
@toopay also, the expired cache are not deleted from the folder.
@Meo, don't forget to specify your head response with Header('Accept-Encoding: gzip'); if you work with zlib. I ussually delete the tmp.gz file right away, ussually in my destructor class.
where can i specify it ?
@OmeidHerat interesting.
Does anyone else have a view on that statement?
@Meo, you are using Class to generate your app content right? Or you just write your app in procedure instead?
yes class
Put the deletion of tmp file, right after you send the response. In your class, write something like ...
	 function __destruct()
		    	// Remove temporary file for gzip encoding
		    	if (file_exists('tmp.gz')) unlink('tmp.gz');
so i will put at footer <?php $obj->__destruct()?> right ?
In Class which referenced by $obj
I'm widgitization a wordpress theme, is the place to post if I need help?
i really work as a systems Admin
@GlitchMr dont answer on obvious duplicates please
Do you guys use any automated deployment tools? Or do you just deploy manually
@ircmaxxell, how you do an automated deployment tools?
@ircmaxell manual here.
@ircmaxell usually, I do things manually but when a lot of operations are involved I write php script for that
@toopay there exist tools to automate code deployments
Did you mean versioning system?
@ircmaxell though when I was young and stupid I used Dreamweaver alot if that counts,
@toopay No, deployment
Software deployment is all of the activities that make a software system available for use. The general deployment process consists of several interrelated activities with possible transitions between them. These activities can occur at the producer site or at the consumer site or both. Because every software system is unique, the precise processes or procedures within each activity can hardly be defined. Therefore, "deployment" should be interpreted as a general process that has to be customized according to specific requirements or characteristics. A brief description of each activ...
@ircmaxell, like...
Dreamweaver has some sort of remote FTP and Publishing.
According to that then DW doesn't counts.
@OmeidHerat mmm, I think he's talking about deploying - in the sense of patching running version by your local new version
@ircmaxell Manually
Ok, here's an example
we have 4 environments, Dev (of which there can be many), QA, Stage and Production
@KamilTomšík hemm I think he is talking about something else, if that is it then yes DW does it.
reminds me ;)
Whenever we want to release, we deploy the current working set from one environment to the next
@ircmaxell yes, I thought that - multiple envs usually even on different machines
@ircmaxell, sound like versioning tools-flow (like GIT), for me
@ircmaxell, add for staging, commit then push... Or something else?
Right now, we're using svn to handle keeping track of the current working set, but it's a pita since there are manual steps that need to be taken (logging into each box, updating, etc, then editing config files (possibly), flush caches, smoke test, etc)...
@ircmaxell So if the envs are different then how would you write a cross-env tool ?
@KamilTomšík They are on different machines (9 of them to be exact)
@OmeidHerat They are different by convention. They are the same setup, just deploying takes the same steps on each...
I see, then I would manually do it automatically specially if its linux, just copy setting files.
and of course you can write a shell script for that to make it even more easier.
The issue is multiple people are responsible for different deployments
but I have done none of 'em.
@ircmaxell when doing J2EE we've been using few bash scripts (because when everything is tux based, it's much easier to do these kind of stuff) but I heard about others using jenkins or even ant/maven scripts for this
for example, devs will deploy from dev -> qa. But QA team will need to be able to push qa -> stage. And Release team (another group) will push stage -> prod
@ircmaxell mm, so where's the problem? :-P
It needs to be push button.
@ircmaxell, what the difference from what your tools did, with Git-flow?
19 mins ago, by Gordon
@GlitchMr dont answer on obvious duplicates please
@toopay git-flow has nothing to do with what I need to do
@ircmaxell what's hard on calling shell script by push button? :)
@KamilTomšík At that point, why have continuous integration? Why have unit testing? Why have anything?
@Gordon: I will star your message because <del>I blatantly ignore you</del>.
@ircmaxxel, sorry, git (as a versioning tools), not git-flow at github.com/nvie/gitflow
@GlitchMr at least if you answer them dont answer them poorly
@ircmaxell, is that any different with that?
@toopay: what are you talking about?
"No it will not. It will return the number of 86400 second days. But not all days are 86400 seconds long... "
{| class="wikitable" style="float:right; margin-right: 0; margin-left: 1em; text-align: center;" |+ Leap seconds to date |- ! Year !! Jun 30 !! Dec 31 |- ! 1972 |bgcolor="lime"| +1 ||bgcolor="lime"| +1 |- ! 1973 | 0 ||bgcolor="lime"| +1 |- ! 1974 | 0 ||bgcolor="lime"| +1 |- ! 1975 | 0 ||bgcolor="lime"| +1 |- ! 1976 | 0 ||bgcolor="lime"| +1 |- ! 1977 | 0 ||bgcolor="lime"| +1 |- ! 1978 | 0 ||bgcolor="lime"| +1 |- ! 1979 | 0 ||bgcolor="lime"| +1 |- ! 1980 | 0 || 0 |- ! 1981 |bgcolor="lime"| +1 || 0 |- ! 1982 |bgcolor="lime"| +1 || 0 |- ! 1983 |bgcolor="lime"| +1 || 0 |- ! 1984 | 0 || 0 |- ! 19...
Use 86400.01 if you care so much
And I know what is leap second
PHP has a library built in to do date math. Use it
@ircmaxell, related with your topic, automated deploying tool.
/aaway away
oh right, it's not IRC
@toopay Git is version control. It's not a deployment tool. You can use it within a deployment as a method for distributing the files, but deployment is far bigger than that
@ircmaxell, confirmed. go on, elaborate it more...
no. Read that wikipedia page. If it's not obvious the differences, I can't help you
@ircmaxell, you mean deployment for a php application, yes? From development environment(local) to production(live server). Or i am missing other points?
@toopay Not really. From one environment to another. Neither of which are local.
@toopay A server out of box is not the best thing and sometimes the right thing to run your application, one of the deployment steps are Setting-up the server correctly and as you have different stages of development this setting has to be changed differently based on the stage, the issue is when you have more then one Server and you have to do the same boring thing again and again for each server.
@ircmaxell is that correct ?
As a gross overgenerialization, sure. But it's more complicated than that, since upgrade deployments aren't really setting anything up, but do other tasks...
So in the space of 15 minutes, we got two resumes. One was composed almost purely of sentence fragments, but the work experience expressed was good and relevant. The second was delivered on fine paper with colored bullet points and other fancy things, spiral bound. We've found ourselves asking what kind of things each is hiding or compensating for.
@Charles hemm work experience of second one ?
@OmeidHerat The initial impression was that of a designer that also happened to do PHP. I'm waiting for my turn to flip through it.
This is also like the third or fourth we've gotten from someone that was working at T-Mobile.
Sounds like nobody wants to work for them post-AT&T, if that happens...
Finally have it in my hands... Flex, Java, etc.
Damnit, H1-B.
then that fancy stuff could be common back in home for that guy.
Well, he went through the effort of getting Adobe certified
Most of his experience is working with the stuff, with Java and PHP on the backend.
Unfortunately we're not able to sponsor visas, so we can't seriously consider him. Blah.
@Charles resume ? as in CV ?
@teresko YEah
why would you need a spiral bound for CV ?
my is on a single A4 page
(CV === resume) == false.
(CV == resume) == true.
Yeah, this is the long-form document.
Detailed work history
So whichever of the terms applies, it's that one.
There, pedantic derailing complete.
A curriculum vitae (CV) provides an overview of a person's experience and other qualifications. In some countries, a CV is typically the first item that a potential employer encounters regarding the job seeker and is typically used to screen applicants, often followed by an interview, when seeking employment. The curriculum vitae is comparable to a résumé in many countries, although in English Canada and the United States it is substantially different. Etymology and spellings Curriculum vitae is a Latin expression which can be loosely translated as [the] course of [my] life. In curre...
well .. i would find something like that completely useless
> The curriculum vitae is comparable to a résumé in many countries, although in English Canada and the United States it is substantially different.
you are looking for developer and not for copy-writer
@Charles , did you send them the "login/reg page" test ?
@teresko I wouldn't agree with that, you find way more about someone when you read an statement written by someone then some dot points about them.
Actually, we're looking for people with great communication and writing skills for spec building and working directly with users, so yeah, someone with copy-editing chops or l33t tech writing skillz would be awesome.
yeah , but if the source country is India , then the "experience listed" does not mean anything
@teresko Not yet, we're still getting candidates together and prepping email and phone screens.
i would take good developer with shitty spoken lang. skills over the reversed "package"
I wouldn't
Right now my highest priority is looking for someone that can work well with the other dev.
My brand new job title is IT Manager...
I would rather take a slightly less good developer who can communicate better. Since they will be more valuable and more than likely a better team member
No more PHP every day! /glee
@teresko You are being racist and over-generalizing it there is [put country name]-[so called ]freelancer developers and real developers.
no i am not
@OmeidHerat s/racist/culturalist/
i just have extensive experience with outsourcing from India
@teresko freelancers.
no, development company
@teresko there is signification number of Indians in Micrsoft and Google like many other companies.
@teresko mind naming them ?
in India , if you help your coworker with fixing bug in an SQL query , it is a reason enough to put that project in your cv/resume
Overgeneralization is gross
@ircmaxell But stereotypes are often based on reality.
@Charles Not really. They are based on small segments of reality... Typically very small segments
+ IT is government-recognized priority in India , they are mass-producing people with formal education in IT related professions ... the "result" is so horrible that i have several times seen people from India ( one with some clue when it comes to programming ) ranting about it in IRC
@teresko I am not Indian nor trying to be ignorant, I am just trying to prove a point.
@teresko You are freelancing right ?
i am
@teresko and there is a huge number of Cheap Indian freelance developers out there, right ?
are you going with *mokeys" argument ?
Can I make a 404 page that is 404.php?
yes , there are huge about of Indian developers out there. They are making the online freelance sites pointless
No, proving that why your view is biased.
@Varazi , yes you can
ok , I have been trying to make my 404.php work but its just ends up giving me the defualt 404.
@Varazi but you have to set your server to show that 404.php instead of its default.
@Varazi most hostings provide a setting in CPanel where you can set these pages.
other then that you might use .httacess for that.
OK this is what my clients hosting provider said to make (a web.config.txt) : dustreeproductions.com/web.config.txt
then do it.
this hosting provider is local and there is no cPanel.
I have done that but it still does not seem to work when you type : dustreeproductions.com/asdfasdf
usually people begin such questions with stating which webserver they use
@Varazi have you tried the .htaccess route?
This might help further, and I will inquire about the webserver. stackoverflow.com/questions/7208231/using-web-config-txt-as-404
The hosting is aspireworks.com
and I cant access a cPanel, so i dont think they have one.
@Varazi IIS7
OK that sounds about right.
OK, I have one more nub question. How do i access whatever alternative to cPanel they may be using? is that ftp.dustreeproductions.com?
Thanks for the help btw. ^_^
cPanel is a Linux based web hosting control panel that provides a graphical interface and automation tools designed to simplify the process of hosting a web site. cPanel utilizes a 3 tier structure that provides functionality for administrators, resellers, and end-user website owners to control the various aspects of website and server administration through a standard web browser. In addition to the GUI interface cPanel also has command line and API based access that allows third party software vendors, web hosting organizations, and developers to automate standard system administra...
File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a standard network protocol used to transfer files from one host to another over a TCP-based network, such as the Internet. FTP is built on a client-server architecture and utilizes separate control and data connections between the client and server. FTP users may authenticate themselves using a clear-text sign-in protocol but can connect anonymously if the server is configured to allow it. The first FTP client applications were interactive command-line tools, implementing standard commands and syntax. Graphical user interface clients have since been de...
ok so nether seem applicable.
cPanel is not applicable, its for linux.
FTP is not a hosting control panel.
but if you know how to correctly setup your hosting through files then sure you can do through FTP.

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