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Jack: any idea which rfc contained that ?
happens with numeric too btw .
so @var scalar and @var numeric both get type hinted when generating setter/getter code
Hi @SweetieBelle
Totally noob question but what is @var in phpdocs?
I always use @param and @return
@SweetieBelle For properties of objects.
Or, in a local function scope, above a variable.
That makes sense
My objects are horribly documented
So it's for use in class docs, not function docs?
documentation is really not very important for code that is not outward facing.
^ what he said
I always do it out of habbit
I always try to document functions as much as possible, because IDEs will pick up the docs.
same for $this->somevar .. it will show the expected value based on the @var value in the php docblock infront of the variable definition
 * Retrieve a user's birth date
 * @param  int    $userId
 * @return string Birth date in form YYYY-MM-DD
Something like that
That's stupid.
If the function is called getUserBirthDate() you don't need to say "Retrieve a user's birth date" :)
First, because it should probably be $user->getBirthday(); and second because it's obvious what a function called getBirthDate does. ^
Yeah :)
That's a fair point
Just a habit, I never omit the description no matter how obvious it is :/
That's a waste of your time and the time of other people who read it expecting something interesting.
I would document the scalar types if they weren't obvious though.
If you expect something interesting reading the function docs for a function called getBirthDate I worry for you :P
@SweetieBelle do you get paid per line ?
@tereško Sadly not
Does anyone get paid per line?
ah, the good ol' k-locs
If you do, do comments count as lines?
Threw in a bug report @ netbeans
@SweetieBelle that was a joke.. I hope you got that.
also, why the hell would you pass userID to that method ?
@tereško The method doesn't exist
It was an example
@SweetieBelle statement alignment :-(
@SweetieBelle it's not about if it exists :p it's about wrong concept :p
that's one exceedingly bad example then ...
I wanted something with a param and a return for an example
Examples do not have to be perfect
@SweetieBelle well, they have to fit logic.. otherwise - why use such examples?
examples have to make sense ... that's why they are called "examples"
(If you come to me expecting good PHP code, you're screwed)
 x = 5; // set x to 5
@SweetieBelle I'd worry less about docs and more about how to structure code if I were you.
hm ....
// newline
 * Returns the username
 * @return the username
public String getUsername(){
    return username;
@BenjaminGruenbaum Again, I'm not that interested in structuring my examples
Classic example of what not to do @SweetieBelle :)
@webarto It's also wrong hehe
Unless you have a class the.
2 mins ago, by Jack
webarto: i actually do comment my setters and getters for completeness sake ;p
doens't take long
@Jack maybe username is static
but it does make pretty code which is easily scan-able when you schroll through it..
@DamienOvereem Yes
Think that's Java, no.
So yes, I actually end up with::
 * Set the identifier for this cart item
 * @param scalar $identifier
 * @return \Wizard_Cart_Item
public function setIdentifier($identifier) {
    $this->_identifier = $identifier;
    return $this;
@webarto I'm confused. That code confuses me, you need to document it more.
Whats the `\` notation for? Object?
@SweetieBelle Global name space
@BenjaminGruenbaum $i++; // add 1 to $i
Oh, right.
@webarto unless overflow.
@webarto // adds 1 to $i and returns its value from before the addition, then discards that value.
@DamienOvereem this is why we are not taking you seriously ... also CQS
yes.. useless in the context of that class (Since its not in a namespace), but thats how the automatic generation of php doc in netbeans generates when return $this is encountered
@tereško "Wikipedia does not have an article with this exact name."
@BenjaminGruenbaum haha, was going to write :)
put _ between Command and query @Jack
Command–query separation (CQS) is a principle of imperative computer programming. It was devised by Bertrand Meyer as part of his pioneering work on the Eiffel programming language. It states that every method should either be a command that performs an action, or a query that returns data to the caller, but not both. In other words, asking a question should not change the answer. More formally, methods should return a value only if they are referentially transparent and hence possess no side effects. It is noteworthy that rigid implementation of this specification makes tracking the num...
stupid markdown
There we go!
I don't understand the problem with his setIdentifier function though, @tereško would you mind elaborating?
@tereško You say "we" too easily. Unless you feel royal. But don't worry. I don't take your constant negativity seriously either.
Fluent interface, by design, violates CQS then :) good to know.
@BenjaminGruenbaum It's a setter with a return. Setters should not return if you're really strict.
@BenjaminGruenbaum think on why it would be called setIdentifier() and not setIdentifierAndGetCurrentInstance()
The basic fact that Fluent interface exists and gets implemented, is a clear sign that there actually are people that disagree with you.
@tereško Isn't it just sugar for chaining though? No one calls setIdentifier for getting the current instance and sets the identifier as a side effect.
@DamienOvereem He hasn't really argued his point yet though - just stated, why are you disagreeing with it already? Let the man speak..
Everything hangs on consistency. Your whole codebase -always- returns the object when using any set* method, it actually can be expected.
> No one calls setIdentifier for getting the current instance
That said, CQS is not a law, so it's perfectly fine to disagree with it.
@tereško As in the purpose of the call.
if only you had seen the things that I experienced in my previous workplace
@Benjamin When people start off by saying "this is why we are not taking you seriously", it kind of triggers a defensive reply. But nuff said on that matter.
@tereško Were they $user = $this->_factory->create('User')->setFName('John')->setLName('Smith'); ?
I know its @tereško speaking ;p
setFName() is .... ambiguous :)
@Jack I think CQS makes a lot of sense. I just understood it differently (and not as literally). I always took it as "Don't both mutate the resource and query it".
@Jack Intentional :P
@SweetieBelle this is a way to get the laptops lid slammed on your fingers
@BenjaminGruenbaum It does, there are good reasons to use it :)
@tereško I've seen code like this, it's not pleasant
@SweetieBelle Why do you have a $this->_factory ?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Because this is an example of horrible code I have actually seen.
@BenjaminGruenbaum be thankful that it's not $this->__get('user')->....
The _ in _factory is another great example of those small annoyances :)
^ agreed
Is that a form of Hungarian?
I always do that for protected variables. :/
also class User implements IUser
It falls in the same category.
@tereško haha, I've actually done some work with PHP code recently and I've seen so much abuse.
class User implements UserInterface :D
IUser or UserInterface :)
So horribly ambiguous
I do actually use the Interface suffix though heh
I dont, but UserInterface is of course a horrible extreme case
For sure.
Because a UserInterface class could be a UI class. :P
It's just hard to come up with other names ... SchedulerInterface vs SomethingThatSchedules :)
@SweetieBelle Either you're not making sense, or I'm out of context.
@Jack Interface, Data, Manager, Object, etc. in OOP are pronounced as "emm..."
SomeClass implements Scheduling
heck no lol
It's better than SchedulerInterface :(
Oooh when did php.net change it's site?
SchedulerImpl implements Scheduler
Is the facebook API also developed in php?
^ See that in Java/C# all the time
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yeah, possible.
But that simply shifts the Interface suffix to Impl suffix :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum ConcreteScheduler implements Scheduler <-- I've yelled at someone for that before :/
@Mittchel why would it matter ?
are you writing the next facebook ?
@Jack I didn't say I do that though. I never (or I think) do Impl or interface.
@Mittchel Yes, it's also written using butterflies.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I wouldn't mind Scheduler as an interface name if I could find a better name for its implementation :)
There are so many *next facebook*s coming, I can't wait.
I usually just give implementations meaningful names that say how they implement, most of the time having IInterface or SometInterface or Impl indicate not understanding interface segragation. I'd even prefer SimpleScheduler or something like that.
@Mittchel There's an API for PHP if that's what you mean.
Q: combine many class methods into beginTransaction

samithaI have a class methods like bellow class test{ public function foo(){ /** here i'm running insert script**/ } public function bar(){ /** here i'm running another insert script**/ } } What i want to do is wrap those two class methods into the PDO beginTransaction().how do i implement t...

@BenjaminGruenbaum Hmm yeah, Basic or Standard prefix might work :) food for thought.
@Jack I think he's wondering if it's fully developed in PHP.
@Jack Then again, if I only have one implementation I usually don't move it to an interface except for a documentation point if needed.
@MackieeE Well, that's just a stupid question, then :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum For testing :)
@Jack I don't think it's stupid if one doesn't know =)
@Jack Thus, called a question.
@Jack You don't need interfaces for that though.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I do :)
@Jack why?
Or are you talking about mocks?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yeah.
hi there
does using laravel 4 for PHP, affect us, for using standard PHP to set cookies?
@Jack Oh yeah, that makes sense then. I extract interfaces for mocks.
just needed some help with this question stackoverflow.com/questions/19772401/…
@MackieeE Yeah, what I meant was that knowing the answer won't help :) unless he meant whether Facebook is open source =D
@AnshumanDwibhashi Yes, laraval 4 is a completely different language. It's not the same PHP. That's what frameworks are - they change the programming language.
good night y'all.
@AnshumanDwibhashi No, but you probably shouldnt
but can i use standard php to set cookies whilst using laravel 4
@AnshumanDwibhashi Wait... so you're telling me it's actually PHP running :O?
@AnshumanDwibhashi Why not just use Laravel's Cookie class?
@AnshumanDwibhashi the fact you ask these questions is a strong indication you should not use frameworks. Instead of learning laraval and Angular learn PHP and JavaScript.
@BenjaminGruenbaum i am not using any framework.
$response = Response::make('Hello World');
$response->withCookie(Cookie::make('name', 'value', $minutes));
i'm just helping the OP of the link i shared above
@SweetieBelle can i set the domain with it too?
So you're coming in here, to ask a question, so you can rep whore on the main site? lol
@AnshumanDwibhashi Why would you be able to set the domain with it?
sorry i didn't get you @SweetieBelle
You mean set which subdomains it's available in?
yes, but if i set that this cookie should be available to domain.com then that means that it will be available to all the subdomains of domain.com too right?
so that's what i'm asking, how do i set the cookie to work with domain.com so that it works with all its subdomains
and back to my first question, can't i use standard PHP inside laravel
Yes, you can, but you wont be able to read the PHP cookies in Laravel because it expects the cookies to be encrypted with its authentication token.
i get it.
So you'll also have to use standard PHP to read them
So... why use a framework if you plan to bypass it all over the place?
oh.. so only standard php can read standard php cookie and write them
and i repeat, i'm not using a framework, i'm framing an answer to this question: stackoverflow.com/questions/19772401/…
no , if you keep posting link to your answer, it will not make anyone more likely to upvote it
@tereško i'm informing @SweetieBelle
because she/he said: So... why use a framework if you plan to bypass it all over the place?
inspite of me mentioning it
@AnshumanDwibhashi Let me re phrase then
jo @hakre just the one I needed
Why answer a Laravel question with a totally non-Laravel answer?
@hakre we need you :D
Its like me going into a PHP question and giving someone a C script as an answer
i'm answering it with not a non-Laravel answer, but with a standard answer which makes it work with any kind of framework @SweetieBelle
What would yyyy-mm-dd be in zerman? JJJJ-MM-TT? @hakre
@PeeHaa looks good. It's also some ISO and DIN standard you could hint.
Germans love standards :D
Deutsche Industrie Norm
Without even googling.
"we" had JUS (Yugoslavian Standard)
@webarto Got another task to do -_-
they want it today too
@webarto What does it say?
Drunk or GTFO?
@AnshumanDwibhashi A quick look at the Laravel documentation shows you can set the domain in the constructor.
public static function put($name, $value, $expiration = 0, $path = '/', $domain = null, $secure = false)
okay, @SweetieBelle so is this code valid: put('mycookie','chocolate',$domain='mydomain.com')
You can name parameters in PHP function calls? o.O
I... didn't know that :D
@PeeHaa Hey, we had Tito, you had some dukes and dutches and shit. I wrote it in () JU = YU (country code) :)
Tito was a great one. He did some exceptional politics, it's pretty interesting.
He's a spy :D
Tito (TT = Tula Tokarev)
@SweetieBelle You can (i.e. no syntax error), but you shouldn't
@AnshumanDwibhashi I'm pretty sure you can't name values in a PHP fu-- nevermind
Yes then, that should work.
@hakre is that "tits" in singular form ?
He was a partisan wasn't he?
@PeeHaa Why shouldn't you?
@SweetieBelle 1) Because is doesn't do anything 2) because it is a wtf when somebody is looking at your code
well @SweetieBelle you can in python
3) because when you do you are being fucking stupid :P
4) if you think that you need to, it means that your function has too many parameters
@tereško what you think again.
@hakre yup
I wanted to buy a watch he gave to one of his generals (or something). It was sold for 6000€, that's dirt cheap.
Patek Phillipe, you can't even buy new one for that money...
I mean, cousin wanted to buy, I'm broke and unemployed :D
okay @SweetieBelle this has to work then: put( 'name','value', 0, '/', 'domain.com')
I have watches fetish...
Ow wait public room :-(
I bet you're the owner of TnaFlix :D
Since the intgarnet normal sex just doesn't cut it anymore :D
Q: Tool for peer-reviewed no-bump mass retagging

Mad ScientistCleaning up a bad or ambiguous tag is a very annoying and disruptive process. While there are moderator tools for renaming and merging tags, there is no tool that helps splitting a tag or removing a bad tag and replacing it with useful tags. There are two ways one can currently clean up a tag, p...

^ interesting
It's not NSFW when that's your work.
@AnshumanDwibhashi You'd have to try it, I linked the doc to you.
@AnshumanDwibhashi It's Cookie::put, I honestly dont know Laravel any better than you do, I just read the docs. I don't use it.
Does anyone know what the '++' operator is called? e.g.: $variable++
I'm having a lot of trouble searching for '++'
@waffl unary increment operator
Thank you!
In PHP officially it's post increment
(Which makes sense, since it's not ++$a )
Ok perfect thanks. Actually I was trying to figure out how to do it in Ruby (since I'm used to it in PHP) and found out now it doesn't exist in Ruby =\
@waffl People dislike that operator since it does two things at once
Oops - Can you explain why? Is it poor practice to use?
I don't think it's poor practice and I use it because it's convenient. People don't like things that do two things at once though.
@BenjaminGruenbaum bullshit. You dislike it because you write a lot JS
@waffl In ruby you have to use i += 1
@tereško I don't dislike it. I use it, both in JS and in languages I write more of like C#. I was just explaining why it isn't included in languages like Python and Ruby.
Ah okay, thanks :)
@waffl It does both an assignment and an addition - these are two distinct actions. Also, in languages with problematic operator overloading like C++ it has a lot of abuse potential.
Also, one of the most common use cases for ++ is for loops. You don't do those in Python or Ruby.
So many possible undefined behaviors with increment/decrement in C/++ :(
Ruby/Python have for.. in loops and 5.times etc.
I love ruby, I have no idea why I dont use it more
It's like perl but with less `$@%&\`
And with OO that wasn't an afterthought
I just find it odd because var += 1 on one line seems the same as var++, two operations in one
@waffl It is two operations in one line, it is the + operator and the = operator.
@waffl So the two reasons are: looping works differently and that's a big use case of ++, and in var += 1 the fact two operations are performed is explicit.
The classic for ($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++) { simply doesn't exist in ruby.
I'm a self taught web developer, better at front-end (naturally), and I want to start studying for a qualification. I'd quite like to do games development. Any suggestions?
@BillyMathews College
@BillyMathews WHat games and/or what platforms?
@SweetieBelle Yeah.. I meant suggestions on what type of course I should enrol on
@BillyMathews Depends on your intention: small studio? indy? large corp?
Which part of game dev? Engine? Graphics programming? Optimization?
@PeeHaa I don't know really.I suppose PC games but at the same time maybe console.. preferably xbox.. would xbox use the same language as PC (both MS)?
Xbox 360 can use C#, don't know about XBone
@SweetieBelle Large corp -> better games, I suppose
@waffl ruby has awesome loops
10.times do
  puts "This is a loop.\n"
@SweetieBelle Probably engine, although I'd love to do 3d modelling
@BenjaminGruenbaum Thanks, that explains it quite well
@SweetieBelle yes, I'm trying to use it in an 'until' loop
There must be a language I can study that is fairly comprehensive? Java?
@waffl If you're using an until loop in ruby with an incrementing counter, you're probably not writing idiomatic ruby
@BillyMathews 3D modelling is not game dev, it's design.
@BillyMathews Don't worry about language, worry about learning good coding principles. Languages are much easier to pick up than principles.
@SweetieBelle Hm, how do you mean?
@Billy If you want to get into game dev, you're probably looking for either Software Engineering or Computer Science. If you want to get into 3D modelling, do 3D modelling.
@waffl I mean there's probably a better (cleaner) way
@BillyMathews How about you send emails to all the big shots you like in gaming and ask them? That seems like the sensible thing to do.
@SweetieBelle what do you call the job where you code movements etc. of 3d models?
@SweetieBelle I have an array with a range of numbers with some gaps and am trying to fill in the gaps, so I was thinking something along the lines of until last_num == current_num do, but I wouldn't be surprised if there was a better way as it isn't working :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum That's a good idea, might just do that.
@BillyMathews Engine development, sometimes graphics development.
It's math heavy.
@BillyMathews Download OpenGL bindings for a language you know and have a play
@waffl If you want to fill all the gaps, why not just get the lowest & highest number then make a new array?
@waffl I believe would be the idiomatic way to do that
Thanks for advice guys @SweetieBelle @PeeHaa
array = [3,4,7,9]
newArray = Array (array.min .. array.max)

newArray.each do |value|
  puts value
Works as you intended, I think
that's ruby?
@AlmaDo Yes
huh.. so I still remember some things from it
@AlmaDo I'm rusty with it
But basically sounds like he could replace the whole until loop with newArray = Array (array.min .. array.max)
i tried.. but failed

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