* Set the identifier for this cart item
* @param scalar $identifier
* @return \Wizard_Cart_Item
public function setIdentifier($identifier) {
$this->_identifier = $identifier;
return $this;
yes.. useless in the context of that class (Since its not in a namespace), but thats how the automatic generation of php doc in netbeans generates when return $this is encountered
Command–query separation (CQS) is a principle of imperative computer programming. It was devised by Bertrand Meyer as part of his pioneering work on the Eiffel programming language.
It states that every method should either be a command that performs an action, or a query that returns data to the caller, but not both. In other words, asking a question should not change the answer. More formally, methods should return a value only if they are referentially transparent and hence possess no side effects. It is noteworthy that rigid implementation of this specification makes tracking the num...
@tereško Isn't it just sugar for chaining though? No one calls setIdentifier for getting the current instance and sets the identifier as a side effect.
@DamienOvereem He hasn't really argued his point yet though - just stated, why are you disagreeing with it already? Let the man speak..
@Benjamin When people start off by saying "this is why we are not taking you seriously", it kind of triggers a defensive reply. But nuff said on that matter.
@Jack I think CQS makes a lot of sense. I just understood it differently (and not as literally). I always took it as "Don't both mutate the resource and query it".
I usually just give implementations meaningful names that say how they implement, most of the time having IInterface or SometInterface or Impl indicate not understanding interface segragation. I'd even prefer SimpleScheduler or something like that.
I have a class methods like bellow
class test{
public function foo(){
/** here i'm running insert script**/
public function bar(){
/** here i'm running another insert script**/
What i want to do is wrap those two class methods into the PDO beginTransaction().how do i implement t...
@AnshumanDwibhashi Yes, laraval 4 is a completely different language. It's not the same PHP. That's what frameworks are - they change the programming language.
@AnshumanDwibhashi the fact you ask these questions is a strong indication you should not use frameworks. Instead of learning laraval and Angular learn PHP and JavaScript.
yes, but if i set that this cookie should be available to domain.com then that means that it will be available to all the subdomains of domain.com too right?
so that's what i'm asking, how do i set the cookie to work with domain.com so that it works with all its subdomains
and back to my first question, can't i use standard PHP inside laravel
Cleaning up a bad or ambiguous tag is a very annoying and disruptive process. While there are moderator tools for renaming and merging tags, there is no tool that helps splitting a tag or removing a bad tag and replacing it with useful tags.
There are two ways one can currently clean up a tag, p...
Ok perfect thanks. Actually I was trying to figure out how to do it in Ruby (since I'm used to it in PHP) and found out now it doesn't exist in Ruby =\
@tereško I don't dislike it. I use it, both in JS and in languages I write more of like C#. I was just explaining why it isn't included in languages like Python and Ruby.
@waffl It does both an assignment and an addition - these are two distinct actions. Also, in languages with problematic operator overloading like C++ it has a lot of abuse potential.
Also, one of the most common use cases for ++ is for loops. You don't do those in Python or Ruby.
@waffl So the two reasons are: looping works differently and that's a big use case of ++, and in var += 1 the fact two operations are performed is explicit.
The classic for ($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++) { simply doesn't exist in ruby.
I'm a self taught web developer, better at front-end (naturally), and I want to start studying for a qualification. I'd quite like to do games development. Any suggestions?
@PeeHaa I don't know really.I suppose PC games but at the same time maybe console.. preferably xbox.. would xbox use the same language as PC (both MS)?
@Billy If you want to get into game dev, you're probably looking for either Software Engineering or Computer Science. If you want to get into 3D modelling, do 3D modelling.
@waffl I mean there's probably a better (cleaner) way
@SweetieBelle I have an array with a range of numbers with some gaps and am trying to fill in the gaps, so I was thinking something along the lines of until last_num == current_num do, but I wouldn't be surprised if there was a better way as it isn't working :)