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@rdlowrey you mean having 2 active php CLI scripts running?
@CSᵠ Yep, and using stream_select as the variable sleep in the infinite loop
Well it's one script but the main process periodically spawns new processes to farm out work as a means of multiprocessing. So you spawn a worker process and maybe pass it the address on which your main socket server is listening for connections as a command line argument. Then the worker connects on that address and the two processes can talk to each other over that socket connection.
(for example)
And like @Leigh said you can then easily use stream_select on the socket connection in each process to let you know when the other end has sent data that you need to react to.
Anyone just get github ssh key emails? I got 3 in a row...
@Leigh nope
@Leigh no ... I usually only get that when I've added a new ssh key on a machine. Might be worth logging into your github and checking the settings to make sure someone didn't get access to your account.
19 minutes ago public_key.update:
19 minutes ago public_key.update:
19 minutes ago oauth_access.destroy: GitHub XRP Giveaway
19 minutes ago oauth_access.destroy: GitHub for Mac
19 minutes ago oauth_access.destroy: Gist
19 minutes ago user.change_password:
Was it you? If not I'd change my password and remove any ssh keys you didn't create yourself in that section of the account settings :)
It wasn't me, looks like they have disabled my keys, and removed access... something suspicious going on
There was no associated user logon event either
Maybe it's Ruby on Fails issue again...
@Leigh yes
user.login: Originated from <my ip>
6 minutes ago user.change_password: Originated from <my ip>
6 minutes ago user.forgot_password: Sent to <my email>
7 minutes ago user.failed_login: Originated from <my ip> x5 because it didn't work
<stuff I already pasted>
a day ago user.failed_login: Originated from
2 days ago user.failed_login: Originated from
2 days ago user.failed_login: Originated from
"Your GitHub account was compromised as a part of a brute-force password guessing attack" y yo que GUAAATTT??? O___O
No successful logins for anyone but me under mine
 This is a security log of important events involving your account.

    a day ago user.failed_login: Originated from
    a day ago user.failed_login: Originated from
    a day ago user.failed_login: Originated from
    2 days ago user.failed_login: Originated from
    2 days ago user.failed_login: Originated from
Same for me...
Probably guessing testing Adobe passwords? :)
So they probably fucked up and sent the mail to everyone, even though they weren't affected
I didn't have an adobe account
Bad wording.
My IP is kewl.
As I thought, lastpass.com/adobe -> Your Adobe account email address was NOT one of the ones that was in the 150MM publicly released. Despite this fact, you may still be at significant risk since the hackers might have only posted a partial list.
I don't know what's the method, but 5 login attempts won't get them anywhere, except for reused passwords.
ok I have a doubt and need an advice about logging in with facebook and google on my app.
let's say I have logged in with facebook, so my app authenticates, but also store some user info on my server.
and I loggoff from my app, but my app doesn't delete the user data, since it wants to keep track of its user.
next time I loggin with google. But there is already a facebook user registered for me..
how should I manage that?
any ideas?
should I check the email?
I need sleep.
I need to get this PHP done for demo tomorrow =[ I wish I was a fast programmer.
I hear cocaine helps.
Makes the problem go away? :o
Makes you a fast programmer.
I like.
Here is an idea. Make a job site that prohibits use from recruitment agencies
Well, Ryanair tried to do that with Price Comparsion Scanners with horrible Capctha's
:| we know how that went
Ryanair probably charged the outsourced dev for any extra hours coded
hehe :)
Do you think it matters for an employers to ask about experience in a framework?
Surely a good php skill dev would suffice
@Oded is it that delicious SO rep? Or the fluffy unicorn poo MSO rep? I hope it's not any of that P.SE rep - people make fun of those rep points. — MichaelT 5 hours ago
@Fabien I "learned" ZF1 in a month (get to know it). It's PHP. It was main requirement, and I never used it.
IMHO doesn't matter much, unless it's some contracted job where you don't have time to learn.
It's brown houses all over...
I'm really nice person, but I sed off ignorant fools pretty fast.
In a month I hope to be re-employed :p
Like, some recruiters.
Most of them f* lie all the time.
Heh yes
My only requirement is salary.
I don't care about your cutting edge technologies.
Sell that story to clients.
And they all leave out salary.
I may sound cocky, but they're not f* Google (unless they are).
Yeah I applied to a company that does phone call stats. Pone question was about what attracted me to the company...
Ummm... Money?
Oddly enough a never aspired to make elaborate phone call stats.
We live the way we like. We work the way we believe is right. We don’t give a shit about corporate values all together. All the award plaques end up hanging in our lavatory. We abhor buzzword combinations “creative solution” and “business process optimization”. The offers we send to our clients rarely exceed one page.
... basically what I feel too ...
If I don't get a job because of who I am, and not my skills, then be it...
You applied there?
Nope, just quoting...
Yeah. It's a bit like why my cv is bland. I under promise and over deliver
Not ideal though.
Buzzwords on a cv are like old-school SEO
If you're a tech company, then you shouldn't hire some recruiters that bomb good developers with stupid questions to death...
Hence the no recruitment agency job site :p do it
Or reverse it. Available employees site.
j0bz.com, yeah.
Only 1337, or none :P
Maybe we could try the lottery
@Fabien webdigi I applied here, but no response... it's UK, try it for fun.
@webarto that's most influential development company in Russia
I knowz.
from what I have seen: their designs suck and their backends are overly convoluted
then again, I have only worked with two sites of theirs and it was 5 years ago
847 works
Many people worked
You can't keep consistent quality easily.
But yeah, you can safely assume that ;)
well .. their designs are consistent
Shitty? :D
more like: "not there"
Ah :)
@webarto heh thanks but I've only 3 years under my belt. Also can't relocate.
2 years 9 months really
I think it has remote option, why do you think I applied? :)
Remote must require super skills.
@Fabien 3 years in total? or you have been working for companies for 3 years?
I'm mediocre at best.
Employed 3 years.
Well that's more than I am.
3 years ago I was learning what CRUD meant
Same here.
We're mediocrebros.
You're way above me :p
I know, right :P
I've been working for 2.5 years for companies, before I was freelancing not much successfully.
Probably touched php a bit seriously in 2010.
Freelancing seems hard. Finding work
I did like 30 websites, but amount of money was equal of one years work for some companies, and it was way more stressful.
Also, I was doing it in my geographical area, so you can safely divide $money / 10.
I only seem to have taken it seriously since coming in here. Though I worked with it, the stuff I wrote would cause nightmares.
Would you relocate?
Where do I sign?
Heh. What are you looking for salary wise if u don't mind my asking?
I don't know, got some offers for ~60k pounds in London, but, you know, recruiters...
Don't really care much as long as they sponsor work visa :)
London makes that like 40 after rent. Still pretty awesome
I'm aiming for 30
Which is 5 up from my current
I end up with $3-4k/mo here (not much in general), but average salary is $500, so I can live pretty well.
is that after taxes?
net salary
and it's like 40% less after?
I don't pay taxes so I wouldn't know :P
I get 1500 PCM ATM for 25k
You are insured etc?
I'm not, so you can /2 my salary :)
Actually that's about the same salary, heh.
We'll nhs is free :p
I don't know how it works there, but here you have to pay +70% on salary for pension, etc.
I @PeeHaaland you can get 5000€/mo which is really cool.
Damn. It's about 10 here. Then 10 more for govt
8k a year is tax free
I'm going to go to London and knock door to door.
Screw email.
/me stealing your jobz
Heh swing on by.
London is 1hr 30 by train from here
ok stupid issue
protip @Fabien: don't underestimate yourself, others will
php submits form and inserts into the database but database is blank
I struggle with it. I'm a hard worker but this room can make you feel like you're a retard, heh
More open source will help me I think.
So that's the plan for now
Try to be at least in that 1% ;)
Yes, it will, you'll help yourself, if nothing.
Anyhow bed time, I still have work in the morning and I have a task from a prospective employer to finish
Good luck ;)
@Fabien that's ok. It gets painful when you get to your work, and you realize that your co-workers are retarded.
Symfony2: how to add a pre-fetched Doctrine entity to FormBuilder ?
Q: Symfony2: how to add a pre-fetched Doctrine entity to FormBuilder

ra_htiali'm working with Symfony and Doctrine, i have a function that will select rows based on specific criteria: $entities = $repository->getSomeEntities(); now i want to render those entities in a choice list, i checked the entity FormType but it doesn't seems to work for me, for example: $bu...

@tereško dat :D
hello, i'm new to the section chat, I'm looking to talk with someone to know about rets
at least write it correctly... REST?
maybe he meant "rats"
could be, old sport
no it's RETS
RETS is an acronym which stands for Real Estate Transaction Standard. RETS was created to overcome the difficulties presented by the existence of a large number of organizations desiring to share and distribute real estate information with others. RETS addressed this need by providing a common standard for the exchange of real estate data. Many MLS data exchange service providers use the RETS protocol. The Real Estate Transaction Standard (RETS) facilitates data transfer between partners in the real estate industry. Creating and improving RETS is a collaborative effort to simplify moving ...
seems like a very niche standard, which will unlikely have many people who use it, especially in this chat.
I'm usisg phrets to get the data...but my mls seem doesn support get back the url for the photos, only i can get the binary data...
^2 what she said
I don't get anything...
@crypticツ where you think is more appropriate look for advice in this topic
@EmilioGort how should I know? I'd never heard of the thing until now.
Try Google
ok @crypticツ...i tried google...no luck
no useful information out there
what was your search query?
I'm using the function getObject()
I was referring to your Google search query...
I lost the connection...I explain now
RATS, an abbreviation of Regression Analysis of Time Series, is a statistical package for time series analysis and econometrics. RATS is developed and sold by Estima, Inc. ([http://www.estima.com http://www.estima.com]), located in Evanston, IL. History The forerunner of RATS was a FORTRAN program called SPECTRE, written by Christopher Sims, a professor of economics. SPECTRE was designed to overcome some limitations of existing software that affected Sims' research in the 1970s, by providing spectral analysis and also the ability to run long unrestricted distributed lags. The program...
I'm using the first example on this link
@DanLugg only reply that comes to mind is "hmm"
@tereško I had to help my girlfriend work with it.
That and:
Ox is an object-oriented matrix programming language with a mathematical and statistical function library, developed by Jurgen Doornik. It has been designed for econometric programming. It is available for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux platforms. The downloadable console version of Ox is free for Academic use. A commercial version is available for non-academic use. According to its documentation, it should be cited whenever results are published. The programming environment for econometric modelling OxMetrics is based on Ox. External links *[http://www.doornik.com/ Official site] *[http:...
@Fabien Brilliant.
@crypticツ lol in the rets i'm using search queries, I thought that you was taking about that...
hi, can some one take a look my code pastebin.com/Xa1PsbY1
i tried to check if my 2d array consist 0 value, it will read next row value
sorry, first paste bin is wrong. the correct one is pastebin.com/1qHmAGeM
@zira It's exactly the same...
Dunno, if anyone has had to do this before, but this was fun:
$php_number = "/[+-]?
    (\d*\.\d+)|(\d+\.\d*)   # Floating Point
    |(      # Scientific Notation
        ((\d+)|(\d*\.\d+)|(\d+\.\d*)) [eE] [+-]? \d+
    |([1-9]+\d*)    # Integer
    |(0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+)    # Hexadecimal
    |(0[0-7]+)      # Octal
    |(0[b][01]+)    # Binary
@webarto I think that needs a room pin.
Check your security history; they were pinging my account, plenty of fails: github.com/settings/security
Hahaha, my regex won't match "0". Fixing...
Q: connect remotehost through localhost using websockets

samithaI'm using this web socket hosted by google var host = "ws://localhost:12345/websocket/server.php"; try{ socket = new WebSocket(host); log('WebSocket - status '+socket.readyState); socket.onopen = function(msg){ log("Welcome - status "+this.readyState); }; socket.onmessage = function(...

any one is familiar wirh joomla helix template ?
I'm stuck
try wriggling
@FabrícioMatté FYI, closed questions with no upvoted answers get deleted automatically in few days
@tereško wasn't aware of that, thanks.
gods below, indians are waking up
don't worry, am not on of those who are infected ...
@tereško did you mean this auto-deletion meta.stackoverflow.com/a/82408/186879 ? If so it'd take a month at least for it to be deleted in the weekly clean up. Can't find anything else in meta relating to closed questions
i don't think it's documented anywhere
Hello everyone.
Anyone experience with facebook graph api here?
Anyone else?
@KamranAhmed You mean the php api?
hi all how are you? have a nyc day
@Jack yes.
Please wait let me post a question and lead you there
@Jack hi
@tereško How convenient; India comes online, Canada goes to bed ;-)
Night folks :-)
same to you
@KamranAhmed Okay, I see the question.
@Jack Thanks. Here is it:

Ya I know =p
It's morninig, morning...
If the returned value is bool(false) there was an error, so you should use curl_error($ch) to find out what it was. Alternatively, use curl_setopt(CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1); to enable debugging. — Jack 16 secs ago
@Jack Thanks. Here is it:

in PHP how can I set the year for a particular date

I have my date in string format : "2013-05-30 12:30:00" the format is Y-m-d H:i:s

how can i set the year for my date from 2013 to say 1990 which is fixed i want to hard code it , how can set the year using a PHP function

Any help pleas
@user1537158 str_replace('2013', '1990', $date);
@sectus Thank you for your reply, but i dont have the input date, i dont know the year value so cant hard code it.is there any date function that does this ?
substr_replace($date, '1990', 0, 4); @user1537158
@user1537158 , what do you have?
@webarto only this line is different. $result[$i] = $value[$i+5];
@sectus im using mktime() to get unit timestamp and then date("format",timestamp)
but this is a very long process
can you help me by check my code
so i was looking for a faster way
since its not work
smells like homework
@user1537158 , you could use strtotime
@sectus could you elaborate a little please
@user1537158 , php.net/strtotime instead of mktime
guys, anyone can help me as my code here pastebin.com/1qHmAGeM not work.i used this stackoverflow.com/questions/5704108/… for reference
mistakenly voted on another reason ^^^
@Leri Morning
would there be any effect someone uses a commit and rollback without starting the transaction begin()
is there anything else then slow performance for using transactional statements even if its a simple 1 row insert insert
thanks @sectus
@ScoRpion Sounds like you're not doing it right :)
@ScoRpion huh, it's like
my fav :p
Q: please solved my quation

user3010336#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<unistd.h> #include<sys/types.h> #include<signal.h> #include<sys/times.h> #include<time.h> void areyouserious(int sig){ execl("/usr/bin/time","time","-f","\t%U user,\t%S system,\t%x status","date",NULL); } main(){ signal(SIGINT,areyouserious); whil...

lol :D
wat ... after execl there's nothing heh
also .. notice who's answering to that crap
Hello all
Can anyone help me in my issue, please?
Q: How to set background watermark image using pdfcrowd HTML to PDF API for PHP?

PHPLoverI'm using "pdfcrowd HTML to PDF API for PHP" to generate PDF files from the PHP and smarty file. I'm able to generate the PDF but not able to put the background watermark image to the PDF I'm printing out. I tried everything but still couldn't put the background watermark image. Can anyone please...

Good morning.
... ok, this is an awesome ad:
@AlmaDo I've decided to help the poor guy hehe
mother Tereza :p
yep hehe
Why is VIM so popular? I just download it but i looks a bit messy a the first sight
Probably because of its ability to do everything with the keyboard :)
you ... downloaded it?
Who doesn't?
And by vim I assume you meant gvim?
me :p as it was included in my distribution :p
And you didn't download your distro? :)
Ohh, that's not vim ... that's MacVim!
no :p
no what? you bought a dvd? heh
I ask my admin to download that :p he-he
then he gave me dvd
I'm my own admin =D
well, I could download that from me home, but since our corporate channel is free the whole night.. why not
wow, I've got F&F Beta Key for D3 Oo
hi, @JoeWatkins
lol .. you retracted your greeting to me? haha
@Jack that's because of last-activity tab-substitute order :\
hehe, no, that's because you're lazy and only typed @j <tab> :)
hehe, @AlmaDo clearly doesn't want you to have a good morning @Jack
I'm lazy. And I'm proud of it
@JoeWatkins huh, I've sent my greetings when I've entered:p and @Jack was already here
btw, I've used eval() for MySQL
there it's called prepared statements :p
In my haste I forgot to move across a condition that was present in the original pow() implementation .. whoops heh
was just looking at that @Jack, coming along nicely ..
Also, it seems my job is not done yet because there are quite a few test cases for that one function =O
decided against assembly then ?
@Jack btw .. 0 ** 0 == 1 ?
we define it as 1
@JoeWatkins most correct answer: it's undefined, i.e. should be .. umh.. NaN ?
the most correct answer must be based on the facts the matter, and the facts of the matter are 0 to the power of 0 is 1, because we define it as such ...
'mathematician' answer 1 is based there on that fact, that we have 'zeros of same level'
i.e. x and y are both infinite smalls of same level (both 1/n or both 1/(n*n) for example)
but in common case that's not true..
We've had that discussion before ... and php says that 0 ^ 0 == 1 ... so, there :)
It could be either 0 or 1 really.
Once PHP introduces NaN, it should be that though.
it seems more useful to yield 1 .... and if everyone else agrees then there's not much point arguing, even if it doesn't make sense ...
Yeah, 1 seems to be the more popular one :)
JavaScript agrees.
@JoeWatkins Btw, what's your take on the mostly same code for the operator and pow() itself? You think I should move the LVAL-LVAL combo out in a separate function?
That way I could also reduce the code inside the pow() function.
Your encryption example has no example of a MAC. This is critical because any changing of the ciphertext will go undetected. You should add a hash_hmac() call with a separate key to create the MAC for the ciphertext. This MAC should be stored alongside each ciphertext and verified (in constant-time) before decryption. — Bryan Geraghty Nov 12 at 15:26
@Jack I've checked that in Java. It's native call. and it's 1 :p so it's just agreement to have it as 1
Java? Who cares about that? hehe
what's a Java? isn't that an island?
It sure is!
we've discussed that :p
actually, x^y have no sense when x and y are zero
0^0 = 0, right?
why not?
yes and no
its a simple XOR
depends on the universe.
@Jack I have great samples
@Robbert We meant 0^0 as in 0 to the power of 0.
Or 0 ** 0 if you will ... =D

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