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really, that bad? come on, some people have to start somewhere... wordpress is a good place
@ircmaxell I understand, thanks, one few occasions I said e.g. $4k/mo and they said kthxbai, sort of non-negotiable, which doesn't make much sense.
I (recently) got offer from Ubisoft, but it was like $60k/y, which is not much considering you live in Germany.
When they ask that question, I typically say "I have some base requirements, but let's talk about a number that would work for both of us"
@Fabien :-D
@Miro never use create_function()
^^ that isn't a syntax error...
@ircmaxell Yes, that's nice expression, thanks :)
@DanLugg ah, really?
Yea, haven't checked it yet; just loll'd.
Probably a non-breaking null byte space or something wierd.
Some space char :)
@DanLugg a null byte would trigger a warning I think?
@DanLugg Zero width space, I thinks
Not sure how can it be null byte anything unless if it's \0 :)
Ok, not a null; something.
something something
Would you say the opposite of 'overwrite' is 'preserve' ?
@crypticツ Without context I would say nope
I'd say skip :P
underwrite? ;-)
or yea, skip
It's actually a non-breaking space :-S
Yay. I can haz HTML.
Hmm. Identifiers with spaces. Confusing much?
It's valid, and confusing.
> I agree that using Spanish, English and Spanglish in the same code is not a happy practice.
@webarto Actually, I guess I just didn't realize nbsp fell into 0x7f - 0xff
@tereško Are you trolling? Both Rails and Django are listed as being MVC on their wikipedia pages. And you don't need to demean people in the comments. That's not constructive. — user973810 2 hours ago
@DanLugg I know they like their language, but just don't, English is not hard at all...
@tereško Haha, it's MVC, they say so in Wiki.
> modern PHP, HTML5, CSS3 and own advanced MVC framework.
Read this in ad.
So, no more loops, we'll use goto and labels, that's new.
because it is an ad
> pls I need urgent help.
It's fucking urgent arseholes!
u help d poor guy
He's clearly going out on a sexy date and is stressed. What if php doesn't like him? What if he doesn't live up to php's conditions?
@tereško If it's on wikipedia it has to be true.
There we go, all nice and clean for the Date.
You've just been swept.
@rdlowrey You're more tanned than him. How's MMA thingy going?
@webarto Good -- we finished the last of the filming last week. Now it's up to the editors to put together a bunch of appealing trailers so we can try to sell the thing to a network.
Looks pretty professional and fun and motivational. I almost got up from chair to get a beer, by foot.
Step 1: Learn PHP. Step 2: Install Composer. Step 3: PROFIT!rdlowrey 11 secs ago
Wow. Step three already gives me a healthy profit?
You're missing ??? phase :P
Step 1: Learn PHP. Step 2: Install Composer. Step 3: Ask stupid question on Stackoverflow and get smart answer Step 4: PROFIT!
I had to fix it after consulting the meme page ...
I just fixed an extreme edge-case encryption vulnerability in aerys. You can't see it, but flashpots and crazy pyrotechnics are going off in the background behind my desk. I dominated that security hole like it was @Lusitanian's mom.
*sighs* I keep misreading the username fabpot as fapbot
me too
fap-bot. A bot that fap's
@rdlowrey lol gratz
@crypticツ everyone ever
The 1990s called and want the <font> tags back... — Marc B 2 mins ago
FU Twitter API, just saying.
@PeeHaa Modern PHP :D
> The PHP high-performance object caching system ever.
wut did I just read?
> Your PHP is sending 10,000 queries extractly the same to Database.
I hope that is a joke
> Just try it and your website will faster like 1,000 times
Yes doge my website will faster like 1000 times
> phpFastCache © 2011 - 2013 - A PHP Caching Class - Simple Yet Powerful
Dat grammar.
Asks for email to go to github repo
> All you need are PHP 5.1+

It works with All Operating System, all database, and all Web Server that support PHP 5+
I'm starting to figure that it's not a joke...
> I'm studying Titanium...
Aaaaaaaand another one bites the dust
> Work with MSSQL and PHP, handled thousand tables
Yeah you better handle those pesky tables good or else they just do random shit and such :)
> Read & Update Any PHP Code: Over 9000
> Website Monitoring
Client Company
A Web Service that monitoring your client's website, send email and SMS when it down. Supported Multiple Ports like HTTP, POP3, IMAP, DNS, SMTP... etc. Required: Linux Multiple Server with minimum 512MB RAM per node.
internet makes me sad
> Buy Now $14,999
Those are some pretty expensive pings
15k and he can retire.
is it a good idea to have a staging phase in development? So first develop site on development environment, then move that codebase to a staging environment which is exact same setup as production environment for testing, then finally move to production site? Or is that just overkill?
@crypticツ Depending on the project that setup really would not hurt
Unless it's huge app used by thousands of customers, I wouldn't.
Erm, crucial.
Sooo inconclusive
Next person who says something is the winner
I don't really know how that works.
I just FTP to production and edit with notepad.
@crypticツ depends on how much a failed deployment will hurt you ...
How can you replicate e.g. production database and server specs?
I'm sure staging has a point... but I didn't see it in my "career".
Whatever worked on every server, didn't work on production :D
I had a site I made then pushed to production and it bwoke =o( If production site breaks I lose my livelihood of $20 a week =o\
Am I going to kill myself, if I start using @property doc hints with property getter/setter convention magic fueled by __get/__set?
@rdlowrey Did you know that on Windows, stream_select will return a readable streamthat blocks when you fread it...
@crypticツ I almost always have server that has ~ same configuration as production, what's the reason it borked?
@crypticツ that's what i do for sites with existing live site already.. i just switch the vhost from the live to the staging in the prod server when it's ready.. so basically i have a live dir and a stage dir, then switch vhost to point to the new one..
so yeah, i have a dev env (local), a staging (in the prod server but not live yet) and the live one..
@DanLugg yes
dunno if this is good anyway, that's just what i've came up with..
@tereško I'm on the fence... but I know you're right.
@webarto lol.. i feel ya brother.. ^_^
hey guys, does this seem to be a solid tutorial to start with ruby on rails (zero experience): net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/building-ribbit-in-rails ? :D
@webarto it was a permissions problem and also a config option. dev site is always under https, well this production site was not and that caused an issue, I got it all fixed within a few minutes, but if I had used a staging site which was exact as production on the same server I would have encountered it first before push to production.
@havana wrong room i suppose?
@havana yes totally!
I've used it myself
im a php dev who wants to start with ruby ;)
thanks PeeHaa!
anyway, goin now.. bye guys!
the php version of this tutorial is far from perfect even though im not an expert i could do it much better.
but i think to start with RoR it should be fine ^^
@havana Yes. Sounds like a perfectly fine approach to me
@reikyoushin later
@PeeHaa what!?
@webarto shhh
They've built that tutorial, like, 6 months...
465 likes, b* :D
$1k, b* :D
NetTuts+ dropped so much in quality since Jeffrey Way left (joined Laravel team)
Quality was already vague.
i think its still a pretty good resource
especially the premium courses
Yes, that's what they tell you.
@havana Yes. Certainly those! I mean it's called premium for a reason right?
I'd pay double per month if I could.
sure. but ti's worth it
good luck, have a nice life, bye
Yeah, I followed Jeffrey's PHP tutorial, and I got called from Facebook right after.
$17 well spent!
I even got recommendation from owner.
I was the best in class.
True story.
Can I stahp now? @PeeHaa :D
heheheheheh you can staph
Hello, go away.
You should start blogging @tereško.
gullible people
Yes, indeed.
For all those who think that it's impossible for regex to be in harmony with html, here comes a solution from the anti-naysayers departement <(?P<tagname>style|script)[^>]*>(?:(?:(?!<(?&tagname)[^>]*>|</(?&tagname)>).)|(‌​?R))*</(?&tagname)>. See a demo with some explanation. Break it with valid html and I'll reward you with 50 rep (bounty) on one answer. — HamZa 1 min ago
before midnight and going to bed ...
nite all
@JoeWatkins good night brave hard working man :D
don't burn out
I watched movie Before Midnight when I got laid off notice. I cry every time when I see it now.
@tereško are you on herbs (as in tea) and not coffee? Started with black tea again, can't handle more coffee, makes me puke.
Mr. Natural (from Breaking Bad)
@webarto I use different flavors of green tea
@havana I hope you are aware that RoR is not a language, but a framework. To use any framework, you have you know the language for which it was made.
Anyone think that accessors/mutators will stand a chance to be voted in the next time around?
@DanLugg and there goes 50rep ...
lol, I saw ;-)
@webarto mostly from this company: forsmantee.fi/english
@tereško Looks great, I tried some, they taste like detergent. Black tastes better to me.
@HamZa so it has to basically strip tags those specific tags and their contents? or just their conents?
@crypticツ Strip style and script with their contents
Anyways I vtc'ed it as off-topic
@HamZa so how does the code by omega not strip it?
@webarto probably because you a) bought bad tea b) used scalding water (green teas need 70-75°C)
well he used a misleading ending tag in a comment
My regex will match only matched pairs of tags
so basically
<!-- </a> -->
Would let me fail hard
@HamZa would this work? <style gotit="></style>"> *{display:none;}</style>
@tereško c.) both; thanks!
I fixed it adding a line (?:<!--.*?-->)?
But then I need to take in account other things like /* */
well I said "valid" html
So to make it valid, you just need to add comments :P
@webarto that was one of the reasons why i bought kettle with adjustable temperature
@crypticツ wrong link, fix: regex101.com/r/yY6zQ9
I got one recently (gift), but never used it, I just heat up a bit in microwave for instant coffee. Always wanted a espresso machine with pump, too.
Point is that you don't let water go over that temperature? Cooling down doesn't work nicely, innit?
@HamZa is it not valid HTML because of the attribute?
@crypticツ oh sorry, nope you're right
@HamZa =oO does that mean I winz 50 internets?
@crypticツ yup
This is a crying moment for me, *pauses to shed a tear*
lol which answer you want it on ?
I have such crap answers =oP, let me find one worthy
@HamZa I suppose this one stackoverflow.com/questions/14904864/… =o\
you're the boss :P
Can I keep playing if you fix that one?
lol my my my
I don't want to get down the 8K xD
but I love breaking things
heh, who knows, I'll think about it
Actually, it was foreseeable that it was breakable
@HamZa <script>var x='</script>'; alert(1); </script>
that isn't valid :P
When the browser sees the first </script> it will think that it's the end of the script :P
@webarto waiting to cool is kinda pointless. The point is that scalding water burns the leaves. But, if you have only a primitive kettle, you can fill the cup with 1/3 of room temperature water and only then add the boiling one ... the result is 70-ish
@HamZa what if it is in CDATA tags?
I dunno
@crypticツ no idea what will happen ...
@crypticツ then it means that you have copied the code from 10 year old page
@tereško Yes, if ratio of water is equal, you sum temperatures and divide by two. Good to know.
It seems I gotta repfarm
Btw, when browsing some codes on github. I noticed that most people try to escape too much in regex/php
So for example they would escape the hyphen in [a-z\-] while [a-z-] is ok
The same goes for . (dot) and some other cases
Is this some best practice to "avoid" confusion ?
Guys what would be the best way to do this
class class_name{


$class_name = new class_name;
@HamZa My guess is they just don't know any better
@Jay why would you do that ?
And / or typos
@HamZa I have a load of files that need tyo be included into the same class
but they all belong to different files because they are in plugins
@PeeHaa So is improving those regex by committing ok ?
@HamZa That's a question for the developer / author of the repo :)
ah ok, thx
any ideas?
Anyone knows why this is returning error 500?

					if (isset($_COOKIE["already_suggested"]))
						echo '<div class="suggest">Thank you for your suggestion.</div>';
						echo '<div class="suggest">Couldnt find what you were looking for? Leave your suggestion :</div>';
						echo '<form action="suggestmodelsform.php" method="post">';
						echo 	'<input type="email" name="email" placeholder="Seu e-mail"></input>';
						echo 	'<input type="text" name="ramo" placeholder="Seu Ramo"></input>';
@LucasB Isn't it an internal error ?
@Leigh Your statement is hopelessly vague. I need a code sample demonstrating the behavior you're talking about.
@rdlowrey Uh, Yea it seems to be a windows issue with passing pipe handles to a process via proc_open. setting blocking to false has no effect
yeah @HamZa, this is ok too? setcookie('already_suggested',"",time() + (86400 * 7)); // 86400 = 1 day
@LucasB If you removed all that code, would you still get an error ?
the error 500 wen't away by typing the address again instead of refreshing
@Leigh Have you tried setting stream_set_read_buffer($ioHandle, 0)?
@rdlowrey yeeeerp
that’s a nice way to get rid of problems
@LucasB try to hard refresh or what ever they call it next time. In some browsers it's ctrl+f5
Well, unsubstantiated though your statement is I think it goes without saying that windows php dev blows.
I have a workaround (that even the bug reports don't have), it fixes fread blocking, but causes stream_select to ignore the timeout
Yeah, that part is working by now. The problem is the cookie itself
Is the setcookie alright?
just read the docs ...
@rdlowrey bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=51800 is the most concise, but been reports since 2005
I did, I didn't understand one thing: Can i leave the second variable empty if I'm not setting a negative value?
I have no use for that second variable
For now, my workaround which fixes stream_select returning, but fread still blocking, is to pass pipes with 'rw' instead of 'r' and 'w', like:
        $descriptorSpec = array(
            array("pipe", "rw"),
            array("pipe", "rw"),
@Leigh So like this? :)
That would explain why I haven't ever run into the issue myself :)
Never did it on windows?
I think I know
@LucasB Well you could set it to empty but you'll need something like "" instead of ignoring it ?
@Leigh It's been a while since I tested this kind of functionality on windows. I appreciate the heads up.
@rdlowrey Alerts test testWatcherIsNeverNotifiedIfStreamIsNeverReadablewill fail too
Lately I've been using sockets instead of the proc_open IO descriptors for IPC-type stuff.
My first workaround was to try stream_socket_pair, but couldn't get it working
(again probably windows). I'm going to have to move to a listening socket, and get workers to connect back
@Leigh That's what I do in my server -- sockets just seem to behave more consistently across operating systems in php land.
fork/proc_open then connect to the running IPC server and send data that way.
In *nix you can take advantage of udg:// sockets and fallback to tcp:// for windows.
I hate fiddly bits of code. Makes everything look so untidy.
I already have a unix:// socket that the command line client uses to give commands to the server :)
Perfect. Yeah the amp stuff with proc_open() handles was my first foray into cross-OS IPC in php. I wouldn't use STDIN/STDOUT if I had it to do over again
@rdlowrey It was good, it served as an awesome piece of learning code for me too. I have to do something very similar for work (workload automation), instead of a worker pools I have to spawn ad-hoc workers to carry out scheduled jobs
@Leigh Ah so I assume the cron-style stuff you were working on has "alarms" that go off and then you spawn a worker process to do whatever needs to happen?
@rdlowrey pretty much
alarms are kind of abstracted out into their own class, not using alarmStruct arrays anymore
Smart. I only have used arrays there because it's significantly faster than creating new userland objects. If it doesn't have to run in a server environment with huge load then separate classes are much nicer.
They just require way more functionality than start time + interval now :p
@Jack hooray! when will ** be available?
@rdlowrey what would you use instead of stdin/stdout?
@CSᵠ I'd just do what @Leigh and I were talking about: set up a socket server in the main process and then immediately establish a connection to that server inside the worker processes and use that link for two-way interprocess communication between the main process and the children.
For one thing, PHP loves to fill your STDOUT with things like error messages and echo statement output.
You really have to bend over backwards to ensure STDOUT stays clear of things that aren't your custom communication protocol.
@rdlowrey so true! thanx

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