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@Karem that forum section is not dedicated to MVC , but to application design in general , with _some_ focus on php
for some time when i had just began learning about MVC is spent almost as much time in ##java channel as i did in ##php , because when it comes to question like "where put authentication in MVC" are language-independent
im confused..
Q: Where can I learn/find examples of MVC for PHP?

Andrew G. JohnsonI'm trying to learn more about MVC but I would really like some examples I can play with and modify to help learn the concepts and my language of choice is PHP. Books/websites are preferred, thanks! EDIT: I didn't really want to use a framework...

See the the long answer
I found it easy for me to understand.
espcially with the examples too
yeah , and it essentially was wrong
> ORMs automatize the way you build the Model, saving you time and improving performance.
@Karem , even you should know that this is a red flag
I dont even know what orm is
Object-relational mapping
hmm ... seems that you have even more holes in your php skill then i suspected
yeah kill me
watch the "Clean Code Talks" to begin with
feel like im back in first grade
you will not understand all of what it talks about , but when you try watch them again after few weeks ,you will understand more
then read "SQL Antipatterns"
( it's more of a long term task )
and in meanwhile you can start learning bits and pieces about MVC ( from discussion ins Sitepoint or asking questions here )
@Karem , oh , one thing , you can leave out Clean Code Talks - "GuiceBerry" lecture , because it is java-specific
ok im watching unit testing
how to write unit-tests you will learn looong time later , but the good practices for you code does not change
Maybe i should learn to work with a php framework e.g codeigniter and after that set my self into making one
there is one HUGE reason why you should refrain from learning a specific framework : they all are filled with bad practices
one thing is to research them, that is quite ok
but you should not concentrate on a single framework , because you will learn the said practices , and you will be biased when you have to write your own or learn different framework
youtube.com/watch?v=CGiIVQPaOJQ wow that cleared it all up on how it works..
.. lets see
Greetings. If I'm to make an open source application in PHP, that's meant for redistribution and installation, what frameworks would you suggest to me? From my own research, I seem to be leaning on CodeIgniter, but looking for other opinions.
@Karem well , i guess it explains some of the basics , but it kinda sucks
if you listened to that lecture before , you might have notices some of the issues on your own
i expected you to say that..
@Karem , the idea is good , but execution is questionable .. especially what happens in the constructor of Controller class
i see yes
@teresko I have qustions on the view part
In the view part, i now learned you can use your data to output such as <?php echo $var; ?> right
What if i was going to output a list of users in a foreach() ?
Should i do foreach(){ inside the view?
ehh ... this will be complicated .. i will try to explain
do you remember what was the responsibility of View ?
yes to present data
not really
it was "presentation logic"
which means that View request data from Model , and acts accordingly
to be honest , it has been long time since i have worked with a pure MVC , because i much prefer HMVC pattern
oh please!!!
no worries , you dont need to know about that now
-.- you keep come with new things.. okay i will keep on with the mvc
the view is a CLASS
i know
In the view class im including a template or whatever
no , actually that is one of the misunderstood parts of MVC
and that template can use whatever variables
well okay then
View is a class which works with multiple templates
i feel like you say no to everything :P
lets take for example the fragment about user list
there are actually at least 2 templates the view should juggle : you either show list of users , OR you display message that there are no users to list
an there might be 3rd template with an error message about "access denied"
if ( $user_collection->get_count() > 0  )
     $template = new Template( 'list.tpl' );
     $template->bind( 'list' , $user_collection );
     $tempalte = new Template( 'empty.tpl' );
that would be somewhere in that View
this is what i mean by "display logic"
the view is making decisions about how the page will be presented to the user
actually you can go even further
there are many things you list in your page
there are lists of users , and lists of documents , and lists of comments
but you might notice that there is some underlaying logic that is common to all three of them
This will be kind of hard if you did everything like you did above
which would mean that you have an abstract ListView class , and then it gets extended
@Karem , you dont have to do everything exactly like i write
What if you want to show only female users (bad example) inside the user collection
i was explaining a point
But i understand where you are heading at
$template->bind( 'list' , $user_collection );
looks at this line
would it make any difference with in the template what sort of list that is ?
thats crazy if you could make it work like that
all it has to have are same methods for getting next element
@Karem wouldn't all the "Collections" implement ArrayIterator ?
Yes they will
wouldn't that mean that you can do foreach ( $list as $item ) on all of them , and not care about what exactly is the thing you loop through
@Karem that's what polymorphism is all about
( there is a lecture on this subject in the "clean code talks" )
I see.. !!
i did not recommend lectures just for kicks =P
its like abstract class and that seems to be the same
what seems to be the same ?! ( confused )
abstract class and polymorphism
nope , that's not it
Polymorphism is like if you make a class Characters
polymorphism actually has more to do with interfaces
and then you extend your characters classes wolf, dog, whatever with the class Character
thats how i understood after what you just described it
maybe its not right because im tired
$ob->walk(); will do more or less the same thing , no matter if it some Beetle , Dog or Human
same with method $something->print( $document )
you should not care WHERE you print it or WHAT exactly is in that document
watch the lecture , i you really want to know
yes that is what i meant
polymorphism is one of main things in OOP , and you should understand it completely
@Karem , the difference is in the fact that method , with same name will do completely different things behind the scene in different class
remember the Mapper classes
you have the store() method
while you usually will have it work with database , it might as well be storing something in an XML file
in that case the mapper will have nothing to do with the inheritance tree of your old SQL Mapper
the mechanics inside the method .. hell , the whole mapper , will be completely different , but the result you expect and get will still be the same
the $mapper->store( $user ) will still save the user details somewhere
i see
( unless you are testing $mapper or $user , because then the other object will be fake )
@Karem , i guess you have feeling that it is getting more and more complicated each time you ask a question
thanks for explanation.. im sure im a pain in the ... :P
that is so true !!
I feel like it never stops so i cant answer you right lol
need to get some sleep thanks for your time and good night
c ya
Good day everyone!
@teresko how are ya ?
ok , i guess
you should be really tired I see you like 24 7 online
1 hour later…
Has anyone ever had a problem with leading slashes before paths on a localhost? It works on the server, but not on my localhost. (ie: /about/page/images)
it seems that the forward slash is taking me back to the root folder, which is one folder too far. Any way around this?
@OmeidHerat it could be because i keep to something like 32h cycle
@atomSmasher , you should check your server config
you might have some mistake on document_root settings ( or whatever name it has for your brand of webserver )
@OmeidHerat , besides , i'm kinda reading a book here =P
@teresko oookk thank you! And to answer your question from the other day: yes, I actually made the mistake of comparing java and javascript.. my mistake!
oh , btw , @atomSmasher , same issue could be cause by mistakes in virtual host part of the config too .. if you have set it up
haha, I doubt I did, unless it was by mistake. I will poke around and see what I can find.
@teresko Ewww! I ruined my once with that 32h cycle
mine was more of 24 hours but ah!
I got sick and everything
well .. it isnt exactly 32h , but i loose one day each for each 2 weeks
or close to that
get a sleep pattern man!
thats the thing , i have one
but it is a bit off
not a good one :)
I mean get a proper sone
dunno .. i never remember dreams when i sleep at night
but i do when it is light outside
then again , i only gained such extra few years ago , it's still all new to me
I had it for like 6-8 months and I lost lots of weight and everything
I give up
3 hours later…
hey can somebody help me with a quick css problem on this site I'm working on when an item is selected i have a background image of an underline appear it works for list items with a big enough width but with smaller list items its cuts the image off for some reason i thought overflow:visible would fix this but it didn't does anyone know any other work arounds?
1 hour later…
Hi there, my name is Matteo :D
Nice name @MatteoMosconi
1 hour later…
Any opinions about OPT?
Q: phpunit mocks comprehensive documentation

zerkmsThere is a description of what are the mocks and how to work with them: http://www.phpunit.de/manual/current/en/test-doubles.html But there is no comprehensive explanation of all possible methods such as $this->any(), $this->once(), $this->equalTo() etc So I'm looking for Mock generati...

@teresko: I know you know that :-)
Does it make sense to create PHP libraries when today frameworks contains all libraries built-in?
@zerkms phpunit.de/manual/current/en/… isnt comprehensive enough?
@Robik depends on the library and the Env. that you are going to use your applications using that libraries.
yep, it is good enough for "how many times method is called"
but nothing about returned values
and special assertions like $this->equalTo()
@zerkms im in a bit of a rush right now. if you dont have any good answers ill answer the Q later
reading phpunit sources right now
@OmeidHerat I mean, creating common libraries when most programmers are using Frameworks
because there is no such documentation, or I just cannot google
@Robik still the same, or there might be a case that you think the Frameworks out there is not good enough for your application.
4 hours later…
hey guys
Hi @JaeKunChoi
Anyone familiar with push notification?
I was wondering what is the difference between Comet, Meteor and Push
Hello @teresko
1 hour later…
Fuel PHP is based in RubyOnRails #RubyOnRails #fuelphp
it makes me want to hit something
@teresko Why?
because it is horrible , no matter if statement is actually true or not
> Fuel is ... based on the best ideas of other frameworks.
@teresko but RoR is the best
You can do everything so easily and fast
Just make some controllers.
Just set up some active record
Off you go!
$ rails --create-blog --make-me-a-cms --facebook-clone-too-please
@teresko how would you design a framework?
i actually am .. 4th iteration
github ?
not this week
open source ? :(
R ails O op R ulez?
or can I have an url to your source code please.
i'm gonna try to go with full package , because i want to put it in my CV
@Raynos i plan next week to stop playing around with API concepts and start growing it in github
Ah ok
Well i've been placing small libraries on my github
1 hour later…
hmm .. @Raynos , small question about your blog source
should not the method that begin with _ be internal ?
If you want to mock me for one of the known issues on the github issues page then thats unfair
How would I make them internal?
There is no method for doing that in javascript
wel ....
Ideally I need instance names That might get into ES6
you could make methods internal , if you leave them within closure
prefixing methods with _ is simply a naming convention to say that the method is volatile and undocumented
Yes but closures & OO don't fit well together
not with classical OO , sure
You either do OO or you use a functional style
Both are valid, I choose OO
I dont see anything wrong with it.
and you seem to create a lot of new instances withing an object
instead of passing them to said object
for example the Buffer
you should not create new instance every time you need it
and , to ad insult to injury , you really should try to this thing through JSLint
ugh jslint can die
I might put it through jshint
if I can hook it upto my editor
or my build tool / unit test tool
JSlint is more about avoiding questionable habits
jshint is about avoiding questionable habits
jslint is about making sure your style choices match crockfords choices
Whats wrong with creating a new Buffer instance every time?
bad OOP
Are you suggesting I have a buffer singleton, I overwrite with new data?
Or just have a static buffer I overwrite with new data
no , i am suggestign to pass a Buffer instance to all the models
do you know what Dependency injection is ?
I'm just using the toHex method of the buffer
Why would I need depencency injection :S
You need DI because of language limitations.
i give up
In js you can just monkey patch it away
DI is for injecting an interface into a module right?
and you need to inject an interface rather then a class because you cant switch classes at run time?
Because I can switch objects at run time with nodejs I just inject objects
As far as I know DI is used so you can mock out those objects for your unit tests
yes , i guess that answers my question
If theres another use case for DI then feel free to let me know
And passing a buffer instance to all objects make no sense :\ its like passing a single ton around.
Either you have a significantly higher level overview of this and are assuming I know the "obvious reasons" or theres no point
beside the arguments related to unit testing , and Law of Demeter , there is the small thing of making the code cleaner
it's hard to tell which of three is the "obvious reason"
my personal experiences with DI is that it makes reading code a nightmare
because you dont know where the magic black box that is DI is getting those objects from, there just there
This might be me using a shit DI library
you are completely clueless
well no.
I'm just significantly less versed in web development then you.
you are even confusing dependency injection as methodology , with dependency injection container as a pattern ( which i think is quite horrible )
well yes I really dont know much about it
i too think that "magic box" crap is a really bad idea , but that is DIC
And as for law of demeter I agree
my code is too tightly coupled
I need to refactor it more
I dont know what a good methodology is for loosely coupling it from the database
event driven architecture would be my personal choice but I wouldnt know how to go about doing it
yeah , and correct me if i am wrong here , but your routing system seem .. emm .. bad
I personally find defining routes as a list of middleware nice
it kinda looks ugly , and the variable names mean nothing, and the whole thing looks confusing .. maybe it's just me
maybe I should refactor it to be nicer
Would the latter be "nicer" ?
If it's an objection to using middleware excessively then that's a higher level problem.
ok , this is the part where i go to "how i do it" side of fence : i thin that routing mechanism should return parsed parameters from which you the create all the parts of M, V and C ( in whatever manner you desire ) . Your version seems to have something to do with Views and whole lot of validation related things
well I will refactor it away from MVC.
My routing will just say route X runs for stack of middleware Y.
and the middleware does security, validation, database access, preprocessing data to be template friendly
But then you get rid of the seperations of concerns.
is it actually scalable ?
Well everything is async IO
so yes.
Put a load balancer in front of it
and send HTTP requests to whatever node instance you want
yeah , if the routing gets more complicates , you will have a huge pile of files , with a lot of repeating code
or so it seems to me
Ah no,
The middleware is in its own file.
the routing just references middleware modules
middleware options should be DRY and OOP
currently they are not because I'm writing unit tests before I do the big DRY refactoring
Cause you know, unit tests before the big re-factoring job seems clever.
But basically the current code base is a mess.
well .. on that i think i can agree
It is better to write unit tests for the existing code before I re factor it right?
thought , IMHO, rouging should be a single thing , which works based on some configuration file
the one you have looks a lot like a hardcode matter
Yes it can be
routes are simply defined as a stack of middleware
so I was thinking of putting it in a config file
but I find code neater then JSON
lemme see if i can find the rouging config for that thing i a making
Thanks though for looking at my code and giving feedback :)
I dont like that kind of thing. I feel too limited as a programmer
( in the notation elements that are in [] are conditional )
I dont mind using a tool that auto generates configurations like that
@Raynos could be , but it avoids repeating same code again and again
besides this thing is extremely flexible
True. I'll try to use my arrays of middleware for that.
I'll have to see how practical it is
( made a small edit , there was a mistake )
let me put it this way , what determines which route will be used in your code , if they would match the same pattern
because in that example a line http://site/blog/12 would match both patterns
Oh that.
order of binding them
And the way you handle middleware.
I personal consider it bad to have two routes that match the same url if neither of them are middleware
The way middleware in express work is that it intercepts a route, does some logic, and calls next() to go to the next callback bound to the route.
So either order of binding is completely clear or your doing it wrong. edge cases are mistakes.
For example its clear my dynamic routing logic takes preference over my static file routing logic.
Arbitrary priority numbers are a different way to handle it but it becomes less readable as the file becomes larger. Where as linear order is a lot more readable to me.
heh .. the whole priority think is just a neat addition to the standard array of routing patterns
i saw it in one obscure php framework
the priorities are there just to make to order of filters explicit
all the parameters in a route settings are there to make it more precise
One thing you want to avoid is the "more precise routing rule wins" like CSS does. That's just annoying.
2 hours later…
it is not about precision , but about strict order in which patterns are matched
going by sequence on binding (or any other form of adding rules) is very lame way
configuration should not depend on order in which you add items
and routing rules are essentially part of configuration , @Raynos
Sorry whats wrong with order?
Your using order yourself, numerical order in the way you number that priority number
to some extent
If your argument is that its easier to get ordering wrong when using binding sequence then numbers then thats fair
my counter argument is that binding sequence is more elegant and more dry
why store the information twice?
but this way you are free to write configuration file the way it makes sense to you
I take more risk of mistake in favour of purity
what ?
> it makes sense to you
how do i save it twice ?
binding order makes perfect sense to me.
well you dont save it twice because you treat the list as an unordered list
if you were to treat the list as an ordered list then you would have no need for "priority"
i treat them as both
you can leave out the "priority" parameter in all the rules , and they will all be set with priority: 0
and will be checked in the order in which they were added
then your storing the information twice
Your treating it as an ordered list and allowing people to change the order of the list with the "priority" value
sure , within an object and in cache
that would be twice
So your storing ordering information in two places, (the position in the list and the value of "priority")
no , i write it in php
you forgot that that i never said anything about language
Im not saying your storing the information in RAM or _ the database_ twice
you seem to assume that you know how i implement the handling of such mechanism
The implementation doesnt matter
I'm saying a user of your framework
has two mechanism of storing this information
yes , they have a choice and ability to mix the rules
whether that's "not DRY" or "giving flexibility to users" is a different discussion
I can see reasons for doing it. It does give the user more power.
I just say that's not an option I will give a user of my framework because order is flexible enough
i never said that you need to have some specific system for ordering the rules
> going by sequence on binding (or any other form of adding rules) is very lame way
about your code i said only that it looked really ugly when each route was in separate file , sharing same lines again and again
well .. ok
my routes share the same lines again and again?
I guess they do
Thats like saying your JSON document is sharing the same key names again and again
Thats not a problem I can easily solve without introducing ambiguity
ok .. maybe i am trying to explain it in a wrong way
thing is , whatever that variable m represents , has no place in routing file
m represents the same as :
Its defining the controller, model and view that handle that route
	m = [
There is no notion of view, model, or controller for me.
There is just routing logic and a stack of middleware a route goes through before the HTTP response is send
If you have a better suggestion on where it should live feel free to mention it
Oh and of course I need the concept of a database abstraction. I still value the architectural loose coupling of my code and the database.
I guess the phrase middleware has a different meaning to you if your not familiar with express
Dry is a good goal, but don't let it become a driving factor. I have seen some truely horrific designs that were justified for minimum duplication. Realize that working comes first, maintainable comes a very close second. Everything else is quite distant behind those 2 priorities...
How about I polish the heck out of it first, then we finish the critique ;)
@ircmaxell you make a good point, I have my priorities wrong.

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