@Kalle i want to generate QR code for text message... and i found some code on net but in this code google api will be used... and my project manager told me that you must do this task without using google apli key.
what would your job title be if you were tailoring some software for a company while at the same time doing the sysadmin and rolling out new email infrastructure?
mmm, honestly I don't get it :-) you're already doing $.get/post(xxx, yyy, function(result){setTimeout(zzz, result);}) that should be enough - javascript can handle more timeouts at once
from what I can understand, you want store all "jobs" with both their interval and remainingTime - then on every "turn" you'll just pick lowest remainingTime, send it to client and subtract it from all remainingTimes
@Karem here are my 2 cents on php frameworks : they all are horribly broken. You should study them ( read the code , look at API usage , read code comments ) , but if you really want to learn good programing practices , you should not use them.
Besides , at first you should try to write one on your own ( of course taking some ideas from existing frameworks .. especially features like Routing ). Writing a framework is a right of passage for php developers. You cannot seriously call yourself a php developer, if you have not written at least 3 "frameworks".
Usually the 3rd iteration of the "framework" is quite usable ( that is , if you continue to expand your knowledge , especially learning "how things are done" outside php )
some people say that writing a new framework is reinventing the wheel
problem is that in realm of php development there still ain't any round wheels .. closest right now is symfony2 , and even then you should be exceptionally generous to call it elliptic.
@Teresko, I'm not necessarily referring to the timeout of the logs.. but the "most recent displayed text" values for the room. He may not load out the extra logs.
anybody who comes here and expects help with wordpress/drupal/xxx is at least that much naive as kia customer looking for spare-parts in ferrari garage
well .. honestly i have never understood why some people try to use $a[key] instead of $a['key'] .. while that might not be an outright error in php , it sure is a sign of questionable code quality ( even if intentional )
i would recommend for your education to watch "Clean Code Talks" on youtube , learn what SOLID principles are , and learn what you can from character named "Uncle Bob" ( you will know what i mean , when you find his lectures/books )
Yeah but i feel like.. i feel like first i have learned normal php over some time, and then now from not long ago i learned to write OOP which made a difference in the code. Then i came to this point where it's called spaghetti code all what i had been writting because i mixed languages up (display, logic was in once) and that i should look into coding MVC style..
Feels like i can keep on improving all the time, will not come to a place where i can say OK i know this now.
And MVC seems to advanced, i read about it, and saw e.g this article with the example, r.je/mvc-in-php.html with Hello world. All that code just for outputting hello world?!
to write something in (proper) MVC you have to get over the initial knowledge barrier
there is huge jump to that "hello world" application level in MVC , but step from that to a simple blog application is minuscule
besides , you already should have a pretty good understanding of Models
only thing i can recommend now , which could help you in crossing that barrier , is to read all you can in this forum : SitePoint: PHP Application Design
but judge it critically , there is a lot of confusion out there when it comes to MVC architecture
@Karem what do you mean ? that was not really in english ...
oh , and 3rd source of know knowledge ( to complement StackOverflow and Sitepoint ) would be joining ##php IRC channel on Freenode server ( you will have to register your nickname to gain access to that channel )