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Any wordpress hero's in the building?
7 hours later…
hey guys!
@atomSmasher Try wordpress.stackexchange.com
is it possible to generate qr code without api key php?
Tell us more
@Kalle i want to generate QR code for text message... and i found some code on net but in this code google api will be used... and my project manager told me that you must do this task without using google apli key.
1 hour later…
@maulikpatel Well, have you found any alternatives on the web? Usually, the stuff good does, gets redone by "nobodies"
Hi all
what would your job title be if you were tailoring some software for a company while at the same time doing the sysadmin and rolling out new email infrastructure?
"Programmer" ?
@Greg jack of all trades
Hi @KamilTomšík
I should change my Name to HiBot :P
4 hours later…
wow, it's quite dead around here :)
@ircmaxell you're unusually quiet, are you working on cryptlib? :)
2 hours later…
No, just hit a round of golf...
1 hour later…
guys, guys, I've just seen this :-D
no more flames :-D
I saw that at least 7 years ago :P
@Blake I've probably missed 1st or 2nd wave :-D
@Kamil That is forgivable. :)
@Kamil, are you good with self-recursive scripts?
@Blake why? :)
I think I'm confusing myself slightly of how I want this mechanic to work.
Well, I guess this is more of a jquery question, but it is related to PHP as well
just ask :)
I'm designing an engine that will output information based on the "next event" timer between two objects
Where object1 has a timeout value of 2000 ms and object2 has a timeout of say 1200 ms
So initially they both go, but the next timeout timer is 1200, but the second would be 800
because it's current_time + 1200 on the next iteration
Does that make sense?
you're implementing scheduler in js
But I'm using PHP as the data handler so that it can't be manipulated via firebug, etc
PHP is outputting the next setTimeout that is used for jQuery
mmm, honestly I don't get it :-)
you're already doing $.get/post(xxx, yyy, function(result){setTimeout(zzz, result);})
that should be enough - javascript can handle more timeouts at once
Mmm, no the $.get('file.php', function(data) { $("div.divid").prepend(data); } file.php is outputting a <script> to initiate the next call
okay, so what's in that prepended script?
so that if a user tries to firebug the setTimeout on the actual initial generated setTimeout
The php file will handle resetting to what the setTimeout should actually be
I'm trying to figure out the best logic to handle that.. something like: current_time > (last_action + variable_timeout)
@Blake is firebug somehow important in this? what are you trying to achieve? I wouldn't care about firebug if you really really don't need to
Yeah, it is important. Because I don't want the user to be able to increase their rate of interaction with the server
What framework should i use for my next project? it is a community.. you can call it social community? CakePHP or Codeigniter?
or a third option maybe that suits it best?
@Blake then don't accept that value from client at all - leave it server only
@Blake do you have it working anywhere?
@Kamil, I do, but it's behind user auth
in that case it will be somehow hard to help you :)
I'll just break it down.
This should be simple math, but my brain isn't handling it right now :P
try to express what you want in simple english
I speak way too many languages. :)
English, Spanish, Spanglish. I think I'm on the right track of deducing it simply to program.
from what I can understand, you want store all "jobs" with both their interval and remainingTime - then on every "turn" you'll just pick lowest remainingTime, send it to client and subtract it from all remainingTimes
Theres so many php frameworks.. how should i determine what will suit me best for my project? A community
Yes, @Kamil. That is correct.
@Karem, Do you have any experience with any frameworks? Whatever you're most familiar with will probably serve you best.
+you have to add interval time to each "job" until it is positive (to avoid underflow)
@Kamil, Yes.
@blake no i dont have any experience with any frameworks
Maybe I'll just pastebin my php handler
Just adding some play values for things hard coded.
@Kamil, that works for looping. But this has to re-calculate based on the current time each time it is served.
right - in that case you have to somehow subtract time diff too
@Karem here are my 2 cents on php frameworks : they all are horribly broken. You should study them ( read the code , look at API usage , read code comments ) , but if you really want to learn good programing practices , you should not use them.
Besides , at first you should try to write one on your own ( of course taking some ideas from existing frameworks .. especially features like Routing ). Writing a framework is a right of passage for php developers. You cannot seriously call yourself a php developer, if you have not written at least 3 "frameworks".
Usually the 3rd iteration of the "framework" is quite usable ( that is , if you continue to expand your knowledge , especially learning "how things are done" outside php )
some people say that writing a new framework is reinventing the wheel
problem is that in realm of php development there still ain't any round wheels .. closest right now is symfony2 , and even then you should be exceptionally generous to call it elliptic.
@Teresko I think he's long gone
@teresko +1
@Blake , this is not you classical IRC , he can read it all when he comes back
and reinventing itself is never bad thing - if you're doing it mostly because you want to gain knowledge
I've reinvented a lot of stuff just to get idea how it could be done
@teresko, providing he comes back within a relative amount of time to go through the logs and find it
true , that way you actually understand the reasoning behind the solution , @KamilTomšík
I have the timer working, @kamil. Woo.
Can an element be floated yet still retain the block display?
@teresko exactly
@Blake good :)
@Blake , think he will be back within a year ? chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/11/2011/1/3
@Blake , all floated elements by default gain display:block
even if the were inline before
@Teresko, I'm not necessarily referring to the timeout of the logs.. but the "most recent displayed text" values for the room. He may not load out the extra logs.
@teresko or even when position: absolute is active
@Blake a highlight here causes a notice in StackExchange thingy
@KamilTomšík , positioned elements cannot be floated
they have been taken out of page-flow
@teresko yes, but they'll gain display: block too
Good point, @teresko. I forgot about that feature.
I changed it to position: relative; left: 100px, or right: 100px;
Seems to do the trick I wanted.
@Blake , you should not abuse positioning
what exactly are you trying to accomplish ?
Just an offset of each other so my elements are more easily distinguishable as to the source.
spent a lot of time as "frontend developer"
magento help needed
how can i get the store email addresses in magento??
anybody who comes here and expects help with wordpress/drupal/xxx is at least that much naive as kia customer looking for spare-parts in ferrari garage
@KamilTomšík , i would have went with Lada for this analogy
well, right :)
WTB Kia Parts :D
In order to have access to a $_SESSION var in a function, must it be global?
@Blake no, $_SESSION itself is super-global, it's accessible from anywhere
Thanks. I did notice that, just forgot to state it here.
This may seem like a silly question, but is there a difference between $_SESSION[test] and $_SESSION['test'] as far as how they're handled?
@Blake yes, always use the latter one
@Kamil What is the fundamental difference?
@Blake $_SESSION[test] means $_SESSION[constant('test')]
I see.
@Blake , please start using error_reporting(-1);
because you obviously do not
General question.
You should turn off teresko_presumptions()
General insulting answer.
I thought it was pretty obvious that was a general question.
well .. honestly i have never understood why some people try to use $a[key] instead of $a['key'] .. while that might not be an outright error in php , it sure is a sign of questionable code quality ( even if intentional )
I was just wondering if php handled them differently is all. I've always been in the practice of using single quoted keys, but I was just wondering.
Kamil had an explanation for the random question. :)
A good one at that.
@teresko Thank you for your explanation!
On the frameworks.. I have not worked with any yet, and all I have been building/coding have been without a framework.
that's good
Its just that i read that many uses php frameworks
And saw ads where people wants to hire and requires you to have experience with a certain framework
i would recommend for your education to watch "Clean Code Talks" on youtube , learn what SOLID principles are , and learn what you can from character named "Uncle Bob" ( you will know what i mean , when you find his lectures/books )
(example) so it must be popular and good to use it ( my thoughts ? )
Right now all i am coding i spaghetti code mixing with OOP..
@Karem it is easy to learn how to use framework , much harder is to learn how to write good code
that must be bad
@Karem that's called learning
if you understand that the code you write is still flawed , then you will try to get better
oh .. and start to learn what is MVC , it will force you to improve your code
Yeah but i feel like.. i feel like first i have learned normal php over some time, and then now from not long ago i learned to write OOP which made a difference in the code. Then i came to this point where it's called spaghetti code all what i had been writting because i mixed languages up (display, logic was in once) and that i should look into coding MVC style..
Feels like i can keep on improving all the time, will not come to a place where i can say OK i know this now.
And MVC seems to advanced, i read about it, and saw e.g this article with the example, r.je/mvc-in-php.html with Hello world. All that code just for outputting hello world?!
it was an introduction to architecture
MVC lets you expand your application
damn .. how to explain this
to write something in (proper) MVC you have to get over the initial knowledge barrier
there is huge jump to that "hello world" application level in MVC , but step from that to a simple blog application is minuscule
besides , you already should have a pretty good understanding of Models
only thing i can recommend now , which could help you in crossing that barrier , is to read all you can in this forum : SitePoint: PHP Application Design
This is normal users having some issues and makes threads? is it right link
but judge it critically , there is a lot of confusion out there when it comes to MVC architecture
@Karem what do you mean ? that was not really in english ...
oh , and 3rd source of know knowledge ( to complement StackOverflow and Sitepoint ) would be joining ##php IRC channel on Freenode server ( you will have to register your nickname to gain access to that channel )
@teresko is this a example of what you could do with mvc: sitepoint.com/forums/php-application-design-147/…

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