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hi, @Fabien
btw I've discovered that for long property names deref in array is faster while for short deref for object is faster Oo
@AlmaDo What do you think: pastebin.com/yNWfERKC ?
@Fabien see question, deref = de-reference
@Leri your benchmark shows nothing :p compare that with values of my function in your machine
@AlmaDo It's 3 seconds faster than my prev version
@Leri ah.. I thought you're about - is that enough for answering original question
The main advantage of this solution is that performance does not depend on level length.
However memory usage will be more.
memory usage matters
@AlmaDo I am lazy to compare with your version. :p
@AlmaDo Well since in $indexes array is stored just ints it won't allocate much
@tereško in case you didn't see devclub.lv
Unless you have 1E(some big number) levels.
@Leri actually, I don't know about levels. In general it's unrestricted, but I doubt it can be some sort of 1E5..1E6
@AlmaDo I doubt it will be more than 1E2 :)
so do I
Ok, off to work, just wanted to share new version. I'll post answer when I get home.
@JoeWatkins it id implemented and distributed as a SAPI module
it is <--
There are so few females in this industry :(
@iroegbu Looking for a wife?
@iroegbu does this matter?
Breaking Execution section,
"For extreeme circumstances, and geeks (me included)"
@Fabien I can't/won't marry a developer
@JoeWatkins Unless it's there for emphasis ;)
@iroegbu :p
what's bad it that?
@JoeWatkins verboseness as possibe
@JoeWatkins a lot of the commas can be removed. It's the same thing I do until my wife told me off. Now I read everything through just looking where I can remove them.
hi, @Jimbo
Is it just me or does the ripple fade screenshots make you guys dizzy when read the screenshot? I dunno, I think it might be a visual trick when trying to read stright lines and there are curved edges like that throwing it off...or I could just be retarded.
Q: How accurate is "Business logic should be in a service, not in a model"?

Jeroen VannevelSituation Earlier this evening I gave an answer to a question on StackOverflow. The question: Editing of an existing object should be done in repository layer or in service? For example if I have a User that has debt. I want to change his debt. Should I do it in UserRepository or in ...

@tereško do your thing ^
@crypticツ They do the same for me... maybe I'm retarded too. :)
@JoeWatkins ^ retarded people like us have trouble with those screenshots =oP
@crypticツ what's wrong with them? Oo .. I think everything is ok..
@AlmaDo They hurt our eyes/brains.
@AlmaDo just the ones that are cropped off using a ripple effect. The first screenshot had the worst effect on the eyes when trying to read the text in the screenshot.
@JoeWatkins could you just resize the window and have a full window grab like in the other screenshots? :)
@crypticツ huh.. ok for me. May be because I'm using terminal emulator too much :p
@AlmaDo Does your terminal emulator have a crazy ripple effect at the bottom? :P
@AlmaDo I got online because I have a headache and can't sleep, now my head hurts more =oP
I was being artistic !!!
yeah they are a bit gay tho, I'll fix it ...
The first screenshot reminds be of Batman!
@crypticツ umm... didn't get that :p don't blame me in it :p
shit, the facebook login api for php is killing me
@MagnusBurton OAuth?
@crypticツ yep
@MagnusBurton its a lot better than it was 5 years ago ;)
@plasmid87 oh yeah 100% agreed. cant figure out if im doing something wrong with the authentication part though
fixed em
it works but it just seems too easy to be true
btw. easy (and may be pointless) question: if we know reference to array's element - how to get reference to whole array?
@JoeWatkins what program you use to get the sweet drop shadow? Are you Gimping it or does the screenshot automatically do it?
@AlmaDo you mean like $foo = $bar['x']; and find $bar from $foo?
@crypticツ no program may be. It's standard KDE effect :p
but you have to set up that..
that's just the theme
@JoeWatkins yes it is. but also custom option
@plasmid87 it is something like:
Morning all
$array = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'];
$x = &$array[1];
$y = magic($x); //$y = &$array
hi, @SweetieBelle
@SweetieBelle mornin
morning @SweetieBelle
so is that possible somehow in no horrible way? (cause I know horrible one)
How is everyone?
@AlmaDo not sure, that's an interesting one.
Ok designer, I'll pay attention whilst you explain kerning if you stay awake whilst I explain closures.
http_response_code() was only introduced in 5.4 :(
@Fabien use 5.5.
@AlmaDo I do when I get the choice.
@DanLugg It was me talking about D earlier
People's fetishes get weirder and weirder.
Anybody in here has ever implemented facebook apprequests calls?
@PeeHaa thinking of something specific?
I just cannot get it to work on my ipad
The popup opens, but it just keeps loading. Desktop works just fine
Can you see the javascript console on such a thing?
I remember in some of my fb projects did not work on osx
@RonniSkansing I might be able to see the console in xcode in my desktop
@PeeHaa in my project, it would run fine on windows / linux, but make errors (request errors) on osx.
Actully i still think the app has the bug.. i havent fixed it.. but im at home atm, i can tell you exactly the errors tommorow. If you find a fix, let me know
huh, no :p it's about loop break :p
Never played Killer Instinct on the N64? :)
what is that?
it is a real bad game
A real awesome game.
I played supermario
^ ++
I used to rule KI with Jagou or Galcius.
@Fabien i remember the n64 controllers really well (smash in a rumblepack and memory card) and it was abit heavy
I even put in a upgrade to be able to play perfect dark
will be release a new for xbox, cinder need back xD
They were so awkward. Even now if you try to play GoldenEye it's like WTF :P
@Fabien lol yea (my first n64 game)
though i had alot of fun with it
Yeah, it was awesome.
but i really love gaming, just do not have the time anymore
that's how they're playing super mario now
yep =/
This is how they play Super Mario 64 these days
That guy streams live on twitch almost every day too
is there a way in paypal to split a donation to three accounts?
@JoeWatkins can you think of a website that phpdgb.com might look-up to? Cool tut, btw.
@webarto no, I have one design that I carry around with me, see index.html
I started
but can't find the source of the logo ... oh yeah I have one of those too, or did anyway ...
@AlmaDo Fresh air helps my brain to think better. I don't think, there would be faster solution for your problem: pastebin.com/9EEhdp0e
@Leri huh, it looks nice, but it adding empty ['children'] dim for nodes without childs
@AlmaDo Is not that reasonable?
I removed: //$node['children'] = [];
You can but in that case you'll need to check if that index exists before iterating on children
that will be used in something like json_encode
so I don't care
but empty array will be incorrect
I'll leave it in answer on SO, because I think it's good practice. However, modify that code to your needs. ;)
well, add comment like //remove if you don't want empty ['children'] dim for nodes without childs
Is it a good idea to use the opcache extension on a dev machine?
How to send HTTP Post without curl ?
@bestyasser what php version?
@bestyasser file_get_contents() with stream_context_create()
I have PHP 5.5.4
@Leri yes, it's the fastest way. It's O(n)
@SweetieBelle Well, it's D-licious!
@JoeWatkins hehe, when you greeted me I was already on the way to school :-)
@bestyasser Good link, although I would disagree with the $response = @stream_get_contents($fp); & @fopen part. Don't include that @ =)
A: Transform flat array to tree with one-time loop

LeriThe good thing about your problem is that your input is always formatted properly so your actual problem is narrowed down to finding children for each node if they exist or finding parent for each node if it has one. The latter one is more suitable here, because we know that node has parent if it...

I hope explanation is clear. ^^
@Leri Nice answer =) +1
Although it is a bit of a block of text in the description
@MackieeE Thanks. I tried to keep it clear. Well, while my spoken English quite fluent, my formal one sucks, so I may overcomplicated things.
@Leri solution is short, but I'm still trying to fully understand it
I hope explanation will be helpful.
no, actually, not. Your solution is good, but a little bit tricky for me now. I'm sure I'll get into it
I'm playing with code
Ok, let me know if you'll need more clarifications.
since it's working - it isn't your fault that I can't understand what's going on, so I've accepted
Thanks. However, the key thing is that you need to understand that. Is there anything I can clarify atm?
with stack solution I'm understanding deeply - what's going on, how ref. maintaining mechanics is working and why it is working and why I'm getting proper results
but here I see that it's 'right though', 'right direction of solution', but not why ref. maintaining is working and why I'm getting proper result
@leri I've written an edit, although not sure if it's quite different from the original
@MackieeE Edit my answer and I'll rollback if it's invalid. :)
@Leri what gets me is the "nearest node above it in initial flat array with level that equals level of current node minus one"
Level that is == of the previous node right? and Apologies for the >= mistake =)
Q: Where should the session object exist in MVC architecture?

Amy NevilleI've build my own MVC framework, but I'm still getting my head around a few things. I have a class to handle session methods such as refreshing sessions, verifying sessions, starting sessions, closing sessions. My question is where should I declare it in my MVC architecture? I have an abstrac...

Q: Move focus to a specific input field whenever a tab is shown

Kamran AhmedHow can I move focus to a specific input field whenever a tab is shown in twitter bootstrap. For example I know that I can use the following in jquery, to move focus to some element: $('#fieldId').focus() But how may I use it in the context of a bootstrap tab?

Anyone please.
@Leri I've added dump of $activeNodes and saw that it's chain of current node's ancestors - right?
@MackieeE for ($i = $currentIndex; $i >= 0; $i--) { if ($currentLevel - 1 === $nodes[$i]['level']) break; }
I could explain with code better.
@AlmaDo Yes.
@Leri so this one sentence explains the whole idea
for me, at least
Yes, whenever you find new group of related nodes you don't care about others
@Leri and that's where you've hidden tricky part :p
it's still O(n*m) memory
cause the longer is nesting level - the longer is chain length
@MackieeE I've rollbacked change it was kinda invalid. :)
@Leri no worries! =) felt uneasy with the second set of bullets anyway, made me realise I wasn't fully sure myself with the code snippet ;]
@AlmaDo You can add some clean-up, but I think it's micro-optimization
@Leri yes, insignificant
@AlmaDo How fast is that on your machine?
hm.. let me check
@AlmaDo Your benchmark function won't work with ref args.
@Leri it will
var_dump(benchmark('buildTree', [&$array], 1E6));
eiw, references
@AlmaDo oh, silly me
@Leri your function has absolute record with ~7 sec - and that's ~10 times faster than stack
so that's for array in question
of course.. it will be near the same if it will be ~1E6 nesting level
I don't think so, everything is linear now.
it's non-linear
Only mem usage will be increased.
yes, you will create an array's duplicate
Not quite a duplicate but yes.
if it.s 1->2->3......->1E6 it will be a duplicate
Yes, but that's the worst scenario. The idea of that tmp array is different from holding duplicated array of nodes.
eiw? @ircmaxell
@Leri it will be faster than stack
not sure how faster
Ratio should not change between those two implementations they are both level-independent from execution time perspectives.
but I've got segfault when testing that..
$array = array_map(function($x)
   return ['level'=>$x,'name'=>'it is '.$x];
}, range(1, 1E6));
var_dump(benchmark('buildTree', [&$array], 1E6));
morning guys!
@Leri and..
[Wed Nov 13 17:01:01.510565 2013] [core:notice] [pid 25538:tid 3070027520] AH00052: child pid 15856 exit signal Segmentation fault (11)
[Wed Nov 13 17:01:51.714882 2013] [core:notice] [pid 25538:tid 3070027520] AH00052: child pid 14991 exit signal Segmentation fault (11)
That's non-real case, however and if it's not then php would be wrong tool.
Always pretty cool when you look at a stack overflow answer and it was written by a guy you own a book of.
ini_set('memory_limit', '1024M');
@Leri nevermind
@AlmaDo If I run it I'll break my pc. :D
now waiting segfault from stack function
we're not seeking for easy ways :D we're doing all in hard one :D
:D I have 4 GB RAM and around 300 MB is free. My poor pc.
@rdlowrey, awesome!
@webarto How come you're seeking a new job?
@Fabien Yea! Also that Jon Skeet dude, he seems to know a little bit about c# eh?
Might offer a intern position for the lad.
@webarto don't you have github? why's it not in the OS part of your site? something like peehaa's
Haven't finished it yet, yeah, I have, but not much OS really.
@Leri stack is still trying to do stuff :D
but I think it will fail too. segfault is because of too long reflist
@Fabien Yeah, I was responsible for one php app, and in year and a half, did what could be done, but it needs a complete rewrite, and they have 10 ruby devs, so no need for me (only one php), and that's OK, technical surplus :)
@webarto 10 Ruby :| So you're not.. err.. at all interested in Ruby then?
@webarto Not convinced to learn Ruby?
Hello everyone!
I am confused about little SQL query, need help. Table have several rows with an empty column. I want to show results which have empty column. How can I do that.
SELECT * FROM table WHERE user_pass=""
Am I doing correctly or any other way?
That's an adjustment I can't make :) My focus is PHP, even tho it sucks.
@mwaseema why don't you try it out ?
@webarto Make sure you set up some sneaky free uber hosting for life before you go :P
Ruby is nice, but in the end, PHP kicks ass.
@HamZa I was wondering if there is any better way to do this
@webarto and I know why
Hah, no, I still got one year hosting and that wasn't terminated. I left already, got paid for this entire month, so if I find job 'till 1st December, that counts as full-time working :P
Nay bad. I'm sure you'll be sweeped up swiftly.
There is no point in "switching" IMHO, it would take a year or two to perfect yourself in new language.
Unless if it's personal decision.
Why not just continue with what you do best, right?
Well... some companies invest in people more than language
If you show willingnes and aptitude
I'm not particularly worth investing in, but people like @ircmaxell @nikic and other talented (there is no talent, only hard work) folks deserve that.
Last time I looked for job it was mid 2011 and it somehow seems that it was better situation.
are you looking for a new job?
I already washed the dishes, cleaned the house, paid the bills, I don't know what else to do, man :D
@DamienOvereem and you've even edited that? My algo is: open a question; sh*t what a mess of html & php; press backspace
It's really depressing when you open up main page.
@webarto I wouldn't say you're not worth investing in. But whether you'd want to learn ruby or not would make a big difference if you had wanted to stay.
It's crazy difficult to find good developers./
@webarto well, that's your first problem
@AlmaDo Well his code markup was messed up aswell, so i thought i'd atleast fixed that. I actually tried to make a coherent text out of that mumbo jump on top, but I couln't make heads nor tails of it..
@DamienOvereem may be I'm too lazy - I don't know. But seeing such question longer than 5 sec. makes me very sad and so I'm just returning to questions page
Very handy regex trouble-solver: debuggex.com
@DamienOvereem will it write regex for me?
No, but it will show you exactly what matches its doing. So mistakes become so much more obvious
fav it ;p
@DamienOvereem then it's crap :D
@ircmaxell Bad wording, what I mean to say is, e.g. if some company from USA wants me, they need to pay me concurrent salary, insurance for non citizens, vouch for visa, plane tickets, find me a flat, perks, benefits etc. I need to be order of magnitude better than USA developer. And IMHO there are only a handful of people like that, and you're right, it's my problem, I'm working on it :)
@ircmaxell after reading your last blog post and this FP-OO analysis I'm a little bit confused Oo
@Fabien Companies tend to gain more for less money, it's just not working like that, it's easier for both to part ways. (there are exceptions of course)
does the OCSP server propagate like a DNS server? i still can't access my site via https on firefox but it's okay in chrome now.. >.< link
@reikyoushin I have to Google all of your acronyms :D

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