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saturday night fever feature :)
Stop shout, let it all out!
Well this may be painful :-/
gotta remove all my el5 packages and install them on el6
Not cool
No I don't want php 5.4. God dang it.
Hey guys! I'm trying to load an image with a certain id with PHP. After hours and hours of googling, I finally decided to ask here. What I want is to print to the screen an image retrieved with a certain id on a different website (i.e. <img id="whatever">) does anyone know how to do this? I'd appreciate it.
1 hour later…
does anyone actually use $php_errormsg?
If I want to make corrections to the documentation in php.ini-development and php.ini-production I know can edit the files on Github and submit a patch, but what branch would it be done on? master?
I would think that would be the case... but it's a guess.
it's specific to 5.4+
To specify content type header in silex should I be passing in ["Content-Type"=>"image/jpeg"] or ["Content-Type: image/jpeg"] to the response constructor.
@Orangepill the first
date.timezone should that be my timezone or the server's timezone?
To your eye does this look like a sane way to serve up a file.
$app->get("/api/session/{sessionId}/{resourceName}", function(Application $app, $sessionId, $resourceName){
    $session = $app["designer.session_storage"]->getSession($sessionId);
    $path = $session->getFilePath($resourceName);
    $status = file_exists($path)?200:404;
    $headers = [];
    if ($status == 200){
        $fi = new finfo(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE);
        $contentType = $fi->file($path);
        $headers = ["Content-Type"=>$contentType];
    return $app->sendFile($path, $status, $headers);
If you're asking me if it's the correct way, I don't know. If you're asking if it looks good to me, then yes =oP
Your seal of approval is good enough for me :)
nvm, it says in docs, just not ini file
Guys I need advice, I have images and a in-site search engine. I'm using full text-search for title, and I have tags other than image title for each image. Should I store tags as a string with each image in same row and do full text search on both, or should I keep the tags separate and keep a tag match table and do a full text search for title AND a regular tag match query? Which is more efficient and reasonable
Evening here :)
@NickDarley we use 'morning' in this chat =o)
@AmalMurali Thought you might be interested in a benchmark comparison of your answer to mine in this question: stackoverflow.com/questions/19886375/…
I'm clearly bored
@JohnV.: I know.
The OP asked for a method and I don't think performance or speed was a matter of concern here. It's just logic.
Also, your method is the same. Division is repeated subtraction :P
@AmalMurali Good job saving that question btw, would probably have died without your effort.
I don't know why people are downvoting it, TBH.
Probably mis-understood the question, if they assumed they had to do it without any operators at all I could see why they would think it was a bad question.
@AmalMurali honestly the question should be closed, it is not something to benefit anyone else unless they get the same interviewer. No one should be creating hacks to workaround using specific operators, it makes no sense to do so when there is an operator for that exact purpose. The question is too localized.
I saw the question and your answer and remembered a similar solution to a problem on a TI-83 calculator, they are really slow so I needed a faster solution :p
Would be relevant if the mod operator wasn't available, like in TI-Basic (the language on the TI-83/84 calculators).
@crypticツ yeah, its more of a classroom kind of question, but in the real world.. it could/might never be used..
How do you guys go about sanitizing data from a 3rd party API, who happens to already sanitize their data? I don't want the data becoming double encoded, but still need to sanitize regardless if they already do it or not, in the event their service is compromised it would allow an avenue for tainted data into my application.
talking mainly about XSS
is this valid? $url ?: URL::current()? hmm.. what does this do? if url exists, return null else do function.. is that right?
seems like a fancy way of specifying defaults..
Since PHP 5.3, it is possible to leave out the middle part of the ternary operator. Expression expr1 ?: expr3 returns expr1 if expr1 evaluates to TRUE, and expr3 otherwise.
@Wes Morning :)
Hey guys, asking again as I'm programming, when looking through item titles, I use full search, for tags should I use a left join, or also full text search? I use a tag match table.
@Darius i believe many blog system used full text for searching tags, but id go with a table of tags and join for searching, it's surely better for performances, it's also easier to maintain, ie rename a tag label etc
or you can do both
select * form tags join articles_tags on xxx join articles on xxxx where match(tags.tagKeywords) against(..........)
@bwoebi ha! you cocked up badly xD
> erm. okay. I didn't know until now what a b*j* was… errrrm.
and that is the best part xD
i'm really sorry for you but it's too much fun :P
all this and even worse things would pass totally ignored in the js room xD but i have to agree with ircmaxell, we (me included since i may have said many times inappropriate words in the html room) often forgot that this chat is an open place for every people, cultures and everyone should feel comfortable being in here
@vascowhite: They're not in the chat?
@AmalMurali Who?
@AmalMurali I don't know. I'm not sure why you are asking me that.
erm. I just saw you reply to him/her. That's why I asked.
Am I seeing a message which was posted earlier?
This is what I see:
Oh. The transcript shows it differently. Weird.
I deleted that message. I was seeing older posts as new ones. Not sure if it was a problem with my connection or with SO chat.
In any case you can ping people who are not here and they'll see it next time they enter the room.
@Wes Thanks Wes. Will get to it.
I should have gone with Ghost :/
guys i'm creating a router supporting HEAD requests (sort of), how should i handle this? firstly, should i consider header() part of the view's rendering or not? if not who is responsible of rendering the view (the http response body)?
Wait no, they force you to use Markdown and I need word like editing.
should i create two separate controllers (one extending the second) where the first renders only the header()s and the extending one also the html content?
I love how you call it view but it has nothing to do with the UI ^_^ Shows how broken web "mvc" is
Just separate concerns in a way that makes sense to you - that's all that matters anyway.
(Headers are a part of the API, imo the decision to send the response sits in the controller which has a view for head requests which is just headers, but it really isn't MVC or very close)
my mvc is very poor indeed, the reason of that is that i grasp mvc isn't actually suitable for web development [but i don't have the skills to argue about it xD] and in fact i usually just do what i think suits better my needs
@BenjaminGruenbaum i was thinking to support head & get natively somehow, instead of creating multiple views. basically i would just avoid the rendering of the http body
not sure it's a good idea though
i have something like that already, basically i use internally the whole thing to test if a path is available or not for writing... and "testing" the url doesn't involve rendering of course, as in HEAD requests
don't know if that makes sense
@Wes no comment. …
lol come on it was funny xD
not so funny when I saw what b*j* means…
in fact it's funny because it's hard to believe that you don't know that xD
anyway no prob for me and not going to argue :P it's just a lapsus ;)
@NikiC What profiler is that?
hope i didn't offend you, i mean it's hard to believe because well internet is full of that
i know MVC but not fully i also read classical MVC is not possible in web-development , but what is classical MVC?i don't know.....
@Wes Btw. I'm mostly - if it's not related to programming - on German sites… And on programming sites you generally don't encounter that word.
ok ok :P you don't have to justify yourself with me :P
^ from the html room
what i know, view is simplest, what end-user sees in browser. controller is sandwich between model and view, end user can interact with model using controller, model is business logic, example, customer goes to eat pizza hut, waiter (no self-service is available) , waiter is controller, cook, manager, etc are model which is not available to end user.
anybody improve my mvc knowledge plz
@BenjaminGruenbaum it actually only shows how clueless he is.
@bwoebi mine ^^
@NikiC But it isn't yet public?
@NikiC Can you show it to me?
@bwoebi gist.github.com/nikic/ac5e579cfdf3601cbdd6 (too lazy to make repository for this)
One issue that comes up is that sometimes the sigaction handler is invoked at a point where opline_ptr is still on the old stack frame, but active_op_array already points to the new ^^ Not sure how to get around that
@NikiC timer.it_interval.tv_usec = msec; << wait, microseconds or milliseconds now?
@bwoebi micro ^^
@NikiC the variable name msec is misleading ;-)
yep, should be usec
thanks @tereško and bye all
Never mind, got it.
Hey, is this bad practice? E.g. Select * FROM ( select limit 12 union all select limit 12 ) order blah limit 12 ? The reason I ask is because I'm unsure of how to deal with pagination in this scenario.
nevermind, i'm tired, i shouldn;'t limit internally. simple as that.
@JoeWatkins where do you have phpdbg from?
I am writing it ...
@JoeWatkins oh. you're writing so much exts etc. for php in the last time ;-D
@tereško you're such a bad ass you say anything you want on the internet! xD you have no balls to be as you are here in the "real life" because you are an immature unpleasant kid
that's the reason you hated your job. nobody respects you because you are just a continent large ass hole misanthrope that thinks to know everything
so AGAIN, nobody asked your opinion, so AGAIN, don't try again to talk with me, AGAIN don't even mention me and AGAIN stop annoying people here or i promise i will start a crusade against you you can't even imagine
you alone turned this room elitist and i'm pretty sure nobody agrees with that
people are afraid to ask here because of you
this is a free place for everybody and you will be stopped from being cock with people
@Wes You know... web technologies that aren't retarded let you hook on headers. As far as people here told me you can't hook before body in PHP, not sure though.
end of lecture
@tereško Heh, that's true but I was being polite :P I completely agree though.
@BenjaminGruenbaum in fact you are a civil person
teresko obviously isn't
@web2students.com It's possible, just not very practical. People tried to apply classic MV* patterns to the web (Like Microsoft WebForms) and failed miserably (2MB requests transfering state from the client to the server and vice versa... yuck!)
@Wes He is unpleasent and you know we bash a lot. That said he has more experience, both practical and theoretical in structuring web applications than almost everyone else here and his advice is usually golden. I know that's not the advice you'd like to hear but I would swallow my pride and listen to him if I were you. ( cc: @tereško Just because you don't want me to call you 'unpleasent' behind your back - here - you're tagged)
@BenjaminGruenbaum that totally made no sense, request headers are irrelevant, I just lost context for a while (@Wes )
@Wes also, it's perfectly ok to be clueless about "web mvc", just figure out a system that does SoC well enough for your scale and do that, it doesn't have to be beautiful it has to be simple and maintainable, refactor to a more complex solution when you need to. It doesn't make you any less of a coder not to do beautiful web architecture.
@Wes Good on you and thank you for what you said!
*wishes we could ban people from room 11*
@salathe You'd like to ban … Wes?
@BenjaminGruenbaum of course that wasn't the first time teresko being mean with me
@bwoebi anyone who crosses the line of good behaviour. Not naming names.
@salathe then at least trash that. if you can't ban.
@bwoebi tidying up after-the-fact isn't effectual, it never has been.
@salathe I dare you come to the JavaScript room.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Thanks, but no thanks.
(To show you we can ban)
@BenjaminGruenbaum hmm?
Guys please help.

I have the following:
$idnumber = (int)mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['idnumber']);
$companyname = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['companyname']);

$query = "SELECT * FROM ref_archives WHERE idnumber='" . $idnumber . "' AND description='Training' AND companyname = '" . $companyname . "' ";

Althou everything works fine my page wont load when I ad the companyname part to the query
@bwoebi Yep, we get way too many trolls and vamps to not be able to do that.
@MauriceBotha Is this new code (in that case don't use mysql_ functions - they are deprecated)? Does the query work when you echo it and then run it manually on the server?
chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/17?m=12856575#12856575 << yeah, that way we can ban here too… but whitelists suck to manage.
@bwoebi We don't manage a whitelist, go in - you'll notice you can talk.
caprica six automatically moving all new messages of banned users in trash room?
@BenjaminGruenbaum what's chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/info/17/javascript?tab=access if not a gigantic whitelist?
@Wes No, it adds new users automatically to the whitelist of approved users. Whenever a user comes in who we don't want to talk we just !!mute them.
@BenjaminGruenbaum ah, you use a chat bot?
@bwoebi Implementation detail :P Something we as room users don't even see.
@bwoebi Come in and see it in action.
$stmts = $esoftConfig->prepare("SELECT * FROM history_log WHERE `log` LIKE ?");
$rows = $stmts->fetchALL(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm already in the whitelist…
is this ok execute('%'.$search.'%'); ?
@bwoebi that's automatic. No one added you. Muting is automatic too it's just a bot command.
@BenjaminGruenbaum there's no account behind the bot?
@samitha no, what if $search is empty?
@Benjamin Gruenbaum : Nope its not, I do echo the data and all echo's out to the page but it doesnt show results when adding the companyname part. The query runs just fine on the server (phpmyadmin)
@bwoebi I don't feel comfy spamming this chat room to discuss that. However yes, there is a user account for the bot called CapricaSix, it also does thing like run eval for us, give us feed, nudge, afk and other irc features we wanted.
@BenjaminGruenbaum that's what I thought… Conversation finished^^
@BenjaminGruenbaum how to do it ?
> I don't feel comfy spamming this chat room to discuss that
@BenjaminGruenbaum a bot could be handy, thanks for the info.
I actually tried setting a password 'A' and it accepted it =o\
@Wes needs more animation!
1 message moved to /bin/gif
@bwoebi so funny things in the bin, rude ones no? xD
xD brb lunch
@Wes it's the gif bin. not the rude things bin.
@PeeHaa lol, figures it would be a Windows user =oP
@MauriceBotha is this some legacy code you have to maintain?
Jip it is
@bwoebi not an ext this time, sapi module ...
Am I missing something in the query.....? I cant get it sorted
off out, catch you all in a while ...
later @JoeWatkins
@MauriceBotha and what do you mean by "the page won't load"? guess you're error reporting is not set properly! what errors are you seeing in your log?
@MauriceBotha and what do you see when you set a watch expression on the query and the company name variable?
ups... your, not you're
@JoeWatkins Anyway, nice :-)
@markus No errors are being logged when the page does not load. By not loading I meant the info I echo does not show at all I have added "error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);" still nothing shows
@MauriceBotha Correctly enable error reporting and it will show you what is wrong
@markus when the company name is removed from within the query all executes fine... the varaibles are passed through the url
@MauriceBotha let's not talk about the query, let's talk about your error reporting because something is clearly wrong with it
monning @Fabien
@MauriceBotha how about display_errors?
@MauriceBotha also, notices and warnings are important in development, so change your error reporting to E_ALL
@MauriceBotha yeah, what PeeHaa says. then you'll get everything, whatever php version... from 5.4 it's the same as E_ALL
@markus, this about right ? Undefined index: companyname on line 12.

My line 12 "$companyname = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['companyname']);"
who removed stars from my message against teresko? show yourself
@PeeHaa I gimped up lamephp. I had to update the rpmforge to el6 but had to remove a bunch of packages before hand. That's all done but now when i try to install php it's version 5.4 :(
@Fabien Yeah I don't think 5.5 is already in the stable repo
@MauriceBotha the superglobal $_GET does not contain a key 'companyname'
Also getting this error for yum update
Error: Package: gd-last-2.1.0-1.el6.remi.i686 (@remi-test)
Requires: libvpx.so.0
Removing: libvpx-0.9.0-8.el6_0.i686 (@base)
Updated By: libvpx-1.2.0-2.el6.art.i686 (atomic)
Not found
@Fabien I was hit by that one too some days ago. Haven't had time to come up with a decent solution yet
I think that using the remo repo instead of test you would not have that problem
Forum advice I found was just uninstall everything based on el5 and update to el6 and reinstall those packages
I can't get git because it required el6
> $ rpm -qa | grep el5
I suppose the remi repo is 5.4
@Fabien I will try dicking around a bit with it later today
@MauriceBotha how does your querystring look like?
@Fabien Yeah looks like it
I thought I read somewhere he was working hard to get it in though a while back
There's 5.5 if you want it

$idnumber = (int)mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['idnumber']);
$companyname = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['companyname']);

$query = "SELECT * FROM ref_archives WHERE idnumber='" . $idnumber . "' AND description='Training' AND companyname='" . $companyname . "' ";


while ($i = mysql_fetch_array($result)){

@Fabien I've been running 5.5 for some time now :-)
nm then :p
@MauriceBotha no, I meant, how to you pass the companyname in the first place
typo maybe?
(querystring = what you have in the browser address bar)
<a href="docsviewtraining.php?idnumber=' . mysql_result($archive, $i, 'idnumber') . 'companyname=' . mysql_result($archive, $i, 'companyname') . '"> Training</a>
@MauriceBotha please use pastebin or a similar site to provide code instead of posting it in chat.
@MauriceBotha apart from the fact that this looks a bit crazy, you're missing the &
@MauriceBotha Read about XSS and querystrings
that's why there is no field companyname
well PHP is installed again, just need to figure out why I am getting 502 from nginx
@MauriceBotha you should get a wird idnumber that consists of a number and a companyname and no companyname with this
@Fabien I was too yesterday =oD, maybe I can help you =oP
Sure. I've had to uninstall all my rpm el5 packages and going to el6 (which I should have been on in the first place).
@markus this is the output in the url docsviewtraining.php?idnumber=8603115065081companyname=HLOJELA
2 mins ago, by PeeHaa
@MauriceBotha Read about XSS and querystrings
@MauriceBotha exactly, so the idnumber = "8603115065081companyname=HLOJELA"
Wonder what I am missing or is configured wrong
that's not what you want, is it?
@Fabien You setup php-fpm right?
@crypticツ that's what I was looking at. php-fpm what is php-fpm?
@Fabien fasctgi process manager I think its called
@PeeHaa first he needs to understand why it's not working
Hi everyone
@crypticツ I believe that is most likely the problem. there's conflict with installing it though
> Error: php55w-common conflicts with php-common-5.4.21-27.el6.art.i686
You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem
You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest
maybe I should just skip broken
oh you didn't compile =o(
@MauriceBotha got it?
@markus that is what I want although records within the table gets listed by several companies and within the output I am trying to only display the records for that idnumber and that specific companyname as no it is showing all entries on the idnumber
Never sure what to do with conflicts
@Fabien what OS is this?
centos 6.4
@MauriceBotha no, that's NOT what you want, you're not passing two fields, you're passing one field and the first one contains the name and the value of companyname as well, come one, I told you you're missing the &
@Fabien the binary in your repo differs from the external one
You could exlude php from your main repo
read about how to pass variables via querystring, I can't help you more if you don't read my answers
# vi /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo
under update and base
So I need to reload anything after done?
Nope IIRC the next time you yum stuff it should bexcluded automagicaly
TBF I have a few repos. I read somewhere this isn't the best idea. Repos
I added it to the centos base but still conflicting.
@markus thanks for the guidance
@Fabien hmmm what repo is it trying to install from?
@Fabien Well. Binary incompatibility is going to give you a bad time at some point
@PeeHaa Unsure how to check but here's the attempt
Mrong @DanLugg
omrornirh i @DanLugg & @AlmaDo
@Fabien IIRC if you search for packages it will show you where they are coming from
atomic-php54-php-fpm.i686 : PHP FastCGI Process Manager
atomic-php55-php-fpm.i686 : PHP FastCGI Process Manager
php-fpm.i686 : PHP FastCGI Process Manager
Ermahgerd, NertBerns ers shertty
@Fabien Can you try disabling it for atmic?
And attempt install or just yum search
php-fpm.i686 : PHP FastCGI Process Manager
Has been disabled
Still conflict 0.o
Can you uninstall php?
@PeeHaa Doi! I got it
@PeeHaa I was being dumb. I linked my own answer much earlier here
@MauriceBotha welcome, but did you understand the hint with the missing & ??
@PeeHaa Still 502 though
@markus yes I did I actually removed it for some reason. All is working..... :)
@Fabien What do you error logs say?
btw check first whether php-fpm is started
@MauriceBotha great, and now please inform yourself about the topic of XSS over query strings like yours... e.g. technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc512662.aspx or Troy Hunt (troyhunt.com/2010/05/…) always a good read
@PeeHaa Bingo ;)
Thank you @PeeHaa and @Markus
I did say I don't know what php-fpm really is :P didn't know it was a service.
It was @markus who did all the heavy lifting :-) @MauriceBotha
@Fabien Do you know what fastcgi is?
@Fabien You sir, are crazy, cause that shit is awesome.
@PeeHaa negative.
@PeeHaa well, I'm having a good mood, just got my CentOS 6.4, PHP 5.5.5 vagrant box up and running and provisioned :D yey.
"PHP is a framework" - I started to understand why people say that. (It's not any less wrong, but I get it better now)
@BenjaminGruenbaum who says that?
@markus People, in the web
@BenjaminGruenbaum sources?
@markus the internet. Seriously, you've never heard people call PHP a framework before?
^ ive read it a couple of times
@BenjaminGruenbaum nope, and I read a lot about PHP, it seems, if you can't show me some authoritative sources, maybe the thought is a child of your own mind ;-)
especially when people are wrapping up pdo in a class
@markus Neh. I have seen / heard it numerous times. What about what's the best framework: RoR or PHP?
@BenjaminGruenbaum why should I google if you make claims without sources ;)
yay, we're back in business.
@markus I discussed in the room before. We had a discussion where I said I did not get why/how anyone could say that.
PHP is a terrible framework.
However, now that I see how people think of PHP I get why people would say that, because for the average user it does do IoC and the average user doesn't code CLI stuff with php.
@DanLugg No doubt there :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum yeah, just challenging you to provide sources... not convinced by Akash Mehta, never heard his name in the php context before
> MVC is not "My Very Code"! Stop using shitty frameworks like Cake, CodeIgniter, and PHP!
@DanLugg and jQuery, don't forget jQuery it's the best framework to replace PHP
@markus I'd be surprised if you'd be convinced. A language can't be a framework - that's just definition. You can't invert control if you're the control itself.
Now introducing an ARM processor emulator, written in jQuery!
@BenjaminGruenbaum people are just confused by the nature of PHP and because it doesn't look like their language and does things differently than their language they're in need of a term and wrongly choose 'framework'
Arguably, any "language", as in the syntax, is a framework so to speak; a collection of character-level APIs designed to allow communication with the underlying compiler or VM.
Thanks @PeeHaa and @crypticツ for your help
@Fabien I didn't help, I got scared at the mention of CentOS =oP
@crypticツ You were right with php-fpm though
@DanLugg That's not true. The syntax of a language is meaningless without its semantics.
In comparing, what's better? equality or distance? — ethanparkr 48 secs ago
@BenjaminGruenbaum This is true, but the semantics of the same syntax can change. This is accomplished by changing how the character-level API maps to the underlying behavior.
How important is it to know the php frameworks?
@zloctb Depends what your goal is
search work...
We have no idea what you are looking for (and I get the feeling neither do you), so sadly there is no way to answer this. — PeeHaa 31 secs ago
@zloctb Could you rephrase that to make it just a bit more nondescriptive?
@zloctb if you are into building PHP applications and you don't know the frameworks, you're missing some serious junk of job relevant knowledge
Noodle soup billiards with raccoon powered laser wallets.
I'm going out for breakfast.
@DanLugg enjoy
Damnit just tried to upvote an answer only to find out I couldn't because it was my own post :P
how can I search something through my own answers?
Found a bunch of old school kung-fu movies on youtube. trés jolie
@PeeHaa great! I've found it, many thanks :p
@JoeWatkins I'd favour a quick opline dump: opcode, op1/2_type, op1/op2 instead of a cryptic hex address
@bwoebi yeah
is all in progress
@JoeWatkins just looking at your phpdbg repo :-)
@JoeWatkins how to compile a custom sapi non-statically?
+breakpoints at file:line
e.g. your sapi in this case…? @JoeWatkins
@bwoebi unsupported by phpize, afaik
@JoeWatkins so… impossible? needs to be done statically?
yeah static
@JoeWatkins okay ;-)
It's just a sapi, so it won't anyway conflict with other code…
yeah no conflict, sorry can't really concentrate on communicating
@JoeWatkins quick suggestion: don't use back or such abbreviations, but backtrace and then show the same behaviour like gdb (e.g. automatically expand back, bt etc. to backtrace) (Just a suggestion for later; now it first needs functionality ;-))
just keeping words short for menu format for now ...
@JoeWatkins as said, just a suggestion for later ;-). Really nice work! (And is more easily implemented than I thought it would be possible) +1 +∞ :-)
:) not bad for a sunday ...
actually we started last night I think
we intend to mock http server environments, be sapi agnostic, useful during testing, and easier than integrating with a bunch of other sapi's ...

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