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@DanLugg Minecraft has a GTA mod? -_-
@Fabien Not official, I wrote it in Lua
@Leigh Try the Valput ones >_>
@DanLugg heh
@SweetieBelle I'm on experienced 4/5
They should make their regexcrossword a phone app too. Imagine how much every ones toilet time would go up.
lol, regexcrossword related:
@DanLugg who flagged that yt link?
case closed...
@Leigh I couldnt do the non-crossword ones in the time, but 1h 20 to do all the others
This is so true it's terrifying.
@MadaraUchiha Linked in the title text :-)
@DanLugg Yup
haha, just read the dos and don'ts :D hilarious.
Well, I'm off to work.
@SweetieBelle what do you mean non-crossword? I'm finding the symbols only ones hard
they trick you with ? inside sets
@Leigh The Valpuka or whatever they're called
Are just really hard regexs
The answers are meaningless
@SweetieBelle Where is the time limit imposed?
@AlmaDo You'd mentioned you had ideas regarding the searching for similar domains?
@Fabien yes
however, I'm not sure it can be done in short way
i.e. my explanation :p
How do you mean?
@DaveRandom self imposed I presume
Want to go to a room for a long explination?
If you're free/okay with that, that is.
not necessary (since here all are silent now) :p
okey doke
@Fabien first of. I thought about similarity. And realized that if L(x,y)>2 - then it's not similar at all in terms of domains
here L means Levenshtein distance
What's that?
am I right?
Ah right
@Leigh Ah OK. Took me from 9:32 -> 11:43 according to the chat timestamps (which a couple of short breaks to do some real work, although not much)
Unsure tbh. I've not begun looking into similarity comparison techniques. That journey begins now.
@DaveRandom I did them before work
@DaveRandom So the time limit was 'time between waking up and leaving home for work'
@SweetieBelle Ahh OK lol
Apparently I'm one of 65 people to do the last set, I wonder how many of those 65 are in this room right now :-P
@Fabien if it's correct, then for each tested domain, like fabien.com we can simply build all similar strings. I.e. those strings, where following is true: L(S, x) <=2. Here S='fabien.com'. There will be not mush such strings. If domain name is N symbols, then it will be: (N-1) x (N) x (c^2)
I can't accurately judge it, since I have to keep minimising ;D
@Fabien here c means - how many symbols are acceptable. That's around 26 (letters) + 10 (digits) + 4 (special chars) + 10 (just in case)
so you'll have ~1E5 maximum strings that are similar to your
That's still quite a lot of whois lookups
It would be less DNS queries but that doesn't mean a whole lot
then all you need to is compare 1E5 rows against your 100kk strings
@DaveRandom Domains are stored in DB
and that could be done in near O(1) time for each string if we'll use hash-indexing
@Fabien List of known registered domains?
MySQL supports that for MEMORY storage-engine
@AlmaDo So create all variations of fabien.com
@DaveRandom There's a few places, premiumdrops.com is one.
Not 'all' but a significant amount, we'll pool resources.
@Fabien yes. just create then and build full list of yes/no for each string in 100kk
@DaveRandom [0-3] and [^2013] -- I'm not sure how to satisfy this. :P
@Fabien after that, when you'll add new string, just check if it exists in that small 1E5 list - and that's it
that will work very fast
Thats an O
@AlmaDo My maths is terrible :P That sounds fairly complex. Also does it allow for something like fabien.com scores high similarity with fabien-downloads.com
@SweetieBelle Read the negated group, very carefully - the on on the page, not the one you wrote ;-)
That took me a good 10 mins
@Fabien no. It was built on estimation for levenshtein distance
The regex crossword is .... annoyingly intriguing =/
and, more precise, on fact that L(x,y)<=2
@AlmaDo I guess there may need to be a few different kinds of search
@DaveRandom Yeah I kept flicking to and from that at work
And couldnt work it out, finished that puzzle now
@Fabien yes, I though also for soundex
and that could be pre-generated too
I think best way is to define 'rule of similarity' and ability to manage them (add/edit rule)
I.e. task will be 'search for similar domains with similarity rule #X'
for levenshtein - there's fast solution I've explained
for soundex - also. You'll need to have map between sounds and letters to produce small list of similar strings
So to say I have understood. You're suggesting I build a list of all potential variations based on levenshtein <= 2 as a comparitive to my DB.
but for 'fabien-production.com' .. huh ..
@Fabien For that it would be an idea to do something like split on (?![a-z0-9]). and look for things containing the individual words
@DaveRandom good idea.
although for domains that's hard, it wouldn't pick up fabiendownloads.com
Yeah :-/
@Fabien yes. you'll have small list of that strings. And then only 1 time you'll need to fill your 100kk list with yes/no
but this is also fast since hashing index
Maybe we'll split the degree of searching. Faster algorithms and more in depth ones (background)
@Fabien yes. that is also part of my idea
You'll get domains 'similar according to ...'
@Fabien You might be able to take a shortcut on that by using set of known dictionary words and matching those out of the string, then searching on those words
@DaveRandom That's also a likely option.
@DaveRandom may be. but then it's also fabien-d0wn1oads :p So after dictionary search - may be it will have sense to apply levenshtein again
but that sounds to be complicated
If anyone buys from fabien-d0wn1oads.com they should take a hard look at themselves.
@Fabien but that will fit your request :p
Nipping out for lunch, will bbiab to continue :)
@AlmaDo I think it might be a better idea to pre-process l33t translations for the matched words, it would probably be quicker (assuming the aforementioned O(1) lookup time)
so you'll have so smart search that it will find that :p
Cheers guys. Going to run it through with boss too.
Jo all
hi, @PeeHaa
it's hard to shuffle Jo , right?
only two variants :p
Nginx experts: Help needed (take 2)
server {
    listen 80;
    root /home/madara/www/Pulsis/webroot;

    index index.php;

    server_name pulsis.homespace;

    location / {
        try_files $uri $uri/ index.php;

    location ~ \.php$ {
         fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(/.+)$;
    #    # NOTE: You should have "cgi.fix_pathinfo = 0;" in php.ini

    #    # With php5-fpm:
        fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock;
        fastcgi_index index.php;
        include fastcgi_params;

Anything but http://pulsis.homespace/ fails with "No input file specified" error.
(Query parameters work)
Expected behavior is for anything under pulsis.homespace to access index.php if it doesn't exist as specified.
@MadaraUchiha You've still got two separate blocks. The / isn't passing stuff to fastcgi.
@Danack How do I tell it to? Copy all the settings there to the / block?
@MadaraUchiha Yes. And delete the separate .php block
@Danack Now I get a different error, a 404 not found.
The reason why it's working for '/' at all at the moment is that:
i) The request is coming in, matching on the '/' block, and then the request is re-written to index.php and reprocesssed.
ii) The 2nd processing was matching the other block.
@Danack Well, I expect that to happen on every request...
I don't want to pass static files like .css or .js to the CGI..
(Does it even make sense to?)
@MadaraUchiha No, but it's better to setup specific rules for them, to serve static files if they exist, or to serve dynamic files if the static ones don't.
But anyway - can you add rewrite_log on; to see what it's actually doing?
It will spit stuff out to the standard error log.
Where's the error log? :D
Or just look in the log file to see if that error is (presumably) coming from php-fpm?
set the logging like:
access_log /var/log/nginx/basereality.access.log notice;
error_log /var/log/nginx/basereality.error.log notice;
@NikiC when you're here I have a question about exception handling and generators in PHP.
@Danack Fails to restart with those.
Where do I out them? under server{}?
@MadaraUchiha Yep - Did you notice I change the first line, which had had a custom error logging level.
@Danack "unknown log format notice"
Hello Everyone!
Good evening
@DaveRandom Done now
@SweetieBelle Winner :-)
@DaveRandom Yeah but it doesnt save because I dont have a facebook account :P
So could be more than 65 winners
@MadaraUchiha Oh, should just be access_log /var/log/nginx/basereality.access.log;
Without any level.
@SweetieBelle Ahh right yeh, the only reason I still have one is for stuff like that. I've not actually visited the domain for a long time
@MadaraUchiha btw I think you're just missing a slash. Either your root should end with one, the final arg to try_files should have one (e.g. /index.php) or you need to insert one when it's passed to PHP-FPM.
@DaveRandom I closed mine when I couldnt keep on top of all the privacy settings they kept adding and setting to 'open to all'
@SweetieBelle I've not experienced a problem with this, seeing as how I never put anything on there to mind being public
i want to know that how is image cutomization done in shop.reebok.com/us/content/…
i know that they have used image map. but how do they customize colors with out using sepperate images.
Or just slash all the things, as multiple slashes work.
What I would like to ask is:
Is there any way that I make PHP at the server side to keep analysing the data and performing some actions on them?

I have this scenario:
User submits a link to my PHP website and closes the browser. Now that the server has got the link it will analyse the submitted link (page) for the broken links and after it has completely analysed the posted link, it will send an email to the user. I have a complete understanding of the second part i.e. how to analyse the page for the broken links and send the mail to the user. Only problem that I have is how may I achieve
@Anyone having any idea?
@KamranAhmed seems like something that should be done using crontab
@tereško thanks. Let me search over it and comeback to you..
@SweetieBelle Also apparently my profile picture is still this (slightly nsfw) so it would appear that I have no shame anyway
Also damn you for making me log in to FB to find that out
11:42 -> 13:04 with some small breaks to do up to the end of cities
@KamranAhmed You could fork the analysis process from within your PHP process, crontab is more useful for repeating tasks.
(of which several i was able to guess)
good friday morning!
@DaveRandom I love your stilettos darling ;P
basically , you have a "Tasks" table in database, where you add things that have to be performed by a background process. And crontab periodically kicks of a script which checks if there are any pending (and no entries flagged as "in progress" ) tasks on that table .. if there are, it begins to perform the queued action, @KamranAhmed
@Leigh I know, some of the clues make them too easy
@Cool2beblue I forget what shoes I was wearing but I doubt it was stilettos, at the time I was seeing a girl who could probably have got me some size 12 stilettos but that was a night of heavy drinking (as I presume can be inferred from the content of the image)
@Sweetie Wouldn't it be heavy for a user who has sent the request to the server?
@tereško thanks. It seems like a nice solution. Is there any other way to achieve it or it is the only option?
@DaveRandom I cetainly hope you were drinking. Leopard print doesnt suit you XD
@DaveRandom lovely
@KamranAhmed you could fork a script, be that alternative won't really scale for anything but smallest sites
how to add http auth headers in restful web services in php
does PHP trunk and PHP 5.5.x branch both install the same version PEAR files? or does trunk install unstable versions?
Is it just me or is all anime erotic???
@crypticツ If there is an unstable version to be had, it will be in trunk
That's from microsoft , they paid for it and yes that's a w3c book at the background.
@BenjaminGruenbaum well .. someone at microsoft stumbled upon vocaloid, and decided that it might be a good marketing approach for asian markets
1 message moved to /bin/gif
@tereško Pardon but, by fork do you mean to perform the tasks that I want to perform when some user accesses the site (server)?
i mean this thing
@PeeHaa You want a binnable gif? I'll give you some binnable gifs...
@DaveRandom You want your new boss to know what kind of person you are? I mean it? I will contact him personally and your first day will suck
@DaveRandom godamnit. why the fuck do yu even have that???
Two more from the previous profile pics collection
brr :\ remove that pls
Thanks alot @tereško :-)
The second was actually taken not so far from you @PeeHaa, that was somewhere in Rotterdam
@DaveRandom :P
@KamranAhmed how to add http auth headers in restful web services in php
Sigh, makes me want a joint :(
@iCodeAtAndroid sorry, got no idea..
@DaveRandom make yourself useful and tell me why this doesnt capture left/right arrow keys jsfiddle.net/2pTXx
I have developed a project management application using PDO. to do so, I created two folders representing two access levels (one for admin and one users). The redirection to each space is done in the moment of authentication. I mean in table user, I have a column "access righ" which takes value 1=admin and 2=user.
So, when authentication, the system will verify the access right then redirect the user to his space.
Is this a good idea?
@PeeHaa Maybe jsFiddle itself prevents it :D
If I'm using php-fpm I don't need 'php-cgi' binary to be compiled as I can still use the 'php' binary for command line, right?
@Anibel I fail to see why you need two folders
@tereško because the menu change from access level to another
each access level has his own template
so ... hoe exactly that translates to "two folders" ?
@DaveRandom fuck yeah. useful!
it's just for organization
hi all, i have php query.
@crypticツ right
@PeeHaa Firstly, keypress doesn't capture arrow keys for some reason, and secondly you need which instead of charCode. I don't know the reason for either of these (@MackieeE's suggestion that JSFiddle maybe altering something is valid) but that's based on what chrome does. You may need to test in other browsers
Oh also you have to do it on window and not document (I remember coming across this element before)
Excellent tnx
@Anyone How to achieve real time websites in PHP?
@KamranAhmed work really really fast
No. It's a mystery to everyone.
@JoeWatkins sorry?
@DaveRandom It's because he uses jQuery and that's what the API specifies (cc @PeeHaa )
@BenjaminGruenbaum Which part, sorry?
No need to apologize...
event.charCode and event.keyCode are normalized to event.which in jQuery afaik.
@DaveRandom hours:minutes left ?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Ahh OK. So essentially stupidifying to IE (IIRC)?
@JoeWatkins 3:30 :-)
@DaveRandom I actually like it. e.which produces consistent results and works like you expect for the most part.
Also, @PeeHaa you had event but your parameter was called e
Well yeh, I'm not fussed what the property is called as long as there is only one to check
@KamranAhmed there's no good answer to the question, so I made a funny .... the question is too generic to answer, try again ...
@BenjaminGruenbaum Ahh that's the IE element, that's what you had to do in old IE (again, IIRC)
@JoeWatkins got it :P
event globals ftw
I knew it rang a bell somewhere
@BenjaminGruenbaum what about keypress not capturing arrow keys?
(I'm too busy + lazy to go look it up)
@DaveRandom the key presses scroll the iframe it's in
@JoeWatkins are there any docs on these? --enable-apc-bc, --disable-apcu-rwlocks, --enable-apcu-debug, --enable-apcu-clear-signal, --disable-apcu-mmap, --enable-apcu-spinlocks
...and don't fire the event to allow you to preventDefault()? That sucks a bit...
@crypticツ in my head ....
@DaveRandom also should be keydown not keypress
which is terrible ...
@BenjaminGruenbaum Well that's what I did to make it work. I was just having a 30 sec piss about though
someone asked for docs for apcu, I'm not sure it really solves confusion to have apc and apcu in docs ...
what is it you're trying to do ??
@JoeWatkins Is the API identical?
you shouldn't really need to use them, they are manipulated by package maintainers and configuration process to best fit the environment ...
@JoeWatkins just configuring my compile options. Listed all options and going through one by one and came across those.
ok won't touch them
@DaveRandom by default apcu creates a dummy apc extension and emulates it's functionality so that functions reflect the same, the real api underneath it apcu_store etc are as you would expect ...
@crypticツ ./configure --help ?
@AlmaDo yes
@crypticツ that's an answer :p
@AlmaDo I wasn't asking a question
@JoeWatkins Just create a 2 page book with a front page that says that on it, and a compile options page
(and link to the APC docs)
@DaveRandom that sounds hard ... whenever I add files everything goes tits up ...
@JoeWatkins I'll take a look at it later, I have a local build env so I can quickly(ish) test shit
@Ocramius and that was it ... I guess
@DaveRandom wwwicked, ta ...
@JoeWatkins If I haven't come back to you by Mon try and remind me, I am ridiculously busy atm and I may forget
@DaveRandom np, will doo ...
Good luck to the Philippines :/
need a tree view .. everyone link to last one they used and tell me what it relies on
Yo hi ho
afternoon @ircmaxell
@JoeWatkins I presume web? The last one I used was an ActiveX component so that probably doesn't help...
@MackieeE we're not hit here in manila but further south.. T-T
@DaveRandom web yeah
we're doing a webservice for that explain thing, but I wanted the default script to deconstruct files on the command line a bit more thoroughly, I want to see class and function map and need a tree view without a bunch of dependencies ...
I hate js ...
by the way ...
@reikyoushin O cge! God bless you!
Off-topic question: Is there any implementation of json serializer that uses pre-allocated char array instead of allocating one when serializing/deserializing?
It's crazy watching the news about it
I'm pretty certain someone else can do this better ... wish they would ...
That's fine, JS probably hates you too :-P
@reikyoushin But it's almost past now right?
@MackieeE should be gone in 4-5 hours i think.. according to this
Prolly, we just don't seem to get on ...
@reikyoushin Think of those houses with wood =(
@Leri That's not really (sensibly) possible, you can't do that without calculating the required size first which basically means running the encode routine twice...
yay SQL Antipatterns disptached
@MackieeE strong winds wouldn't be much of an issue on the cities, the problem is it hit the provinces.. and yes, usually houses there are made from light materials..
wow, SQL has patterns?
@DaveRandom Not a good news... Thanks. ;)
@Leri Why would it matter?
@reikyoushin I'll be flying to Cebu next June, I hope it'll be alright by then :D
@Fabien hehehe, great picture
lol yeah
@AlmaDo Is this a real book?
@BenjaminGruenbaum yes
Is it good?
I don't know, @Fabien posted that
I am happy, talk went well
@MackieeE it would be, in 2-3 months it will be back to normal i think.. what're you gonna do there.. vacation?
@DaveRandom I have some weird memory leak. I run xna game on windows phone, during gameplay packets are sent to server and received those back via udp. When I serialize and deserialize packets every time char array is allocated which is ref-type, so it stays on the heap unless GC collects. The problem is that GC for WP is non-generational so it freezes UI and glitches game everytime collection happens.
@ircmaxell Where did you give a talk?
@ircmaxell about what?
Client more like will be ported on MonoGame but problem will stay, so I need to fix that.
@reikyoushin My girlfriend is from Cebu so meet the parents ;)
@Leri Ooh, I can solve this.
@Leri I had a similar issue in WP, lemme dig it up
@MackieeE oooh, that's nice. ^_^ anyway, any word from her though? hope she's fine
@BenjaminGruenbaum @tereško recommended it :)
I hear it's good.
long way :p
@reikyoushin She says Cebuanos have a deeper accent than the Manilians though =)
@Fabien EXPLAIN will show you all antipatterns :)
Like, in a scary way :p
@tereško still epic
@Leri Why do you allocate a new char array every time?
Yes, SQL Antipatterns is an awesome book
yes it is
@MackieeE their tagalog accent, yeah.. but people say they speak english better than us 'tagalogs'. ;)
Ahhh Dili :D..
Maybe :P I'll see
@BenjaminGruenbaum I don't, json serializer does.
@ircmaxell CRAP is a great abbreviation :D
@Leri How do you fetch it? HttpClient?
@BenjaminGruenbaum No, silverlight's socket API
it's udp connection
@Leri Ah, lemme check.
@Leri Right, so your problem is not that you need something that pre-allocs, you just need something which will let you explicitly free when you're done with it
@DaveRandom Yes. That's nicer but C# does not give me possibility to dig with memory management,
Oh C#, right, I was in a C cap
@ircmaxell Nice, I'd love to hear your opinion on cs.huji.ac.il/~feit/papers/LinuxMaint10TR.pdf
Hi there @hek2megl and me are discussing about the following question: stackoverflow.com/questions/19855997/…
what do u think about namespaces support for loadHTML() of DOMDocument?
@Leri It does, you can run unmanaged blocks. However I think they're a way to get it to object pool in WP. I talked to Cliff Simpkins about it last month in Finland.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'll read it at some point
@BenjaminGruenbaum Ooh, Jet-Set-y :-P
It has to happen again!
This is kinda the new rickroll isnt it ;p
to index or not to index -_-
screw it index it
@ircmaxell Dror does research on that exact subject testing metrics like CCM vs other metrics. He thinks CCM does a poor job measuring code complexity. He has several publications comparing it to other metrics (the linux kernel is used as the code base for it)
I don't think there is any good direct metric for code quality or complexity
I think there are ways of looking at it that paint a picture. It's up to a human to interpret that image

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