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00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

It's 2 hours past midnight
And the internet connection to all of our servers failed
Restoring all services and getting all the off site data we import (and in case of failure put there) would be easier if the connection would not fail again and again
generally that's easier
Thankfully we've gotten pretty good at making sure you scripts get back on their feet on their on in the last 3 years
before that you had to restart everything manually if there where bigger issues
Eih, I have it, it's ok
I like 97 things every Project Manager should know a lot better, and would suggest it
I only asked because of your careers.Bookshelf
@edorian I met Steve McConnell today... Quite a good talk
I saw your tweet, what did he talk about?
the top 10 most important factors of development (top 10 impact factors basically)
quite interesting...
While trying to figure out what those might be the little voice in my head went "developers, developers, developers!"
that was one of them
Alright, all services came back nicely and the system is trying to catch up on the 30% nightly work that it has missed. I'm going to bed to catch at least 5 hours. Cya later :)
good night!
2 hours later…
Chrome Internal links chrome:*,about:* dosn't works !
any idea ?
            <li><a href="chrome://history/">History</a></li>
Doesn't works :|
Woops D:
@OmeidHerat How about using some javascript:
window.location.href = "chrome://history/";
That's executed on a click event.
that is not bad, but I rather don't go with JS.
@Alex doesn't works :|
<li><a href="javascript:window.location.href = 'chrome//history/'">Extensions</a></li>
Try without the two forward slashes, <a href="chrome:history">History</a>.
is considered relative address.
@Alex that dosn't works either :|
Perhaps there is no way of achieving it :/
There should be.
@OmeidHerat It could be blocked for security purposes. For instance, a hidden iframe could be implemented and then copy all page data on, say, the about:stats page.
@Alex you can't access the data in iframe anyways.
1 hour later…
any body there?
Howy @rajesh, what's up?
hi i had problem in date
Could you be more specific? Do you have some sample code showing what you're trying to do?
list($yr, $mn, $dy) = explode("-", "2011-08-16");
list($hr, $min, $sec) = explode(":", "08:48:00");
$timeElapsed = mktime((ltrim($hr, '0')), (ltrim($min, '0')), (ltrim($sec, '0')), (ltrim($mn, '0')), (ltrim($dy, '0')), $yr);
this is printing Warning: mktime() expects parameter 3 to be long, string given
Oh dear :) What are you trying to do?
@CharlesSprayberry sorry what happened i want to convert date and time in string
So, you want to convert the 2 strings. What do you want to convert them into?
If you want to turn the 2 strings into a different date/time format you should check out the PHP date() function
If you're trying to turn the date/time string into a Unix time stamp there's the strtotime() function.
And from the looks of mktime() that is likely what you're after
Your code simplified would be:
$timeElapsed = strtotime('2011-08-16 08:48:00');
@CharlesSprayberry thanks 4 this help. :)
codepad.org/IrRLOSlZ plz chk this link... i want that if any array is filled then at the same time it must exit from foreach loop and & return true and if all the array is empty the it must return false.
@rajesh something like this? codepad.org/0F9R7PLo
@KamilTomšík yeah
is this query is correct?? select date('Y-m-d H:i:s',ms.date) FROM mes_systm as ms;
i want to select all the dates frm database but with format like Y-m-d H:i:s and in database its in string format like 1313152117
Hey @KamilTomšík. Hello.
@ChristianSciberras hello
@rajesh is that good idea? usually you want to post-process that data anyway (few hours ago, today, 2 days ago, long time ago, etc.) and because you can't do that with mysql (or it would be quite hard) I'd vote for post-processing using php - php.net/date
can anyone share a working copy of a Singleton implemented with Traits?
@Gordon why?!!!????
@KamilTomšík for academic purposes
@Gordon not sure if it's possible - because singleton should have private constructor
do traits allow you to mix in constructor?
exactly, but example 10 in php.net/manual/en/language.oop5.traits.php suggests its possible but so far, i couldnt get this to work because of the ctor not getting merged in the using class
am away for some time. if anyone can share id be happy. laters
@Gordon that's imho good thing - constructor is not ordinary method
or at least not in php
or at least not entirely :-D
@KamilTomšík not doubt about it but thats not my question ;)
i just wanna know if its possible to do a real Singleton with Traits
@salathe ping
@Gordon fair - in that case... I don't think so :)
I hope it's not :-P
@edorian morning. i pinged you on IRC. wanted to ask you the above question
I just went online everywhere at once
Singleton trait sounds like fun to build just to hurt the people that look at it
@Gordon pong
Oh sweet. Silver Tag Badge get
@salathe the manual lists a Singleton trait, but I cannot find a working implementation. Can Traits make the ctor private? Or asked differently: can traits provide a real Singleton?
@edorian gz
@Gordon hmm, I think it should be able to have a private constructor
@Gordon ahh that's a problem
@salathe in my code or in the Traits implementation?
@Gordon it's a problem if you want a singleton via trait
@salathe ok, so I guess that means you cannot have a Singleton via Traits
@Gordon certainly looks that way
I can't even get all of the documented traits examples to work :\
I'm not sure why though
@edorian looks like any ctors in the using class have precedence over traits: codepad.viper-7.com/5RvZ5p
@salathe delete them all ;)
so this is a a working example?
Q: Create Embed javascipt for my form to use in other sites

NeemaI want to create an embed javascript code for my form, so that can be easily be used by other sites just by embedding that in their sites. I am not clear with this approach, how to handle this. Any kind of help will be appreciated.

I think this is worth asking as a SO question. It will come up as a SO question a lot in about a year and we should provide the first question/answer pair with a lot of warnings :)
And btw:
you can move the "protected static $instance;" into the trait
they can have properties now
Q: "Can traits be used for singletons?" A: "No."
@salathe A: "Yes if you don't define your own __construct"
@edorian that's still no :)
It's a "sure, but we'll find you if you do"
are traits finalized already?
I don't think they are going to change much for the 5.4 release but they might fix some smaller things
@Gordon Let's say a project requirement would be to write a mechanism to update the software remotely and automatically, ie the software routinely checks for updates, downloads and patches files.
How would you do the initial trigger / update check?
real cron jobs?
@edorian you know developers will always do what you tell them not to do
@Gordon No, if there are implementation issues (like this) then we need to talk them through
@Gordon That will surely turn out handy in a future argument with you :)
I say "we", but I mean "those who participate on internals"
@salathe then i guess it doesnt make sense to open a Q for that yet.
@Gordon for what could constructor-mixing be useful?
@ChristianSciberras yeah, i was thinking of you particularly when i wrote it
except singleton :-P
@KamilTomšík i'd prefer to have no ctor mixins
@Gordon How cute :-)
I'm sorry i don't see any issues with that @salathe
@Gordon me too, that's why I'm asking - it seemed like you liked that idea :-D
@KamilTomšík im not even sure i like the whole traits idea ;)
Normal trait behavior is that class methods will be used in favor of trait methods if BOTH define tham
@Gordon I am - I don't like it at all :-D
that behavior is consistant for __construct
@edorian me either
perhaps mentioning Singleton in the traits examples will mislead more people
Ok, then I've misunderstood you
@edorian well, ok. so for the record: yes, you can define a real singleton with traits but its easily broken in the using class
> Nobody should need a mechanism to make it as easy as pie to clutter the code base with singletons - Sebastian Bergmann regarding Singleton Trait
But we suggested to build a hashMap trait
so there ;)
thats really a can of worms
i mean the whole trait thing is about horizontal reuse
you're bored, aren't you? :-)
@KamilTomšík just curious
Any one who use smpp cuncurrent binds.
Any one,
Actually i am sending sms to mobile, i can loop throw
But really need help in creating 10 cuncurrent connections.
And while we're at 5.4, can someone approve and or improve stackoverflow.com/tags/php-5.4/info ? @salathe ?
@KamilTomšík what do u want to say?????
@abdulwakeel yaa
@edorian See the last one in the Q/A section :)
Did you see the above chat.
I need 10 tx cuncurrent connection, so how can i 10 cuncurrent connection smpp php.
which 1?
Do you know about smpp or any logic which can create 10tx concurrent connections.
@salathe can you guide me?
@abdulwakeel - @salathe is busy working on PHP 7, don't bug him too much ;-)
So, i need some one else to help me,
@abdulwakeel I don't understand your question. What are you trying to do?
And this PHP doesn't have threading (you want to use) creating really concurrent connections changes things a but
@edorain acutally i am sending sms campaign to many users, so the vendor allow me to send one at a time, or create 10 cuncurrent connection to send. so this way 10 sms will be send in one go.
@abdulwakeel no man i am not that 1
i've a technical issue and i need your help if you can
may i?
Ask ahead, if someone has an idea they will answer
Q: PHP Regular expressions problem

AlexwhinI'm using regex to pull info from a html table. But I'm messing up some how, and have no idea why. PHP CODE: $printable = file_get_contents('./testplaylist.php', true); if(preg_match_all('/<TR[^>]*>(.*?)<\/TR>/si', $printable, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)); { foreach($matches as $...

How much rep does one need for closevoting? :)
@OmeidHerat Yes you can - I've done it before.
@edorian 3k
@Tek that guy has a habit of of asking duplicates. I've dv'ed and cv'ed quite a lot of his questions
@Gordon you beat me to the comment
@edorian javascript:void(document.activeElement.innerHTML='*(related)*%20[Best%20Methods‌​%20to%20parse%20HTML](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3577641/best-methods-to-parse-html/3577662#3577662)');
i got bookmarklet for that :)
lol nice
i just click open the comment box and then hit the bookmarklet and send
So uses jquery so maybe: javascript:void($('.comments-link').first().click(); $('textarea[name=comment]').text('....'); $('.comment-form').$('submit').first().click();
or something, I'm just playing around :P
@edorian i never bothered to extend it. let me know if you get it working :)
This works in firebug:
$('.comments-link').first().click(); $('.comment-form textarea').first().text('test'); $('.comment-form input').first().click();
It doesn't submit the comment because it's to short so you get "11 more to go"
but it works
Now how to wrap that into a javascript: i don't know, and not sure if that can access the jQuery variable
@edorian i have a problem in compressing data in a request between C# and PHP
i need to know how to do so in safe way
Trigonometry sucks
@Robik Homework? xD
posted on August 18, 2011 by Henri Bergius

You may have seen my earlier post about NoFlo, the flow-based programming tool I've written for Node.js. It allows you to do quite cool stuff, like a visually controlled web server: Yesterday Igor Wiedler published Evenement, a PHP port of the EventEmitter class from Node.js. As NoFlo builds quite heavily on EventEmitter, I decided to see how far the PHP port could be taken. As result,

@Alex Nope. Game development.
@Robik Oh okay. :P
@edorian try javascript:void(yourcode); and make that into a bookmark
i have a problem in compressing data in a request between C# and PHP
i need to know how to do so in safe way (C# to PHP in http request)
can anybody help me
You mean send request to PHP site?
yea sending a request to PHP site from a C# application
from C#/windows-mobile i'll send XML data to a function in PHP/Linux ,This data need to be compressed but i'm not able to compress it
urgh, SO needs a "view active questions ignoring changes made by people who make lots of stupid little changes to lots of questions" mode
@salathe I never quite understood why edits should bump a question
And i kinda never think about the fact that the questions show up again for people.. i should edit less
@Gordon that didn't work out for me; thats why i was confused.. but i just forgot the last ";"
Today is a good SO day for me :)
@edorian nice
hey guys, i've just gain chat privilege
@JacerOmri Welcome on board
Hello @JacerOmri
thanks guys
i posted my question yesterday, got some answers but not enough
i hope i can find someone to help me here
Q: How can I download multiple parts of a file in parallel with PHP's curl library?

Jacer OmriI decided to start a project about download acceleration with curl in PHP, using curl_multi functions. Here is my code: set_time_limit(0); error_reporting(E_ALL); $fileurl = "http://hq-scenes.com/tv.exe"; $filename = basename($fileurl); $size = getFileSize($fileurl); $splits = range(0, $size, r...

I'd have sad the same thing as @Marc.
If each part is 655360 bytes and they are all of equal size than thats the problem
yep i changed it, but nothing :(, i'll edit the main post
I've made the code more readable (the tabs lead to broken formatting made it pretty hard to understand). Maybe that'll get you some more answers
i had pain to understand how to insert codes there xD
posted on August 18, 2011 by PHP Classes

Top 10 Wrong Ideas About PHP That You Should Get Right By Manuel Lemos PHP is often a misunderstood language by people that either love or hate it. On one side there are developers that hate PHP apparently because they do not quite understand how it works. They do not respect PHP and prefer other languages. So they loose many opportunities to make good money from the PHP market, which has

posted on August 18, 2011 by Gareth Heyes

Just a quick post to mention the excellent work by Norman Hippert aka @thewildcat, he successfully converted my Javascript based CSSReg into PHP. I was meaning to do this but never found the time so it’s pretty awesome that not only did thewildcat convert the code but found some nice bugs in my code and fixed them. Great work Norman thanks very much! PHP CSSReg demo PHP CSSReg source code *

this seems kind of a dumb question but when do you use "=", "==", "==="
Well the first Idea about PHP that one should get right is that phpclasses is not a good resource for php
@JeffHodge = is assignment, == is comparion, === is typesafe comparison
(not a complete answer but at least googleable words ;) )
oh got it!
now it makes sense when my if statements werent working properly
there';s an answer for 'what does this symbol do'
Q: Reference - What does this symbol mean in PHP?

What is this? This is a collection of questions that come up every now and then about syntax in PHP. This is also a Community Wiki, so everyone is invited to participate in maintaining this list. Why is this? StackOverflow does not allow searching for particular characters. As a consequence, ...

(dammit, to slow)
very interesting
When is PHP6 coming?
The next big PHP Version is PHP 5.4
when is that due?
that is coming at the end of this year
PHP 6 will not happen in the form it was talked about a year ago
I know Lithium is going to be big hit
nobody is currently working on unicode support
Anyone has experience in Lithium?
Yeah, a lot of people got hit pretty hard by Lithium
Is it good?
i heard php6 developement was suspended
How i judge frameworks - Or: Let me code in peace I'd rather not go into details with lithum, maybe someone else will
At my work people use Codeigniter and they say it's better cause it's faster but I like Cakephp and I think it's better what do you think guys?
I use Cakephp
congratulations , you use one of worst frameworks out there
I'm not sure what is much better in Cakephp all I can think of is Scaffolding, built in query functions, ACL etc...
Cake is worst?
to make this short: Imho there is only one framework (framework, not component library) out there is isn't completly broken and that is Symfony 2
and even that one is full of issues
Zend Components are fine, zend mvc not so much. The other full stack frameworks are much worse
But thats just my very personal opinion and my values in code
oh I see so Cake is meant to be the worst framework!!!
I do not claim that people should listen to me
Scaffolding is great to get started and horribly to maintain. See: Symfony1
"meant" ?! what do you mean by "meant" ?
I'm trying to find the best framework to work on
scaffolding is good for only one thing : prototyping
I was using Cakephp until now but teresko is saying it's the worst framework
Makes a lot of very generic statements at the moment, do not quote me on those
@JaeKunChoi , then you should write one yourself
After trying to do so you gained to knowleage du judge for yourself which tool fits your job best :)
nah not that advanced yet but I think Yii is ok
no it is not
which one is good then!?!?
my eyes burn
Yii has almost no usable documentation , the core code is for the most part without comments , core classes are using global state , the code is untestable and the MVC is broken
well I guess Lithium is good then
@JaeKunChoi , did you read a single sentence of what we wrote ?
what do you mean?
1 min ago, by Jae Kun Choi
well I guess Lithium is good then
how the hell you managed to come to this conclusion ?!
@ircmaxell "changed to pecl-gen generated code after BRANCH_UUID_1_0 branchoff"
I heard good things about Lithium that's why
@edorian it hasn't been touched since 2008
i have heard a lot of good things about Joomla
I had a bit of discussion with C# guys
it does not mean that any of them are true
discussion with a C# guy about choice of php frameworks ?! Thats epic
yesterday he had 15 years of experience and claimed that C# is the best and much better than PHP especially for enterprise sites
somewhat I agree
PHP is quite lightweight compared to C# and Java
then i guess it is solved
good luck with your next C#/Java project
@JaeKunChoi I don't mean to be disrespectful but you don't seem to be able to judge the current PHP Environment well enough to make an informed decision there
There are arguments to be made for both languages and without looking at a specific use case there is not much sense in disucssing board generic statements
@edorian , it is no use , as if you have not seen throngs of such people
yea true
I am PHP developer so I was offended
when ever the "smart friend" argument comes out , i just give up
@teresko Yeah, so what? Beeing a dick usually doesn't help ether to i try do lay out my points in short statements too
They kept on saying PHP is lightweight
@JaeKunChoi Well, strive to be a Software Developer that can _programm_ in PHP.
and explained to me that .NET framework is best out there and I explained good things about Cakephp and Yii
Then I said Facebook is in PHP but they said it's actually built in C#!?
@JaeKunChoi Then they have no idea what they are talking about
@JaeKunChoi at this point i would have stopped listening , because Facebook runs on php code which has been transformed in C code , which means that your friend with 16 year experience does not know the difference between C and C#
In fact, I only know of 1 top 10 web site that uses C#... MS.com... And there's at least 3 that use PHP (Facebook, Wikipedia, Yahoo)
Stackoverflow is build on C# afaik (isn't it?)
or was it C++ which facebook used
@edorian Yes it is
@teresko Neither, it's G
as in g spot ?
C it is
@JaeKunChoi But facebook developers write PHP code, not C code
HipHop goes to C++ via G (IIRC)
Well I think C++ is a bit complicated
i only know that php goes in and c++ comes out
F# guys?
Any good website built on those?
I'm gonna have to battle with those C# guys tomorrow then
haha thanks for your advice guys
better don't
I will point out only 1 in top 10 websites use C# hehe
you must have skills at least in one of the languages
and judging by your framework questions php is not what you excel at
I hope to grasp more knowledge at PHP
I think it's great except it's a little slow
Why does PHP attract bad people
hi there
@Raynos , low entrance barrier
hi @edorian :)
@Raynos because it's popular
Cant we ban bad people?
Strike does work here? Fancy!
@Raynos because there needs to be one language that acts as a buffer between amateurs an communities that are to small to handle lots of stupid questions
That helps
then again , i thin javascript got it even worse : at least most of people who write php code consider it to be "programming"
If I find someone incompetent using node.js ill tell them to use php
it will be hard to find anyone without previous experience , who is trying to use node.js
@JaeKunChoi can't tell about c# but java is much much worse choice for webapp development.
@JaeKunChoi I did a lot of J2EE stuff so I really can tell that.
@ircmaxell wassup? ;)
@KamilTomšík is Java bad or JVM ?
what do you think of Scala or Clojure
I'm starting to learn Java
@ircmaxell , <del>
@Raynos java, JVM is actually improved strongtalk vm with some inspiration from self vm which was itself inspired by smalltalk vm which was inspired by lisp vm :-D
As mentioned it's --- strike ---
JVM is quite good, java sucks
@Raynos they're both functional - both of them are impure and both of them suck because of that
@ircmaxell Tip for cheating, look at the history chat.stackoverflow.com/messages/1277637/history
what IDE's do you guys prefer? I prefer Netbeans...
@KamilTomšík "If Java had true garbage collection, most programs would delete themselves upon execution." :)
@JaeKunChoi good luck then - 2-10 later you'll realize how wrong decision it was
@NikiC :)
What do you use Kamil?
heh, there are soooo many good anti-java quotes. Anyone know any good anti-PHP ones?
This is PHP room
@JaeKunChoi php, smalltalk and working on own language in spare time
00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

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