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@Orangepill Wish it were higher quality. I cannot see the text in his terminal at all.
I came to 3.67 GB of 5.29 (with ±7MB/s) and now throughput form apple servers dropped to under one MB/s :-/
@LeviMorrison I know ...I've been trying to find other references for it but without any luck.
the edge servers don't have the rest cached
I have an array that is filled with values I retrieved using prepared statements from the database. The values are all numbers, but I am assuming that they are stored as Strings in the array. I need to convert those values into decimals. So if the first value of array is 0, then it should array[0] = 0.0 instead of array[0] = 0
Is it possible to convert it into double?
@ircmaxell that's a valid explanation… It now is: 1 min 300 KB/s… 15 seconds 5 MB/s… 1 min 300 KB/s etc.
I'm not even seeing download progress
@Mr.IDon'tCare Why do you need to convert to a decimal?
Because its a sports website.
Trying to display averages.
for stats
@Mr.IDon'tCare To display as a float use number_format
@Orangepill I am not sure how I would go about that in this code:
foreach ($sth->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) as $row) {
                $array[] = $row;
I know number_format I just tried plugging it in the code above and couldn't get it to work.
@Mr.IDon'tCare Don't use number format until it is time to output. I'm sure you are walking your output array to shit out something to the browser... do it there.
And maverick is downloaded and installing
@ircmaxell how fast is your bandwidth? :o
But can't I store doubles in the array and then simply print them out instead of having to convert at a later stage?
@ircmaxell well, that costs here 150€/month; that's too much for me.
work connection ;-)
@ircmaxell well, now I get jealous ;-)
@Mr.IDon'tCare Then converting to a string php will select the most concise representation of a number... for example try to echo out 1.0
Other languages can convert string to double or int
Does PHP not have that?
Ah, finally… installing now…
@Mr.IDon'tCare Yes it does... but when you convert either to a string which is what is required for output it will remove trailing 0's
so what data type does MySQL return when fetching?
@Mr.IDon'tCare Depends on the data type of the column.
Usually string
The column structure is int
@Mr.IDon'tCare you can force it to be a string representation by rewriting the column in the result set $row["value"] = number_format($row["value"], 1); But you are not converting to a float... you are converting to a string.
So basically the only way to display a decimal is to do it when printing out...huh?
@Mr.IDon'tCare Or convert it to a string as shown above
@Mr.IDon'tCare See here for example.
In other languages, you can declare stuff like int x = 0 or double y = 0.0 Is it not possible to do that in PHP?
@Mr.IDon'tCare No PHP is a dynamically typed language
Even in stronger typed languages when printing out a float you still need to use a function like printf.
Why does programming have to get so annoying?!
@Mr.IDon'tCare I don't get what's so annoying about this?
Not this specifically. Just in general. Sometimes, it's so easy. But other times, you waste months trying to figure out why it doesn't work.
@reikyoushin Cute, but they're missing a few steps: Designpatternitis, Alcoholism, and Rewrite-All-The-Things; in no particular order.
Also known as "DecoratorProxyFactoryFactoryBuilder", "Ballmer and the Ditch", and "Version 1.2982235"
@Mr.IDon'tCare In php if you have a string you want to use as a number then just use it as a number
"1"+"1" == 2
Conversely if you have a number you want to use as a string ... just use it as a string...
$headers = [];

try {
   while (($header = $request->getHeader())) {
       /* ... */
       $headers[] = $header;
} catch (ExpectationException $ex) {
   printf("Failed getting headers from Request: %s\n", $ex->getMessage());
   /* ... output stack trace in some pretty way perhaps ... */
   /* ... output some state and scope information ... */
   /* ... cleanup gracefully ... */
$a = 1;
echo $a.$a;
// outputs "11"
I think this should be better ... I wish I hadn't put it in at all, should have stuck with java docs ...
@JoeWatkins I think that isn't a good example of catching the exception
that might be too easily misinterpreted as control-flow, even if not intended as such
@JoeWatkins I generally dislike variable setting in a control structure like that
Also, it's not 100% clear where the exception would come from.
well exit(0) ? @Niki ?
control flow would be do {try {}} while()
break out and exit seemed better ...
Where is the expectation defined? In the getHeader Method?
yeah in another example from rfc
in context it makes sense
python.org/dev/peps/pep-0453 Explicit bootstrapping of pip in Python installations ... can any one predict the same ( composer ) being included in php installations in future ..
@joewatkins So get headers would include something like expect count($this->headers)>0;
$500 an hour + free debug and lint check services for life from StackOverflow.com — Mike B 2 hours ago
lol ^
check out the question
Is that VB syntax?
Anyone here using Windows 8.1?
@Orangepill C++ I think
Okay ... I knew I've seen it before.
@Orangepill arghhh getHeaders is gone ...
I thought it was in rfc but its not ...
now it makes no sense ...
public function getNext() {
    $data = $this->data[++$this->next];

    expect preg_match("~^([a-zA-Z0-9-]+)$~", $data["key"]) :
        "malformed key found at {$this->next} \"{$data["key"]}\"";

    return $data;
something like that ...
but not necessarily that ...
that's a pretty good explanation I think ...
code in production should be littered with expect, but feel no impact, catch() is only for development and debugging purposes ...
so I use expect preg_match(), but in general, use it to enforce expectations ... remembering that those checks are development time only and considering what that implies for each use of expect
@JoeWatkins That makes sense.
@JoeWatkins So during production expect does not throw an exception when something happens?
no it has no impact at all
if opcache is loaded there is no trace of it ...
@JoeWatkins That's when the php.ini directive is set that way, right?
but what if something causes something to fail that did not occur during development. How do you know it failed during production?
maaaan, everyday I'm trying to figure out how to get Selenium going and I get nowhere.
@crypticツ The point is that production code never changes unless it's for a (hopefully well tested) update or patch.
I know the RFC is long, but it does include a bunch of info you'all should know ... just saying ...
zend.expectations=0|1 disables/enabled expectations, disabling them removes all of the reasonably detectable impact even without opcache loaded, with opcache loaded and expectations disabled there is no trace
there's a bit about opcodes that explains this bit ...
@MadaraUchiha what I'm trying to get at is if expectations are to tell you when something has gone wrong, how do you know something has gone wrong during production. A production site will be in a real-world environment opposed to a development environment which may not have everything thrown at it, and may face something unexpected.
maybe I'm understanding expectations wrong =o\
you don't get to production, because during development an exception is thrown you inspect it, you inspect it until you are doing what is expected
@crypticツ Expectations are basically assertions.
then you go to production ...
If an assertion goes off in production code, you're royally screwed and almost always did something very wrong.
it cannot go off in production code
@JoeWatkins Challenge accepted.
the idea is that expectations are disabled via ini settings in production environments ..
it really cannot
if configured/deployed properly
as intended
yeah so my point is if it gets disabled in prod, then how will you know if a real-world scenario of some sort has not caused the code to break since expectaions are turned off and will not notify you that something has occured that it should not.
because you dont use expectations as a replacement for normal business logic
so still use catch()?
you use it to enforce what your logic expects
@crypticツ think of expectations as more aggressive comments.
*mind explodes*
you catch() you never catch Exception and shouldn't do that wether this goes in or not, but you can catch, but by production time you have no blocks left catching expectation exceptions because they were seen and expectations complied with before production ...
@Orangepill have you ever used Selenium or do you understand server stuff like that?
@M59 sorry ... i got nothin.
@JoeWatkins Even I didn't understand that one. Rephrase :P
you can catch()
@Orangepill yeah...dang. I learned how to use it, but not how to "get" it.
don't catch(Exception $ex), ever, it's bad form and doesn't really allow you to manage the exception, but that's unrelated kind of ...
production code should contain no catch(ExpectationException $ex) blocks
plus, if you have $ex in the wrong situation, you could end up with a stdClass.
@JoeWatkins You know that production code == deployed development code, right?
because by the time production comes, you should be complying with what the library code using expect, expects ...
Ah, I see what you mean
you want to deploy code that will catch exceptions that can never be thrown ?
yeah ...
this is focused, development and debugging feature.
on machines setup for such things, with the correct ini ...
dang, no lolz? tough crowd.
Is it bad form to catch a Exception near the entry point of your application, just to notify the user something fell down and log/notify admins.
never catch Exception
how on earth do you know what you are catching
you wouldnt (new stdClass())->someMethod because it won't be there ...
same broken logic ...
Exception is a base object
never catch it, handle exceptions properly, they have names, wear them out ...
I think everything I know about exceptions is now wrong =o\
@crypticツ same here, I guess.
if you find code that throws Exception complain like fuck at the authors until they change it ...
how else to I handle problems?
it makes no sense to throw or catch, defeats the purpose ...
I understand the argument...but I don't see the sin in catching near the front just to keep an uncaught exception from leaking to the user.
@m59 What he means is not to throw or catch the base Exception in code.
Just not the regular Exception.
you are assuming you are catching it for a specific purpose, with a generic name, how do you know some other code is not throwing an exception, for other reasons that your actions do not fix ...
an infinite loop looms ...
it might be a safe assumption ... but bad form is what it really is ...
Well, I handle all of my api problems the same way, push to an array and set a code if it hasn't been set before
With the stipulation that it should be classified as a "this should never happen" case.
so, it's always the same exception for any of the potential errors (not logged in, bad request, etc)
So, make my own exception, but I can still use the same one, right?
otherwise, I'd be breaking the DRY principle on an epic scale.
there's a separation of concerns issue isn't there ...
I'm not saying it's wrong ...
I'm saying there might be a separation of concerns issue ...
Oh, you mean because things are concerned with their own errors?
Either way, I agree with that
for instance a not logged in user and a bad request exception might want handling in a different way, they might both contain different logic and expose different methods ... a bad request exception I might want to log to somewhere special to ensure my own systems are not broken down, whereas a not logged in user exception can be pretty much discarded or only public facing anyway ...
if all of that logic is in one class entry then there's a separation of concerns issue, for me ... in some circumstances ...
which isn't a problem at the moment, but you're saying it's a potential future issue?
you shouldn't probably take advice from me on php ...
I agree with one thing though.... throw (new Exception("Error")); is bad and wrong.
I was just thinking because each throw is having a code and error passed to it, which means that the thing with the error is dictating how to handle the error (use this info for something)
but I do catch(Exception $e); on occasion sometimes just to rethrow a more meaningful exception.
I said that with my java head on ... there's no reason to be different and I wouldn't be ...
but there may be better ideas to listen to or patterns to follow, I don't know ...
expandability and dryness seem at odds some times.
do want dry for your own sanity ...
If each thing had it's own exception, but each exception needed to be handled with the same function...
that's a whole lotta waste
expand-ability is anything I have written down ...
keep it dry within a reusable component.
So what's the right answer? Different exceptions that do the same thing, but can easily be changed, or all the same exception which will hit a wall "IF" you ever want them to do something different?
Different Exceptions for different exceptional cases.
That can mean the same thing depending on the semantics
How do you define a "different" case
m59 this is in software more complex than you currently get in php, you said a couple of exceptions that took me to a whole system ... in that system the code, thread receiving the bad request exception has a different infrastructure available in order to investigate that failure, it requires an object of a specific type with data provided by another thread in the application ... it's different ...
Exceptions can have there own inheritance hierarchy as well and you can catch on a base class.
Ah, so do both. Make them unique, but have them naturally do that same thing, then override if needed?
So, all individualized, but still dry
Q: Example of singleton design pattern implementation in standard libraries

bhanuI was searching for example of singleton design pattern implementation (double checked locking, enum, etc.) in java source code or other standard libraries. I wanted to check which approach/approaches is being taken by commonly used libraries. Please suggest some classes/libraries which implement...

try {
    $api = new API();

    do {
        try {
            $result = $api->request($params);

            /* ... */

        } catch (TimeoutException $timeout) {
            /* manageable, possibly continue, possibly ::disconnect() */
    } while ($api->connected());
    /* unmanagable, fatal exceptions below */
} catch (ConnectionException $connect) {
    /* ... has methods such as getHost, getPort */
} catch (AuthenticationException $readable) {
separation of concerns ...
Installed maverics… I hate it to have a "less than a minute" for about half an hour…
abstract class APIException extends Exception{}
class EndpointDoesNotExistException extends APIException{}
class UnauthorizedException extends APIException {}

    if (!$route){
        throw new EndpointDoesNotExistExcpetion("$route Doesn't Exist");

    if (!$accessManager->isAllowed($user, $action, $object)){
        throw new UnauthorizedException($user->username." can't do $action to ".$object->toString());
} catch (EndpointDoesNotExistExcpetion $e){
    formatError(404, $e->getMessage());
@m59 ^
Yay! "Less than a minute" only took 20 minutes!!!
@Orangepill you used if ... not allowed ...
@ircmaxell and in step two it took again twenty minutes, yeah…
@ircmaxell Windows?
@Orangepill no, OS X :-(
Dam, another 7 minutes to go (estimated)
I think I am bad for WiFI routers
7 minutes estimated? That means at least 21 real minutes!
Mountain lion installation was faster…
And why did apple not include the install log in the step two of installation? :x
lol this is a good one xkcd.com/624
You know how some websites display a "server overload" message when the server is overloaded/too many users/too many requests? Does PHP provide any easy way to find out if the number of requests is too much and show a custom error message so the website doesn't become slow?
@Mr.IDon'tCare isn't that dependent on the server's limit which is configurable? So grab the limit and I dunno, check active connections to the server and determine if it's nearing that limit.
ok, so everything broke in maverick
@ircmaxell well, here nothing broke… what went wrong?
I feel that it works better now than before…
I guess I could just do mysql_errno() == 1203 and it true, then return error.
@Mr.IDon'tCare are you talking about database server overload or webserver overload?
well, I had a bunch of stuff installed, to do things like profile switching between networks, and not working at all
my third monitor isn't working at all
@crypticツ I was talking about webserver, but I have no clue how to check the load in php, so I just decided to go with MySQL database server instead.
@Mr.IDon'tCare which is not the same thing...
There is a database connection initiated on the main page of the website to retrieve contents, so anytime someone comes, they initiate a new connection.
Okay… that such unusual things can break on os x updates is pretty normal…
yeah, and people say linux updates are bad
@ircmaxell updates always have some risks…
@Mr.IDon'tCare so what if they don't come via the main page? Also what about addtional requests to the server like css, js, images etc, all count towards active connections.
@bwoebi The last two mac updates totally failed on my end
@PeeHaa hmm?
@bwoebi oh I thought we were talking about crap updates here :)
@PeeHaa no?
SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = :user LIMIT 1

Is there a better way of selecting an user?
what is com.apple.iconservice consuming 269 MB of my precious RAM?!
dude, they FUBARED the window manager
@ircmaxell you mean the Mission control thing?
@ircmaxell at least on linux you can have some control over what gets done
Don't notice there any change from os x 10.8 to 10.9?
are you using multiple monitors?
my next laptop will be running opensource OS
@crypticツ Well, I don't know how else to do it or whether PHP even provides any support for checking.
@Mr.IDon'tCare checking for?
I'm still bugged with rest API authentification and I feel stupid
How do you handle it properly ? what are some good practices ?
(without oAuth if possible)
nn, im going in
@Mr.IDon'tCare I told you ^above how I would do it. I would get the limit set for the server which is in the config, then check for the current active connections. grepping netstat for connections to port 80 is a start.
I need some help with my home network. I do not know if this is possible so could someone tell me. I have my ADSL router downstairs, i have some cat 5 cable coming out of that going into an ethernet powerline adapter, I have another powerline adapter in a room upstairs so I have one cat 5 cable coming out of that and I can connect any device to the LAN through that, is it possible to put another router or some device in this room upstairs
connect the cat 5 cable to it and then connect 2 more cat 5 cables which would go into two laptops to connect them to the LAN?
WTH is this? a scraper? this was reaped from one of the questions i answered from SO T-T
@reikyoushin I can give you free internet points if you want !
@PrettyGoodPancake I am just checking what i could google from my username right now. i tend to check my SE visibility every now and then.. anyway if you think it deserves one, its ok. if not, suit yourself. ;)
@reikyoushin I get that my friend, don't mind me, I'm just screaming in the wind
anyway i'm about to go in 20 mins more or less..
@David have you tried asking on superuser? i think it is more on-topic there than here on stackoverflow..
@reikyoushin Thanks I am about to ask now
@David np
Everything is working perfectly but I have to keep messing with it until I break it
What would you use to generate an API key for your app ?
@David It sounds like you just need a switch - scan.co.uk/products/…
@reikyoushin I am at 7
@Danack can i put it in there?
@reikyoushin I guess - that's where everyone else is posting them.
i'm currently checking if it has already been posted. i will if it isnt
btw @Danack there is a link saying it is powered by 'StackExchange', does that mean it is excempted from that list?
@reikyoushin It's in violation still - blog.stackoverflow.com/2009/06/attribution-required "Hyperlink directly to the original question on the source site"
okay thanks!
seems i dont need to post there and send an email instead.. meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/200177/…
Anyone to help me in this question please? I need to prevent the 304 Status in network: stackoverflow.com/questions/8477806/…
posted on October 22, 2013 by Anna Filina

Nobody notices the effort that is put into scheduling so many ConFoo talks. Everyone notices that the conference runs smoothly, is a lot of fun to attend and everyone learns heaps. That is certainly no accident. Let me give you a peek into the scheduling process. Use this timetable as a reference when you read the rest of the article. There are nearly 20 tracks, but you will never see two Jav

@bwoebi what was wrong with parser impl of keyword support ?
Hello, I'm having some trouble return the correct string in a .data file using php. I'd like to return just the text within the quotations. I made a codeshare here: codeshare.io/RXoQE
@DnfD have you thought about xml?
I have not, no
Seems unnecessary here?
is it just that one thing in the file?
the file updates on its own (when the flight path changes) but itll never have more than that
then why do you need text 'JFK' can't you just have JFK ?
just TEXT '3letterairportcode'
why not forget about TEXT and just have the value?
I dont disagree with that, unfortunately I'm not in a position to modify how the data comes in
just how the software is set up
Sorry by mistake, here is the actual question: stackoverflow.com/questions/19525661/…
ah ok
how can I prevent from sending the header : "if-modified-since"
I don't want to get 304 status! It makes problem in the slide show
a quick solution would be to str_replace('TEXT ', '', $str);
then str_replace"'", '', $str)
but might not be the greatest way
right right
give me a second
That should work for now, appreciate the input :)
Regex is daunting to noobs like myself
sweet no worries
Regex is like the hardest thing ever
heh...I'd tend to agree
look into regexBuddy it might help you learn
Cool, I'll check it out
room topic changed to PHP: Discussion for all things PHP ▇▇ BEFORE chatting in this room read : git.io/chatroom-pact ▇▇ [php]
room topic changed to PHP: Discussion for all things PHP. [[ BEFORE chatting in this room read : git.io/chatroom-pact ]] [php]
room topic changed to PHP: Discussion for all things PHP. BEFORE chatting in this room read : git.io/chatroom-pact [php]
need to make it stand out more. Gotta find some unicode chars that can be used to make that pop out.
@crypticツ can I be a room mod?
@crypticツ what does it take?
A current room owner has to make you one, you have to have good karma basically.
are you a owner?
@Jay See the room owner ancestral tree i.sstatic.net/S5l0z.png
@crypticツ so you could make me under you? I got good karma - harry khishna
@Jay yeah, that's not really how it works. Honestly I don't think anyone has asked to be made a room owner and was made one. It just happens.
k darling
I don't think we're on that friend basis for you to be calling me darling O_0
that's something earned over time
its used losly in the uk
@DaveRandom is there any credence to that? ^
a sentence: hey you alright darling, how have you been?
like "mate"?
thats rather cheesey
or in a shop, you have bought somthing. Say Thanks Darling
Its cheese in usa then I guess

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