I have an array that is filled with values I retrieved using prepared statements from the database. The values are all numbers, but I am assuming that they are stored as Strings in the array. I need to convert those values into decimals. So if the first value of array is 0, then it should array[0] = 0.0 instead of array[0] = 0
@Mr.IDon'tCare Don't use number format until it is time to output. I'm sure you are walking your output array to shit out something to the browser... do it there.
@Mr.IDon'tCare you can force it to be a string representation by rewriting the column in the result set $row["value"] = number_format($row["value"], 1); But you are not converting to a float... you are converting to a string.
python.org/dev/peps/pep-0453 Explicit bootstrapping of pip in Python installations ... can any one predict the same ( composer ) being included in php installations in future ..
public function getNext() {
$data = $this->data[++$this->next];
expect preg_match("~^([a-zA-Z0-9-]+)$~", $data["key"]) :
"malformed key found at {$this->next} \"{$data["key"]}\"";
return $data;
code in production should be littered with expect, but feel no impact, catch() is only for development and debugging purposes ...
so I use expect preg_match(), but in general, use it to enforce expectations ... remembering that those checks are development time only and considering what that implies for each use of expect
I know the RFC is long, but it does include a bunch of info you'all should know ... just saying ... zend.expectations=0|1 disables/enabled expectations, disabling them removes all of the reasonably detectable impact even without opcache loaded, with opcache loaded and expectations disabled there is no trace
there's a bit about opcodes that explains this bit ...
@MadaraUchiha what I'm trying to get at is if expectations are to tell you when something has gone wrong, how do you know something has gone wrong during production. A production site will be in a real-world environment opposed to a development environment which may not have everything thrown at it, and may face something unexpected.
yeah so my point is if it gets disabled in prod, then how will you know if a real-world scenario of some sort has not caused the code to break since expectaions are turned off and will not notify you that something has occured that it should not.
you catch() you never catch Exception and shouldn't do that wether this goes in or not, but you can catch, but by production time you have no blocks left catching expectation exceptions because they were seen and expectations complied with before production ...
you are assuming you are catching it for a specific purpose, with a generic name, how do you know some other code is not throwing an exception, for other reasons that your actions do not fix ...
an infinite loop looms ...
it might be a safe assumption ... but bad form is what it really is ...
for instance a not logged in user and a bad request exception might want handling in a different way, they might both contain different logic and expose different methods ... a bad request exception I might want to log to somewhere special to ensure my own systems are not broken down, whereas a not logged in user exception can be pretty much discarded or only public facing anyway ...
if all of that logic is in one class entry then there's a separation of concerns issue, for me ... in some circumstances ...
I was just thinking because each throw is having a code and error passed to it, which means that the thing with the error is dictating how to handle the error (use this info for something)
So what's the right answer? Different exceptions that do the same thing, but can easily be changed, or all the same exception which will hit a wall "IF" you ever want them to do something different?
m59 this is in software more complex than you currently get in php, you said a couple of exceptions that took me to a whole system ... in that system the code, thread receiving the bad request exception has a different infrastructure available in order to investigate that failure, it requires an object of a specific type with data provided by another thread in the application ... it's different ...
I was searching for example of singleton design pattern implementation (double checked locking, enum, etc.) in java source code or other standard libraries. I wanted to check which approach/approaches is being taken by commonly used libraries. Please suggest some classes/libraries which implement...
abstract class APIException extends Exception{}
class EndpointDoesNotExistException extends APIException{}
class UnauthorizedException extends APIException {}
if (!$route){
throw new EndpointDoesNotExistExcpetion("$route Doesn't Exist");
if (!$accessManager->isAllowed($user, $action, $object)){
throw new UnauthorizedException($user->username." can't do $action to ".$object->toString());
} catch (EndpointDoesNotExistExcpetion $e){
formatError(404, $e->getMessage());
You know how some websites display a "server overload" message when the server is overloaded/too many users/too many requests? Does PHP provide any easy way to find out if the number of requests is too much and show a custom error message so the website doesn't become slow?
@Mr.IDon'tCare isn't that dependent on the server's limit which is configurable? So grab the limit and I dunno, check active connections to the server and determine if it's nearing that limit.
There is a database connection initiated on the main page of the website to retrieve contents, so anytime someone comes, they initiate a new connection.
@Mr.IDon'tCare so what if they don't come via the main page? Also what about addtional requests to the server like css, js, images etc, all count towards active connections.
@Mr.IDon'tCare I told you ^above how I would do it. I would get the limit set for the server which is in the config, then check for the current active connections. grepping netstat for connections to port 80 is a start.
I need some help with my home network. I do not know if this is possible so could someone tell me. I have my ADSL router downstairs, i have some cat 5 cable coming out of that going into an ethernet powerline adapter, I have another powerline adapter in a room upstairs so I have one cat 5 cable coming out of that and I can connect any device to the LAN through that, is it possible to put another router or some device in this room upstairs
connect the cat 5 cable to it and then connect 2 more cat 5 cables which would go into two laptops to connect them to the LAN?
@PrettyGoodPancake I am just checking what i could google from my username right now. i tend to check my SE visibility every now and then.. anyway if you think it deserves one, its ok. if not, suit yourself. ;)
Nobody notices the effort that is put into scheduling so many ConFoo talks. Everyone notices that the conference runs smoothly, is a lot of fun to attend and everyone learns heaps. That is certainly no accident. Let me give you a peek into the scheduling process. Use this timetable as a reference when you read the rest of the article. There are nearly 20 tracks, but you will never see two Jav…
Hello, I'm having some trouble return the correct string in a .data file using php. I'd like to return just the text within the quotations. I made a codeshare here: codeshare.io/RXoQE