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@HelpingHand you can get one in dot.tk but they will get the domain if you start to gain traffic
for temporary/disposable domains, they are free. ^_^
40 mins ago, by Giliweed
can you give me another link that gives both domain name registration and hosting totally free.....
free hosting too? didn't see that one coming.
Q: Should "Professionals and enthusiasts" be qualified in the help center?

perhaps PekkaIn another Meta discussion about how to deal with new users, user Joshua Taylor formulated the community's expectations towards new users in an interesting way. He said (emphasis mine): ... I don't think that SO is particularly unfriendly to new users, but rather to new programmers.SO claims ...

@PeeHaa can you help me with something?
i pulled my repo but it says i am still ahead by 1 commit
how do i fix this?
but when i git log, i am seeing the latest commit already
hurrah! i just dropped my stash and git fetch then the pending commit is gone. ^_^
that is how chat looks when i'm drunk?
ooh. does SO have konami code too?
i will need the action replay
Anyone good with ssh cosole comands know what ./build.sh would do?
@NoahHuppert ./ means look in the current directory.
rather than in anything paths.
so it would just run build.sh from the current dir.
/amagad. Should have sent a poet.
That is the question
That is the question
too much coffee, i can't sleep. guys which is the best way to store php constants in a db? do you use the string constant's name or the int value?
If they're constants, why are they in a database?
Unless they're variable :)
You would have to eval the constant name... but the int value could possibly change from api version to api version.
@Jack well spoken
i would use its value but it looks a bit wrong as referring the value instead of the constant name in php
they are constants in php, every row in a table may refer to one of those constants
You could store the names in a database of course, and then use constant($name).
@Jack That's a new one for me ... guess eval isn't needed.
yes firstly i thought to use ints but now i'm thinking that the constant name would be better
Names > magic numbers.
just for knowledge, how about storing bitmasks? that is a bit more complicated
Tell us the real world application just so we can make sure you haven' gone off your meds and are doing something crazy.
ha! was asking just for curiosity xD
There's no such thing.
Spit it out!
Q: Notice and warnings-free way to retrieve the first element of array

zerkmsLet's suppose we have 2 functions. First returns an array with 0..N elements and the second need to return only the first element or NULL if there are no any. Assuming we have such a code: /** * return stdClass[] */ function foo() { return ...; } /** * return stdClass|null */ function ...

Hmm, somewhat basic question for the amount of rep ;-)
what a feeling.... doing brainbench's php5 cert and having to choose between mysql_* functions
That's not brainbench, that's braindrain :)
they have a league going on, all tests are free to take
got master :)
@Jack Out of curiosity why are the extra parens needed in that expression?
@Jack, i need to know about extra parentheses
A: Parentheses altering semantics of function call result

NikiCThis behavior could be classified as bug, so you should definitely not rely on it. The (simplified) conditions for the message not to be thrown on a function call are as follows (see the definition of the opcode ZEND_SEND_VAR_NO_REF): the argument is not a function call (or if it is, it return...

@Jack wouldn't that current() ?: return null if foo() returns false?
@Wes The docblock says it returns an array of stdClass.
ok, but maybe it was just an example
@Wes It's also in the title of the question.
@Jack, it based on verified bug... nice... :^ )
Yeah, gotta love that stuff =D
@sectus Is your icon a cow, a sheep or clouds against a black sky? :)
um ok but the question still looks generic to me, i'm going to add a note xD
@Orangepill , Tapirus
Oh, I didn't see the front haha
Malayan Tapir :)
I was close :)
@Jack , unusual animal...
It is indeed. Not as unusual as the platypus of course ;-)
I now know more about the tapir then I will ever need to know in real life :)
: ) It's toy of tapir. I have collection of animals's toys.
Who knows, maybe you'll own a zoo at some point.
@wes because there is only so much that can be said about the majestic tapir
i don't know what that is
but sounds fine for a sex position name, like the one i just invented
patent pending
Is it going into the Petmasutra?
But that's very different from the Majestic Tapir :)
Malayan !== Majestic.
i will not continue this discussion
Good man :)
When running a bash script I can run the command reset to clear the terminal window. This is handy because you can run it at the start of script to clear terminal of previous contents. Now I want to run my PHP script from terminal. Instead of having to do exec('reset') is there something native in PHP that can do the same thing?
Not unless you want to deal with all sorts of terminals :)
oh yeah exec will spawn it's own process
@crypticツ There are some people here at the shop that I would invest in that for.
@crypticツ You could try echo pack('C*', 27, 91, 72, 27, 91, 50, 74); though.
or a fuckton of newlines :D
How many is the real question ;-)
@Jack works! awesome!
can you explain what it's doing?
Yeah, it's outputting ANSI control statements.
It's ^[H^[2J to be more precise.
ok, it seems to be running clear instead of reset
Well, yeah.
Is that a problem? :)
yeah, I want the termianal cleared completely so if I have to scroll up I don't end up scolling into old output
a lot of stuff will be dumped to to screen
Hmm, when I use reset I can still scroll up.
not for me
are you using bash as your shell?
is scroll governed by shell or by terminal?
@Orangepill dunno, all I use is /bin/bash so can't say
Yeah, it's /bin/bash ... though I'm accessing it via Putty, so perhaps there's the diff :)
@Jack so...um how would I run the ANSI control statement for 'reset'? =o)
Well, reset initializes the terminal ... as part of its operation it also clears the screen :)
I can tell you how to use colors though =D
@crypticツ Last resort, try echo "\x1Bc";
@Jack I already use colors =oP exit("\033[1;37;41mFatal Error: " . $e->getMessage() . "\033[0m\n\n");
Gotta love them colours.
@Jack worked, thanks!
Noice :)
Did stas give any reason for downvoting here
The system doesn't provide for such feedback.
I suppose someone should write an RFC to update the RFC system ;-)
I just wonder what the justification is for the vote... that should be required for any voter...
I think it would be a good feature if for nothing else to sidestep future BC issues... new keywords would then be able to be introduced without breaking existing code.
Yep, which is why I voted yes :)
I forgot datibbaw === Jack
Indeed :)
how do you get voting rights?
by hacking the site >D
I believe it's related to having wiki karma
I got mine by contributing to pecl/oauth.
so you just need to make a contribution to the source be it core or a pecl?
like a patch?
I started out by contributing patches, but after a few of them I was asked to join the project instead ;-)
I wish I knew C =o(
That's only part of it, though :)
I knew C as well, but learning the whole ecosystem of php takes time too.
Does anyone know if @rdlowrey survived jumping out of a plane?
He was seen 1m ago ... ;-)
So he either made it or is a ghost in the machine :)
His location has not been updated with "inside a hole in the ground" yet.
oh no's backlog CSS no working =oO
less processor broken?
Less != more?
@Orangepill I did an update for twitter bootstrap, I'm sure they added a var which is not in variables.less so less fails to compile
That's not why it broke the site, though :)
Hmm, Storm forgot that my strings are actually SQL ... how quaint.
try and catch gets sucky sometimes if the query goes wrong
instead of throwing sql error, it was showing undefined var :-/
query was wrong, instead of thrwing mysql error, it was showing var not defined
@Mr.Alien What's the code?
I hav that on my local, right now am in office, and it was actually weird, it was simply $blah-> execute(whatever); and than i used that in the while loop with fetch_assoc, and was throwing undefined var, when I saw that table names were wrong, it actually worked perfectly, but I didn't got that why undefined var where I was using try and catch blocks
Wait, is that mysqli you're using?
Hi guys
I have sub lime text
I need to debug php on it
me too :D
@Mr.Alien That makes no sense at all, actually.
or is there some good IDE ?
@Jack I know, that's why I was just scrolling my code up and down for 30 mins in the morning
How you guys debug php code?
This is what I don't really like about the Internet ... nowadays people will blame an app for being a waste of money when they have spent all $.99 on it =p
Somehow there's a complete disconnect between internet and the real world.
@Orangepill yeah that is good but I can't afford it :(
@Mr_Green It's Free
Perhaps he's expecting to receive money for using the editor.
That would be awesome.
I know, right!
@Mr_Green you are an indian ryt?
it is 21 day trial right
I am an Indian not indian :P
you know we don't buy things, we have torrents
@Mr_Green Komodo Edit is open source...Free forever
I'm a citizen of the Internet, an Internetese if you will.
unfortunately, this is my office's pc and eveything must be genuine on this
as per office rules
And genuine open source is an alien term or something?
@Orangepill yes Komodo edit is free but I can't get PHP debugger on it.. right?
PHP debugger == xdebug.
yeah that is good but I can't afford it :( than tell your boss to buy one for you, why would you buy for your office?
ok can someone help me to install xdebug?
I tried two times before
but failed
Sure, are you paying my plane ticket?
where you want to go and from where?
@Jack yea, he will finance, be sure we meet before you leave
@Mr_Green did you compile it or get it pre-compiled?
@Mr.Alien Cool! =D
I need a visa to get into India though.
Then again, who doesn't :) [except Indians themselves]
@crypticツ didn't understand you..
guys, please someone help me to install xdebug.. I will not take much time of yours :)
@Mr_Green I don't know how to say it any differently. Asking if you compiled it or not.
@Mr_Green That should be covered in the manual actually.
from which I tried two times
but no luck
You have to install the xdebug extension as well.
@crypticツ I did not compile xdebug.
yes I am trying to install the extension to sublime
@Jack our country invites everyone :D
It does?
yap, infact every day, how many people illegally walk in via borders, from china, nepal bangladesh
It's a big country.
yea, also, villagers come to cities in search of jobs, they end up living on streets..
Bjarne Stroustrup is a smart guy and a good speaker but he has this high pitch whistle when he talks that makes my ears bleed.
@Mr.Alien from which city are you from? (correct my grammar please, if needs to)
I have a dream to learn C and C++ since childhood, never moved ahead of signed and unsigned int chaps
@Mr_Green fuck grammar, am from maharashtra, mumbai
ohh I am from Hyd
@Mr.Alien unsigned int main(void) { return 0; } =D
mid india..
@Jack you're missing a return :)
@Jack I just wrote hello world, that too failed at first attempt, than I used getch() to output and return 0;
@Orangepill you don't need return if you are using void
void are the function arguments, not its return value.
The return value is obviously (unsigned) int
does nothing successfully... That's basically the source for the linux true command right?
Yeah, pretty much.
not sure, infact the very first tym I wrote the code, I was actually confused, as I moved from php to c, so I didn't got the idea that why everything is coded inside the function, why not open code
@Jack the package which you told me to download does not has execution file... Can you help me with this?
cuz you need to compile?
In PHP your source code basically lives inside that main { ... } block @Mr.Alien :)
The main is used when your code is getting compiled, to serve as the starting pointer.
@Jack so we can use functions inside main ryt? so you mean main is something like the source compiler function
Hello i have a variable which has value GET POST i passed this variable in query string but i only get GET in query\
I forgot whether C allows function declarations inside main.
please help
@Mr.Alien Well, executables in any OS require a code starting pointer.
And that's what your main is.
And of course there are the somewhat magical argc and argv parameters :)
I am just experimenting and nothing changed when I changed the code to $var = "$handle = fopen(\'data.txt\'); $str = \'Hey !\'; fwrite($handle,$str);";Suhail Gupta 4 mins ago
Y U NO Understand?!
^ guys, I installed xdebug
but how to use it?
I kept breakpoints
and refreshed the browser many times. but it is not stopping at the breakpoint code
@Jack ohhh, got that, I started early days when I registered here, I asked the question with my another account, but eventually I lost the password for this, wanted to merge that - stackoverflow.com/q/13553707/1542290
I installed xdebug from this github.com/martomo/SublimeTextXdebug
hello friends
Good morning to all
hello jes
I need a little help
i m not a php guy
> Signed integers have undefined behaviour if they overflow
Ehh, right.
@Mr.Alien Hi
How can i execute a python file from a php page
i tried to use exec(file path) but nothing happens
@Jack They behave pretty predictably don't they?
i get string(0) as output
could you pls help me out
@Jes not clear @Jack I was like wtf this book is doing, I searched on net and it showed me negative/positive where this book was always positive
I am tring to execute a python file from php on a button click...
how could i do this
@Orangepill They should ... they have a predefined number of bits.
@Jes Why don't you cut away the middle man and execute a Python file?
@Jack isn't the predictability of that behavior one of the things that makes a lot of vulnerabilities possible?
@Jes No Idea, but we have some big guys here who can help you like @Orangepill and @Jack with a cap
@Orangepill Correlation != causation ;-)
@Jack how would I comment out a block of code I select in PhpStorm, is there a hotkey to do it?
@Jack thanks, and how about adding // comments?
=.= .... Ctrl-/
It's also in the Code dropdown menu btw :)
@Jack derp, I've used that menu a lot, never noticed those items >.<
I love the Alt-Up and Alt-Down action =D
am happy with sublime
Pui! Actually, I've never used Sublime, so I wouldn't know ;-)
Does it have code refactoring tools btw?
Hello everyone

Can I ask someone about Facebook API?
@Jack it's light, and fast, and on the point, it's not an ide so no refactoring, actually I was using aptana, but as I save my projects on external drive as well as cloud, I cant afford to upload 1gig of crap files which were generating when we decide a project folder in aptana
so I moved on to sublime
is this free SSL is enough ? and do we need to have a dedicated IP ? secure.instantssl.com/products/SSLIdASignup1a
I, for one, don't trust free SSL; must be a plot by NSA.
for just 3,4 days to test
@Jack what do you mean by middle man
@Jes man in the middle attacks
@Jes he means why you need php to trigger python script, why not execute it straight
@samitha I get 400 error page lol
project requirement
yeah lol
i have to pass the arguments thru a php file to the python file
@crypticツ I'm glad I wasn't the only one who thought Jes was referring to that haha
now it's fine jack support.comodo.com/…
@Jes Well, what have you tried?
so much confusion
@Jes Next time, use the "reply to this message" please :)
@Jack no please, I see a lot on comments lol, I had bookmarked one guy, who asks for fiddle on each question
@Mr.Alien Hmm?
@Jack i am trying to use exec(file path with arguments) but nothing happpens
@Jack what have you tried?
I have given the permission to execute the file
@Jes Try exec('app 2>&1', $out, $res); and then check the result of $res in particular.
The 2>&1 pipes any errors to standard output.
I would really like to try this will be back in a while
@Jack could you show me an example pls
@Jes Ehh that was an example.
@Jack let me try and see
the first parameter mill be my file and what will be the next two params
@Jack ok tell me one thing
Those are out-parameters, so you can choose any name. @Jes
suppose I have a func with 3 params
Is it bad etiquette to post a question here that I've posted on SO and ask for help?
@Mr.Alien You should refactor ... lol
@JosephSzymborski You can link to the question if you want to bring it to our attention.
function blah($param1, $param2='0', $param3) {
   //some crap
I don't think that will actually work.
now what If I don't want to pass 2nd param when I call the function, I read we can use blah('val', null, 'val'), is that fine?
Optional parameters must appear at the end of the function signature.
I have max 2 params in functions but am curious to know that what if I do not want to pass the param which already has a default set
yea, I often do that, but what if 3 and 4 are optional, and I want to pass value in 4th and not in 3rd
Okidoks, here it goes.
I'm trying to implement a single session policy for login using the laravel auth drivers, but I haven't an idea which methods to begin with or what the implementation would look like...
@Mr.Alien Well, you can't skip it, so you have to assign a default value, e.g. null.
Also, it's a code smell.
But I figured you knew that already.
yea, so will the null override the default param value?
@Mr.Alien Yes, if it's different from the default value.
hmmm dirty en..
wil brb, m starving
could you pls take a look at my html page pls? still nothing happens @Jack
@Jes Define nothing .. I'm sure something happened.
@JosephSzymborski You only want one signed in user at any given time?
@Jack ahaha, I guess my phrasing could use some work. I want to make sure only one session for each user is active, prohibiting people from sharing accounts or accessing simultaneously.
@JosephSzymborski Ah ... it seems that you've got your answer already :)
any nice alternative to google business app for having [email protected]
mornin' chaps
@AlmaDoMundo you have too much time on your hands
fav'ed it :) just because it looks nice and messy
ah, that.. it seems you've not seen my bitrthday grats to @ircmaxell :p
I do think i missed that yes
hm, I don't think I have that now.. :\
you'd better ask him :p if he still remember this
hey peeps, How come php does this.
$foo = PHP_INT_MAX;
$bar = PHP_INT_MAX;

var_dump($foo, $bar, $foo + $bar);
// outputs
2147483647 (int)
2147483647 (int)
4294967294 (float)
@RonniSkansing so this is very clear
@AlmaDoMundo lol i guess you are right (type)
$foo + $bar could not be stored as 4-byte int so it will be converted to float
hi, @JoeWatkins
@AlmaDoMundo thanks it is too early in the morning...

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