How does this chat work? How do messages appear without the page ever reloading? I'm trying to make something similar on my site, but couldn't find anything useful.
I took a look on wikipedia to see what you were talking about, but there was no sample code like there usually is. Alright, let me take a look at what you came up with.
@PeeHaa It says that it has multiple dependencies: "The best (and currently only) way to install Ratchet is using composer. Simply add Ratchet as a require in your composer.json file: "
"Ratchet requires React, Guzzle, and Symfony2's HttpFoundation in order to work."
Thanks well I wanted to do something as nested <a>... (the big tile named Web) I want to be able to click onto the <li><a>, but at the same time to be able to click on the tile itself Tile redirect to /web <li><a> to /web/<li>content
Yeah, I guess that's not for me. Well, I have another question while i'm here: How can I get a textarea to keep the text within it while the page reloads?
@HelpingHand If you want to have it as dynamic as posible you will have to teach extremly much otverwise youll have to use library of refreshing a iframe inside of a page...
I need to get cell based on its number...
When I use querry or fetch I can use the column name or number, but I didn't find a way how to make this in the reverse.
something as:
"UPDATE Shops SET COLUMN1 = '$value'" => "UPDATE Shops SET ID = '$value'"
"UPDATE Shops SET COLUMN2 = '$value'" => "UPD...
Plus if you put onsubmit="return sendMessage(this)" to the form element the page wont reload at all put 'return false' in last line of the thing I send you
@PeeHaa do you know if there is something for my last question/link?
@Giliweed It even has support for dynamic ip (which means it'll change its IP on record to whatever your ISP changed it to) That is, if you do not have a static public ip...
Wait... You mean free domain registration!!! Are you crazy!! That's like asking someone to pay for something that you won't. The service I suggested will give you a subdomain. The shortest one I can think of is . NO organization will give you free domain registration.
@Giliweed Let me repeat that: NO ORGANIZATION WILL GIVE YOU FREE DOMAIN REGISTRATION. You can get subdomains all day long (FOR FREE) with the service I suggested.
@Giliweed BTW (not like I have much room to talk) but this is a chatroom on PHP, not DNS. I gave you the best free service you're going to find regarding domain registration.