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@Akxe i think that would work if you put it in the root.
and add / on the fourth line..
htaccess will cascade the rules to the subdirs right?
student.sps-prosek.cz/~eisead11it try it if you want (/web/Portfoli there is an index I want to run it insted of the root one)
@reikyoushin yes indeed
have you tried adding this to the root htaccess?
this one?
RewriteBase /

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}/.htaccess !-f [NC]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}index. !-f [NC]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule (.*) /index.php [L]
look on it yourself... 404
then try to remove the subdir htaccess
there isnt any
which one 404s?
any that is higher than the root
the base make base inside of the requested folder not the root directory as it seems to me
DirectoryIndexes index.php
RewriteBase /

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}/.htaccess !-f [NC]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}/index. !-f [NC]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule (.*) /index.php [L]
well i am still a bit confused on what you want to do.. hmm.
if then DirectoryIndex
my hate for windows if growing each day .. usually between 00:00 and 01:00
@tereško Why exactly?
i gotta go. sorry @Akxe
bye guys!
@reikyoushin ok bye
every night it keeps installing some crap .. looks like update, but none are scheduled
@tereško I disabled windows update
@HamZa wanna know a secret, that wouldn't change anything
hmmm ....
Even if you disable the windows update service ?
What's actually the problem with updates?
@Akxe it slows down the computer
@HamZa That much? I never noticed it on a min 6 years old computer...
@Akxe lol anyways, I disabled almost everything that I don't need :P
Don't really see the point in disabling the update...
@Akxe I suspect MS for spying on me
@HamZa Ah that make sense...
Stolen from the JS room: adarkroom.doublespeakgames.com
@Baba interesting
How does this chat work? How do messages appear without the page ever reloading? I'm trying to make something similar on my site, but couldn't find anything useful.
@HelpingHand messages are sent using xhr and received using websockets
but you can just go full ws
@PeeHaa any good article about websockets?
Do you know of any code snippet I could look at of these Websocket things?
I took a look on wikipedia to see what you were talking about, but there was no sample code like there usually is. Alright, let me take a look at what you came up with.
@PeeHaa Well it is good document but not really the prettiest to read...
Am I correct that it's an addon to php?
@HelpingHand No not really
Oh. Then is it regular code that could be implemented without installing an extra program?
(I'm asking to see if its worth looking into for me)
@HelpingHand No you don't need some extra program. Only a browser after 1990
Haha!! Okay gotcha.
@PeeHaa You are good in html/css to right?
@Akxe @PeeHaa is an allrounder !
@Akxe Not really, but feel free to ask :)
@PeeHaa It says that it has multiple dependencies: "The best (and currently only) way to install Ratchet is using composer. Simply add Ratchet as a require in your composer.json file: "
"Ratchet requires React, Guzzle, and Symfony2's HttpFoundation in order to work."
@HelpingHand I doubt ratchet isn't psr-0 compliant so you can just clone it or download the tar and autoload it
Thanks well I wanted to do something as nested <a>... https://student.sps-prosek.cz/~eisead11it/ (the big tile named Web)
I want to be able to click onto the <li><a>, but at the same time to be able to click on the tile itself
Tile redirect to /web
<li><a> to /web/<li>content
@HelpingHand Those are not external programs, but rather php projects
@PeeHaa That have to be downloaded.
Fine don't download it
And I try to dont use JS for that since JS isn't going to be able to give context menu to click or touch
What should happen when clicking on two elements?
go onto the <li><a> adress insted of the <tile><a> adress
Yeah, I guess that's not for me. Well, I have another question while i'm here: How can I get a textarea to keep the text within it while the page reloads?
Not possible without javascript
Also I don't think it is even valid html
@HelpingHand I would have answered you, but I don't think it "is for you"
@PeeHaa Huh?
@PeeHaa nope it isn't, I am trying to figure a way around this, but can't get it working
No possible. You cannot nest interactive elements in html
@HelpingHand If you want to have it as dynamic as posible you will have to teach extremly much otverwise youll have to use library of refreshing a iframe inside of a page...
That's what i've been using up till now.
I want a text input field like the one in this chat, except without it reloading on page reload.
@PeeHaa I may have a plan :D
@HelpingHand You can use the ajax for sending and keep the iframe for showing
Do you have an example?
@HelpingHand sec Trying to formate it
Oh okay; sorry.
var hr = new XMLHttpRequest();
var vars = "Nick="+nick+"&text="+text+;
hr.open("POST", "Ajax/sendMessage.php", true);
hr.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
hr.onreadystatechange = function(){
	if(hr.readyState == 4 && hr.status == 200){
		var return_data = hr.responseText;
Q: Update nth cell of row MySql

AkxeI need to get cell based on its number... When I use querry or fetch I can use the column name or number, but I didn't find a way how to make this in the reverse. something as: "UPDATE Shops SET COLUMN1 = '$value'" => "UPDATE Shops SET ID = '$value'" "UPDATE Shops SET COLUMN2 = '$value'" => "UPD...

This holds the text in the textarea while reloading the page, am I correct?
@HelpingHand document.getElementById('textarea').value=""; give the textarea an ID an it wont
Okay... let me try it out.
Plus if you put onsubmit="return sendMessage(this)" to the form element the page wont reload at all
put 'return false' in last line of the thing I send you
@PeeHaa do you know if there is something for my last question/link?
I know its a off topic..... but can anyone help me with a link that gives free domain registration opportunity without hosting..........
if i had points to downvote i would
is it 100% free???
Yup, I have a couple myself.
All you need is an account, which only requires an email and password.
ok... i'm checking it...
@Giliweed It even has support for dynamic ip (which means it'll change its IP on record to whatever your ISP changed it to) That is, if you do not have a static public ip...
yes ... mine is dynamic
using a modem
I just signed up.... let see what happens
Okay, good! I'm sure you won't have any issues with it.
@Giliweed Your totally welcome. Good luck :)
@PeeHaa @Akxe Looks like I've solved it with using a seamless iframe behind my div. It looks just like any other chatting software!
@HelpingHand Nice to hear
@Akxe Thanks for the help anyway.
can you give me another link that gives both domain name registration and hosting totally free.....
Type "/<[^>]*[\^[^]]*>.*]/" in the chat - see what happens.
The regex html easter egg?
so much fun
registryrocket.com/?ec=A1FADD6E-B6DD-49BA-AF82-0 they are asking for money... but you said it was 100% free@HelpingHand
Wait... You mean free domain registration!!! Are you crazy!! That's like asking someone to pay for something that you won't. The service I suggested will give you a subdomain. The shortest one I can think of is whateveryouchoose.us.to . NO organization will give you free domain registration.
@Giliweed Let me repeat that: NO ORGANIZATION WILL GIVE YOU FREE DOMAIN REGISTRATION. You can get subdomains all day long (FOR FREE) with the service I suggested.
@Giliweed BTW (not like I have much room to talk) but this is a chatroom on PHP, not DNS. I gave you the best free service you're going to find regarding domain registration.

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