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@DaveRandom I forgot to say explicitly, if you have the time, you would win many, many internets if you could make it so that you can specify a separate file for the ini settings to load per PHP-FPM pool. Pretty sure @PeeHaa and many others would agree.
and that
Just doing a little work to justify sleeping a little later -_- sneaky sneaky.
/me has an idea ...
one last change ...
$next = 1;
$data = array(
    "key" => "X-HTTP ",
    "value" => "testing"

class HeaderMalfunctionException extends ExpectationException {}

expect preg_match("~^([a-zA-Z0-9-]+)$~", $data["key"]) :
    new HeaderMalfunctionException("malformed key found at {$next} \"{$data["key"]}\"");
I think this allows you to be a bit more precise ... it doesn't break the pattern, so long as your exception extends ExpectationException, it would be too tricky if you could throw any exception ...
thoughts ?
I wouldn't mind this office
I am rally starting to hate windows lately
might have something to do with rot setting in this current installation
@LeviMorrison When you don't have a word in time, make one up ;-)
@tereško I think I'd close associate it with Hinglish.
Is it good practice to use CSRF on a script that returns if a username is taken or not on a registeration page? Using data: to send the $_GET to a PHP page. Is it useful? Or not really?
@user2738336 use CSRF?
you should probably look up the meaning of that acronym
CSRF protection*
No need to be an asshole about it. Honest mistake
@user2738336 not being an asshole, just telling you to look up the meaning
@user2738336 It's a common reaction; we have alot of idiots roll through here. Quite seriously.
Ah sorry.
I'm just confused with the entire thing. I know it's important for form, but for javascript, is it really that big of a security thing?
A lot of "I can haz PHP script for money making plz thx bye!"
Lol, my bad. I'm new here. Didn't realize a lot of trolls came before :P or at least got to the minimum rep requirement.
@user2738336 I think reviewing the problem CSRF tokens solve will help you here; really, any request that could be forged via confused deputy to leak privileged information could stand to be protected.
I think it depends on the nature of the data at stake.
CSRF protection should be done on requests that invoke actions, mostly all POST requests will be of such nature. GET requests, well you gotta determine is it doing an action that will change data or just the momentary state of the page.
@DanLugg Well in this case, the user types in a username and it returns underneath the field if the username is taken or not.
Err, yea; apparently I need to re-read the intent.
Logout links are typically GET requests, and they do change data, they delete the session for instance, it should then be protected
@user2738336 yeah you don't need CSRF for that
s/leak privileged information/perform privileged actions
So it should really be only used if crucial information is being changed?
@JoeWatkins I suggest real_assert =D
@Jack I was genuinely thinking about assert or assert ...
it makes it look debug-ish
stupid thing ...
_ _ assert _ _
or _ assert _
but without the spaces ...
__ASSERT__ :)
I don't see it getting much love ...
Resistance requires less thought.
Btw, I thought at one point you were thinking of not making it extend Exception; is that still in effect?
it looks a bit strange to me too ...
no it's not, that was only when it would replace assert
someone might have a call to old assert and a catch-all block not intended to manage this ...
It would definitely help get past any catch blocks to ensure termination heh
$next = 1;
$data = array(
    "key" => "X-HTTP ",
    "value" => "testing"

class HeaderMalfunctionException extends ExpectationException {}

expect preg_match("~^([a-zA-Z0-9-]+)$~", $data["key"]) :
    new HeaderMalfunctionException("malformed key found at {$next} \"{$data["key"]}\"");
this puts it in the hands of the programmer authoring using expect ...
you can catch and debug specific failed expectations this way ...
catch (Exception) is a silly thing to do ... can't prepare for that in any reasonable way ...
So that's like [expr] ":" <instance-of-exception> ?
yeah so long as it extends ExpectationException so everything still makes sense ...
Yeah, that's like the catch (...) in C++ ... bad idea.
I think that's about as much as can be reasonably done ...
That's probably done without knowing they can also use set_exception_handler().
I mean, using a catch (Exception) block.
I know about it, I don't see how it's relevant ?
oh oh ...
@ircmaxell where are you ?
It's like the typical ... "I don't want my application to show empty 500 page."
@JoeWatkins home
@ircmaxell and where is that night sky image from ??
you took that image ?
about an hour or 2 ago
I am in the wrong part of the world ... I would never sleep ... ever ...
Hmm, that's Empire State building right?
I've never seen a sky like that ...
you have a telescope ?
you must have right ?
@Jack yup
@JoeWatkins nope
the sky itself is not something you ever see near NYC
@JoeWatkins From what part does thou hail? ;-)
meaning it's rare you see a single star other than the sun
Too much light pollution heh
too much light pollution
how far is pitch black ?
The countryside has much better night views.
Minus the skyline.
there are about three stars in the night sky you can get a decent view of through a telescope that it is reasonable to have in your house here .... even in pitch black, there's nothing at all like that on display, not even with a month of exposure you wouldn't get that ...
there's not three ...
but there's nothing like that ...
wait, which night sky are you talking about?
flickr.com/photos/ircmaxell/10171008523 That one? That's from about 50 minutes outside of Birmingham in the farm lands...
Our friends have a vineyard about an hours drive from Melbourne ... at night it's pitch black and the sky is covered in stars .. amazing.
@Danack I will try my best to do so. Also, will let you know when the app will be in store
oh oh Birmingham USA ?
no, Birmingham UK
I was there at the beginning of the month
how did you do that ?
do what?
15 - 30s exposure would give you that.
What is a good resource to accessing new security issues found ( General IT stuff not Web specific)
take that image ? just point a camera up, or is it a long exposure time or what ?
so you couldn't see that when you looked up then ??
point the camera up, with a 30 second exposure
you could, it was beautiful
I didn't think you could see that kind of thing in this country at all
I've gone way way out into the countryside, I never see that ...
@JoeWatkins Your eyes are much more sensitive to light than your camera, so obviously you would be able to see it yourself :)
eyes cannot see infrared
I don't see how that's related.
@ircmaxell That looks pretty awesome.
Technically your camera can, but they use high-pass filters to block it.
the camera can show you things your eyes cannot see ...
That's if you remove the filter that's covering your cmos.
I have one camera with such a modification, it's cool =D
I have to get me a modern camera ...
You can create awesome shots like this one.
@Jack 403 Forbidden
@Jack forbidden :(
@Jack forbidden
How about this
My goodness, they're so anal about direct links.
looks surreal
You get the best effects with trees and grass.
see, things you cannot see ...
they are coloured for insects, who can see infrared ...
@JoeWatkins Yeah, but you can only get that with a modified camera lol
and a bit further into the ultraviolet I think too ...
that sorta thing ...
quite bizarre to think the insects see that sort of world by default ...
It's very practical for them, because it tells them where the good stuff is :)
necessary mostly, their eyes work on different principles to ours ....
an octopus has pretty similar vision to us, and other large primates ... that's about all ...
Having the FOV of a fly would come handy when you're playing outdoor combat games =D
insects see that strange world, and yet an octopus and mountain gorilla pretty much same representation ...
not octopus, might be squid ... I dunno, something gross and wet ...
I'm sure the octopus feels the same way about you ;-)
do you think I'm piggish to the octopus like it's fishy to me ??
I think I probably am ... if it gave a shit ...
An octopus is actually pretty smart ;-)
see this?
My latest creation (prototype). Current settings are to take a 60 second shutter time photo every 15 seconds. :-) http://t.co/u732G1mcHC
@ircmaxell Cool, Arduino? :)
yeah saw it on twitter
used it tonight to get that shot (the long shutter timer, and remote trigger features)
I suppose you searched on forums how to get the shutter release to work? ;-)
found a blog post on the subject
Yeah, many enthusiasts in this field heh
well, I'm off to bed. Good night all!
Me too, night folks!
nite chaps
sleep now ... 4am ...
nite all
nite joe
yes, the chat room works, thank you.
its it possible to read from server A and then write to server B.?
Of course that's possible.
ok so PSR-0 auto-loads class files when you use the 'use' statement in the form '\<Vendor Name>(<Namespace>)*<Class Name>' correct? Well since you can define a namespace for a single function in a file as well, how would you have that autoloaded? Or should you?
The leading backslash in the use statement is optional.
php-fig.org/psr/psr-0 I took that example directly from PSR-0
> the leading backslash is unnecessary and not recommended, as import names must be fully qualified, and are not processed relative to the current namespace.
As for function autoloading, that's somewhat of a debate ...
The current thinking of the core group is to create a static class to hold your functions and then autoload that.
so how about read from database A and then write to databse B.?
@user2514863 Why don't you try it and come back here if you run into problems?
i already try it for cron
and cron did not work
databse A at cloud
The obvious solution is two-fold, get access to database A followed by get access to database B.
myb because privilege.?
@crypticツ "so PSR-0 auto-loads class files when you use the 'use' statement" - it actually does the loading when the class is referenced in the code. 'use' just aliases the class in the file, so you don't have to \All\The\Things.
@Danack oh. I don't understand this whole namespace stuff yet =oP So is it relative to the file, like how does it know where to look for the files?
@crypticツ You're using composer?
@crypticツ That's done with an autoloader, you can decide how the mapping is done.
With Composer it's pretty simple.
Just add the stuff to composer.json under the autoload section.
@Danack nope, but I should probably. So far I do it all by hand.
As Jack said, you can do the namespace almost how you like, then just tell Composer where it is, and it will try to load the a class from your namespace, from the appropriate directory.
In fact, psr-0 is one of the autoload options in Composer =D
btw @Jack - you don't happen to have a good setup for running a speed test under heavy server load do you? github.com/Danack/LowMemoryClassloader
Ah, I would typically smash it with ab.
Or perhaps Siege.
How would one go about preventing split tunneling on a VPN?
@Jack Yeah, i guess I should just fire up a server to test it. I'm on a 2010 mac book pro. Running speed tests on a single core machine, doesn't seem to work that well.
@Orangepill You'd have to have an authorative route for the IP address? (I think)
@Danack For heavy duty testing I would pick one from Amazon and use spot pricing to minimize the cost.
The testing itself shouldn't cost more than a few bucks tops.
In fact, it could be as low as 50 cents :)
I'm assuming you would run it through a profiler as well?
@Jack yeah yeah - I run my server on Amazon already. I should just stop being lazy.
Spot pricing rawks!
@Danack Filling out a security questionnaire ... encountered the question on how we prevent it ... I was just curious as to how it could be prevented.
@Orangepill I suppose that question is not one of the possible answers? ;-)
@Orangepill I don't know the answer to that - but it's something to do with the routes: microsoft.com/resources/documentation/windows/xp/all/proddocs/…
Before you asked I didn't even know there was such a thing as split tunnelling :)
I only know about it because when I was working in Australia, the UK office set up a rule for our VPN that all traffic should go through the UK office. A fun time was not had by all.
Great idea!
One Commonwealth VPN to rule them all.
@Jack What I did, was just started up bittorrent, to saturate the UK office. They soon fixed the problem.
@Jack I'm being above board ... I already stated that we do nothing to prevent it aside from only giving vpn access to a limited number of known and trusted individuals.
Fixing the IP route seems like fun too =D
@Danack Have you proposed that additional OPCache function to the core?
@Jack No - I haven't measure it yet. But it would be worth it anyway I think. It can avoid a lot of disk checking anyway.
Yeah, it seems useful :)
Does Composer cache load failures?
@Jack Yes. It's dumb imo
Yeah, it kinda is.
Only caches it for the current request - but it means that if you have some auto-generated code, you have to do your own classloading.
Oh okay, it could be worse lol
And it caches it when you do class_exists($className, false) i.e. don't autoload, it caches that it doesn't exist.
Eh? How does it do that? I thought PHP doesn't invoke autoloaders when you pass false.
So how does any Composer stuff get called?
@Jack hang on - watching final of SC2 finals.
The ultimate final huh? Sure :)
@Jack I mis-remembered - what I was doing was:
if (class_exists($classNameRequired) == false)
    //Writes the file $classNameRequired.".php"

return new $classNameRequired;
Composer was caching the fact that the class doesn't exist, do the class couldn't loaded in the same request.
Ahh right.
So you either have to load the file yourself, or just modify the autoloader.
Not sure why it would even do that; afaik there's nothing to gain.
@Jack Me neither. Unless someone is accidentally calling class_exists multiple times without realising, then there's no gain.
Composer is very useful, but Seldaek has a bit of a weird opinion about the importance of optimising things over it working correctly. Another one: github.com/composer/composer/pull/2188
tl:dr, there's a bug in Composer, that he hasn't accepted the PR for, because he wants it to be optimised to probably be 10ms faster.
Yeah, I understand the problem; the first item of a zip file is not guaranteed to be in the root :)
One could argue that it's a flaw in the zip format itself heh
But I suppose this is not something that zip was meant to do anyway.
Pity that ->locateName() doesn't return multiple results, though.
@Danack Btw, imho this is not exactly kosher because 0 == false :)
Besides that, I feel that an invalid index of -1 is more appropriate as a start value.
@Jack Hmm... yeah - that's a good point.
Is the expected behaviour here to return the shortest path to composer.json it can find?
actually - no. It's confusing (so probably ought to be re-written) but it just always sets the index on the first match.
Skipping the length check of the current result with the previous result.
@Jack I guess. It's really not defined, at all, where the composer should be in zip file.
If it's not defined, then the bug is arguable too ;-)
Perhaps an explicit path setting could be given as well.
If there are multiple JSON files and you already know which one it is.
@Jack You'd have to get everyone (including Github) to agree to make the zipballs in the right format.
Challenge accepted. =D
I found the issue as Composer was using this file - github.com/maximebf/php-debugbar/blob/master/demo/bridge/… from that project. The 6th level directory is defintely wrong.
Eh yeah, that doesn't seem right heh
But wait, the entry point gets saved right?
Like, after the first request it would remember which file it should use.
I would argue that if you want performance, you don't want a zip file anyway ;-)
zipballs... is that contagious?
Unless OPcache can do something useful with it.
@Jack It's not when you're running your own scripts, it's when you're doing a composer update, or running a Satis server, it scans zip artifacts to find the correct composer.json, to read the version info out of.
@Orangepill No, they give you that in case you want to change your mind about a vasectomy ;-)
Zip artifacts mean you don't have to really on Composer.org or github being up.
Ah I see .. I'm not that well versed with Composer yet heh
still doesn't sound pleasant.
Interlocking teeth anywhere near that region is not pleasant.
@Jack Do you use it on servers that you give a shit about being hacked?
Not yet, why? :)
You mean Compose is insecure by default?
@Jack Composer is fine to use, so long as you run your own Satis server, and disable packagist. It's horribly horribly insecure. To the extent that I accidentally did a man in the middle attack against a few hundred people.
I didn't see that warning label on the package ;-)
Basically the 'replace' command in composer.json works globally across all of packagist, and there's nothing to prevent someone doing a 'replaces' : 'zendframework/zf'
And then you download their package not the one you meant to.
So is that a flaw in Composer or packagist?
So that "replace" thing can be done when you upload your own project?
It's a flaw in both really.
Good to know ... do you have any links that would be helpful in getting me fixed up? :)
Yes. You use it to say "this package is called x/y but if someone requires a/b then it meets the requirement for a/b/" - but there's no checking. And packagist does the replace across the whole repository.
The slides still need tidying, and I don't want to be too nasty to them online - much better to call them names when giving a talk in person.
Are there any plans to get it fixed, though?
Using Packagist is very handy.
That said, I wonder how vulnerable Beanstalk is then.
@Jack tbh - and I will say this publically, my opinion is that using composer is fine, using packagist is negligent behaviour which could lead to a lawsuit against you.
You know the PHP container of Beanstalk supports Composer right? ;-)
@Jack You only need it to find packages once. Once you know where they are you can run your own packagist.
@Jack you can turn off packagist in your projects composer.json.
Anyway - I seem to have forgotten to go to bed 5 hours ago.
Probably ought to go before dawn.
It happens :)
Well, thanks for the resources anyway!
Catch you later
1 hour later…
is there a way to open multiple popups
Good morning.
any one having knowledge of sencha need help
Sencha !== PHP
@JoeWatkins How unfortunate there is an expect wrapper.
My suggestion is the same: attempt to refit assume.
Sadly, I see few viable alternatives (I've looked through the thesaurus for assume and expect), though perhaps there does exist a better name.
sine_qua_non ... give it some time to catch on.
If you would like, I will even propose that on the ML - it is your call. Someone once acted too hasty on some ideas that ircmaxell and some others had in mind and the result was disastrous, so I won't do anything without your reply.
Surely you guys have seen this issue before (check the issue date), but I thought it was fun to share anyway :)
@LeviMorrison How about predicate? :)
mornin gents
good moaning (ugt)
I'm very excited about the upcoming USB PD ... can't wait to ask my contractor to rewire my house =D
@LeviMorrison I'm not sure what is best to do there ... I could propose that we have two votes, one on the feature and another on it's name after collecting suggestions if the first vote passes ?
I like that ... but it doesn't seem urgent enough ...
assert wouldn't seem urgent enough if we didn't all know what it meant though I guess

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