@GregAgnew No. We cannot mute people. But you can choose to ignore people either mentally or by clicking a specific avatar in the participants list and then click "ignore" or "hide posts".
Yes, but Karem, programming is artartartart. You wouldn't use a camera to check if some of your paintings colors were off? You wouldn't use an auto-tuner on your songs? (well you might.) . The reason to keep this not-automated is so that you as a programmer will learn to not make these mistakes faster. You'll tell me I'm wrong, but automation ends up like this: 'oh i don't need to check my code, I'll just make sure it pasts <testa> and <testb>'.
I dont like to think about programming as an art. Art for me, is about creative freedom and expression of mind. That's not what programming is about. Programming is a craft. but not an art.
I have used notepad++ and it does not help me out in any way, as bad as normal notepad. I can say i have wasted time in compiling, see error, go back find the error and it was a missing char because i was too quick writing..
Then again, a lot of what is called art is really crap and the same is true for a lot of code I saw in my life. including my own. that shouldnt lead to the conclusion that they are the same though :)
@Gordon well put I understand what you mean, the art for me is how you craft things, If I told 100 programmers to write a calculator, they would each do it differently and perhaps in different languages, to me that is where the art comes in, now what you accomplish, but how you accomplish it.
@teresko this UserCollection you did, $user is calling the object User, but I did two parameters in it, one for pdo and other for userid like you said. So i am missing one parameter now, the userid, can i do $array['id'] to get the user id?
@GregAgnew But now, there is logic for saying which one is better, you look at its UI, performance and capabilities then back to the point its something objective.
@GregAgnew hmm, no. I dont think programming offers the same amount of freedom. Also, art can exist for art's sake. Programming is always about solving a problem. You dont write code just to write code.
@Karem keep in mind that as your User class will evolve , it will have functionality to create users too , and then they will have every parameter , except $id
@Omeid I understand what you mean, as in each of those programs would be able to be tested in a scaler format, and I would agree you could certainly determine a winner, but I think in most cases the differences in performance are negligible, and thus Legibility of code is also an important factor, not just Scaler tests.
@Gordon No really! Sometimes I'll just code, maybe not even at a computer, but I'll just write it out on paper somewhere, it doesn't necessarily solve a problem, just does something I thought was 'cool'..
It says content type is not application/json, but when I print_r the string directly before the decode it comes out as: {"uuids":["b919fc519884364ff163a5e818037aa8"]}
which is json.. lol.. I've tried using trim and/or addslashes but it does not help
$uuid = curl call to couch db, returns a json string. print_r(json_decode($uuid), true) prints just the json string (not a decoded assosiative array) var_dump($uuid) prints 'int(0)'
Hello all, I know this is not the correct room to ask but I really need someones help with an issue I am having so I can choose what route to take with my project.
It relates to Castle/Windsor on C# with WebForms. If anyone can help I would appreciate it.
There's a really horrible bug (though they won't call it that!) in Apache's mod_rewrite that means that urlencoded inputs in rewrites get unescaped in their transformation to output patterns. The bug actually remains unfixed, though a workaround first appeared in Apache 2.2.12 (which wasn't all that long ago). Put it like this: if you're not using the [B] flag in your mod_rewrite rules, yo…
can someone tell what passing an optional parameter would look like in this REST api code for php? I know how to pass the url and such but cant figure out how to pass timeout and statuscallback/optional parameters...
<?php // Include the Twilio PHP library
require 'Services/Twilio.php';
// Twilio REST API version
$version = "2010-04-01";
// Set our Account SID and AuthToken
$sid = 'AC123';
$token = 'abcd';
// A phone number you have previously validated with Twilio
$phonenumber = '4151234567';
// Instantiate a new Twilio Rest Client
$client = new Services_Twilio($sid, $token, $version);
try {
// Initiate a new outbound call
$call = $client?>account->calls->create(
$phonenumber, // The number of the phone initiating the call
when i made them to one query, $query = $this->_connect->prepare(" SELECT up.birthday, up.photo_thumb AS 'avatar', u.id, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.sex, u.bostadsort, u.user_level AS 'isadmin', u.lastname AS 'fullname' FROM users u INNER JOIN users_profile up ON (up.uID = u.id) WHERE u.id =:id");
does anyone frequently use __set and __get when they do OO in php? I like the idea of creating methods on the fly like that without explicit declaration. But are their disadvantages? Reason why I ask is because some of these magic methods cause unexpected behavior.
It's worth noting that this caveat takes up the majority of the words on that page. In the future, you may wish to consult the documentation earlier. :)
... the real infuriating problem is that they have a twitter account that they can't access, but their reps are using their own (official) accounts... and none of the idiots whining to their main account is bothering to, say, search around the twitterverse first to see what's up.
So instead of useful status messages, I'm getting irate morons whining.
you mean that you wont be able to declare some as private, public, and others as protected by using the magic method? But so what? If you want it to be private or protected, then you explicitly delcatre it as such, and assume the rest as public.
There are two big cases for the magic set/get methods.
The first is creating magic properties at call-time. This is a pretty interesting and possibly useful concept.
The second is the idiotic notion that creating a single entry point for all getters and setters for normally private/protected properties was in any way sane.
let's say if you subscribe to notion that all porperties should be private and only accessible via a method, then wont you have a ton of setter and getters which becomes difficult to read? What other option is there aside from those two magic methods?
@ircmaxell My last use of them was while poking around with the idea of replacing the GPC superglobals with objects. It ended up being a bad idea. They "fixed" array_key_exists a while ago such that it no longer works with properties on objects, even if they're ArrayObjects. I hate PHP...
@JohnMerlino I'd say that this particular notion is out of step with the way PHP generally operates and that you shouldn't code Java in PHP.
If your Most Holy Properties are so fragile that they can't even be looked at from the outside, your program is broken.
Unless you're building this code for external, third-party use, that is, and want to enforce a well-documented API...
Though in that case, you'd be better off building an accessor for each property on it's own.
@lovesh Are you implementing a client or a server? One needs outside access, one doesn't.
I've read a fair amount on topic this morning, and I'm wondering if there's an agreeable method for password hashing. I see so many different algorithms being tossed about, and I'm at a loss to decide on which one.
@lovesh A client will send a user to the server. The server will log them in, then send them back to the client with a token. The client then needs to ask the server if the token is OK. The server doesn't need to access the client. You should be OK here.
@MattMcDonald Much of the world seems to agree that bcrypt with a high number of rounds is an agreeable way. There are other alternatives, but they all involve a high number of rounds.
@lovesh Not really a domain name as much as some way to access it from the outside world. Dyndns, for example.
@JohnMerlino Not really, because they are a horrible implementation.
@Charles Someones, not often, i too wish for properties. Usually i then just type out the props and press "autogenerate getters and setters", delete the unneeded setters and never look back.
I have a script that queries the DB and writes an excel file, which may take a long long time. Is there a better option than using something like ini_set("max_execution_time","600"); ?
@Incognito ini_set("max_execution_time", 0); ? :) --- More seriously: If what you are doing takes 5 minutes and you are OK with it taking so long: All well, good choice
$cryptLib = new \CryptLib\CryptLib;
$hash = $cryptLib->createPasswordHash($password);
if ($cryptLib->verifyPasswordHash($hash, $password)) { //valid
@edorian It's actually legacy stuff I've encountered left by someone before me. I'm making sure I don't explode anything by removing it. The script was written when the hardware was slower, I've since made a lot of improvements to the speed of the script so it all runs under 60 seconds.
@Incognito Well then it depends on your php.ini setting
@Incognito but there is no harm in leaving it in (imho). If you take it out make sure your php.ini configuration doesn't limit the script run to 5 seconds or something strange like that that might bite you
@Charles But tbh. that rfc is lacking imho
writing "property Weight" is inferior to setWeight($kilogramms); and i want my code to express that not my docs
But well, if it works for C# I just might be wrong here or have misunderstood something
I'm trying to build unit tests for my Yii project.
Problem: MySQL database. I don't want to have to run a MySQL database every time I run the tests as it is slow, unreliable, maybe some team members don't have it set up, etc.
There seems to be a way to do a SQLite DB in memory and use that, bu...
Opinions? I don't see that working. (Unit-Testing against SQLite, deploying against MySql). Maybe if you have good integration tests.. but i just don't see that working out. Imho you want to make sure your database interactions really work against your database.
I know it's kind of a boring subject for most people.. but maybe someone has more experience with this than i do