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@Karem , when you stop looking at your 3-month old code with "OMFG !! How could i write such an abomination !?" , then it means that you have stopped learning
@teresko: ot that means that he is M. Fowler
well ..yes
but it's highly unlikely
for Fowler the omfg-interval is about 6 month
so i have stopped learning if i look back and dont understand how i could write that?
ehh .. no , that was not what i meant
quite the opposite
you have stopped learning , if , when you look back to your old code , it looks just fine
( sorry for making complicated sentences .. habbit )
oh, extra spaces before and after parenthesis too :-S
yea haha i tried to read it over and over that sentence.. didnt get it
@teresko: do you also put them in your code?
oh you wrote a comment on the code
i got some questions to it
@Karem: he meant that your coding abilities should improve over the time
what does "getters" means?
getter is the method that does nothing but just returns some protected property value
@zerkms , yes , i put spaces around '+' and '=' and if ( $this->went_tits_up() )
@teresko: omg!
ps: omg about if part, not about math operators
im using global state for db access
I know the guy who put spaces around -> operator like $a -> b
do you mean the $connect line?
yea, and you shouldn't
I just thought i did a good job because before i used global $connect
and this was my solution
@zerkms that seems kinda wrong
wrong? wel, then if ( foobar ) is wrong too
@Karem , you should pass the connection in the constructor of the class
@zerkms , gonna pastbin you a class
if i have it in the constructor wont i need to have it inside the functions ??
@Karem: store it in a private property
	function __construct() {
	     private $connect= Database::factory();
class foobar { private $connect;
and $this->connect = ... in the constructor
function __construct( $connection )
     $this->_connection = $connection;
where does it call for the database::factory() then ?
@teresko: I don't like the code convention you follow
@Karem: outside
why parameter teresko
its a matter of taste , i guess
@Karem , what do you mean ?
because you pass the connection the the User class
if i set the $connect once will it work for all the functions?
in some sort of factory, or in bootstrap with putting into a registry
ok you two has different solutions here
@Karem , is this the first day you are writing OOP code ?
OO code (/me is being boring)
no i have done some but first time to real understand this stuff
@Karem , an object can have internal variables
the state
an and all the internal variables keep the state of that object
if you in constructor set $this->_connection , then in all other methods for that object there will be something in that $this->_connection variable
because $this is THE OBJECT
the current one
i know $this is the object youre in
is it on purpose you do the _
to the name connection
or habbit too?
code convention
it is a convention, that reflects that property is protected
or private
and is not accessible from outside
it is popular to start protected/private variables wit _
@teresko: and methods?
yaeh, methods too
ok ok
helps you keep track of things
so i should have
is it some google-docs like developers notepad available?
you should have provided the object with connection , and then used it in other methids
with ability of simultaneous editing and highlights
private $connect;
function __construct() {
$this->connect= Database::factory();
wrong again right? i set the database:factory outside?
sorry i am a pain in the ...
it is not that big mistake, but it would be better if you moved that dependency outside
this would help you to make the current class not depended of some other one
$connection = new Database( ... );
$user = new User( $connection );

$page = new Website( $connection );
in this case you can easily swap the connection in one place (for example to have several connections - to stage and dev databases)
function __construct($connection){
$this->connect = $connection;
and with your code to do the same trick you should, uhm, I don't even know what you could do
wrong again?
add leading _ and hint the $connection variable with Database
function __construct(Database $connection){
$this->_connect = $connection;
why do you write Database ?
i know it is db connection but does it do anything to the variable
when you write this..?
or is it a name you just wrote yourself
it is a type-hint, it guarantees that $connection variable will be an object of Database class
User::__construct() must be an instance of Database, instance of PDO given
well, replace it with PDO then
I don't know your app class hierarchy
so I just made an assumption
ok hell theres errors everywhere because undefined $connect..
thst's because it is not defined obviously?
I have defined it
private $connect;
function __construct(PDO $connection){
$this->_connect = $connection;
wasnt this the part that set the $connect
:-S I cannot get you
show the error lines
yeah trust me i feel stupid being so dum
Notice: Undefined variable: connect
Fatal error: Call to a member function prepare() on a non-object
well, where $connect variable comes from?
$connect is a variable now not a object isnt that the
it is not defined
show us some code
$connect = Database::factory();
$user = new User($connect);
and that is not the wrong line
wrong line must be somewhere in User class
$getQuery = $connect->prepare("SELECT photo_thumb FROM users_profile WHERE uID =:id");
is the error line
in the user class
and what is $connect here?
i know its ugly hehe
@teresko: don't hint him
@Karem: where $connect is supposed to be taken from?
its a object and the other is a variable
it is not an object
yes, that is the wrong line
as php said - it is undefined
because there is no $connect variable defined in that method
yes but thats because i removed it
have you defined $connect variable in that exact method?
not inside the method
so why do you use it then?
remember - you have stored the connection in the object property
but outside
in the constructor
no in the class
you passed from outside into the constructor
and saved it into the property
haven't you?
and this property is in the class?
so - use that property
property is another word for variable?
property is an object-level variable, referred with $this->
so you say i should do
$getQuery = $this->connect->prepare("SELECT photo_thumb FROM users_profile WHERE uID =:id");
perhaps $this->_connect, yes
tried both
i got
Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context
put all the class to the pastebin
how do you invoke $user object after?
as long as you have $user object - you have to call $user->avatar(42);
ofcourse when i write "lol" im embarrased
Fatal error: Call to a member function prepare() on a non-object
still have this
not now!
it works!!
i added the _
one more notice - define private $_connect before the constructor
you have wrong one, without _ currently
the _ was for saying its private right?
and protected
yep, just a convention. doesn't change any behaviour though
for getting the idea the data is protected without need to look at the property declaration
im getting a atal error: Using $this when not in object context
you use it in the class context
when you call a method like class::method() - then there is no $this defined in that method
that should be obvious for you - as long as you haven't created an object - then there is nothing to refer to with $this
right just need to change all the class::method i did to actual $object->method();
wow cant thank you enough already for the patience
hi all, quick question I am updating my code to use prepared statements, and having a problem with the following:
sorry taking a sec to type up!
$stmt = $db->prepare("select name, description from product where active=? and id=?");
$stmt->bind_param("ii", $a, $_POST['id']);
firstly is the structure correct?
what is db?
obviously mysqli
well, yes, this code looks correct
sorry $db = new mysqli('localhost', 'user', 'pass', 'dbname');
so what is the issue?
sorry just checking in steps, basically how do I return the row is it simply:
$products = $stmt->fetch();
no, fetch returns boolean
you need to bind variables you're fetching the data to
with ::bind_result()
@Karem: you use PDO, and he's using mysqli
personally I prefer PDO better
sorry true
yep I was reviewing pdo and mysqli, just thought mysqli would be sufficient enough unless anyone can convince me otherwise?
thanks zerkms looking into bind_result() now
@zerkms i have some issues with the object again
I get
Notice: Undefined variable: users
Fatal error: Call to a member function fullname() on a non-object in
and it is right.. $users->fullname($uid);
@Karem: give the code
why does it say it is non object, the $users
If i am inside a function can i still call a method in a object that is outside
uhm, I cannot get it
show the code
include "dbc.php"; # inside this it defines $users object

function showActivity($fetch){

$uname = $profillink.$users->fullname($uid).'</a>'; // user 1 name
no, you need to pass the $users variable through function parameter
that is the variables scope subject - read it in manual
thought i could do something like the db object
ok im trying to work by the "why" list @teresko did in the comments of codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/3996/…
I have done
"you are using global state for DB access"
"there is some mystical parameter $full in full_name() method"
"parameter $id means nothing ( is it a string , a number , some other object ? )"
what have i left:

all the methods are getters
the SQL queries happen each time you use a getter
you are mixing data access with logic ( sql queries should be handled by different object )
forgot once again what "getters" meant
How can i handle the sql queries in a different object?
I cant do this as bindValues is not the same all the time else i could figure out how to do this
getters are the special sort of methods that just returns protected data
okay so he claims im returning protected data? it is data from the database, so how can that be bad
i'm not sure what he meant
what about the sql queries should be handled by different object
you need to separate responsibilities
one class works with database, another - represents user data
in this case your User object will not rely on the data source
so the user data could be fetched from database or facebook api in the future
I understand, have it all clean and seperate so i grab data from another object and present it in this one
but my main concern is
how can i make a object that handles the queries if its different bindvalues?

you know the bindvalue in pdo, so you cant just pass a query "SELECT ... FROM .."
thats what i can not figure out, else i could make a method for it now..
just a quick thanks @zerkms got things working ;)
any idea zerkms ?
Anyone familiar with WordPress?
my question is highly unpopular
just weird, only 15 views in one day
Q: Foursquare, how to display checkins feed from all users of my website?

PheliosSo, I understand that each user of my website will have a Auth_key after they allow my website to access their foursquare account. What I understand is, to display the checkins of a user, I need to use that user's auth_key. So, it also means that I need to loop through my users, get each auth_key...

maybe because noone get it.. like me :s
maybe.. but no comments at all
@atomSmasher I am a bit familiar with wp
@ayublin I may have figured out my problem. I am walking through a tutorial now. I am trying to embed a newly created wp blog into a simple index.php home page.
@atomSmasher oh great :)
any benefit of using mysql temporary tables in web applications?
I'm thinking of using view instead, but temporary tables are suggested as well...
3 hours later…
@Karem , thing is , that you most like were using the wrong variable
when you access something that belongs to the object , you use $this
so , in the case of PDO , you would write something like $this->_connection->bindValue( ... );
that , is ins the case if in constructor you had :
public function __construct( PDO $connection )
    $this->_connection = $connection;
and , of course , assuming that you passed a working connection there
the other thing i mentioned in issue-list was , that you are accessing SQL each time you try to get some value
wouldn't it be smarter to just fetch all the data one ( first time you try to get it ) , and store it inside the object
and in next getter-method you execute , you just check if values are already there
... i hope it cleasrs up some of it
as i said before
you are really really bad at object oriented programming .. a lot for you to learn there
A: atlbase.h not found (VS2008)

Christian SciberrasI've found the perfect solution; you fix C++ by not using it at all! A few minutes ago I realized they also have a working version for Delphi. After a couple of minutes, I got my Delphi install configured with the right paths and now it works builds nicely, plus it's in my favourite environment...

Just in case you had any doubts that C++ sucks hard...
I'm trying to pass parameters to a control in codeigniter, but I'm getting 404 page not found error, I don't get it, I did what the guide says: http://codeigniter.com/user_guide/general/controllers.html#passinguri

When I remove the params in the index function and just access the controller everything works fine, but I can't pass a value to it...

Here is the code the way I'm trying to send a param: http://mysite/123

class Main extends Controller {

function index($username) {

echo $username;
hi anybody having experience with OAuth
@lovesh I have enough to realize when I need OAuth vs OpenID
i wanna test some features of google api and for that i need to use OAuth
but the problem is i dont hav a domain name
can i use my localhost to register?
Hmm. I'm not sure about that one. But I suppose you could try, no?
hello.. iwant to display user deteil and having url like mysite.com/username in codeigniter
after login
@ChristianSciberras i can but i think that every domain name has a unique and static IP(dns stuff) but my localhost wud hav a new ip every time i disconnect and reconnect
hi lovesh
how are you?
@maulikpatel good
i have some problem in codeigniter...
hello.. iwant to display user deteil and having url like mysite.com/username in codeigniter
after login
@maulikpatel i havent used it
any thing logic
or something else
logic for?
for display username profile view
in codeigniter
can u be more descriptive i dont get u yet
When I remove the params in the index function and just access the controller everything works fine, but I can't pass a value to it...

Here is the code the way I'm trying to send a param: http://mysite/123

class Main extends Controller {

function index($username) {

echo $username;


can you help me?
i havent used codeigniter so i cant tell u anything CI specific
is there any way without codeigniter to access profile?
well if i get ur ques right you are trying to display a user profile given a username right?
i didn't understand what you tell?
@maulikpatel u want to display a user profile by the username?
but how?
then get the userid from the username(if you are not using unique usernames) and then get each piece of profile info(like name,location,etc) from the database using the userid
2 hours later…
Say, @Gordon when you define/load classes, in what order do you do them?
Say, we have a class "Project" which contains an array of objects of class "Feature". Which do you load first?
i use spl_autoload_register and lazy load classes as needed
oh. ok.
Like many things PHP, I like the concept, but not the implementation. Bah.
hello christian
i have one problem in codeigniter...
hello.. iwant to display user deteil and having url like mysite.com/username in codeigniter
after login
well, I don't use CodeIgniter...sorry
in core php .. is it possible?
You mean without framework?
Yes, it is
@ircmaxell Seasoned experts do not debug. They think the program over. :P
@Robik How do you plan to load a CodeIgniter user object without CodeIgniter?
via .htaccess or using $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']
Well, he asked if it is possible without framework
or? You need the .htaccess either way...
@Robik how?
1 min ago, by Robik
via .htaccess or using $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']
It's a kind of magic
i cant understood your answer ... please explain briefly..
@Robik that's a Queen song
@Gordon Yeah
@Robik i cant understood your answer ... please explain briefly..
You can get these nice URLs by wrapping 'em using .htaccess or modify you code to depend on $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] instead of $_GET etc.
Actually, the best system is to do an internal redirect via .htaccess, detect this redirect, and fill up post/get/request accordingly.
Hi @石旭飞
Hi Dan Xufei
A: PHP how to autoinclude?

Christian SciberrasThe best answer I can think about (other than auto_prepend_file which may land you in some trouble), is to use an .htaccess file to actually load into a specific boot file which loads the actual file. Example follows: \ |- FolderA | |- index.php |- index.php |- config.php |- boot.php |- .htacce...

A: Open pop-up at remote pc in php

J0HNConsider using Comets, here is some example

hello chetan patel
hi maulik
@chetan i have one problem in codeigniter...
hello.. iwant to display user deteil and having url like mysite.com/username in codeigniter
after login
why do you want mysite.com/username instead of mysite.com/user/username. That would be much easier
and more resource like
@Gordon +1
@chetan: have ever use code igniter?
i have same question as maulik has
@Gordon: are u code igniter developer?
or do you know anything about code igniter?
i need help urgently
i know enough about CI to know that I dont want to use it
$gordon : yo man. great one
PHP frameworks sucks (mostly).
can you help me in my problem?
@robik: it's not like that
Then like what?
@gorden : can you help me?
@Robik : i think you are not php developer

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