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no , it wont be enough
I don't know why you bother, really...
If deprecated and not object oriented are not enough in 2013, then don't bother...
if your coworkers are retarded and/or codebase is rotten-beyond-help, then it might be a better idea to start looking for some alternatives
How safe it is, depends on developer, with PDO it's less likely to make mistakes.
@tereško Surprisingly enough, using mysql is the only annoyance I have found with their coding.
Q: How would I only update one composer dependency?

zerkmsI expected that composer update videlalvaro/php-amqplib would only update one dependency, but instead of that it updates all. What am I missing? PS: this dependency is defined as "videlalvaro/php-amqplib": "2.2.0" in composer.json

That's not valid from your side IMHO.
guys, I need composer guru
@igorw ^
@DavidEugenePeterson I honesty cannot see why you wouldn't be using at least PHP 5.4.latest 3v4l.org/Oo8nZ .. if not 5.5.x
@tereško it's actually an interesting question. What OS do you use on servers?
@zerkms freebsd 9
and it has php5.4 & 5.5 in ports?
@tereško Wish I had the answer to that, not my company and i'm not that high up in ranks yet to determine those decisions.
@zerkms yes and yes
Oh, I'm sooooooo envious then
(always confuse them :-S )
@tereško What is this magic?
@zerkms port contain 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 and 5.5
with all the associated extensions
Alright guys to wrap up, so UNION ALL SELECT (id,0x3a,password) FROM users WHERE id = 1 is all i need to inject? No quotes or anything else to worry about other then changing table names and what not?
/me sighs. Only 5.3.10 in the latest LTS ubuntu
No, that's just a hint @DavidEugenePeterson.
@webarto off to owasp then.
@zerkms php53-5.3.27 here
@DavidEugenePeterson Meh, don't bother.
@webarto ?
Erm, good luck.
uh, pdo vs mysql_*, well
@webarto Why wouldn't I bother?
Then you probably don't want to know that I'm writing new app with register globals, then.
Ofcourse, it has been disabled, yet luckily, my boss has nice extract() function so we can happily simulate register_globals.
@webarto that was an example of code injection. The code there would be a typical example of a "highlighting script" for search, where payload would be a result of that search query and trigger would be the string that gets searched
I hope you guys are working for more than $5k if you have to suffer like that.
nah, close to one
@tereško Great, wondering why /e didn't produce E_DEPRECATED in 5.5.
@webarto because 5.5 is not vulnerable to \0 in string
trick is that in C the marker for end of string is \0
Yes, yes, came to my brain from butt.
emm ... TMI
What if e.g. /is? \0\0 would do?
I cannot recall what "s" was for ... "i" is fore case-insensitive
Ignore whitespace DOTALL; so . matches newlines.
(?s) for "single line mode" makes the dot match all characters, including line breaks. Not supported by Ruby or JavaScript. In Tcl, (?s) also makes the caret and dollar match at the start and end of the string only.
Yeah, sort of.
Incoming basic design strategy problem. I think my brain is broken:
Given an object type; say a Rule for parsing/matching something. There are two subtypes, LiteralRule and DynamicRule. LiteralRule with a $literal string property, and DynamicRule with an $expression string (regex) property. The contract defined by Rule (be it an interface or abstract base) is bool match(string $text).
The problem is, LiteralRule performs an exact text match() of it's $literal property against $text, which is fine; whereas DynamicRule has the added functionality of needing to give back the matches of $expression against the $text argument. Normally, one would add a reference parameter (a 'la preg_match), but that breaks the contract with Rule. What could I do to accommodate this behaviour?
whatcha makin` ?
I could alter the match() signature adding a by-ref &$params argument, but LiteralRule won't need it, so it seems superfluous.
@tereško @me?
Its just some parsing rules for some routing stuff; but really, the problem roots deeper than that. I don't think I've ever quite wrapped my head around this caveat to contract design.
I could move the evaluation stuff out of the rules entirely, into a RuleEvaluator, which could aggregate match parameters and act as a sort of iterative "visitor"
But that seems like overkill; besides, it seems the matching logic is the responsibility of the rules in this case; otherwise, they're just naive string containers.
Not to mention, the "visitor" is all but quite useless for type-based visitation, since I'd have to instanceof all the things anyway.
I .. emm ... get this nagging feeling .. emm .. that this is completely wrong
@tereško Nag away sir. Nag, away.
When presented with a similar situation, what has been your course of action?
@DanLugg In a similar situation with my own Router module I went with something like your RuleEvaluator
@cspray That's what I'm sort of leaning towards, only because I can extend the RuleEvaluator when necessary.
But I dunno; the parsing/capturing stuff still seems like it belongs in the Rule itself. If not because the responsibility seems right, because otherwise it'll be a behaviourless container for a string or two (depending on the subtype)
Well, I was thinking about eventually making what would be a "chained" RuleEvaluator. One evaluator that will go through a series until a positive match is found
Or return some default not found route or just go directly to 404
@DanLugg Well, I originally thought that too
Hmm, I think our evaluators are acting on different levels.
@DanLugg Perhaps
It definitely isn't exactly what you're describing
But I think the principle is the same
The rules I'm talking about are per-segment /foo/bar/baz would be matched by 3 literal segments, with the property values of "foo", "bar" and "baz" respectively.
@DanLugg Ah, yes, I haven't gone that granular with it yet :P
i need help
@LacsonCruz Don't we all?
I mean, really. Who doesn't need help?
I also don't distinguish between a literal string and a regex pattern
@LacsonCruz have you tried calling ambulance ?
It is just all a regex pattern...easier for my cognitive overload. That being said it would be incredibly simple to whip up a LiteralMatchStrategy (I call it a match strategy not a rule evaluator)
@tereško you mean 911?
@reikyoushin No! That's locality dependent!
it's 112 here .. I went with a word that would be a bit more universal
It could be 0, 911, 112, 999
@DanLugg i think everybody would get what that means.. btw its 117 here
@DanLugg looks like an ip address.. although certainly not one
@reikyoushin never underestimate the degree to which societies might be self-contained
@tereško hmm.. oh well. ^_^
how can i delete my question here in stackoverflow, i just think it needed 10 flag,how can i do it immediately?
@cspray Ah; yea see when building rules the string foo/@bar/@qux:\d+/* is parsed into a LiteralSegment of "foo", a pair of DynamicSegments, named bar and qux, with expressions .* and \d+ respectively, and finally a flag to allow arbitrary trailing segments.
which question ? your latest ?
So for example, foo/hello/392/ding/dong would match; with "ding", "dong" being the trail.
is it the duplicate one?
you can use this chat for that to some extent, @LacsonCruz , this might explain the detail
@DanLugg will you put your routing system on github ?
or maybe .. is it there already ?
@tereško Certainly will, not at this moment though; my brains are leaking out my ears, and it's very torn apart right now anyway.,
I'm thinking it's actually nap time.
i just need to format all question, because honestly i got a lot of down vote, i am a begginer user of this website,
@tereško can you delv a question directly or does it need to be cv first?
@reikyoushin it has to be closed before anyone can delete it
and i can't ask question
@LacsonCruz you can format the old ones to be a better question. no need to delete it
@LacsonCruz oh .. so actually the problem is that your account was locked because of the quality of questions, is that it ? In that case you should try to fix the ones that can you save and flag the really bad ones for deletion to moderators.
and deleting the questions with low votes aren't the solution for question lock
rm -rf /stack-overflow-qs
@reikyoushin - ok if that is,i need to delete the question that has downvotes
... sorry for multiple pings .. made several typos
@DanLugg Yea, I just figured I'd use named subpatterns in PCRE ;)
Of course those are much uglier than the syntax you provided
@cspray I dunno :-P
@DanLugg well .. let me know when it is in viewable form. I finished up my own routing system recently and would be interested in how others tackle this problem
Well, I just built a small OOP API that builds up the routes for me and abstracts away from necessarily having to write all that ugly regex too
@tereško - u mean fix my other question?
@LacsonCruz yep. fix the salvageable ones..
@tereško Certainly will; I'll be pushing all the code up soon enough, just a collection of reusable and extensible application development components; also known as a "framework"
@LacsonCruz yes. The "question ban" is not given for a single bad question. Instead it is based in something like "10 latest questions". Which means that you have more then one bad question in your profile history.
@cspray Yea, that's what I've essentially done; cept it "compiles" to an object graph instead of regex. I'm starting to think your way might trump mine cause I'm starting to not care enough about doing it "this way"
@tereško Well...since you said "others" :P Here's my routing library github.com/SprayFire/SprayFire_Router
It is my first attempt at routing anything really and some things I still am not entirely sure about
But I actually don't think it is all that bad
@tereško - how can i fix it? I'm asking because iI can't fix it... :(
@LacsonCruz Lacson. My friend. Seriously. Just ask better questions. If your questions were closed, or downvoted, read the comments. If the comments say "what a crappy question!", then de-crapify it. If the comments say "what a subjective crappy question!", then make it an objective de-crapified question.
@LacsonCruz this might help, so you could get an idea what to do..
@cspray what's the "entry point" ?
@tereško For the framework itself or that particular component?
for that component
@tereško Router::getRoute($Request)
Should return a Route that the dispatcher can use to know what resource to instantiate
can i edit the question?
@LacsonCruz Absolutely!
The Route interface is actually the one that I'm the least sure about and is probably the one most likely to change
@cspray hmm ... first issue that I have with this is: you unit tests are confusing
@DanLugg thank you
@tereško How so? This was one of the earlier components and my first venture into TDD
And that test suite has actually went through some refactoring which probably helped lead to the confusion I would imagine. Still interested in what parts need work though
@LacsonCruz Glad to help, but just remember:
Sep 25 at 8:15, by PeeHaa
3) we are not a refugee camp for people with a question ban
@cspray first of all you are mixing assertions with expected class for mocks
@LacsonCruz if people think your question's quality improved.. they would've removed the downvotes or would've gathered upvotes.. you can also try answering if it suits you..
ok thanks, i'm going to try
@tereško An yes, particularly in the MatchStrategy with the Route implementations
I actually thought about this as I was implementing the tests
I think you are testing two classes there
And my rationale for using the Route implementation is that it is a relatively dumb object and setting up mocks is a PITA
@tereško Yea, I can definitely see that
And I don't think you're wrong; the Route implementation is just so dumb that I didn't think it was worth bothering to test
Perhaps I'll go back and revisit those tests and make them all use mocks...
^ so only the high rep people will see. ^_^
Sometimes I still have problems with mixing classical and mockist style testing. For me it is all a tradeoff between the complexity of the implementation I'm using in the test and how complex the mock is to set up.
@tereško I went through all his code, yes I found a query which is inserting a number why do you ask?
the other thing is that even though routing is a complex thing, in the MatchStrategyTest you have only few tests (you are matching 7 queries) and you have no tests for expected failures ... at least not that i can see
@DavidEugenePeterson I meant where number gets actually inserted as a number .. as in "... WHERE foo = " . $bar; without quoting it , because working around quites will be quite tedious
@tereško Duly noted
when working with numeric IDs, is it safe to intval them after they came from a user? or does that suck? (just wondering, i guess most people would say the latter)
@tereško quites say wha...oh quotes. Yeah there is a couple, but I wouldn't have any problem injecting those. It's quotes I have a hard time with and the fact that mysql real escape prepends slashes to quotes.
also .. emm ... how will this work in a situation where is have something like 20 controllers ?
Quick question, in PDO, the difference between BindValues and execute array, what is it?
@tereško What do you mean?
@user2738336 with execute() all the parameters will be bound as strings: PDO::PARAM_STR
@cspray from the example that's in the readme file it looks like you have to define route for each controller separately , and it also assumes that there even are controllers
Ah thank you. There are no security preferences right? Just the type of data right?
@tereško Ah, yes. There's an API in RouteBuilder that helps ease that pain. I have thought about this and taken some inspiration from Silex and some other frameworks and may add something more interface driven for that aspect
@user2738336 IIRC, it will just do the casting before data is sent. This has no security implications IF you have disabled the emulated prepares
but, right now, that API is still new and actually not released out of development yet
That is something I have coming up very soon
Anyone here really good with SSH?
is this some sort of survey ?
Well it started with PHP.
or do you have a legitimate question about PHP ?
Woops. New to chat
It started with PHP, but essentially curl was requesting too slow so I'm trying to do it from command line instead.
If you know of a fast way to use curl or anything similar that can handle 10-20 requests a second. I would like to know about it.
@IsaacBoda something like this ? rdlowrey.github.io/Artax
Did someone say Artax? :)
I'm gonna hop off for a little bit. Thanks for the critique @tereško; will definitely take some of the advice in mind when I work on that component again. If you have anything else just let me know.
@IsaacBoda I retrieve hundreds of resources per second with Artax ... though your problem almost certainly isn't "curl requesting too slow" but instead the limitation of retrieving requests one at a time in order.
That looks sexy.
Socket transfers over the network will always be slow. The only way to combat that is to do them all at the same time. If you perform the requests serially it will always take forever regardless of the tool you use.
I was trying to remove any need for language processing and was attempting to setup a repeating wget feature, but to be honest... I'm about 5 days into learning any of this.
@IsaacBoda Any PHP whatsoever?
Or do you mean something else when you say "any of this?"
@rdlowrey How... how did you do that?
I don't mind using PHP it seems to be a valid option.
Because if you're totally new to programming my Artax lib may not be for you ...
@DanLugg It's just non-blocking IO. The HTTP protocol makes it complex but under the hood the principles are relatively simple.
I have some developer friends that would know more about implementing it and we have dedicated servers so the connection speed and options for keeping alive requests shouldn't be too hard to work with.
Ultimately, it's going to come down to how close my servers are to the registry that I'm fetching the domain names from.
I just have an idea and want to run with it, so PHP was my first plan of approach.
@rdlowrey No, I meant, how did you come in here the moment Artax was mentioned?
Like a fucking bat signal or something.
@DanLugg oh lol, I actually was just stopping by at exactly the right moment.
Is Artax something you made?
Not "made", crafted.
he's biased
That's so awesome that you have taken the time to learn and do something like that.
Actually I work for the NSA and my watch beeps whenever anyone on the internet mentions any of my projects.
Ok, sleep time. Night folks.
@DanLugg later.
If I wanted to play with Artax would I need to download anything special other than being on PHP 5.4+?
well, you will need extension for sockets, but that should be part of default installation
Nevermind. I see the repo.
Should be able to just wget the repo and start playing with it then.
@DanLugg -what if i solved my own question?is it can make my vote up?
@IsaacBoda It's easy as hell to use. You will also need rdlowrey's Alert Library.
@IsaacBoda you box needs git =P
--recursive will pick it up it says.
@IsaacBoda I believe there are instructions on the README.
I'm pretty sure it has that by default right :P
then just do git clone
@IsaacBoda --recursive would work if you use git
@tereško - -what if i solved my own question?is it can make my vote up?tnx
Yea I found it and passed it off to a friend. I'm just trying to collect opinions and ideas on getting this done so they don't have to work too much on it. We just had a meetup and are working to get this started.
@LacsonCruz no, but if you solved it yourself, you should add an answer and mark it as such
@tereško - but can i change my question to another topic/subject?
@IsaacBoda Artax is probably the easiest to use and fastest http libraries out there for php.... and I'm not saying that JUST because I'm a rdlowrey fanboy :)
@LacsonCruz this chat room is not meant for user support
try instead here:

 The Assembly

You know those boring town council meetings you never attend? ...
or here:
Anyone here looking for work (paid of course).
Hello guys
depends .. what's the gig and at what rates
@IsaacBoda tell me more
@AseanJazz you posted taht question less then 5 minutes ago. Please don't spam here if answer doesn't magically materialize 30 seconds after posting the question.
@AseanJazz Jack's answer is what you are after
I need two scripts written. One to create a list of domain names for me:

It would use: www.pool.com/Downloads/PoolDeletingDomainsList.zip and a txt file to compare it with my list of keywords. The output would be a txt file with a list of desirable domains matching my results. It would need to filter anything that is not dropping on today's date (file is downloaded day prior through cron). only extension it would show would be the .com's (output strips all useless info other than domain name).
second script would be utilizing Artax's get requests to send my API requests as many times possible and loops between time A and time B (45 minutes) each request appends a file.
Hmm, i see, easy problem, yet 20mb of data. Is php fit for this task?
@enrey what is "task"?
@isaacboda so text file of matching .com domains that contain your keywords that expire after the date in question. Would both scripts be run from cron? And what exactly would be appended to the file?
@zerkms "doing" "problem" "thing to do" "quest"
@Orangepill The only cron involved would be the downloading of the file as I may add/remove keywords from my test file and run it on the fly.
Perhaps I'm out of context
@isaacBoda from command line?
I have plesk so I can always schedule it once a day to download the file (at night) the script to sort and the script to catch the domains will be ran in the morning on the next day.
Since the downloaded domains file doesn't contain today's date, just the next 5 days.
So download file night before > view sorted file > manually pick out keepers > schedule cron to run catch script that runs for 45 minutes and outputs each request to register (successful or not to a text file).
given the input some creative grepping might fulfill the first requirement.
grep ".com," DeleteDomainList.txt | grep -v "09/03/2013" | cut -f 1 -d , > keepers.txt
^something like that.
My keyword list is about 2000-10000 keywords long :P
grep ".com," DeleteDomainList.txt | grep -v "09/03/2013" | cut -f 1 -d , | grep -f keywords.txt -F > keepers.txt
pinging @igorw as this may just be me being dumb - is Composer's ability to require libs documented e.g. github.com/symfony/Icu/blob/1.2.x/composer.json#L20 I can't see it in getcomposer.org/doc/04-schema.md#require
@Orangepill Problem I foresee is having to log on every day and run this from command line to get a list of .com domains.
fark - found it already - getcomposer.org/doc/02-libraries.md
With PHP I could set the date to a variable and then comb through.
That way i'm not having to edit the file or change the command line at all everyday it could just run.
Hello everyone! I'm new here so I hope I don't break any rules. I'm looking for some advice related to Symfony2 & Doctrine. Anyone here has some experience with'em so I can ask some general questions?
@issacBoda all that could be incorporated into the cron that downloads the file as post processing.
would be trivial to write as php as well.
as a rule how much swap space should i allow for a linux install
@marabutt depends on how much physical RAM you have
@IssacBoda filtering based on your keyword list is going to be the sticky part.
what will that box run ?
no, I meant in sence of software
standard php dev environment ... the only hog would be netbeans
@Shaba7elail Discussion for all things PHP - Don't ask whether someone is here to help you. If someone is around and wants to help they will.
hmm .. in that case no more then 2GB
@isaacboda you might be able to optimize your keyword list as well.... like if screw, screwdriver and corkscrew all appear on your list you can drop the last two .... just to get your list down to a more manageable size.
@tereško thanks
lol ... they pulled PSR-4
@isaacboda wait ... are you looking for the keywords in the domain names or in the page contents?
I actually have the script that sorts by keyword right now pretty well written. It's written out here: stackoverflow.com/questions/19108004/…
.. then again, I am not surprised that PSR-4 is a disaster, based on who sponsor that proposal: github.com/php-fig/fig-standards/blob/master/proposed/…
@tereško Yeah - "Spends six months on discussing a voting process, has the guy in charge cancel the vote"
I don't like how the vardump spits out ugly information - would like the output to just be the domain names on each line.
10K keyword terms seems excessive... considering a normal college educated persons vocabulary is about 17K words.
@Orangepill on a weekday. Less at weekends.
@Orangepill how many languages can an average college graduate speak in ?
@teresko in US almost 1 :)
@Orangepill lol, almost. I see what you did there =oP
@crypticツ and that's the average :)
/me is drinking again some witch's brew
sup doggies
@tereško what proportion of american college graduates are american?
@marabutt the question actually implied "american" for the graduates
since the original statement also implied a vocabulary of americans
@marabutt I know it's surprisingly low for post graduate schools.
Even bridging languages though I would think 10K would be excessive.... if you consider that word root could be used to get all the variations (see the screw example above). I would guess the optimized list would be less then 5K
domain names ARE just limited to ascii character right?
@Orangepill not anymore
gods below, PSR-4 is actually horrible ... in some aspects it's even worse then PSR-0
@matabutt what character set? UTF-8?
@Orangepill yes
Ignore everything I said above then
people still don't use them
theforrester.wordpress.com/2007/08/13/… some people were ahead of the game
So it is possible to get a Tolken Elvish or Klingon domain name..
its funny how they only had 1 language
and dont get me started on warp drive inconsistencies
I wonder how much traffic example.com gets...
@marabutt notice how stackoverflow accounts for 3% of their traffic :)
hehehe people setting their htaccess files to example.com
I only go with english domains, no dashes or numbers, think not words, but more geographical + business names
so the list is pretty endless on combinations.
phoenix | detroit | etc + plumber
@all hi
anyone have freelance php project?
not based on your answer history
I wanna combine php and an accordion menu...
I'm using php to print the results from my database
I'm sure there is a question somewhere in there... ^
Ah the question is how?
@benlevywebdesign what have you tried?
I'm just about to start trying stuff
I am alright with the javascript and jquery etc.
Answered after almost 25 days later. :D
1 message moved to Trash can
Hello Guys i have one database query , you can help me if you free
Q: SQL: How to update or insert if doesn't exist?

RhysI have a SQL insert below, which works fine, however I would like it to check if DATE=xxxx, NAME =xxxx and JOB = xxx and update HOURS if they exist otherwise insert new row. IS this possible with SQL? "INSERT INTO TABLE (NAME, DATE, JOB, HOURS) VALUES ('BOB', '12/01/01', 'PM','30'); Trying the...

its working perfectly but i want to update with some specific ID
@chintankhetiya WHERE clause?
@crypticツ Thanks but i have solve like this
INSERT OR REPLACE INTO N_STOCK (pro_id ,quantity) VALUES ("3","3")
@chintankhetiya maybe you're looking for ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE... which works like insert, except it lets you specify how to turn it into update if duplicit unique key is found
@enrey thanks for reply
INSERT OR REPLACE INTO N_STOCK (pro_id ,quantity) VALUES ("3","3")
here pro_id is FOREIGNKEY and UNIQUE so that will identify if they exist and update same ID record with appropriate value
@teresko Does something like this appear sane to you:
class Request{
    private $url;
    private $method;
    private $sources = [];

    public function __construct($url, $method){
        $this->url = $url;
        $this->method = $method;
    public function setParameterProvider($name, callable $provider){
        $this->sources[$name] = $provider;
    public function setParameterSource($name, array $data){
        $this->sources[$name] = $data;
    public function get($source, $name, $default = null){
        if (isset($this->sources[$source]) && !is_array($this->sources[$source])){
any other opinions are welcome too
@Orangepill can you give me a password encryption framework
@samitha use ircmaxell's if you don't need it to be reversible.
can you send a link ?
reversible. mean ?
@samitha don't have a good solution for that..
Request Class usage:
$request = \Vagabond\Http\Request::getPhpDefaultRequest();
$action = $request->get("get", "action");
$username = $request->get("post", "username");
$password = $request->get("post", "password");
Good morning
good morning
Alternate Usage (accepting application/json) post data
$request = \Vagabond\Http\Request::getPhpDefaultRequest();
$request->setParameterProvider("post", function(){
    if ($_SERVER["CONTENT_TYPE"] == "application/json"){
        return json_decode(file_get_contents("php://input"), true);
    } else {
        return $_POST;
$action = $request->get("get", "action");
$username = $request->get("post", "username");
$password = $request->get("post", "password");
Well I'm off to sleep. Goodnight all
I just woke up..
@Duikboot Well, @Orangepill is in a better situation. :D
@Orangepill Why is getPhpDefaultRequest static?
I would make some factory (e.g. PhpDefaultRequestFactory) that would create Request object. Or some builder class that would build read-only request object.
@JoeWatkins Almost weekend man!
almost man ...
all pdf excel word filess corrupted, hopefully my source codes are unaffctd
@BurakÖztürk You are in wrong assumption, "$username" and $username both are same. And its not quates , its quotes. — Yogesh Suthar 1 min ago
@YogeshSuthar aa gye kutte
@Mr.Alien me kabka idhar hi tha, inactive tha, jake abi wapas aaya.
tu kitne dino k baad aya
roj aata hu.

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