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Stupid damn flash banner! Why don't you load you javascript whore!
Anyone wanna investigate javascript banners for funsies? -_-
Real life detective experience
What's a banner?
anyone wanna help break up a loop for fun?...
@PeeHaa this one Loads fine in browser. Dies in PhantomJS.
@Fabien Also dies in my browser
@PeeHaa Ad block most likely. Incognito should load it
Lemme fire up mah pronmode
hmmm also adblocker in pronmode. yeah lots of ads on pronsites....
@PeeHaa It's a little tough to test/figure out. If you'd like to get involved I can send you a key to a server for demonstration/testing
holy crap 55 requests :O
BTW I do see this
Resource interpreted as Script but transferred with MIME type text/plain: "http://ad.yashi.com/servlet/ajrotator/1254549/0/impr?ajkey=V12361759A9J-573…_Bid%5Bprefetch_data%5D=0%26meta_data%5Brid%5D=0&openrtb.json=status=nobid". rtb_8.0.5_2.js:9
Resource interpreted as Document but transferred with MIME type image/gif: "http://image2.pubmatic.com/AdServer/Pug?vcode=bz0yJnR5cGU9MSZjb2RlPTIxNzcmdGw9MTI5NjAw&piggybackCookie=CAESENneEUKI8sZgfVUaXSH18SY&google_cver=1". showad.js:2
Resource interpreted as Image but transferred with MIME type text/html: "http://ib.adnxs.com/ymapuid?xid=nINwEQIt8qSq
hi guys
@PeeHaa the rabbit hole is deep with this one.
Do you have control over how those as served?
@PeeHaa Nope. It'd be a little easier to explain if I could spam you a bit with context. Shall I email you what's going on. I don't mind if you lose interest here. :P
@Fabien Mail me the info
No guarantees though :)
@Fabien What in the name of shitting fuck did you just make me load? 53 sodding requests for that???
It's hardly surprising it doesn't work everywhere
@DaveRandom heh. It's related to what you helped me with the other day.
@DaveRandom You only got 53 requests. Bitch please
@PeeHaa emailed through.
Hard to find people with PhantomJS experience but I don't really think it's a PhantomJS issue. Though it will most likely be solved with PhantomJS.
lemme download phantomjs
You won't need to. I can send you a key to our server with it installed.
If you want?
will it help solving it?
Yes :P plus it'll save you a lot of faffing
send it
@Fabien Do you get any error messages at all?
@DaveRandom Nope. Phantom allows me to see when resources fail to load too. Not getting anything there either.
@PeeHaa Key is with you with user and IP. The command listed will spam out some info. That's all the requested resources
hmmmm btw. Are you sure it isn't a UA string thingy?
User agent
Sorry can we back up a little bit here? What do you actually want to accomplish, and in what way is it not working?
@PeeHaa I am spoofing a Chrome useragent in PhantomJS
I just changed the user agent string and now I don't see an ad
hmm k
Damn. Those floodprotection messages are getting annoying
@DaveRandom Basically the ad loads in browser but not in PhantomJS. It tries to but at some point just stops. I'm trying to figure out why.
I emailed you the details if interested.
FTR the number on the end of the call (28) make it something random. Only the once then u can just reuse that number.
@Fabien You know what, fuck it, I'm too tired and slightly drunk for being helpful, I'll just stand on the side lines and throw half eaten hand-held food at the players. If you're still having issues tomorrow I can have a look then though.
how do I make dynamic content have different ID's
@DaveRandom lol. Cheers anyway :) Hopefully it'll be figured out.
Also, when did beer Thursday start?
benlevywebdesign.com/simmzys/menu.php and if you click on any of the food menu items they go up down real fast before be collapsing like they should
@PeeHaa when you run the command from ssh it dies at this request.

Request (#6): {"headers":[{"name":"User-Agent","value":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; ru-ru) AppleWebKit/537.17 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/24.0.1312.57 Safari/537.17"},{"name":"Accept","value":"*/*"},{"name" min.white-bullet.com/admin/test/index.html"}],"id":6,"method":"GET","time":"2013-10-03T21:49:44.073Z","url":"http://ad.yashi.com/servlet/ajrotator/1254549/0/vj?z=gamers&dim=403123&pos=1&pv=3666900997050108& dmin.white-bullet.com%2Fadmin%2Ftest%2Findex.html&refer=htt
I see. And when I change the user agent string in my browser it dies exactly there
I keep trying to backtrack through the javascript files to find out where it might potentially say "if not this, piss off".
How can you change the user agent string in the browser?
Open dev tools. Look for the gear at the bottom right. Click overrides. Change UA string. Profit
> 403
Ah cool thanks.
Which didn't work for oyu?
Mine still loads when I use the one I have set in PhantomJS
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; ru-ru) AppleWebKit/537.17 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/24.0.1312.57 Safari/537.17
Why are you imitating an ancient version of Chrome on a Russian OS??
I just set it to some random string
Can I change the string in the phantom script as test?
@PeeHaa Go wild.
@DaveRandom I tried a few it seemed to make no difference. Copy pasted from places.
What does it mean when resource interpreted as script but tansferred to MIME?
Multipurpose Internet Mail extension. Seems almost random.
damnit accept same thing. let me compare requests
@Fabien It means that something was used as Javascript but it was served with the wrong content-type header
@Fabien It means chrome is smart enough to see it is JS but the headers are lying
@DaveRandom Ah cool thanks. Maybe the problem is PhantomJS isnt.
Oh heh
Is see that in Chrome the referer is not set, but is set in phantom. Doubt that is the problem though
Which bell-end asked about SEO on php.net?
@PeeHaa Yeah I have tried a few referers without any difference
I really am stuck NOW!
yep... tried it failed :P
My next move would be to crack out the Wireshark. Sometimes it's easier to play spot-the-difference with blocks of plain text
@PeeHaa can you see what is wrong on benlevywebdesign.com/simmzys/menu.php
when you click on any of the food items it doesn't collapse till the second time
@Fabien Should the cookies also be displayed in the result?
> - The message is too long. - retry / cancel
FU chat
> The message is too long. You suck.
In the phantom request I cannot see cookies
@webarto What really is fucked up is the retry link
yeah sure the let me retry it so that my message suddenly is the correct size
@PeeHaa You can add "--cookies-file=/path/to/cookies.txt"
@PeeHaa YES
I get this in the cookies file
<3 eBay
I've got like 5 seconds before I give up
@uınbɐɥs hey long time no see
@PeeHaa I disabled cookies in Chrome and still get loads.
@webarto stop making fun of grandpa's shirts
i have question
at work i've had several wordpress sites have the admin section show up on the front end
@member8888 and its not now?
sorry .. this chat room does not deal with wordpress related incidents
are you trying to get to it?
@Fabien I totally give up for now :(
the header, footer, and 404 pages all are consistently modified the exact same way to have code from the admin section in them so it looks like you are logged in
try here instead:
Let me revert my changes
@PeeHaa Thanks for trying. Don't worry about reverting :)
cool will check there
@Fabien Already done :)
heh cheers.
@member8888 type the website address and type /wp-login.php after it
Out of curiosity do you think it's a JavaScript solvable problem of a PhantomJS settings issue? Possibly the inability to fix the broken stuff like Chrome does?
Looks like the easiest way to find out what is going on is indeed start fiddling with wireshark to find out the differences between the requests
Imma take your grandpa's style, I'ma take your grandpa's style,
No for real - ask your grandpa - can I have his hand-me-downs? (Thank you)
Velour jumpsuit and some house slippers
Dookie brown leather jacket that I found diggin'
are you sure your not logged in
that's not the issue, issue is the admin shows up on front end
what part of the admin shows up?
the entire admin section
its like you view source on the admin, then copy and paste that code into the theme file
Coming back from the dentists. Crutch slipped due to muddy/wet ground and I smashed my ankle against some wall. Irony of being on crutches because I hurt my leg then hurting my leg because of crutches.
more details would help me figure it out
how do you not get it? work out floor with 30, but is it for 20 like 30 lb when you no lift it to be for men, for 30 lbs instead? or half is 10 for 20 pounds?
@Fabien this indicates genetic levels of clumsiness
@tereško I am pretty unfortunate with my health, i'll give you that. But the initial reason for crutches wasn't clumsy.
@benlevywebdesign this is a screen of the 404 page in private browsing: viewscreen.net/mtt/mttImage-19-035704.png
so whats wrong here?
that's not logged in, that's the 404 shown to anyone
it also happens to header and footer.php files
your not logged in? screen shot the others and main page of the site
where is @ircmaxell by the way?
whats the site url this is happening on?
i already fixed most of it, including the header and footer files
but if you trigger a 404, you'll see what i mean
it's happened to 5 or 6 sites on different servers in the past two weeks
ruled out plugins so far
then its something wrong with your 404 page file
have you check the 404 page file
yeah the code from the admin section is in there
in your 404 page file on your server
but it wasn't the other day. i kind of doubt it was a hack though because the same thing has happened to several other sites randomly
if its in the 404 file its gonna be showing up
@webarto touring Europe. I think right now he's in Birmingham.
check the actual 404 file not just the site /40
yeah. just trying to figure out why that would randomly be injected. the code wasn't in there two days ago
@member8888 Why does your 404 content contains admin stuff?
that's what i'm trying to figure out
What does it actually contain?
i've had 5 sites all have the admin code inserted into the template files in the past two weeks
its only showing the one section bit it is clickable but nothing happens
... and now I feel dirty
that's what the code looks like, like if you viewed source for the admin section, and pasted it into the 404, header, and footer.php pages
was hoping this was a known issue before i start going through ftp logs
Night all
Night @PeeHaa
@webarto London?
Or at someone's wedding.

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