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it is perhaps not that much expected as when we see name(...) we expect anything inside the brackets to be expressed, however that is not (TRUE || FALSE);
Well actually new should also fatal error when calling then.
@hakre well, I'd actually just remove the reflection expection and evaluate the args when used with new but with no ctor^^
that also sounds fair.
because technically if there is no constructor there should be the "default" one that then accepts any kind of arguments like any function in PHP does.
Also let's try if __call() works for constructor as well ^^
Hi, had any one tried using php's imagecreate() method?
@hakre wouldn't expect that… mhm^^ (from knowing PHP, but logically, don't know…)
@bwoebi well there is no output again:
$ php -r 'class a {function __call($name, $args) {var_dump($name, $args);}} function b () { print "lala"; } new a(b());'
@Ramaraju.d I at least know one person who tried. Why do you ask?
Let's create a trolling PHP bug report about that if it's not documented so far. ;)
@hakre I'd also be surprised if this had generated some output. But it's some idea worth to change this…
@hakre okay, just do it^^
@bwoebi Still looking not that this hasn't been reported already.
I am trying to generate an image. I want to know how to customize the code. I mean , i want to am trying to create an image similar to -- chat screen on our mobiles
Okay this is documented: "__call() is triggered when invoking inaccessible methods in an object context.". New is not within object context.
@Ramaraju.d Yes, you want. But what's the issue? imagecreate works as announced in the PHP manual.
@bwoebi nice find. So it's an optimization it looks like. I can understand that by the new operator.
(but isn't documented?)
@bwoebi The new operator isn't well documented anyway.
@hakre so goto reportBug;
Ya it works but, i am just unable to modify it. I want to include some html content on the image. Also the height of the image must not be fixed.
okay, this is not this optimization:
Short-circuit evaluation, minimal evaluation, or McCarthy evaluation denotes the semantics of some Boolean operators in some programming languages in which the second argument is only executed or evaluated if the first argument does not suffice to determine the value of the expression: when the first argument of the AND function evaluates to false, the overall value must be false; and when the first argument of the OR function evaluates to true, the overall value must be true. In some programming languages (Lisp), the usual Boolean operators are short-circuit. In others (Java, Ada), bot...
but how is that new optimization called? Should we call it Rasmus evaluation?
@hakre haha :-D
new Rasmus evaluation sounds fine :-D
pingpong @lusitanian
Monring all
A programming language uses an evaluation strategy to determine when to evaluate the argument(s) of a function call (for function, also read: operation, method, or relation) and what kind of value to pass to the function. For example, call-by-worth/pass-by-reference specifies that a function application evaluates the argument before it proceeds to the evaluation of the function's body and that it passes two capabilities to the function, namely, the ability to look up the current value of the argument and to modify it via an assignment statement. In contrast, the lambda calculus is a form...
good morning @PeeHaa!
@hakre well, yes. It is. the object is created before the invocation of a ctor
@DaveRandom gratz man!
@bwoebi but the new operator, when the new operator is interpreted, there is no object context.
@hakre mr hakre :)
ping @Gordon I think the stuff @hakre and @bwoebi are talking about will affect your RFC - bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=54170
@Danack good catch dude! & good morning as well!
Must go to bed earlier....
@Danack mogoring
@Danack we need to ping @NikiC as well for that
@Danack no? how does this affect something what is only executed when the ctor exists?
@tereško thanks, that is showing up avg 12ms faster than the test one they give. I would have expected it to be slower, as they would usually provide an IP that will provide faster than provided speeds than an actual account would have. You don't happen to have a 100MB bin file on hand to download as well? =oP
@bwoebi Gordon was suggesting that his RFC would make having the constructor not exist in many cases.
Morning @peehaa - not sure, but this might save you/someone an hour or so of WTF: github.com/Danack/FlickrGuzzle/blob/master/src/Intahwebz/…
@Danack the ctor still should exist, just with an empty method body in these cases ({} or ; at the declaration end)
@crypticツ too much effort. I would have to set up some internet-facing service
@bwoebi Well - worth checking anyway.
@hakre @bwoebi I don't agree with rasmus assessment, but I'm not sure what the right behavior is
Likely it should just be an error to pass arguments to a non-existing ctor
@NikiC yes, that's the best idea I think.
@Danack hmmm tnx
@bwoebi So, easy solution: Step 1: Introduce exceptions in the engine. Step 2: Throw an exception there.
@NikiC What is your opinion about __call() to be invoked on missing __construct() ?
@hakre it should not be invoked
That's ridiculous
@NikiC That makes it different from the rest of the language. Rasmus is probably just wrong.
@NikiC interesting.
@NikiC exception? well… and what to do if we want to use a new $dynamic(arg, ...) ?
@Danack why different? If you call an undefined method, you get an error
@NikiC that would result mostly in a try { $a = new $dynamic(args, ...); } catch (Exception e) { $a = new $dynamic; } Don't think an exception makes sense?
@NikiC In one way, but new A() looks like it's the same function as new A($foo) - you can't really say that one exists and the other doesn't.
Well, for now I'd say it should give a fatal error like it's given with the reflection.
Having to write try { $a = new $dynamic(args, ...); } catch (Exception e) { $a = new $dynamic; } just unnecessary bloats code. @NikiC
Passing arguments to an non-existent constructor should not compute but fatal out.
@bwoebi why would you write that?
you sound like stas
just because something throws an exception doesn't mean you have to use try catch everywhere
that's wrong logic
Also I'm searching wikipedia up and down but I can not find any optimization that matches the one Rasmus told it is.
This looks more and more like Rasmus evaluation.
@NikiC There is not such thing like wrong logic. It is just a wrong prediction (or similar).
@NikiC well, don't see any situation where we'd not write this (without having a flaw in the code)
@bwoebi if you need to write that code, your code is just bad
if you pass args to the ctor, you imply that there is a ctor
if there is no ctor, there's a bug in your code
the exception tells you that there is one
Any ideas about how to start on doing this like this?
@bwoebi That's like complaining that parent::__construct($foo) does not work because the parent class has no ctor - if it doesn't your code is wrong (buggy) and you should fix it.
LOL, "wrong logic" seems to be a combination of terms used by developers for reporting bugs.
@Duikboot what do you mean?
Well, I think all his stuff is done by Arduino?
So hes using most of the time C# ?
Not sure if an exception is the best way, but anyway it'd be better than current.
Is there any noob-friendly tutorial about mult-threading in PHP? I don't even understand how it works
@NikiC That's okay when you're writing classes because you know explicitly what class they extend. The same isn't true when you're using a class:
I would like to start testing with an Arduino too,... If can let a LED shine im already happy as baby step but I would like to know how he is doing his project
function sideEffect() {     echo "Hello";     return  5;  }
class thisHasNoConstructor{ }
class thisHasAConstructor{   function __construct(){} }
$classToCreateArray = ['thisHasNoConstructor', 'thisHasAConstructor'];
$classToCreate = $classToCreateArray[rand(0, 1)];
new $classToCreate(sideEffect());
@Duikboot that guy looks friendly, perhaps writing a nice email will give you good hints.
@Simon_eQ I'd ping JoeWatkins here…
:) true
He lives only 10km away from me it seems :D
You have to inspect the class to know if sideEffect() is going to be called or not - that's dumb, it should be defined by the language.
@Danack yes, I'm not disagreeing there
@Duikboot scare to visit him if he does not answer the email until 8:00 tonight :D
@bwoebi Do you use it? is it very helpful or worth learning at-all?
@Simon_eQ he has many examples in the pthreads library github.com/krakjoe/pthreads/tree/master/examples
hahaha :D
Either the args should be evaluated, or there should be an error/exception. Anything else doesn't make sense
@NikiC I'd prefer the first. (To check if there's a ctor, you use method_exists and not an exception :o)
@NikiC Well we almost agree then, I just don't think that throwing an error/exception is sensible either. Every(?) other function in PHP that you pass an unused parameter to, it gets evaluated and then discarded. Seems wrong to not have that consistent.
@NikiC The thrid possibility is the (yet unnamed) de-application of arguments because of an optimization informally known as Rasmus evaluation.
@Danack but if you pass an (unused ^^) parameter to a non-existing function (here, the ctor) you get an error. very consistent imho
@Simon_eQ depends on use case; might be useful when needing more effective sharing than you have with forking
@Simon_eQ I wouldn't recommend learning about it at this point. It's useful, but probably not for the things you're doing right now ;)
@NikiC I think about it as passing a parameter to the new operator (which then forwards the args to the specific ctor if it exists); not to a specific __construct.
@NikiC No - if a normal function doesn't exist, passing in zero arguments doesn't make the error go away. Plus new A() looks like a function from where it's called.
@bwoebi If I understood it correctly, it means that I am able to execute multiple functions or whatever at the same time right? @NikiC I had that feeling to, but I just want to understand its purpose
Non-existent methods have Rasmus evaluation as well:
$ php -r 'class a {} function b () { print "lala"; } (new a())->__construct(b()); '

Fatal error: Call to undefined method a::__construct() in Command line code on line 1

Call Stack:
    0.0001     132680   1. {main}() Command line code:0
@hakre well, that's expected
@hakre yeah; but there's no problem, as you shouldn't write code which fatals^^
The fatal error is triggered before evaluating the arguments, that is, de-application of the arguments.
it's a fatal error, so of course everything after it is not run ^^
yeah, just getting things a bit on the edge here. :)
well to summarize: calling a non-existent function or method will make PHP not evaluate the it's arguments. The __construct method is a special method in PHP that can be called with arguments without triggering a fatal error. All other non-existent methods and functions do a fatal error.
@hakre when using a very special viewpoint on everything, everything becomes consistent^^
@bwoebi It's not consistent here because the invoking behavior of the constructor is a special case.
I think for consistency reasons a fatal error should be given as it is done in the reflection.
That makes sense at least.
PHP still does not need to evaluate the arguments.
Actually it should not, as it's the case with any other non-existent function/method.
three people, three opinions: a) fatal error b) exception or c) just evaluate args… err… what now?^^
any mysql expert here ?
heh, this "no constructor, no run" thing lets you do some wacky things: codepad.viper-7.com/0jB836
magic boolean classes:
class OTrue { public function __construct() {} }
class OFalse { }
In mysql, i want to delete all occurances of a column data when it exceeds more than 5, except those five.
evaluating the arguments seems the most expected behaviour
@IMSoP maybe we just discovered awesome metaprogramming capabilities in PHP?
@NikiC it kind of feels like if you tried really really hard you could build some use for it...
@IMSoP The bad thing is that we can't use an expressoin for the class name
only a var
that's somewhat limiting
but not that problematic actually...
@NikiC You know the trick with class x1 /* false */ {} class x /* true */ { function __construct() {} } new ${'x'.!(expression)}($args); ?
to be honest, my intuitive assumption was that there was some kind of default constructor which had no args and did nothing
@bwoebi of course ^^
the fact that class A {} is different from class A { public function __construct() {} } had never occurred to me
I'm wondering how to best handle things if I do a function call
Like new ${evaluateIf($cond)}($expr)
evaluateIf would set a variable with either one or the other class and return the variable name
abuse of PHP edge cases! xD
but it needs to set a variable in the local scope :/
I guess (use in code golf aside) I'm in the "just evaluate the arguments" camp
@NikiC then name the var ${"\x01"} and it won't collide^^
@bwoebi I'm more wondering how to set it in the first place
variable name is not an issue, ${''} is pretty "standard" for those purposes ^^
@bwoebi for a language with a lot of non-binary safe string functions lying around, PHP has a lot of internals that use null bytes!
(one of many reasons create_function must die)
@IMSoP nearly everything in php is binary safe. only real exception are filesystem functions, but that's not php's fault
@NikiC hm, maybe I'm just remembering too long ago
i've certainly had code that choked on serialize output because the null bytes caused truncation
but maybe it was a database driver or something
anyway, I don't think we can make anything from the ctor evaluation. After all you always have $expr and $expr2 to do conditional evaluation, if you like ...
create_function still needs to die though
@IMSoP at least the impl should use a lambda
@hakre why don't you use your usual email address?
@NikiC I thought about that, but then all existing uses of it break anyway
since Closures can't be serialized, let alone used in string context
@IMSoP oh, I mean just keep it for bc, with a cleaner impl
@NikiC but it wouldn't be compatible
so you wouldn't gain over just deprecating it out over the next couple of versions
@IMSoP create_function can't be serialized either ^^ just some random string can that has no intrinsic meaning
@NikiC it's a global function, though, so you can do poor-man's composition by faffing around with var_export
okay, okay
so let's just deprecate it
$f = create_function('$a', 'return $a * 2;');
$f5 = create_function('', '$f = \'' . var_export($f) . '\'; return $f(5);');
or something like that
horrible, horrible mess, but not one that can be transparently mapped to real closures
@bwoebi well, how should I say it ... because it looks better that way?
@IMSoP ow gawd
@hakre lol?
how would i go about formally suggesting it be deprecated? an rfc?
oh, and clean up the documentation for any examples that use it, but that can be done separately
and just needs tuits
good god, the link to proper anonymous functions is way down in the See Also of this page uk3.php.net/create_function
@NikiC or @Danack what would be appropriate concept to learn, if you level in php already?
surely that should be right up at the top saying "there's a better way of doing this! don't waste your time reading this page!"
@Simon_eQ How to write questions so they can be understood? I have no idea what you're referencing.
well, I have reach at the point where I can write any application in php ex. registration, search field, forum, login.... So, i need to know something, that is more important
I just need to develop more, but I dont know what is the next phase
@IMSoP yes, good idea. also it should be clearly documented that create_function is eval with less syntax check in form of a security warning and a recommendation to disable that function.
pthreads may not be suitable now
I just need to develop more, but I dont know what is the next phase
@hakre i might try and get the documentation builder running on my dev vm and submit a couple of patches
once i've eaten something!
@Simon_eQ it probably isn't. Have you done any stuff calling API's e.g. posting stuff to twitter through PHP ?
@IMSoP Tonight I will have pasta with mushrooms.
@hakre yum!
@Danack nope. I never did anything with any API. You think, it is good to learn about that?
@Simon_eQ Yes.
A lot of application are just hanging apis together and mangling the data results.
right now I like looking at my reputation count. :D
@Danack Ok, it seems good idea. I should atleast get the basics. Which or what do you recommend as basic intro?
@Danack I don't understand why so many linkg that website. It always say: "let me that for you" and nothing happens ... ??? ^^
@hakre it amazes me, that you never break character
@hakre Ah - the search got deleted, this one should work lmgtfy.com/?q=let+me+google+that+for+you&l=1
/inception-style BWAAAAMMMM
@Danack no adscript is disabled.
So I was reading an answer on SO about how its pointless to try to create a custom class for pdo database connection since PDO is already a well-made object in itself and trying to create a custom class out of it ruins the potential advantages of using the default PDO class.
How true is that?
@Mr.IDon'tCare If you cannot answer the question: "what do you gain by wrapping the thing in another class?" or "what do you gain from extending pdo?" don't bother
@Mr.IDon'tCare On a scale reading from 0 (not true) to 100 (true), it's ca. 92
@Mr.IDon'tCare If you're content with the PDO api, use it directly. If you're not, write a wrapper. ^^
The value of truthness is that high because there are also other database client api object interfaces.
There is also the extends keyword in PHP.
@NikiC aw, you stole my idea, i should have kept quiet and claimed the credit ;)
@IMSoP you can still write a mail to internals and suggest to deprecate it :P
@NikiC one day i'll go from spending hours thinking of things that i could to, to spending those same hours actually doing them...
@JoeWatkins … have found the error. gist.github.com/bwoebi/6720403 (The patch still doesn't include the nesting support (anon class in anon class))
@JoeWatkins The main problem is that zend_do_anon_class modifies the class name…
@JoeWatkins When messing around in tab-indented code, please use tabs and not 4 whitespaces...
@JoeWatkins erm, I don't mean zend_do_anon_class but zend_do_begin_class_declaration.
@JoeWatkins The solution to the problem was basically using zval_copy_ctor on the return value of the anon class before passing the znode to zend_do_begin_class_declaration.
I'm just going to drive by and say this like a ninja:
That is all.
(and yes, you are right…)
I like writing PHP code. I'm really productive with PHP. But the language's HTTP abstractions are just horrific.
@rdlowrey you are repeating yourself (->dart lang room)
@rdlowrey I see the HTTP, but where is the abstraction?!
@NikiC lol, good point.
@bwoebi Yeah, it needed to be stated for the record to a wider audience.
Superglobals. Seriously. Superglobals.
@rdlowrey those are actually semi-good
the good thing about is, it that php needs a special concept of superglobals
in most other languages superglobals are just normal globals
the bad thing of course is that we use them ^^
I'm making the tls:// stream wrapper negotiate the best available protocol from TLSv1, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2 ... Deal with it.
The ssl:// stream wrapper will continue to negotiate the protocol from SSLv2 and SSLv3 in addition to the available TLS protocols.
This is in lieu of creating any optional settings to prevent the use of the insecure protocols.
@rdlowrey i'm trying to think what i'd replace superglobals with
read-only, definitely, but probably still with ArrayAccess
the scope is tricky, though
a local immutable data structure that you pass around, for sure.
@IMSoP Yes, that works if you stick with the process-per-request model where the request information truly is global with regard to everything that goes on during the life of the process.
@igorw That's the ticket.
@rdlowrey yeah, that's what i was about to say: in a CGI-style model like PHP, they are inherently global
and unless you have a mandatory entry point like a main() function, it's hard to make them non-global (or non-static)
and the same should be done for response, otherwise you don't really gain that much.
The PHP SAPI itself is the problem. You can work around it in userland but it's horrifically slow to do that all implementations I've seen do this are unacceptably slow.
@rdlowrey how do you mean?
If you want good design you have to hide all the global ugliness of the SAPI with userland abstractions. There are good implementations out there doing this, and it works fine for most sites, but it's just really slow (not webscale).
@NikiC The problem is that I don't want to establish a new database connection and re-enter all the DB info every single time.
@rdlowrey i'm curious which uglinesses you're thinking of
@Mr.IDon'tCare And why do you need another class for that?
globalness can mostly be worked around with good coding conventions
@PeeHaa Create a custom class with everything already hardcoded and then use it
@Mr.IDon'tCare That's what the bootstrap process is for
@IMSoP The entire SAPI is what I'm talking about. The non-performant process-per-request model that's vastly inferior to a callable accepting input and returning output. The superglobals that necessarily result.
The whole mess.
@rdlowrey , how's your server at handling file uploads ?
@rdlowrey it's interesting to consider what PHP would look like under a callback-based rather than process-per-request model
@PeeHaa The only "bootstrap" I know in programming is in CSS :D
you'd have to scrap all globals, and all static data
because you would need user-land threads
with all the issues that brings
@Mr.IDon'tCare "bootstrap" is the stage of application where you initialize and wire together all the components that you are going to use
@bwoebi got it ...
@Mr.IDon'tCare bootstrapping (in php) means all requests are directed through a single entry point of your application
@PeeHaa emm .. no
uhhhm yeah
Why not?
@JoeWatkins yeah… was a lot of debugging^^
@tereško Extremely fast because by default all entity bodies are stored in memory as they're received (same as apache). There's a configurable maxBodySize directive (default 2MB like PHP) to prevent abuse. I haven't gotten around to it yet but before it's public I'll add an option to specify the size at which an upload switches to file system storage.
@PeeHaa I agree with @tereško. Front Controller is single entry point. I'm refactoring a legacy system that has multiple entry points but it still has a bootstrapping process that gets everything up and running.
It's really close to being ready for limited public consumption but I've just gotten side-tracked over the last week working on fixing PHP's extremely insecure SSL encryption capabilities.
(Because I need ext/openssl fixed so my own server can be secure)
@cspray That... sucks
@PeeHaa You don't know the half of it :P
How does that work in a sane way? The boostrapping I mean
@bwoebi oh I didn't see that ...
didn't solve it like that either ...
@PeeHaa In this particular situation I wound up creating a bootstrap object that creates a dic and wires it up for me
@cspray Well having non legacy projects that suck are even worse
and returns it from like $bootstrap->run()
@PeeHaa Yes, this is true
@IMSoP Not true. The single front-controller callable approach with all request information passed via local variables is working quite well for me inside a single process event loop.
@cspray Where are those multiple entry points coming from and why?
Or is that the legacy part of it?
@PeeHaa That is the legacy part of it
Among other things
hehe k
And when I say "legacy" think a spaghettified, monstrosity of utter crap
I'm just glad I don't see those a lot anymore
@rdlowrey so multiple simultaneous requests still spawn totally independent processes?
Right now it is just establish a stable platform that I can stand on.
$input = mysql_real_escape_string(stripslashes(addslashes($_POST["input"])));
@rdlowrey aint there some issues regarding how HTML5 expect the upload to be handles (I mean the feedback part)
@IMSoP No -- everything happens inside one process in the CLI. Thousands of simultaneous clients and requests.
aaah forget it, easier to just create a wrapper class with a connect function and then use that.
@Mr.IDon'tCare how about you just use this approach and stop making a mess
I wish I hadn't signed an NDA...some of the horror I've seen would make for some good DailyWTF
@tereško HTML5 should have zero bearing on the mechanics of the HTTP protocol. Otherwise I don't really have any knowledge of what you're describing.
@IMSoP contrary to popular belief, I/O is not the same as control flow.
@rdlowrey i don't get it; if they're simultaneous, they're either separate processes, or threads inside a process; am i just using the wrong terms?
@Mr.IDon'tCare Might as well just create a function in that case :|
@IMSoP You must not be familiar with non-blocking IO. Once you start using it you'll never go back to threads.
@rdlowrey it's not IO I'm thinking about, it's the fact that if there is any notion of global or static scope, that has to exist somewhere
@cspray :-P
either each execution has its own instance (what I would think of as a "process"), or they share an instance but are all running inside it at once (what I would think of as "threads")
@IMSoP Oh yeah, that's true. I'm suggesting that the application code handling requests shouldn't require access to the global or static scope to respond.
And PHP makes all this information global at the language level. That's what I'm complaining about: that the language subsidizes bad design.
@tereško I have no clue if that first code block $provider = function()... goes in the same file as the class structure.
@rdlowrey yeah, which is where my thought experiment was going: if the i/o wasn't global, the rest of the global and static scope would have to be removed or massively deprecated too
@JoeWatkins well, it works here; are you sure you made attention?^^
otherwise, there's no benefit, because you still have to spawn a new global scope for each request
@Mr.IDon'tCare it create an anonymous function with a closure, that can be injected somewhere for later use
@IMSoP I totally agree. I don't think that the issues I have with the web SAPI are fixable. You'd have to scrap everything and start over.
I think for the first time in my life I've used isset() with multiple variables. At least it feels like so.
@rdlowrey the SAPI has two sides, the user side and the server side. the server side has worked quite well so far, as you can tell by it supporting quite a few protocols. yes there are some quirks in HTTP, FCGI, etc. but overall, it works.
How would I verify that my resources are being requested from the site and not somewhere else. HTTP_REFERER?
@hakre never wrote an if (!isset($_POST['a'], $_POST['b'], ...)) before?
@igorw It absolutely works. It's extremely successful. But it's hideous.
@NickFury Either you don't (which is what I would do) or try to prevent it by using tokens
@rdlowrey my point is, you could possibly even keep the server side as is, and just redesign the client-facing interface.
@NikiC I dunno. I normally check one variable at once. Let's say perhaps ... ;)
@NickFury you cannot
@tereško yeah thats what I thought
@tereško So it isn't really required right away
@PeeHaa Alright thanks, I guess I'll just monitor it for abuse until I need to implement something else.
@Mr.IDon'tCare it is not executed right away. And when it gets executed by the StructureFactory instance, it only gets executed once
@NickFury well you can but that requires that each link that is clicked is unique and non-predictable and also part of a sequence if you know the secret.
yeah tokens right?
@tereško Ok. What I am failing to understand is where exactly does that code go. When I am establishing the DB class?
@NickFury sort of. It's just that you generate a new URI each time and only the server knows what that URI stands for.
@NickFury Yep. You would either fail trying to to prevent it, make the user experience sucky or go on a wild goose chase to prevent it
And then once used it's thrown away.
@igorw Hmm ... that would be really great ... I wonder if an overhaul like that would ever survive internals? I mean the SAPI is pretty much the most stable part of the language over time. You'd have to break a lot of existing code. Though I guess it's the kind of thing that could be optionally enabled or disabled.
@hakre Does that mean you wouldn't be able to cache em?
@NickFury no caching. Nothing. It's creating a session already by the URI in the request.
Otherwise you're stateless in HTTP so you don't know.
Like the others explained you, it's not really possible.
@rdlowrey I wouldn't be too optimistic about it. but if you want it to have any chance at all, it would need to be strictly opt-in.
@igorw Yeah. What I think I'd rather do is take my userland server stuff and compile it into an extension so that I don't have to deal with any politics whatsoever and have full control over what does and doesn't happen.
@hakre yeah makes sense. that sucks lol
@NickFury well so far this has not killed the world.
@igorw That way people like you and I would have access to compiled node-style server capability.
@Mr.IDon'tCare The code goes in the boostraping stage. That's what files like init.php or bootstrap.php are for. Then you pass that instance of StructureFactory to any other instance that will need to create objects which interact with database. Not every class in your code needs to know how to work with persistence. And that factory is for instantiating those few classes.
@rdlowrey that would probably be easier, and for prototyping / proof of concept, it makes sense to do that if possible.
@hakre so far...
@rdlowrey the async part is a completely different story IMO. this is why I think it's important to discuss the client and server parts separately.
@rdlowrey have you ever looked at ReactPHP (disclaimer: I haven't, just remembered it existed)
@IMSoP Yes -- you know that's @igorw's project, right?
@rdlowrey ah, loll
i'm fairly new around here, don't really know who anyone is
if you do it properly you can get async without callback mess. lightweight threads à la erlang actors are an example of that. userland co-routines with generators are an other.
is there a Hacker's Who's Who? (say that 42 times fast...)
it would probably require some rather large changes to the PHP engine to make it work. but it is possible to decouple I/O from control flow.
and at that point you would be able to do evented SAPIs.
@igorw Yeah I've been thinking about that as well. I'm not sure we couldn't get a fairly close approximation even in userland with enough pthreads magic.
That's the general concept of what I want to do with the Amp stuff -- basically find existing ways to simplify concurrency in a way that works without any changes to internal PHP.
amp spawns one worker per core, right?
thinking of thread safety, is there any alternative to setlocale() (which isn't thread safe) for formatting dates with localised day and month names?

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