@Burhan start with the free API you know. But design the system so that you can also add another one into the mix in the future.
That will allow you to already to some steps while you still search for another one.
The companies I know who designed a flight comparison in the last years did write their own systems by scraping all sites of all airlines and other portals.
which those sites didn't like so they needed to create some infrastructure to work around that.
I came across acronym DOB as a column name (datetime is data-type) so more likely it's Date of Birth. Is that acronym common and does it really mean what I think (i.e. is there any other definition of it)?
Can you run Xcode in Linux? Mac OS X was based on BSD Unix, so is it possible?
From what I have heard, there is a MonoDevelop plugin that has an iPhone simulator.
@Leri I guess so (I could use even vim for that). The problem is - since I'm newbie, I'm going to use official docs & manuals. And they all refer to xcode :\ And, of cause, it is - as I've understood, something official to build ios apps
@PeeHaa they should go for jQuery, I started JS few months back, reached operators, I just modified jqueries and I am already writing mini ones myself, it's that easy, it does a hell lot of job in few lines
I'd love to be able to try Mac OS X in a VM, preferable on something shiny and new like KVM for linux.
I'm a Linux and Windows person, but I would like to try out Mac OS X without investing in the expensive hardware or accumulating yet another box to fit somewhere under my desk (read: no, I don'...
@AlmaDoMundo "An OS X guest on non-Apple hardware is possible with some fiddling, but is in violation of the software's EULA (i.e doing so is of questionable legality..)" From here
@Leri though, there are some tutorials on youtube, I actually tried to run without a graphic card, I plugged in my 1 gig gc, now I will try to run that again
@Mr.Alien If I develop anything on iOS it will be game, so I'll use either corona or Unity, both give me possibility to develop and test on windows, so later I'll compile it for iOS.
@PeeHaa corona comes with own emulator that behaves close enough as selected platform, Unity has it's own player, so while development you can use that. Before release state what @Mr.Alien said.
C:\Users\sara>php composer.phar create-project symfony/framework-standard-editio
n Symfony 2.3.0
Failed loading c:/wamp/bin/php/php5.3.13/zend_ext/php_xdebug-2.2.0-5.3-vc9-x86_6
Could not open input file: composer.phar
C:\Users\sara>php composer create-project symfony/framework-standard-edition Sym
fony 2.3.0
Failed loading c:/wamp/bin/php/php5.3.13/zend_ext/php_xdebug-2.2.0-5.3-vc9-x86_6
Could not open input file: composer
@PeeHaa I am having 6.8 gig(approx) iso.. I tried to run that using vm, but it failed, I think because there was no graphic card plugged in, now I plugged in to play few games, will try it again tonyt
@PeeHaa I started but I got interrupted, so in the interests of not cheating I'm going to start again from scratch later when I have 90 uninterrupted minutes to myself
i can't ask questions... previously on my first day i posted very long bad php codes, i was heavily downvoted, i deleted one question and edited another... but still i was banned... @Starsong
@PeeHaa Will keep that in mind. Still choosing platform. I am more comfortable with WP and Android, so more likely I will go for the first one. /me tries to learn market/
Guys. I've made a SEPA xml generator class a while back (direct debit stuff.. ) and I am wondering what you guys think about the class' 'usage' interface. Basically the addTransaction bit etc. Since I don't have any "more-senior" developers above me.. nobody can badmouth me when they feel my code is crap :) So please shoot at github.com/dovereem/php-sepa-xml
The factory pattern is actually only so chaining can be used
@Mr.Alien No, imagine a horizontally scrolled area and you want to highlight the middle element; of course, you can just set the middle element's opacity, but that doesn't look nice when you scroll another item into the middle; know what I mean?
guys I want to ask your opinion on something: I'm (I guess) a fairly beginner to PHP. So far I'm used to using Smarty, flat PHP and PDO. My MVC-skills are discussable. Since I'm working on bigger projects now, I'm looking into using Symfony. Do you guys think it's a good idea to start learning Symfony for me at this point? Or should I stick with an easier framework?
@DamienOvereem Looks pretty clean to me at first glance. Although I am wondering what php version you are targeting (because of the lack of real namespaces)
@Starsong 2. In the program here: http://www.geeksforgeeks.org/queue-using-stacks/ where does &q->stack1 refer to. the address of *stack1? or the address pointed by stack1
@Jack lol, hard time understanding your requirement, can you throw me a fiddle? ok, seems like after reading 5 6 tyms I am getting what you want, now do you want to hide this black portion when till the next slide comes in?
@PeeHaa the Sepa_.. bit is just my naming convention. Namespaces could be used indeed, just don't see the need since my naming convention (taken from Zend) pretty much takes care of it.. Both would work i guess.
@blackbee Look at the signature of the struct and the signature of the function it is being passed to, and remember that & passes a pointer to the value instead of the value itself. If the value is itself a pointer, it passes a pointer to the pointer.
@PeeHaa True.. I think its just a habit. My autoloaders usually work with those names in the default namespace, reserving namespaces for modules ..( ie a Backend_User class in the Authentication namespace would be located in directory /modules/Authentication/classes/Backend/User.php )
@Jack so the black box should scale the object behind in that particular area, so css cannot do that alone, if you want to go jQuery, if you want to scale that element, than you can use
@blackbee There is nothing here that you can't figure out by hacking a few lines of C out and running it through gcc -- asking someone else for the answer to a question you can solve is help vampiring.
@blackbee and it doesn't appear like you're trying, just pasting the questions here ... bad form ... I dunno why you are learning C, but I will take a stab in the dark and say it's probably a module you have no choice but to do, well there's damn good reason they use C for foundational studies, you want to build your career on solid foundations, so learn it your damn self ...
@blackbee I'd be all up for helping if you had posted some code or asked a question not copied from a text book/question sheet ... try and work it out and pastebin where you get too, thats genuinely helping you, giving you the answers not so much ...
After some hiatus I’ve been getting back on fixing bugs on Imagick and getting the code into more representable condition. This hiatus has been a result of busy work schedule and getting a new start-up running in Kuala Lumpur. While fixing a bug related to clone keyword I came across the following resource: http://www.rubblewebs.co.uk/imagick/. The page contains quite a nice collection of Imag…
ok.. i am getting to understand.. is that only me who suffers from lack of creativity and confidence at programming or is that i have to practice more to be able to figure out solutions by myself?
@blackbee The hardest part in programming is learning how to learn. Sites like SO have made it very easy to get the exact answer you're looking for without understanding WHY that answer is true, which has damaged the learning process for people.
C is hard to learn that way because the language is full of nuances that require you to understand internals.
you are right. although i read the basics about pointers, structures and pointers to structres, pointers and functions . i just get confused while implementing them in practice