@DanLugg They've been known to cancel service and take domains when they don't like what the domain is being used for, regardless of the contract / terms of service.
@AbhishekGahlot Yes, you need to properly understand what you code does in this area. This should be backed up with tests which I didn't do too thoroughly IIRC. But I don't find it anyway. So perhaps start with the PHP Manual and user-notes (not the best quality, just to get something to start with): php.net/manual/en/function.realpath.php#84012
Question for anyone willing to help. To generate a random file name to my uploaded images I use this string, $fileName = uniqid() .$fileName.'.' . $fileData['extension']; How can I make the uniqid shorter say around 3-4 numbers?
If someone uploads dancing-baby.gif 18 times, only the 1st will have been stored, because as long as the file is identical, it'll compute the same hash, and either overwrite or discard the file (however you wanna handle it)
@daugaard47 Same file name? Sure, the MD5 doesn't care about the file name, only the contents. So dancing-baby.gif and sneaky-dancing-baby.gif will compute the same, if they are the same file (even with different names)
@daugaard47 ....which is why you use MD5 because if they're different images the result will be the same, regardless of the filename.
I would recommend you play with MD5, do a bit of reading on the subject, and determine if it fits your requirements. From what I can tell, it does, spot on. But only you'll know best.
If you need to preserve the original filename, and are using a database to index the files, then just introduce a column into which you store the original filename.
Again, maybe it isn't the best solution to hash the file contents, but since you're doing something I just did recently and used MD5 for it, I'm pretty sure it'll work for you too.
@DanLugg When I through this code in with the hash it errors out my next line. Am I missing something in the string. $fileName = uniqid(#) .$fileName.'.' . $fileData['extension'];
You build a tree of pattern rules, the request visitor walks it, matches what it can until it hits an exit leaf. All the handlers aggregated until that point are fired.
@DaveRandom for an extra challenge in understand write something like while("12345678901234567890" == "12345678901234567891") (note that the last digit is different)
@PeeHaa @DanLugg okay so I added this to my uploader code $fileName = md5_file($fileName).'.' . $fileData['extension']; ,but it only gives me and extension, ie .jpg / no file name. Is that supposed to happen?
@NokImchen There's not really a concrete definition of a daemon that gives you a well defined metric to determine whether you are looking at one just by inspecting the processes that are currently running. If you are trying to work out whether your daemon is running, use a pidfile
@NikiC I put quite a bit of time into this anon classes thing now ... I don't want that to go to waste, you think there's anything I can do to give it a better chance of being accepted, or have I done all I can now you think ?
@NokImchen You can if you find it, which you should be able to do from ps (just look at the command used to invoke the process, piping to grep is usually helpful) but in general you should have the daemon store its PID somewhere where the control mechanism can easy find it for later IPC
@JoeWatkins So you access protected members of the parent by a) extending parent b) passing $this to the ctor c) building a special ctor that implements a copy ctor as one case? Is that correct?
I really hate this codebase sometimes. Quick, can someone spot the conceptual error in this snippet? $foo = Format_Phone_Number(strtoupper($_POST['bill_phone']));
Oh son of a crap, I bet I know why it's happening. I only noticed the code because I was fixing E_STRICT errors. It was complaining "only variables should be passed by reference." The function that formats phone numbers takes the number by reference and fucking manipulates it inline.
VINDICATION! After digging into the actual change sets, and going back through history... the code has always been wrong. Eight years of incorrectness, touched by four different developers, none ever noticing or caring that it's conceptually broken.
I would imagine the self/static resolution would go something like this: pastebin.com/uGuRZdXR Whoops. In getStatic(), it should be extends static, not extends self.
@m59 POST /users is perfectly sensible. That's how you'd create a user. It should return a 201 if successful, with a Location header indicating the URI of the newly created user (such as /users/237894)
@DanLugg well, I am stuck lacking a nice way for adding tables. I'm working on my content manager. Let's say I add a plugin that needs a table. It would be nice to have the table creation statement stored somewhere and have a simple way to initiate that creation
Take for example some of the popular applications out there. Typically, they have an /application/plugins/install directory that you drop .zip files into. When you pull up the admin UI, you can browse pending installs (the .zip files) and install them. When they install, they unzip, run a one-time install/bootstrapper, and then are usable. The one-time install/boostrapper would be responsible for writing extension scripts, DB tables, etc.
@m59 i have this script pastebin.com/M8fPuJGU , the script is suppose to write numbers in qas.txt file but its not writing anything on the file. I cant even check whether daemon is running or not :(
@DanLugg yeah..I think I can come up with something. I just obsess over things being dynamic. I'd love if it would run the creation statement if the table doesn't already exist when trying to use it, but that would require the extra sql statement each time (afaik)
@m59 Well no, you'd have an install procedure. If any of the usage procedures fail, you could check to ensure the system is stable. If it's not, log it, and flag an admin to re-run the install.
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@m59 Well, nothing can run without initiation. Unless you have a cron job watching for uninstalled modules to appear, then it'll need some user interaction.
@m59 Well, I think if the User table is missing, that's a pretty fatal error. That would warrant a fast failure, and logging of the exception. The administrators should be notified that a re-install of the dependent modules is required.
@m59 You're not gaining an awful lot by doing it that way. I mean, sure, if that's what you need to do, then do it. But by the same token, I'd rather not have an application re-stabilize itself without my interaction. I'd rather be notified that something got messed up so that I can take the appropriate steps. Maybe the User table was inaccessible for some reason. Now your script drops the existing User table when it comes back online, replacing it with an empty one. Whoops!
@m59 Fair enough. My example is just to illustrate that by not failing fast, and making assumptions for recovery, you eliminate the user, which can piss off the user.
If my car filled itself with gasoline somehow whenever it was empty, that'd be convenient. But if it tries to fill up and puts my account in overdraft, I'll be pissed off. I'd rather have taken the opportunity to evaluate my financial situation, and purchase a certain amount of fuel.
Well, nevermind... I guess I'll keep looking. Java applets are enough to to drive you insane. No matter how many times you try to uninstall and reinstall in order to refresh settings, nothin' happens.
well I'm not sure then that I can convince you really ... I think all that there is that's useful to say has been said on the subject re use cases... use cases aren't what you should even be focused on in my opinion ... I said that on the thread ...