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ah bless
-A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 443 -j ACCEPT
Yeah, i just figured out why
these lines are services, see ports ?? change em, add lines underneath em, restart ...
@JoeWatkins They don't try and actively stop you, they just won't support you if you break it
Now i need to go compile a list of all of the ports that things on my server use x.x
well you don't want everything to be accessible from outside
At the end of the day their business interest is in the applications run on top of it, the hw is most incidental
careful ...
thats kind of the idea of iptables ...
I know
But I have a tf2 server/mumble/teamspeak/etc that need to be accessible
good ... but it would be pretty irresponsible for me not to say something ...
yeah.. xD
@Dave what have you tried to get a compiler going ?? and at which point did you fail ??
tbh it's a long time since I tried and I like to think I know more about this sort of thing now than I did then. I'll stop bitching, try and grab a couple of hours at work tomorrow to try and come up with something useful and see what happens
At the time I was trying to compile PHP 5.3.something, but really what would be more useful would be gcc
buildroot must be able to create you a compiler, you might never get a booting kernel, but it must be able to get you a working compiler so you can upgrade software ... of course, you can go down the route of building gcc, but I'd rather kill myself ...
building gcc for x86[_64] is a total bastard ...
never tried, never needed to
I would avoid it like holy fucking hell if I were u ... buildroot all the way, it'll give you a busybox and everything you need ...
Excellent question!
Q: Make value increase over time. PHP

Larry RatleyI had a question when making a stock system for my site. What it will do is basically allow users to buy stocks, and they will go up gradually overtime. I don't want them to decrease value either, only go up. Like every hour by .3-.5 Can anyone help me create that type of system? $investment =...

duly noted, I shall try again tomorrow and report back
love a good bit of embedded hardware ... got drawers full of routers, mostly broken by now... some of the hardware you get in just adsl/cable routers is pretty mental ... proper little embedded systems that I just cannot bring myself to throw away ...
@JoeWatkins I'm taking your advice and saving myself any future headache and installing gedit :L
@JoeWatkins Yeh unfortunately most of it is horribly cheaply made though, it breaks as soon as you push it at all. I upgraded dhcpd on an old netgear once and then went a bit mad seeing what I could do with it, apparently not very much without breaking it...
Dlink used to make some good hardware, shame the software is terrible
I'm Draytek all the way these days, they're proper black boxes but I don't care because they, y'know, work...
they break so easily .... and I'm fully aware that it's next to impossible to reuse the component parts, I still won't throw them away ...
Oh and if you want dirt-cheap reliable SOHO hardware, can't recommend TP-Link more highly. Never tried to make it do anything the box doesn't say it does though.
@JoeWatkins My gf wouldn't stand for that. Which is annoying, since the house is full of her useless junk.
I'd love to do something embedded, a friend of mine is very gifted with microelectronics, we've had some pretty amazing ideas that I would love to write the code for, but he's so difficult to get motivated I've all but given up ... I don't have the knowledge required in microelectronics to do anything really cool with it, but he does, but can't program to the same standard ....
@JoeWatkins That is the issue with alot of very intelligent people sometimes
they are very intelligent but they don't have a large work ethic lol
Worse if you have neither
hes pretty geeky, and he does really enjoy it, hes got etching gear in his bedroom and everything ...
In his bedroom??
yeah hes only 20 something, still lives with his parents ...
Ahhh yes, I remember those days
can't see any carpet, none at all ...
Yep, remember that too. I also remember being pretty motivation-free.
there's stuff everywhere ... no shit, my kids aren't allowed in there, it's actually a pretty dangerous place to be ...
I did smoke a lot of weed though. Seemed pretty good at the time.
yeah he doesn't ... that I could understand ...
he's properly gifted, he made his own damn car alarm with all the bells and whisltes, the math he uses is dizzying, he's got knowledge about the most obscure bits of embedded hardware ...
works at fucking macdonalds, I kid you not ...
I worked at McD's for 2 years. It's actually not a terrible place to work. It's not exactly cerebral but of all the large companies I've worked for over the years that job sucked least (and lasted by far the longest).
Although I was 16-18
cracking SHA256 is not a joke lol
hes been there since he left school ... gotta be getting on 6 years I guess ...
I hear once you get to management its pretty good
@NokImchen No shit sherlock :P
I guess he's got his reasons, but it's really frustrating to watch, if I could get him to focus for just a few weeks I could get him to make something great, and probably find the funds to finance it ... I've got close a coupe of times, we've had a couple of weekends, like when he was doing his car alarm ...
As with any job like that, it's the luck of the draw in terms of who you work with. If you work with any of those stereotypical mini-Hitler's that places like that attract then it would suck I imagine
I'll just wait for him ...
I think that's probably it, he does get on with his work friends ...
he might work in macdonalds but his peer group are mostly jobless ...
He'll grow out of it, I confidently predict, being someone who has basically been exactly there, without the insane intelligence level
@IMSoP 1 bitcoin= $121 :P
They say genius needs to be nurtured like an ember in tinder.
And who are "they"? The fuckwits who wish they were geniuses?
I think the principle is that you encourage and monitor it.
Not pressure and force
another consideration is probably that he gets to dedicate a lot of time to just learning ... I mean making a car alarm is something you usually need a team for, it took him weeks of reading, and me a couple of days too ... he wouldn't have time to do that if he didn't have a nice little part time job ...
You could always git him for a week Joe :p
I can usually figure out quite complex electronics, but design them ... definitely not, in a million years ... the things he had to work out, from scratch, to make that a reality was just pretty amazing to watch, he couldn't do it all on his own, but that he can remote start his car, request it's position at any time, detect motion changes, voltage irregularities, loud noises ... I could make one of those things happen on an embedded circuit and it would probably take me about 6 months ...
oh he knows I am waiting for him ...
Almost sounds creepy when you say it like that, heh.
yeah ... felt it ...
maybe I should just go stand at the end of his bed, arms folded ...
it wouldn't even be that much work, I think to get a foot in the door I got a few ideas that could be sold to the motor industry, specifically the performance motor industry, for lots of cash ... he could bankroll his own ideas ....
Gotta love it when you use a library and they don't provide any documentation at all
car ecus, they are complex, embedded systems ... they don't share parts/design mostly, they are from scratch developed in house ... now, performance cars, that develop a lot of power, this is based on physics and maths, while the manufacturer use very very very complex bits of kit to govern everything, this is exactly the kind of mathematic model he can fit in his head, and we've discussed achieving adjustable massive performance gains with the introduction of simple circuitry
I'd love to get to developing something like that ... I am pretty bored of the things I do now ...
How can I verify a tag is properly signed on github?
theres already a bunch of things on ebay, generic boxes you plug in for a boost ... I'm not on about that, I'm on about spending the money on the bits people touch, keeping the electronics simple, accessible and cheap ... and providing a nice shiny interface ... and selling as a package taylored for some specific cars I/he happen to know about ...
/disclaimer the boxes you buy on ebay are scary ... I found one once in a car I bought ... took it off and inspected it ... it just interrupted the signal from the map sensor, so the ecu kept trying to develop more and more and more boost ... this is just crazy ... and lazy ... don't ever plug anything like that into any car, ever ...
Hey, I have a PHP related question (sort of) - does anyone subcategorise exceptions? Like MyLib\FooBarException vs MyLib\Foo\BarException?
depends, can a BarException occur from /Mylib/Baz ...
Well I have a tendency to create MyLib\Exceptions\FooBarException (or MyLib\Exceptions\Foo\BarException) but actually now I think about it that might be the real problem
have I missed anything noteworthy ?
@tereško I ignored someone!

class Twit
public $tata = "x";

public function index()
echo $this->tata;
Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context :0
index was called statically
you are genius, thank you @JoeWatkins
@evening your encapsulation is leaking
also, echo'ing from within the class is considered to be a bad idea
@evening When posting code in this chat room, please use the button (press it after pasting your code in)
@tereško do you sign your commits? your tags? none of the above?
(as in git commit -S or tag -s)
I was not even aware of that feature
Now that you're aware of it, will you use it? (It uses a GPG key)
I have to read what it actually contributes.
Basically cryptographically sign the commit/tag to allow you to verify (and prove) that the author of the commit is actually who he says he is
Already started a question about it here: programmers.stackexchange.com/questions/212192/…
I might start doing it, when I learn more about it
there is no point in using something just because others do it
also, if a lot of merging goes on then it's information destined to be lost anyway ... didn't know about it either ...
from the one sentence, that Madara used as explanation, I would seem that it would be useful for verifying the pull requests
oh man. This guy is very polite.
how else do you say that? adding else IS NOT GOING TO FIX A SYNTAX ISSUE — morty346 5 mins ago
@JoeWatkins You can sign the merge commit with git merge --no-ff -S
@AmalMurali It's a duplicate anyway, kill it.
Also, if horribly rude or abusive, flag it.
lol - this is almost better than yahoo questions for experts at this point... OK THANKS.... — morty346 1 min ago
Does SO have cdn issues?
nvm it's gone
@morty346: You are more than welcome to go the Yahoo questions for experts. Goodbye. — Madara Uchiha 22 secs ago
2 mins ago, by Amal Murali
lol - this is almost better than yahoo questions for experts at this point... OK THANKS.... — morty346 1 min ago
@PeeHaa: Not sure if it's related by I sometimes get 408 Request Timed out error on some questions
@PeeHaa yes , with quite alarming regularity
Q: 408 Request Timeout, is it just me?

wafflesDuring the day, almost every day, I get a handful of 408 Request Timeout pages when doing stuff on Stack Overflow or Meta Stack Overflow. Is this an Australia thing, or are others experiencing this intermittently?

@MadaraUchiha didn't notice the almost
@bwoebi If we're almost better, than they are better, in which case, he should go there.
oh dammit
it's 3 AM already
Bedtime. night everyone \o
@AmalMurali night :)
@MadaraUchiha yes, yes… misread.
@MadaraUchiha , fixed that for you : stackoverflow.com/a/18948918/727208
@tereško Ah, thanks you
Will keep that trick in mind
lol I thought I'm the only one using that nasty little trick :P
I was using it before you even had registered
So basically, a magical piece of code, that you forgot to mention in your question, was responsible for the problem. You obviously did not create a small scale snippet to try and diagnose the problem (because you would have realized that it does work without it), you haven't bothered sharing that extra check with us, and we're almost as good as Yahoo. Good luck pal. — Madara Uchiha 15 secs ago
Don't even delete the answer
Leave the loss of rep forever blemish his profile
unfortunately it will be cleaned up by the maintenance .. unless he decided to accept it
@tereško Post an answer just enough to get +1 so that it doesn't die :P
Ah, but it's closed
Well, if he decides to accept it then :P
yeah, rait
from 43 question he has 6 with accepted answers
@tereško I bet he thinks that if he accepts his own answer he'll get the rep bonus :X
@DaveRandom beautiful :P
oops, WeekendOverException :(
} catch(WeekendOverException $e) {
@DaveRandom $this->dream->kill(); $this->wakeUp();
I bet that Mondays and Tuesdays are the most popular days for handing in resignation
@MadaraUchiha Hopefully not, I have an interview on Tues
I always preferred Fridays so you finish on a Friday.
@DaveRandom Ooh, good luck :)
@DaveRandom @MadaraUchiha $tiredGeek->lol();
We shall see. But I got past HR for once, so it might be a goer.
we have the "30 days" rule instead of "two weeks"
so if you hand in resignation in now, you will be free on 24th october
Actually since I started sending out my resume CV from/with an @php.net address on it I have had a shitload more responses, which is ridiculous (god damned 'muricans)
@tereško In which those they probably have you teach the new guy how to handle your code
My current contract is 1 mth :-(
Lol. Wonder if I can get the same result with [email protected]
And since the new guy is a dimwit, it acts as a great deterrent to not resign :D
@DaveRandom most of people here have @inbox.lv mails, so having mail @gmail.com is good enough
He's aware of Google? He's in.
Do you own the domain?
Just put a catch-all forwarder on to gmail then, that's what I do, that way I can make up a new address for every time I put my email on any form, so I not only can easily bin spam catchers but I know who sold my email address
You can send as any address you want from gmail as well as long as you own it
I don't know why I just told you that, I'm sure you already know :-P
If (or when) I decide to move away from gmail , it will not be because of lack in email addresses
@DaveRandom I really need to learn about setting up emails in different domains and servers, doing the forwarding and whatnot.
Generally for that sort of thing the registrar will provide it as a free service as part of the domain reg, within usage limits that a personal domain would never hit
IIRC google do have an MX catcher service as well although I don't really know anything more than that it used to exist and probably still does
@DaveRandom So when I purchase a domain, I look to see if it offers me an email server? or an MX?
(Also, where do you buy your domains?)
@MadaraUchiha Well pretty much every registrar I've ever used provides simple email as part of the reg fee - I currently use 123-reg.co.uk who provide you with one mailbox or I think 10 forwards, but one of those forwards can be a domain global forward
Re-pointing the MX requires that you have a functional mail server to point it at
They also do simple web redirects as part of the reg fee as well, I don't pay them anything for hosting (I can't remember how much I paid for the reg but it's not a lot and generally competitive)
In Israel it's a bit different :X
Not as competitive, more pricey. I don't remember getting an email box with the domain I purchased for my father's site I made back then
Godaddy for instance seems to have a specific pricing plan for Email
It doesn't provide a free email @DaveRandom
Do you want to register an Israeli domain? If it's an international TLD I don't think you have to use an Israeli registrar unless your government imposes that rule
@DaveRandom I honestly don't know if it does
(I think it does though, Israeli government likes to screw people over)
Don't care though, a .com is good for me too
With 123-reg I can register foobazbazquz.com for £21.98 for 2 years, that will get the same things I do
.net and .eu are both £2 more expensive, .eu is the same price
And how does the email thing work?
You get one mailbox, and you're able to redirect it?
there should be a law against ubuntu users who install "servers"
@MadaraUchiha I thought I got a mailbox but apparently that's a pay extra, but it doesn't matter because I only use forwards, of which I get unlimited, and I only use one anyway because I have a *@ forward (i.e. a catch-all)
Basically you forward *@yourdomain.com to [email protected], and you can just filter it down to the address with all the gmail tools
@DaveRandom Interesting
this is going to be a stupid question because i've never used it before
but is it possible to get the last 50 lines of a file in php?
something akin to tail -50 in linux
How big is the file?
hey all. having an issue with PHPExcel library (codeplex.com/PHPExcel) exporting large data sets
hi all
500 records of 8 columns breaks down with this warning: preg_replace(): Compilation failed: regular expression is too large at offset 43097
array_slice(file('file.txt'), -50); is the lazy option but it might blow up with a huge file and it would be pretty inefficient in that case as well
@JohnBlythe lolwut, a 42kb regex?
YUP :)
medical records
Did you write the regex or is it internal in PHPExcel?
daverandom: it could grow to be very
very large. xD
@DaveRandom do you have a referral code?
and the other issue i'm going to run into
(It says that if I give a person's referral code it'll give him some credits from them :P)
is i need to filter a certain line out
since it's a log file and it's logging everytime i ping it for other info
so i need to get rid of that
If you do I can setup a secure room if you'd like
@VoidWhisperer OK well the most efficient option would be to step backwards through the file until you've found 50 line endings, but that's quite logically complex, you'd have to build it yourself. The lazier option is to fopen() and fgets() through the file and keep pushing lines onto a queue that you limit to 50 elements. But that way you have to step through the whole file so it's still pretty inefficient for large files
Any tips on parsing put formdata ?
@DaveRandom the issue i'd run into there, is the fact i need to filter this certian line
namely something that has a specific word x amount of characters in
@MadaraUchiha I don't know, looking now
and not use that line if it has it there
this is an example of one of the lines i need to filter
L 09/23/2013 - 02:29:15: rcon from "": command "status"
i'm mainly filtering from the word rcon since that is going to be in the same place in that string no matter what
@MadaraUchiha zhnsz1361954387 <-- I don't think that needs to be kept secret. The worst that can happen is someone gives me free... something? I don't even know what I get for it.
@VoidWhisperer OK, and is it definitely in the last 50 lines of the file?
considering it's going to be appearing there every second (this file is going to grow really fast and this seems like a horrible idea in hindsight?)
When you say it can get pretty big, just how big are we talking?
@marabutt Don't put form data. Put is for uploading a single file.
and nvm
I just figured out how to prevent it from logging that line
which is convient
@DaveRandom see if you got something
@VoidWhisperer Yeh that would present other problems anway
@DaveRandom fseek($fileHandle, 50 * MAX_LINE_LENGTH, SEEK_END) and then step through ?
Possibly needs a -50.
Grea.t. I keep coming up with new stuff that i need to have this do
Now i need it to pick up the most recently created file in a folder xD
@Danack ...assuming you know the max line length. I don't know, never tried, but I'd be tempted to just step through in 1KB blocks backwards (i.e. exactly what I would do forwards with some extra fseek()s
I don't think it would really cost anything, fseek() doesn't do anything "physical" (as it were)
I can set it to a specific file
which is going to get really big after a while
( O.o?)
or have it tail the most recent one.. hmm
@MadaraUchiha Yay, I got £1. I have no idea what I am able to do with this virtual £, but i have one of them!
@DaveRandom Gratz!
Spend it on.. stuff
How long before a forward sets in?
Should be instant, as soon as the domain reg filters through, which should be pretty quick. What domain did you register?
@DaveRandom someone offered me this piece of code
$handle = popen("tail -50l YOUR_FILE_HERE 2>&1", 'r');
xfers will probably take longer
@DaveRandom tchizik.com
@VoidWhisperer Well that'd work, it'll only work on *nix but it would work
It is on a linux server
@MadaraUchiha ...and I take it you've been in the CP and set up the forward?
Thank god for 16GB of ram and 64 bit computers
I have approximately 20 tabs open right now
maybe more
Looks good?
Or do I need to be explicit?
Yep, should be, the A record currently points at an IP with has a PTR of the domain? Did you reg it new or transfer it?
The domain settled in already
@DaveRandom new
@DaveRandom that whole idea fell apart
.. I had to share this one
It turns out what i'm looking at doesn't log to it's log file until after the server shuts down
@MadaraUchiha Ahh well it should be pretty much instant then because nothing has an old record cached
I just sent a mail to daverandom@
@DaveRandom Cheers I got it :D
@VoidWhisperer OK... well first of all that sounds impossible, nothing can log after the server is shut down
it logs right before it shuts down then
i'm working on making a web-cp esque thing to manage my tf2 servers
So basically I can just give away any email I want with the my domain, and It'll be forwarded well, and just handle it in my GMail account
This is so worth the 7NIS/mo :P
I'm just running into the issue of feeding the console text into the web page
@MadaraUchiha You could've just gotten a domain then used outlook.com
@VoidWhisperer Screw microsoft
@MadaraUchiha Yeh, you can see which address it was sent to in Gmail if you click the down arrow next to you name in the "to" field
well i had hell setting up dovecot and postfix
so i'm stuck using outlook. xD
@DaveRandom Yeah, I saw :D
And I can probably filter that too
well this is making me debate this..
sv_logflush : 0 : , "a" : Flush the log file to disk on each write (slow).
It says it will log on each write.. but it will be slow.. hm..
@MadaraUchiha You can also send as any address @thatdomain if you set it up, go settings -> accounts tab -> send mail as... and add whatever address you want, gmail will send out an email with a confirm link which will arrive back in you inbox and your good to go
Oh and if you do that don't "treat as alias", I don't get why that feature even exists
@VoidWhisperer zimbra ftw
PeeHaa: wat
anyone have any ideas about fixing issues with 42kb regex?
21 mins ago, by DaveRandom
Did you write the regex or is it internal in PHPExcel?
oo my bad, never saw it
no worries :-)
95% sure it's internal, will double check
SHA256(CStr(Chr(26))) and SHA256(CStr(Chr(130))) is same for the 1st 8 bytes ie 58f7b078! lol
that sounds too much like iredmail
which momentarily fucked over my server
@NokImchen Why are you writing VB?
Why would anyone write VB by choice???
@DaveRandom cos my old PC supports VB6 properly. Other new powerful langauges freeze my PC :(
@VoidWhisperer uhhhm yeah exactly the same thing
ya it's internal to phpexcel
PeeHaa: wat
Also Chr() sucks. ANSI sucks. Use ChrW()
PeeHaa: Sorry, I'm a bit paranoid around email-collab-thingymadohickeys now xD
omg! so many criticism :(
@NokImchen Ummmm... wat? Unless your PC runs Win98, I doubt that...

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