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well .. look at the log files
if all else fails , hire a developer
@Vin Open your wp-config.php file. Set define( 'WP_DEBUG', true ); and suddenly you'll be flooded with Error Messages.
I've written a Gist about WordPress debugging for novice users. Grab it, read it, add it.
@kaiser error_reporting(-1);
@tereško hm?
did I say something confusing ?
Not really. Just not sure if I get your point :)
Do you guys mind giving me some suggestions for my .htaccess?
Just to clear that one up, @tereško : That's just a base. Not meant to copy/paste everything in a WP config file like that. Wouldn't make much sense to log any WP error for example.
if you want to all available error/warning messages, you should use -1 instead of selecting each one manually
Jep, I know :) As I said, that's not meant to go in config as it is. It's meant to be understood, then just added what the user needs.
you either want to see all error or you don't want to see all errors
if you have some application, it shouldn't be just randomly generating some errors
Then you've never developed something with WP. Believe me: You don't want to know everything in any case and any environment.
why would I want to "develop with wordpress" ?!?
@tereško But it's ok for me if you leave your opinion below that Gist.
It's a blgging tool. Not some mystical CMS system
@kaiser I think what @tereško is trying to tell you is that E_ALL | E_STRICT | E_CORE_ERROR | E_CORE_WARNING | E_COMPILE_ERROR | E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE | E_USER_ERROR | E_USER_WARNING | E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR is (basically') the same as -1.
And a crappy one.
.. also, I am hungry
@DanLugg And what I tried to say is: That's not what everyone wants in WP. And this Gist is meant for end users. Who should learn the meaning.
I've yet to encounter a situation where I want anything other than -1 or 0. And yes, I have worked with the sweaty train-wreck that is WordPress.
I'm pretty sure it's become idiomatic for development vs. production.
Jump onto an installation that is (a) live and (b) tingled together using a mixture of a lot of third party buzzword plugins and theme. Then you know what I mean.
... I think we're talking past one another. What you're saying is roughly equivalent to saying error_reporting(-1), except that the way you say it, my eyes bleed past column 80.
Anyway, I don't want to discuss this until the end (that won't come). Just wanted to help the white screen of death guy above. Thanks for your input anyway.
And while I applaud your efforts to teach newcomers, it's few and far between that someone who's new to using PHP and WordPress has any interest in A) reading or B) learning.
@kaiser And thank you for yours ;-)
Point taken and appreciating to laugh :) Now head over to WordPress StackExchange. And please, try to not shoot someone, ok?
Nah, I prefer to stay here.
@DanLugg As you're already here: Have you ever - by accident - have dealt with Doctrine/CouchDB in a Silex setup?
Sorry no; haven't used Silex at all actually.
Ok. Thanks.
What's going on?
Got a strange problem with some autoload of Annotation Documents not working.
First I thought it's the composer autoloader that didn't work, then I forgot to install the composer dependencies, but everything should be fine, still the request ends in a 500.
Correct :)
Scratching my head since yesterday.
Sorry, all I can suggest is XDebug + breakpoint all the things.
That's what I was doing. But when I jump into the Doctrine core, there's a point with the "MetaData"-Loader (a.k.a. the Annotation stuff) that skips breakpoints and completely ignores var_dump() and similar stuff.
So I'm a bit fishing in the dark.
Thought someone might know and got experience with it as Google results for Doctrine/CouchDB are very thin.
Wait, how is it skipping stuff? I know its doing reflection blackmagic, but that shouldn't matter.
Yep, exactly there.
I can var_dump(__FILE__); on top of the Annotation Document (the blueprint for the DB table). But somewhere in between it gets stuck and stops. And when I get to the Reflection Class part I can't get anymore debug output.
Off the top of my head, I have no fucking idea :-(
So to be honest: I can't even tell what exactly is failing. A configuration? A typo? Dunno.
@DanLugg Well said. Thanks anyway :)
Sorry, perhaps later I can bounce ideas. At the moment I'm in SQL hell.
he! no problem :)
I used to get butterflies when I talked to girls. Now I get butterflies while I wait for Travis CI to confirm the build on my pull requests.
I used to get butterflies when I talked to girls. So I stopped talking to them; now I just leer at their breasts from afar.
@DanLugg I just go cuddle up with the wife ;)
Checkmate sir.
I also cuddle with my female cohabitant. Though she is not my wife, nor is she particularly cuddly.
So I get up this morning and install some OS updates on my laptop (that just so happens to act as my dev server) and it wound up wiping my PHP install from 5.4.12 to 5.3.26
On the plus side I am now running 5.5.3
@cspray What OS are you using, mate?
@cspray lol xD
@LeviMorrison Mac OS X
@cspray Sadly, I have to ask again: which one, mate? lol
I know, I know. A lot of people don't like it and it kinda rubbed me the wrong way this morning
@LeviMorrison Err, duh, 10.7.5
Are you installing PHP over the top of the one Mac provides you?
I don't like OS religious wars and I"m not an Apple fanboy zombie so please just leave all that for somebody else
@LeviMorrison Very stupidly yes I did. I learned a valuable lesson and did not repeat the mistake :P Ultimately though I'm gonna wind up getting a new dev server and get that off my laptop
I actually use Mac OS X 10.8 at work.
I use it mostly as a Unix system, honestly.
Spend most of my time at the CLI.
I wish I used it at work...I'm fairly productive with it
I spend a fair amount of my time in the CLI as well
And like its Unixy-ness
I don't use it necessarily a ton but I do use it and like that I can
I have to admit I like it more than I thought I would.
There are some things that I don't like necessarily (sometimes the memory management can get wonky) but all in all I enjoyed the switch from Windows
I get a lot better software support for popular software in general on Mac than on any other given 'nix system.
Granted I was getting more into dev stuff then and less games ;)
Hey while you're here...
I have an idea for an internal PHP is_traversable() function
as in, not exposed to PHP land?
Or you meant implemented in C?
Implemented in C, yes
Could be useful.
I wind up need it in situations where I need to just foreach over something
The work is already mostly done given that we have a Traversable type-hint.
And the userland implementation I have there is what I would like to see in PHP C code
Well, a stdClass can be foreached over and doesn't implement this yes?
I just don't know C. I would be willing to write up the RFC and do the internals convincing and stuff I just can't do the actual, ya know, useful stuff
@cspray Technically, yes. All objects in PHP can be used in foreach.
@LeviMorrison I mean, granted it is just one line really in PHP userland code
It is just a rather long line with three conditions and is clunky to implement over and over again
So really, you want function is_foreachable($a) => is_array($a) || is_object($a);
@LeviMorrison Yea, I suppose you could do it that way. I don't really use the internal foreach mechanism so completely glossed over that you could do that
internal foreach mechanism on objects I mean
I like to explicitly declare what it is my objects are iterating over
I personally think you shouldn't be able to iterate over objects that don't define Iterator.
@LeviMorrison I agree and that's why I try to avoid doing it
But, it's too late now :)
@LeviMorrison Agreed.
Well, do you think a function or something like it could be something added in?
@LeviMorrison Also, very much like the lambda syntax there. Hopefully that's something we'll see sometime in the not so distant future.
@DanLugg It's something I'd like to see, but I know a lot of the regular internals guys think we're adding too many syntactic features too fast.
Maybe propose it for later.
True. It would sort of be a waste at this time too. I mean, lambdas have tons of uses, but being able to drill down the expression tree and evaluate it on the fly is pretty awesome; C# has features like that. We'd need an AST.
What the FUNC? (PDO::FETCH_FUNC, that is)
That doesn't map parameters by name, does it? I'm guessing it's ordered.
PDO has some wild shit hidden under the bonnet.
I think it calls a callback you specify
And it does so a 'la call_user_func_array, it doesn't do column => parameter name matching, does it?
function fetch() use ($callback) => $callback(...$columns);
@DanLugg I'm sure it's position based.
Yea, figured
I use FETCH_CLASS a lot. It's really nice.
Yea, it's pretty powerful when you have the groundwork laid for it. I'm just kludging something out, so FETCH_ASSOC for the proverbial win.
is $row = $last_row ?: $row; the same as is $row = $last_row ? $last_row : $row;
@marabutt I believe so, yes.
Actually, FETCH_FUNC is pretty sweet.
@DanLugg is there a quick way to turn off notices temporarily
Oh yea, congrats @LeviMorrison, the site is looking awesome.
Like awesome awesome.
Hi guys
Could anybody look at my problem? It's about facebook login API with business account.

@LeviMorrison Is the link to the next section of documentation gone now? eg the link to overview in php.net/manual/en/intro.mysqli.php
@marabutt I'm not sure I follow what you mean?
on the old site, there was a link to click through to the next section of documentation.
on php.net/manual/en/intro.mysqli.php in the top left and right corners, there was a link to overview
Ah yes, this is currently 'missing'.
It's an oft-requested feature that I honestly didn't even notice we were missing until people pointed it out.
I am unsure as to its eventual fate; it may be put back in, it may not.
anyone here used (or recommended to others) this book ? amazon.com/dp/0973589825
@LeviMorrison ta, would be good to keep it
are there any performance advantages from using type hinting?
type-hinting provides advantages for development
A stab at monads for php :)
maybe it's faster than checking types yourself in userland code @marabutt
@marabutt In fact, type hinting would be marginally slower.
I still haven't full wrapped my head around monads .. it on the list of "stuff I must learn about soon"
@tereško I've watched the video twice now ... and I'm afraid I have to watch it again lol
But implementing it in php does help a little.
Or maybe just stare at the axioms for a while longer.
yeah .. and when you are done with monads, you would have to learn about promises
at least that's my list
I've worked with promises before because libraries like jQuery use them; implementing them with monads is another thing altogether :)
@Jack well .. emm .. jQuery doesn't actually implement promises
they just use the name
They call it Deferred, but the idea is the same.
The last two are the same link.
.. and one of the "last two" is removed
Not here, at least.
Oh, it's a bug in the "deleted message keeper" plugin :)
where did that come from? irc?
I think so.
Q: And just like that, I have 150k rep. Eh?

UndoI just noticed this on the Astronomy proposal on Area 51: This is wrong on so many fronts: I don't have anywhere near 150k network rep It shows to other people (I've checked this) that I do It cheats others out of their rightful place in the total reputation list. I honestly don't know how...

@teresko thank you for the promise links .... good shit
$number = MONAD()
    ->lift('inc', function($value) {
        return $value + 1;

$x = $number(100);

wow, it's like magic :)
yawn mrnin
@Jack what does lift do? binds the callback to the name as a method?
It introduces a new method on the monad, which in itself returns another monad.
See also this.
@Mr.Alien and you pirated my comment :P
i did never realized that in js throw inside asynchronous calls goes to nowhere
morning @NullPoiиteя
idk why noob start mashing with things like payment gateway even they dont know how to submit form
@Wes good morning
this promises thing is something i have to use
Anyone good for the DateTime ?
I have a question
ask it
i have a datetime range... according to my previous if eles condition
i need to block some days..

ex: i select 9/10/2013 to 9/17/2013 for that date range i wanted to remove
wednesday (If wednesday there ).

Logically how can i do it ?
can't compute
are those two DateTime instances or is it a DateInterval instance?
Q: This pice of code from w3schools is not working properly?

munishTt seems to be working here but when i just copy paste the code into notepad and try to run in browser.i get an extra `">" character before name like this. php 4.3.0 <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <style> .error {color: #FF0000;} </style> </head> <body> <?php // define variables and set to em...

does someone know if inverting "operands" in a sql query may affect performances, for example like
SELECT * FROM aaaaaaaaa AS a JOIN bbbbbbbbb AS b ON b.id = a.id WHERE xx
SELECT * FROM bbbbbbbbb AS b JOIN aaaaaaaaa AS a ON b.id = a.id WHERE xx
@NullPoiиteя lol no
@Wes i dont think it should
it's mysql in the specific
execute query here
echo $msc.' seconds'; // in seconds
echo ($msc*1000).' milliseconds'; // in millseconds
that would tell you :)
People do abuse w3schools but I don't think it's that bad, also it is a real good resource for beginners
@Mr.Alien its really bad
@NullPoiиteя I am sure you would've referred it too.. and imo, it's not that bad as people are showing it is..
@Mr.Alien never ... :)
@Mr.Alien could you tell me whats wrong with my ans here (got dv)
Hi, how to open an existing database
@user2384323 what do you mean by open database ?
$user_name = "";
$password = "";
$database = "database";
$server = "";



if ($db_found) {

print "Database Found";

else {

print "Database NOT Found";


i tired like this
i'm new to php
@NullPoiиteя nuin wrng, will upvote you wait
so i tried sample whether database is found or not
@user2384323 what are you getting in mysql_connect($server,$user_name,$password) or die(mysql_error()) ?
I guess you all were serial downvote victims, upvoted yours and the accepted answr
@Mr.Alien ty
Well, I've had enough. I'm making a sandwich and going to bed.
@DanLugg share a piece ...
@DanLugg gn and this one(cookie) from me i.sstatic.net/FVoES.jpg
@Mr.Alien You a fan of proscuitto and swiss?
@NullPoiиteя that wouldn't be accurate unless i test many cases
@user2384323 have you created database first ?
@NullPoiиteя i already have database
what error are you getting
Database NOT Found
@user2384323 why you have empty server ?
if you are on local host than try localhost
@NullPoiиteя You should use MySQLi, mysql-extension is deprecated ;)
@Recode thankyou sir :) you saved my day :P
it wasnt my code .. :) and i like PDO more
@NullPoiиteя see you maybe later today ;)
@NullPoiиteя actually my database is in local. can we open the local database ?
@user2384323 try jsfiddle.net/BGPXE
sorry i have to use jsfiddle since idk why pastbin is not opening here
@user2384323 i am sure it would work but if not let me know error
@user2384323 btw mysql_* api is deprecated as @Recode told ... so check this post stackoverflow.com/questions/12859942/…
@NullPoiиteя NO database selectedUnknown database 'database'
@user2384323 have you checked manually that database is exist ?
@user2384323 and what is name of database ?
i have the php file and sql in same folder
@NullPoiиteя actually my database is in local can we open the local database ?
@DanLugg nope :p
Downvoted a question after Long Long tym.. stackoverflow.com/q/18701670/1542290
Pure shit ^^^ got popular for no good reason
@user2384323 type this in mysql console mysql> show databases;
and tell me what are you getting is there database named database
@NullPoiиteя +--------------------+
| Database |
| information_schema |
| test |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
@user2384323 ohh got it ..you can not use database directly from .sql file for that you need to create a database in mysql ...
have you installed phpmyadmin ?
@NullPoiиteя i have a doubt ?
@user2384323 ya
can we open an existing database(any database) .. using php ?
@NullPoiиteя retrieving the data from the database
@user2384323 we can open only these database with php php.net/manual/en/refs.database.php
@Mr.Alien Sorry no
look at his code, he just dumped it
thats why i dont like to answer those question .. take much time to read code
who reads so much code, also this is tables, so god help him with the closing tags
oh god
ctrl+u in what? — Ktech13 22 secs ago
yey just 200 rep away from 20k now
@Wes awesome :)
@NullPoiиteя by using dba_open() we can open .db database ?
@Wes that guy doesn't know how to do business, people are earning, one product like this will result in loss for the company
@Mr.Alien we dont need company who earn like apple and samsung
How to play a zippy share mp3 file in html5 audio tag?
@NullPoiиteя the company who wil release this wil make losses himself
@Mr.Alien noop
Can we add ownership information to the virtual host configured web ?
yes, do you think people wil buy another? where you can customize that phone in such a way?
morning all
its eco friendly and awesome that is enough for most of people
not true, PCs are modular since decades and method still works @Mr.Alien
@Mr.Alien dont you want a phone which hardware can be customize according to you
also, not modular computers such as dell or apple risked many times bankruptcy
dell was extremely ass, once i tried to use a dell psu on a normal computer and you might imagine how it went
@Wes thats why people use the same pc for years.. @NullPoiиteя if this was the thing, I would expect such a phone which gives me all functionalities in a single piece first like hd screen, hd cam, crystal clear sound quality etc, they miss out one or the other thing always, this is how their business runs
they cannot afford to give such a feasibility to their customers else everyone will just become like Nokia
what's the point of making a normal psu but with inverted wires?
i love that idea its user friendly, eco friendly , bla bla bla ,bla bla , bla
no I didn't, actually that won't be possible, probably that guy doesn't know how phones work at first place
@Mr.Alien i update my pcs frequently and many people do the same
@Mr.Alien its really possible :) mate
@Wes depends, phones are not something which needs to be customized frequently
btw if it will come in market i will buy and you wont and jealous of me ... :P
@NullPoiиteя lol china will release the same one soon so don't just hurry
that is just because it's not allowed yet. for example i have many sd cards with different music in them
@Mr.Alien new innovative idea keeps market healthy ... and competition ..dont you thing new phone have nothing new now a days just big price and more MP camara
do anyone know?
How to play a zippy share mp3 file in html5 audio tag using zippy share file location?
@NullPoiиteя you are not getting my point, its same thing with softwares too, why Microsoft provides different versions of windows, say basic, home, ultimate? same way say I am developing a cms, I have few things in common, few are than extra payable modules like payment gateway stuff, providing all functionality in a single thing is not what makes you profit
@Mr.Alien i dont care about company if they failed to manage they must pay for it ...
@NullPoiиteя it's called business, once you ship a thing WHICH HOLDS EVERYTHING a user needs is the day your company goes in loss
why nokia is failed ...they failed to fulfill customers need
@Mr.Alien they can make better parts further and sell
like better screen ... camera , processor
customer would love them
btw bye going to college :)
@Mr.Alien do you remember the browsers wars? were totally pointless since real money came from software and advertising. but at the end of the story vendors did understand they are just ruining their own opportunities and whatwg came. making a modular phone can only increase earnings and it could only make developers' life easier
@Wes exactly
Speaking as someone who has cracked like three cellphone screens if there was an affordable consumer replaceable screen I would buy it just for that
people love innovative product not stereotype product
@NullPoiиteя cya, and again no, they failed cuz nokia sucked, when they were released symbian versions, there was never a big difference, only icons used to change, no real apps, and second reason of failure was he didn't accepted androids
@Mr.Alien and this is the business ... one will rise on the grave of another :)
@NullPoiиteя did it work?
@crypticツ what ?
A: Question Showing Twice in Favorites List

OdedSomehow, we have two favorite votes recorded for NullPoiиteя on this question, a week apart from each other. So, the page reflects what we have recorded. I don't have the data to show if there we missed recording an unfavorite vote (most likely explanation), or that for some reason it failed to...

let me try
@crypticツ yupp worked
@Wes I have a different opinion there, you get same product, no single brand, multiple companies release same thing, leads to nothing but war of prices, thus leads to loss, also, some cellphones are not phones, they are just like cars, CAN A MARUTI 800 give you everything what FERRARI has? no, it wont.. it's like a STANDARD, people buy a FERRARI not because they want to ride their cars are 300+ speed, it's about status
now there is only one in my favorite
@NullPoiиteя tada popat ;)
@Mr.Alien not necessarily there is needed a common standard for everyone, but something would be cool. as on my ferrari i can use brembo compatible brakes and eibach suspensions
(no, i don't actually have a ferrari [yet])
after 3 hours mysqldump finished its job
That must have been an epic dump
not to mention disruptive ...
why u no hotcopy ?
@Orangepill yes i.imgur.com/JJxKdad.png
i need an ssd drive
@Wes Running Windows =o( *hugs* I'm so sorry for your pain.
@crypticツ give me proof that on linux mysqldump would have been faster or shut up! xD
@Wes ... thats like 33000 1.44MB floppy disks :)
and a hangar sized room to store them?
It would be a stack just over 10m tall
10193.3333333 mm to be exact :D
@Orangepill admit that you actually calculated it
@Wes whats the fastest you can make windows read your disks ?
i think about 130mb/s (wd velociraptor)
anyway it's super late, going to office brb
Timing cached reads: 24968 MB in 2.00 seconds = 12503.41 MB/sec
Timing buffered disk reads: 1418 MB in 3.00 seconds = 472.61 MB/sec
windows can't provide this, windows can't install on disks like this, it is too stupid to know how to boot ... ditch windows, get yourself a few cheap ssds and raid 0 on them ... there's not really a faster way for Joe Bloggs to read and write his hard drives ...
@Wes that won't be a ferrari anymore :p
@Mr.Alien holiday today?
Hmm, creating a class prototype { ... } feels kinda weird ;-)
@YogeshSuthar nah, wad abt u?
@Mr.Alien same here. No holiday.
chindhi log hai saale
@Jack btw thats ^^^ frustration

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