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Linking is hard - beards are warm :)
@tereško Waking up this morning I realised that my testing problem was basically just an SRP violation
@PeeHaa After doing it all on my local machine with vagrant I have spun up an EC2 to do it there instead :)
@Danack That's working well for you, I feel
@Danack New avatar?
@Danack That's some nice growth. I'm growing my first beard too. I am about 1 month in.
@DaveRandom It draws attentions away from the silvering hair...
@DaveRandom I will assume that this was covered under my "you are doing it wrong" observation. Because it makes me feel less horrible.
@tereško Pretty much :-)
@Danack Although I trim the moustache. I can't handle the feeling of it poking my lip.
Ironically the API that is now floating around my head is dangerously close to something I hate, SimpleXML, but it will actually make it a lot nicer both to use and to test I think
I can usually appreciate someone calling a spade a spade, and he does usually do that, but he's well out of his depth here ... people do listen to him, and they'll be left with the feeling that there is no point coming forward with ideas ...
I might call it SimpleLDAP
@JoeWatkins I'm sad to say, but sometimes there isn't.
The attitude of "Patch or GTFO" does exist sometimes.
Perhaps not all the time, and not as harsh, but it does exist.
@DaveRandom lol. Once you call something Simple* you know it is going to be impossible to use / integrate / test / keep your sanity
@PeeHaa I know. I'm trying to avoid the temptation to ArrayAccess All The Things but it might actually make sense here, I shall have to see
@MadaraUchiha as usual, the opinions of the development community are derived from the opinions of the unqualified vocal minority .. @NikiC how many hours have you spent messing with PHP today for the good of everyone else ??
@JoeWatkins I'm telling you what I observed as someone who watches from the side.
People sometimes tend to dismiss an idea if it doesn't come with patch, that's all I'm saying.
lots of us spend hours every day working with php in some way, when someone comes along with an idea, we love that ... not always, obviously, no process can change a shit idea into a good idea, no amount of discussion either ...
I'm not saying there aren't people who are willing to accept the suggestions and help tinker and write patches for the sake of PHP
But there are also people who tend to think "Patch or GTFO" is a thing.
I don't guess what people are thinking, and don't think you should either ... however, no-one I've ever seen talking on IRC in the last year, not anyone I've had any dealings with anywhere on the interweb concerning PHP, has ever exhibited that attitude ... I think this is just a baseless opinion, as I said, derived from the opinion of the vocal minority ...
by the time an RFC comes it should come with a patch ... all I am doing there is saying avoid posting ideas to internals, because they are either snubbed or they start an infinite number of pointless conversations (pointless because there is no code, you are discussing the impact and implications of non-existent code ... that's not a logical or productive thing to do)
If you like female vocals:
If not then please note that I don't care what you think
going back to my black screen with green characters on it: time to modify PHP's source…
Haha not quite, our selling point is that we are ZF certified engineers, such accreditation is not yet available for ZF2 as I'm sure you're aware :) , I would have thought that this question would have applied to most modular MVC frameworks, for example in cakePHP, would you have a Plugin called Admin with a post controller you would like to administrate or a Plugin called Post with an admin controller? — user2779847 59 secs ago
ZF certified engineers :O
$this->uri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; //causes PHP Notice: Undefined index: REQUEST_URI
This is happening when I run unittest which has `$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = 'testuri';` in setUp() method of a testcase. Btw, the test which checks the uri passes, despite the PHP notice. Any ideas?
@PeeHaa She's only about 20, hopefully over some years the music will grow with the voice (certainly lyrically it shows their age a little), vocally she reminds me of Beth Hirsch a little though (who is one of the best live acts I've ever seen, even if it was only as a guest of Air for the two songs she did for them)
Is that what they call it these days :P
I'm pretty certain there is a ZF2 ZCE anyway
Isn't that what @webarto will be doing?
@an1zhegorodov Why do you need to setup the superglobals inside your tests?
Oh apparently there isn't
@DaveRandom Dunno
@PeeHaa So got as far as adding everything to the startup daemons, presumably I should be able to see a file in on my server... atm I can't connect to it in browser
Isn't everything added automagicaly to /etc/init.d?
@an1zhegorodov Setting values in superglobals isn't defined behaviour afaik (except $GLOBALS)
@PeeHaa it's been added to startup and both nginx and fpm are started
Have you setup a custom server config "listening" on a domain?
I assigned an elastic ip to the instance and I am using that ip to the server_name
@Fabien Unless you rebooted just adding stuff to startup won't have any effect, you'd need to either reboot (i.e. let init run again) or start them manually
any other idea ?
For the question you haven't yet asked? No.
making money from my own website ?
public function __construct()
        $this->_method = $this->detectMethod();
        $this->_headers = $this->getAllHeaders();
        $this->_cookies = $_COOKIE;
        $this->_uri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
        $this->_queryParams = $_GET;
        $this->_postParams = $_POST;

     * Get uri
     * @return string
    public function getUri()
        return $this->_uri;
I'll do a good ol fashioned reboot too
A: github client stuck at 256 files to be commited even though it syncs

PeeHaaIn order to stage all files for commit you can do: git add -A This stages all files for commit. After this you can commit the staged files: git commit -m "My colleague sucks" And finally you can push it to github using: git push Or in a single line: git add -A && git commit -m "My colle...

@Fabien Use a proper domain name please
@DaveRandom i want to create a website for that i can make money daily , which kind of website i should make ?
@PeeHaa So when I test getUri(), first of all I assert that it equals to the REQUEST_URI, which I previously set in setUp()
If you don't have one setup your hosts file to fake it
Make a porn site. I understand there's a lot of money in porn.
@an1zhegorodov One does not simply access superglobals in a class directly
@PeeHaa well I do own lamephp.com but I am not quite sure how to point it to my ec2
@an1zhegorodov Pass the data into the constructor as arguments
^^ that
how to get porns for my websit?
ask @webarto
@Fabien Do you have access to the dns panel?
@DaveRandom lol
@luckyamit Do you have a girlfriend / sister?
@luckyamit get a really open minded girlfriend ...
sister ROFL
@PeeHaa LOL
@PeeHaa rofl
dont have
@luckyamit boyfriend?
@PeeHaa yes I do.
@Fabien Excellent timing
give any other idea
@luckyamit You'll have to do it yourself then.
@luckyamit hmmmm. I think @MadaraUchiha is on to something here
@luckyamit No no no. Do not waive away to porn idea that fast
@PeeHaa Ok, but still, where does that PHP notice come from?
Be creative c'mon
i cant collect porns
@MadaraUchiha ?
this is just too funny ...
@PeeHaa currently I have my @ and www A records pointed to the elastic IP address.
Well yeah. You mean you don't collect it yet?
@Fabien When did you change your dns recently?
not for futures also as my past was
@Fabien What happens when you try and resolve those name remotely?
FTR you can actually buy porn 'data' and just slap it on a domain name.
@Fabien Where? How? How much?
@PeeHaa Oh a few weeks back.
It doesn't matter, it looks like it's just a fortune cookie bot
ok so it should be propagated by now
This is going to awesome and I'm going to get filthy rich!
@PeeHaa I can't remember where but it wasn't expensive. it basically supplies the porn site and you just use your domain name.
nslookup -> server -> set q=a -> yourdomain.com -> set q=ns -> yourdomain.com
@Fabien assuming Windows, do that ^^ and check the output is sane
yahoo answers... is theer something you cannot help me with: answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20061121202548AAXMCh0
There are a million generic sites, you will make more money with a nitche (amateurs, hardcore, teens, bondage etc.etc.)
ok I just need to come up with something that is not generic?
Is there anybody into midget hardcore BSDM these days?
@DaveRandom Where am I trying to do that? -_-
Shit it already exists
I have my first thumbnail for on my pr0n site:
46 mins ago, by Danack
user image
Traffic will be crazy I tells ya
@Fabien In any windows command prompt that is not your server
@Fabien what is your machine's ip? The webserver machine that is
Elastic IP at least
In that case your DNS is bonkers
lame points to
What's the domain?
lamephp.com :)
yeh that's not right
ns1.bluehost.com <-- is bluehost where you set the records?
Then their dns is fucked
Damn I'm actually really thinking seriously about a porn site
bluehost was my old hosting
I cancelled them
the domain is registered with 123-reg
where I set the dns to the ip
weeks ago
Well the NS still points to bluehost
@DanLugg I was just reading that :P
@Fabien yeh you've not transfered the DNS to 123-reg, only the domain reg
The whois is right, the NS record is not
Do anyone got an answer for this?
You can do it in their control panel, I've used it before, it was pretty easy
@DaveRandom I should change the nameservers to the IP?
@Treps Does it involve porn? Because I am totally in the porn business as of now
What PHP version are you on @Treps
@PeeHaa I used to work for an adult dating website. The porn-website industry is crazy seedy.
@PeeHaa Oooh yeah, always! ;)
@Fabien I expect it to be seedy ;)
@Fabien ns.123-reg.co.uk and ns2.123-reg.co.uk are 123's nameservers, but you should probably contact their support and verify that they are set up to handle your domain
Or you could juts try it actually, I guess you can't break it any more than it's already broken
error setting nameservers when I tried to change it to the IP :)
It'll take up to 48hrs to propagate fully though, your refresh is 24 hrs
I can create namesevrers based on my domain though
@Fabien Name servers are names, not IPs
ns.123-reg.co.uk and ns2.123-reg.co.uk are 123's nameservers
whats up guys i got very serious issue i have website about instagram where i was using instagram api in php to make POST REQUEST to get likes on photo but now instagram made some changes and instagram api in api post method is not working in php Curl but when i make post using <form its working is there anyway to fix this issue!
@MalikUsman Have you modified your codebase to reflect the API changes?
So dns remains 123-reg as the name server controls the DNS. I have set my DNS to point to my elastic IP. But we're unsure if 123-reg are set up to handle my domain...?
@Fabien nameservers need to be registered before they are set ...
@Fabien They probably are, 123 are a big outfit, it's unlikely they wouldn't just do it by default, it doesn't cost them anything
well the nameservers always were set to 123reg
and the DNS for @ and www have been pointed at my IP for weeks now.
@Fabien one sec
WHat do you people think about PeeHaaPorn? Is php.net still available?
Sounds like piss porn
I just learned I need to go for a niche market
@PeeHaa php.xxx NSFW!!!
advertising it's whats most important @PeeHaa :)
@PeeHaa Yep, that's what I said.
That needs a star to evoke curiosity.
There you go
Thank you kind sir.
@Fabien So you login to their control panel, you select you domain from the dropdown and click manage -> Advanced domains settings -> Change nameservers and it shows the 123-reg servers?
@DaveRandom Yes.
@Fabien No problem. I'll just start putting ads on the wall in my local grocery store
@DanLugg i did try some of the method but not working their API is same as it was but it not working anymore in php
but now instagram made some changes and instagram api in api post method is not working
@Fabien OK then click update and we'll see what happens. We'll have to wait up to 48hrs to see if it fixes it though (it may just prepopulate with their servers instead of looking up the current settings if you haven't set it in their DB
That suggests that their API has in fact changed somewhere. Or your code changed.
IIRC when you transfer it asks you if you want to transfer the NS, it may be that you didn't check the right box
well i did try to check the api is change or my php is not working as it was working perfect before! i did make some test but api is the same as it was its just not working in php @DanLugg
@DaveRandom Fair enough. Fingers crossed then.
PHP should have nothing to do with it; except that in your PHP script, you're not passing something that they want in a format they accept anymore. If they've introduced a new header, parameter, etc.; then you need to comply.
@Fabien annoyingly even when you set it to the right IP (I just did it in my hosts file) your server still doesn't work :-P
Do you already have content for lamephp?
I.e. is there something running now on the server?
@DanLugg they did not introduced and did not even tell in advance they are making changes!
@Fabien service start php-fpm && service start nginx on your server console
its been 1 week no reply from them lol
*shug* I can't help you then. If they haven't responded, or informed you in any way otherwise, then perhaps they haven't changed their API (or anything for that matter). I'd check to make sure you haven't changed anything by accident on your end.
@PeeHaa Just hitting the nginx hello world page would be a start
@PeeHaa Best of luck with the porn business. To help you get started here:
hahahahahahahah excellent
@Fabien I'd fork that
@PeeHaa There's no content for lamephp.com yet :P
@DanLugg its not only me so many people who were using api in php are saying that its not working in php
@DaveRandom True but when there is a server configured on a name and there is nothing behind it it would fail?
You should reimplement LameMP3 in PHP and just put that up there
@DaveRandom services staretd
still getting nothing. telnet localhost 80 from the server console and see if you can at least open a TCP connection to it
@PeeHaa Well, as it stands, I can't even get a response to a SYN on TCP:80
telnet command not found :)
it is CentOS
centos doesnt ship with telnet by default
I mean seriously, Vista+ not including it was bad enough
I'll install it
For me telnet is debug tool #0
but then I am a networky kinda guy
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
Nothing back yet
OK well that's a good start
@Fabien No I wouldn't expect anything back, but at least that means nginx is listening
Ah fair enough.
Sounds like your binding config is wrong
@Fabien DAFUQ
You can type GET / HTTP/1.0 if you want to make sure it will actually return something
(and press enter)
The version number does actually matter for that
Because 1.1 mandates a Host: header
Aah k
Oh right, you have to press enter twice
I like furry things
@crypticツ's description just gave me an idea for my niche pron site
@PeeHaa I think that market is already pretty saturated. Yes, double entendre.
@PeeHaa furry fandom! =o)
The camsite market is still kind of new. I would go down that avenue personally.
@PeeHaa furryfury.com?
Really hairy, really angry people
@Fabien Define camsite
Live cam models.
Like those camgirls who gets payed to cam?
If all else fails, you can become one :)
Isn't that always paid access?
Nobody pays for porn right?
@PeeHaa What he's advertising doesn't even do anything.
@Fabien That would mean I would be paying visitors to have to look at it :D
@PeeHaa the beauty of the camsite is all the marketing is done by the camgirls.
dafuq is up with the speed of that gif
@Fabien Will I be able to call myself a pimp and the girls mah bitches?
please, don't post GIFs in chat
@PeeHaa As long as you wear crocodile leather shoes and carry around a pimp cane
Anyhoo, it's time for my dinner. Catch you guys later :P Cheers for all the help.
Probably a dumb question but how do a set a variable in a class, and then access it within a function of that class?
@daviesgeek private $member; at the top of your class
And $this->member in some method to access it
And then to set it can I just do private $member = 'Lorem..etc';?
@daviesgeek Yep, but only to scalar values and arrays.
If you want to initially fill it with data you can do that
If you want to fill it inside your method do $this->member = 'Lorem...';
@crypticツ Don't think I didn't see that :-P
@daviesgeek 3v4l.org/a3oVc
Check that as an example.
Ah okay
Doesn't quite work the way I'd like it to
I have a bunch of SQL code in a class that has a lot in common, just a couple extra LIMIT statements, and ORDER by statements. Soo...I'd like to put the main SQL statement into a variable at the top of the class, then access it from within various functions…can I do that?
Yes. Yes you can
Can you pastebin your class?
@daviesgeek Yes, but unless all those "functions" are members of the same class, don't do it directly
Or gist it
@PeeHaa yah gimme a second
This post should be helpful for other users hoping to learn to program with networking, like the rules here request?
There we go
I pulled all the extra functions…but that doesn't work for me…
echo $this->leftJoin; //works...
?? It says it: Cannot access empty property
With the code you have provided that is impossible
Bleh I can be so dumb at times…
leftJoin…NOT $leftJoin…
Best title of the day award:
Q: visual basic 2010. Need help searching an array... very hard for me

Hank BatesGot a small problem. I don't know how to search one array so I can pull that same array number from the other 2 arrays. I know how to test for a lot of stuff so that won't be a problem. The end result on this project is the user will place the amount they are willing to pay for a make of the ca...

Thanks so much…
I appreciate you putting up with my dumb stuff :)
I got it now though…I don't think I'll be forgetting that one…
@daviesgeek being dumb is not that bad. Staying dumb is
Very true...very true…
Hello ALL
@crypticツ Hey how are you ?
@DaveRandom want to add column sorting to the backlog, should the sorting be done client-side or server-side?
@Hardy fine thank you, you?
@crypticツ Me too. Thanks.
Pizza ready ? :)
3 messages moved to bin
@PeeHaa - you're deleting my msgs :(
I only wanted to delete the last two instead of all three FWIW
no problem.
Also have you checked
yep. I have no idea about magento. and I don't like those kinda projects
Most sane people would agree
but a friend of mine needs help. I found his error but I don't know where to find the file to edit it
What is the error?
after logging in. the menu of checkout and etc.. is covered/nested under <a> tag with href to logout
so if you click checkout the link will logout
and the same for every other item in that ul
I just need to know what php file is writing this <a> tag after logging in..
Is this the community edition?
I really don't know.
I just know that magento is an e-commerce project :D
Is that what you are looking for?
Q: Change or rearrange Magento Login and Log Out (top links) position using local.xml

gordianI'd like to rearrange my top links using local.xml--specifically the login/log out links. Is this possible without removing the links then re-adding them and modifying their position tags? Currently (and by default) Log In and Log Out are set to position 100 in customer.xml: <customer_logged_in>...

I'll check it out. Thank you PeeHaa.
you're a help as always :)
@crypticツ Bye good night...
Ok. checking both
@PeeHaa - how can I contact some user here in stackoverflow. I saw someone with a valid knowledge with magento. I think he might help me. but I'm not sure how to contact him?!
Either (s)he has contect info on his SO profile or you can not
@JoeWatkins I commited my change: github.com/php/php-src/commit/… :)
@NikiC very nice :-) saying that as pthreads user
I wish I had enough excess money to spend money on cool stuff :(
If you guys wanna build a quick small new project, how do you go about setting up your environment for that? server/phpunit and all...
server == copy paste a server config
After that dump the default directory structure
After that start coding

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