Ironically the API that is now floating around my head is dangerously close to something I hate, SimpleXML, but it will actually make it a lot nicer both to use and to test I think
I can usually appreciate someone calling a spade a spade, and he does usually do that, but he's well out of his depth here ... people do listen to him, and they'll be left with the feeling that there is no point coming forward with ideas ...
@MadaraUchiha as usual, the opinions of the development community are derived from the opinions of the unqualified vocal minority .. @NikiC how many hours have you spent messing with PHP today for the good of everyone else ??
lots of us spend hours every day working with php in some way, when someone comes along with an idea, we love that ... not always, obviously, no process can change a shit idea into a good idea, no amount of discussion either ...
I don't guess what people are thinking, and don't think you should either ... however, no-one I've ever seen talking on IRC in the last year, not anyone I've had any dealings with anywhere on the interweb concerning PHP, has ever exhibited that attitude ... I think this is just a baseless opinion, as I said, derived from the opinion of the vocal minority ...
by the time an RFC comes it should come with a patch ... all I am doing there is saying avoid posting ideas to internals, because they are either snubbed or they start an infinite number of pointless conversations (pointless because there is no code, you are discussing the impact and implications of non-existent code ... that's not a logical or productive thing to do)
Haha not quite, our selling point is that we are ZF certified engineers, such accreditation is not yet available for ZF2 as I'm sure you're aware :) , I would have thought that this question would have applied to most modular MVC frameworks, for example in cakePHP, would you have a Plugin called Admin with a post controller you would like to administrate or a Plugin called Post with an admin controller? — user277984759 secs ago
$this->uri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; //causes PHP Notice: Undefined index: REQUEST_URI This is happening when I run unittest which has `$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = 'testuri';` in setUp() method of a testcase. Btw, the test which checks the uri passes, despite the PHP notice. Any ideas?
@PeeHaa She's only about 20, hopefully over some years the music will grow with the voice (certainly lyrically it shows their age a little), vocally she reminds me of Beth Hirsch a little though (who is one of the best live acts I've ever seen, even if it was only as a guest of Air for the two songs she did for them)
@PeeHaa So got as far as adding everything to the startup daemons, presumably I should be able to see a file in on my server... atm I can't connect to it in browser
@Fabien Unless you rebooted just adding stuff to startup won't have any effect, you'd need to either reboot (i.e. let init run again) or start them manually
In order to stage all files for commit you can do:
git add -A
This stages all files for commit. After this you can commit the staged files:
git commit -m "My colleague sucks"
And finally you can push it to github using:
git push
Or in a single line:
git add -A && git commit -m "My colle...
@Fabien and are 123's nameservers, but you should probably contact their support and verify that they are set up to handle your domain
Or you could juts try it actually, I guess you can't break it any more than it's already broken
whats up guys i got very serious issue i have website about instagram where i was using instagram api in php to make POST REQUEST to get likes on photo but now instagram made some changes and instagram api in api post method is not working in php Curl but when i make post using <form its working is there anyway to fix this issue!
So dns remains 123-reg as the name server controls the DNS. I have set my DNS to point to my elastic IP. But we're unsure if 123-reg are set up to handle my domain...?
@Fabien So you login to their control panel, you select you domain from the dropdown and click manage -> Advanced domains settings -> Change nameservers and it shows the 123-reg servers?
@Fabien OK then click update and we'll see what happens. We'll have to wait up to 48hrs to see if it fixes it though (it may just prepopulate with their servers instead of looking up the current settings if you haven't set it in their DB
well i did try to check the api is change or my php is not working as it was working perfect before! i did make some test but api is the same as it was its just not working in php @DanLugg
PHP should have nothing to do with it; except that in your PHP script, you're not passing something that they want in a format they accept anymore. If they've introduced a new header, parameter, etc.; then you need to comply.
*shug* I can't help you then. If they haven't responded, or informed you in any way otherwise, then perhaps they haven't changed their API (or anything for that matter). I'd check to make sure you haven't changed anything by accident on your end.
I have a bunch of SQL code in a class that has a lot in common, just a couple extra LIMIT statements, and ORDER by statements. Soo...I'd like to put the main SQL statement into a variable at the top of the class, then access it from within various functions…can I do that?
Got a small problem. I don't know how to search one array so I can pull that same array number from the other 2 arrays. I know how to test for a lot of stuff so that won't be a problem.
The end result on this project is the user will place the amount they are willing to pay for a make of the ca...
I'd like to rearrange my top links using local.xml--specifically the login/log out links. Is this possible without removing the links then re-adding them and modifying their position tags?
Currently (and by default) Log In and Log Out are set to position 100 in customer.xml:
@PeeHaa - how can I contact some user here in stackoverflow. I saw someone with a valid knowledge with magento. I think he might help me. but I'm not sure how to contact him?!