the executor will construct that array from cached opcodes faster than apc can create it .... additionally, you completely avoid the contention problem, opcache and apcu have separate locks on their shared memory, the contention of the opcache lock is unavoidable, but it's implementation of shared memory much simpler (bit faster) than apc anyway ... in this case, where you are just including a file which contains a large array, my starting place would be not putting anything in apcu ...
if you are using apc, then the same still applies, but for slightly different reasons; you don't want to store the same data in memory twice, which is what you are essentially doing by caching codes and data, additionally, the opcode cache and user cache in this scenario use the same shm (with the same lock) ...
and it is likely that your default apc installation does not use read/write locks, so does not allow multiple readers ... that will hold up every single request ...
@JoeWatkins Oh - I wasn't storing them twice. I just removed the classmap file entirely, so that every class gets located once, and then it's location gets stored in APC. I will run some tests, it did seem slightly faster.
@JoeWatkins No - I took the composer autoloader code, removed all reference to the classmap and so it's not using that classmap array anymore. So instead of the huge array, it's just storing tiny entries of where the file is for each class that gets autoloaded.
and like I said, the executor will construct the array faster than apc(u) can copy it from shm, so let the opcode cache take the hit and avoid user cache, test that first and go from there, I'd be quite surprised if you found a way to make it faster by invoking apc(u) ...
more entries is bad however you look at it ...
I really would just let the opcode cache take care of the caching of that data and forget about apc(u) (or any other cache actually) ...
he's very clever ... brilliant, but I'm not sure about the real world ... actually using locks serves the purpose of a user cache quite well ... since you are testing, you might include that in your tests ...
now if you write in mind of the fact that you have no locks, and certain aspects of yacs behaviour might effect you under heavy load and exacerbate the problem of being under heavy load, you would be able to create crazy fast caching php, the numbers it can achieve are truly astonishing ...
btw this may be of interest if you haven't see it already
I really, super duper want to see some feedback for yac ... a user cache I am not too certain of the benfits of lockless operations, however, opcache could actually see very good gains ...
I'm not saying that in general locking is better than lockless btw, that is obviously not the case, I'm saying that in the case of specifically a user cache, locking seems to make a degree of sense ....
when you think about why you cache anything ...
night @PeeHaa
it's to avoid overhead
the overhead of doing whatever it is that got you the data in the first place ...
data cannot be read before it is fully written, think about the following; an entry expires in the cache (or is not set), someone makes a request for the expired or unset key, nothing is returned, they start doing the work to get data
How can one estimate man-hour spendings if he don't have whole vision of how he can solve this problem. For example lets say you have a task of wrting logging component for some ORM, but you don't have expirience in that, although you know how it should work. How would you estimate time needed for solving this task? How you usualy estimate time for tasks or entire projects?
now multiple contexts might well do the work, there's no avoiding that really, but there is some reducing it, with no write lock, every context that requests a read will end up doing the work and setting the data in the cache ... with a write lock, the amount of contexts doing the work is reduced when the first context begins to write ...
I think waiting on a lock is likely to turn out to be the lesser evil between waiting on a lock and doing the heavy lifting you're trying to avoid ...
@JoeWatkins It sounds better than every context doing the same work, but it sounds like it's trying to force an implementation of a queue of work into something that may not support it naturally.
I hate mediawiki sometimes (just encountered, which made my post‐expand include size explode)… but mostly I like it... But this is an example where devs consider it as a minor issue while users have real problems… (the hardest was here to find the bug…) :-(
@igorw This could maybe use the ... (splat) operator from @NikiC depending on whether the fields are stored in the correct order. That'd be a little syntactic nicety in my opinion, though in this particular case the clarity might be better. Just something I noticed so I thought I'd ping it.
@igorw The User class could use JsonSerializable instead of leaving that up to other objects such as here. It's a design decision, but this is precisely why JsonSerializable was created. The project appears to be PHP 5.4 compatible, so no problem there.
Just an idea.
And it's important to note that JsonSerializable just defines what would be serialized, not actually persist it anywhere, so it doesn't violate that particular boundary. It may still do so in spirit, your call.
@Jack really you shouldn't use sleep, it is intended to sleep a process, usleep is intended to sleep a thread ... but as is always the case, what sleep does was down to the implementor on the day of imlpementation, that's how posix works ... so on my distribution I am able to sleep threads using normal sleep ...
class T extends Thread {
public function run() {
$t = new T();
while ($t->isRunning())
echo ".";
you shouldn't really use sleep in multithreaded programming at all, it does not leave threads in a receptive state, you should use wait() on the thread you wish to sleep, such that anyone else can notify() and wake it up at any time ...
There will be 4 phones with a RJ11 connector I think, is there a way I can track how long a user is calling etc? There are some rumors about starting a 'small' callcenter for campagin informatin and 4 phone's should be used but there is need for a web-application/application to track how long a call was and who made the call..
that's a bit disappointing, he's known about pthreads for a while, and has probably heard me complain about the billion websites perpetuating the myth that php cannot multi-thread ...
You won't be able to do it if you just have 4 lines connected directly to the PSTN, I don't know of any service provider in the world that provides live data like that. But with a VoIP provider or a PABX, chances are it's just a question of writing a bit of API consuming middleware
without extension doesn't mean anything by the way ... everything is an extension, APC included, and nobody would have ever said that php cannot cache opcodes or user variables ...
@Duikboot Most PBX systems have custom call logging software, and it's usually a premium add-on. Many of them also provide 3rd party APIs, but it's 100% down to the system in use, there is certainly no standard mechanism for making that kind of data available.
Some of them are a lot easier to use than others as well.
@JoeWatkins I have not said, they are right but on the other hand they are not wrong as well. without extension means with everything what comes with default binaries from official source. In most web-hosts you can't go multi-threaded.
@Duikboot I can't help you at all without knowing what the telephony set up is - if they are using a PBX, what PBX they are using, if not using a PBX what provider they are using with services over what infrastructure (PSTN, ISDN, VoIP). It's totally dependent on that. Once you know that, the software choice becomes a lot easier
you know xampp has been using multit-hreaded php for years, most apache windows installs do ... it's the default deploy on windows systems to use threads because windows doesn't like huge amounts of processes ... they are wrong, php has been able to execute the interpreter multi-threaded for years and years and years ...
I can certainly help you if you can find that out, since I was a PBX engineer for 8 years, the last 4 of which I spent writing 2 call logging platforms as a side project
I guess, you slightly misunderstood what I am saying. I meant you can't create thread and start some function execution inside without creating new process by default, can you? I assume they mean the same.
@Duikboot You probably want something out of the box, rolling your own is a time consuming and (to be brutally honest) pretty boring job
It looks like that system you already have supports quite a bit of segregation though (like virtual independent systems, sort of the telephony equivalent of a VPS platform) so you might be able to expand what you already have, which would almost definitely work out as the cheapest option by quite a large margin
My first step would be contact the current system supplier/maintainer, tell them what you want to do and ask them what they can offer.
I can recommend a couple of decent products but they will not be cheap
@Jack An interesting bit of information: When the RFC for this was accepted some guy started a lengthy thread (30 mails) complaining how this would break all his code and that this usage was totally normal :)
@Duikboot Based on what you've said, my preferred system would be a Splicecom Maximiser 5108. I don't know if they have any dealers in mainland Europe though.
@Duikboot A PBX acts as an abstraction, a good one will allow you to use PSTN, ISDN and VoIP all on the same system. A workstation shouldn't be tied to a specific breakout route (unless you configure it to be)
But VoIP is rapidly catching up there, even 2 years ago it was a lot more unreliable than it is now. And VoIP has a lot of very attractive features. But if you want five-nines reliability (which almost all business applications do) then ISDN is currently the winner (in the UK, it may be better in your area, I don't know)
@NikiC That is completely ridiculous. Personally I'd like to see static calls blow up if they try and use $this at all, although that then becomes confusing with function foo() { parent::foo(); }
@NikiC Right, fine, but how is you code sample not a static call? You may not have declared test() static, but when you leave the current inheritance hierarchy like that, that's a static call. You can't just steal instance methods from another branch, that's ridiculous
@DaveRandom that's why that is being deprecated ^^
In general :: just does an explicitly-scoped call. That does often coincide with a static method call, but not always and I think it's better not to think of it this way
@NikiC Yeh I was trying to find a case where it wasn't the other day when you asked the question and I failed. I thought I could catch it out with a closure but those darn pesky internals guys were one step ahead of me the whole time.
@Duikboot If it were me and money were no object, I would buy a Splicecom Max 5100 or an Avaya IPOffice based system, rip out what you are currently running on and run the whole office on a unified system. They can both be configured in such a way that they can behave as multiple independent systems, are almost infinitely expandable (the max supports 256 extensions per call server, across up to 512 call servers, I forget what the IPO max capacity is but it's comparable).
Neither of them are cheap but at the end of the day, you get what you pay for
Both of them have really nice CTI platforms, loads of 3rd party APIs, a wide range of call centre software choices, and both are extremely reliable, in a way that a lot of those small new-kids-on-the-block just aren't
Avaya in particular have a world-class support infrastructure as well
And if you only take one thing away from this: NEVER buy Cisco telephony products. They work brilliantly if you can find someone who understands how to set the system up, which you can't, because they are insane. Like, literally, make no sense whatsoever. I've met qualified Cisco engineers, really intelligent guys who work on massive data-centre infrastructures, who freely admit that the telephony solutions make no sense at all
@Duikboot It is, but it will give you much less choice in the long term. People have a tendency to think about what the want now and buy a thing that does that. But actually what you want is a thing that does what you want it to now, and also does what you are going to want it to 3 years later.
Like I said before: you get what you pay for. If you cut corners, it will come back and bite you later, it's just a question of when.
@Jack The one thing you can say for Cisco is that their SIP implementation is fantastic. It's just a shame that SIP is fundamentally flawed in many ways.
That's why I recommend Avaya and Splicecom, they are both H.323 internally and it all works brilliantly and interconnects brilliantly.
Oh, and neither support G.729, which is a big plus in my view. There are loads of people who think it's the best thing since sliced bread, but it really isn't. Not for fixed telephony.
It's power hungry and the overall call quality it terrible, because it's much more difficult to implement error correction, as a result of which there are two competing error correction overlays which aren't compatible with each other, and you have to support both
@Jack It has done for many years and continues to do so. But that's why your mobile phone call quality is terrible even when you're standing next to a tower
And why, ridiculously, Skype on your mobile offers better call quality than just making a call
I can certainly help you if you can find that out, since I was a PBX engineer for 8 years, the last 4 of which I spent writing 2 call logging platforms as a side project
@Jack Not really, any transmission media will do, you can actually make a telephone line run on two pieces of wet string, I used to work with a guy who used to do it when he was teaching training courses. But DSL is much more SNR-sensitive, so really it's about SNR degradation, and in practice that means copper is your best option, since gold cable would be prohibitively expensive
But DSL is actually a very simple concept: you just trim the top/bottom frequency bands of the voice signal (the bits of signal that are inaudible on a telephone handset anyway, and human speech doesn't really emit them), and put data down there.
While currently I am using escapeshellarg() and exec() it's not actually doing anything. I know the command is right. I think maybe permission issue. I installed phantomjs to my home directory and I am using a full path to it. Probably my issue :(
@Jack You should use one even if you don't use the voice component of the line, the NTE and network have a lot of interference shielding built in, but CPE generally does not. Even that 0.5 metre cable connecting your modem to the line can pick up enough interference to drop the line speed by a couple of Mb/s, using a decent filter can almost completely negate that effect
@Jack Yeh old school modems use the full band of the line, and actually mostly used the the speech frequencies because they tended to be cleaner from background interference (certainly at the higher end of the spectrum). But these days the just use end-to-end mag filters between the exchange and your house and it's not a problem
@Fabien coincidentally, may be related to your problem (although if you've confirmed the command is correct then maybe not):
From the manual page for escapeshellarg() (emphasis mine): escapeshellarg()adds single quotes around a string and quotes/escapes any existing single quotes allowing you to pass a string directly to a shell function and having it be treated as a single safe argument. — DaveRandom47 secs ago
@Fabien It's worth inspecting stderr, the shell may tell you something, it's also worth having a go with proc_open() because that gives you much more granular control and therefore better error detection granularity. But it is waaay more complicated to use.
Is anyone able to help/explain a small thing to me? I have currently the following code running, It's working perfect but I receive the comments ' everytime we click the button the page snaps again to the top' is there a way to approve someone in the list without having that problem?
I know that is possible with AJAX but i really have no clue how to do that.