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@Danack probably ... PHP internals seems to only care about maintaining the status quo. Never mind that tools like node are making PHP redundant and it had better start caring about programmers instead of noob Wordpress "programmers" if it wants to stay relevant. #dontGetMeStarted
@igorw this sounds about right to me.
PHP needs to have a fork that give the finger to backwards compatibility and cleans house if they want it to remain viable for the future.
Go for it :D
I wish I was smart enough too.
To a large degree though it seems that the innovation is getting shot down to a large degree to maintain backwards comparability with syntax rules that are sub-optimal.
imho that's part of the problem
what unwillingness to break BC?
And with that thought. I'm going to take a shower and sleep
good night
good morning, here in my place
I'm having a problem. getting connection refused when trying to connect with mysqi
anyone can help investigate this?
is it a remote ip? also is mysql started?
@DaveChen it is in my local machine
mysql is running
i'm connected right now
my connection is server name = "localhost"
so you can connect properly with the command prompt?
are you running php5.4/php5.5? Also make sure permissions for the mysqld.sock are set properly
where do I set permission for mysqld.sock?
find my.ini, it might be socket = "C:/xampp/mysql/mysql.sock" or something similar
i'm on linux
it should be in var/run/mysqld/* then
check my.cnf
there is no mysqld on this dir
only mysql/
and there is a file mysql.sock=
@DaveChen actually there is a mysql/ folder in /etc
with a my-large.cnf, my-medium and my-small
whats the diffrence?
I believe those are defaults/presets, pick one and rename it to my.cnf, then restart mysql
@rdlowrey I'm honestly surprised that we don't have more corporations investing directly in technologies they use in general, but especially in PHP I would have expected more.
And Facebook still does some contributing but going down the HHVM path basically kills most of that support (unless HHVM becomes the new VM at some point).
@DaveChen still having connection refused. =/
Heya :3
How are you guys?
u know what. i guess im gonna sleep. 1 AM here. night everyone!
@ircmaxell Unfortunately I'll probably never attend PHP conferences. My day job has nothing to do with PHP so I'd have to take time off for it. Seeing as I'm married and have a kid that means I'll probably be doing something else with my time off.
@LeviMorrison yeah, it surprises me too. Maybe the toxic internals environment is a deterrent? I don't blame FB for doing its own thing -- easier than swimming upstream, anyway.
Corporate environments don't have time for petty ego squabbles and politics. Improvement is required. And sometimes that means hurting feelings and breaking BC.
@rdlowrey At least not external petty ego squabbles and politics; there's enough of that in most corporate environments already.
@LeviMorrison also, don't say alcohol never did anything for you. I turn into "belligerent programmer" after a few drinks when my football team wins:
Am I an ass? Maybe, but this laravel nonsense is just idiotic: https://github.com/laravelbook/ardent/issues/80#issuecomment-23618815
@rdlowrey Tajh Boyd is no joke :P Gonna be an interesting year of college football
Could a PRIMARY KEY column be null in MySQL?
@Lucio I would certainly hope not
@cspray !!!!!!
@cspray But technically it could (maybe).
NULL, 0, 1, etc it is all different
I can't think of any use case where a null primary key makes sense
/Me yes
must be defined as NOT NULL
@cspray thx
See the thread here: lists.mysql.com/mysql/183146
I think that it is a discussion :P
@Lucio The discussion is basically everybody saying "No. Stop. Do not do this because PK can't be null"
but it can be an empty string.. :)
@Gordon Well, it depends with the software metric. On one hand I get what you are saying that it seems like the public methods might be too large. On the other hand phploc counts the methods defined in the interface with this count; test it out, remove an interface from a small project and the method count will go down. This seems like it would inflate the metric and make it not as valuable.
Any good advise on naming traits?
@Orangepill Only trait I ever had I wound up removing functionality from project :P
but that was is called :) ... I feel like I should go with a noun...
but it only adds a function to the class, one that converts hrefs to urls given a context
best noun I can come up with is HrefUrlifier for the trait name
@MadaraUchiha You have any advise on naming traits?
@Orangepill I personally don't use traits
You should give traits... well... trait names
PHP traits should be used to describe common class traits
@Orangepill What's your trait about?
Okay... what is the term for creating a fully qualified url out of a contextual path reference
converts href into urls
@Orangepill PathResolver, but take my advice and use an interface for it.
I found that when coding "The right way", there's no place for traits in your code.
That's what I have now... but since the method will only ever be used internally and the implementation would be specific for a given type I though traits would be a better solution then injecting a resolver implementation that was bound to the type that it was being inject into. I will have to think about this some more
@Orangepill If the implemented would be type-specific, an interface is a much better option than that of a trait
Even though my web app is primarily in PHP, the concepts are really the same compared to JS. I have been developing a web app in PHP (and JS, HTML, CSS) for quite some time now and I have stopped and asked myself: Should I have built this in an object-oriented approach? So I thought I will ask the experts here too. Should I have built it in an object-oriented design? Is there any benefits/advantages in doing so compared to non-object-oriented design?
imo, OO just looks nicer (chaining, compartmentalization, etc)
I need a good enough reason because if there is one, then I will tear apart almost all of the work and restart everything. But only if there some legit advantage.
Right now the code is pretty messy and I don't like it.
so your code looks something like:

$variable = mysqli_stmt_init(...)

Now, there's like nothing wrong with that -- and clearly not a good reason to restart everything, but I would love ->prepare(...)->bind_param(...)->fetch_all(...), I find procedural code difficult to scale.
kinda, yes.
@DaveChen How would it be difficult to scale. Wouldn't procedural OOP based code be in fact easier, since you have this basic structural base and you build everything on top of it.
wait, so do you have classes? or it is all top to bottom?
I don't have classes.
at the risk of sounding rude :P, do you find repetitive code from multiple files?
eg. validation that happens in a similar way from a.php as it does in b.php
Is there an easy way to get the mime type of a string representation of a file?
nevermind ... finfo_buffer
@DaveChen Yes, there is a lot of unorganized repetitive code. I think sometimes that made development much more harder than it would have been if I had a basic structure.
@Orangepill ohhh dang too slow xD ca2.php.net/finfo_buffer
The guys in JS room suggested I'd be better off using MVC...
do you think it's a good idea to ask programming style advice from the JavaScript room? xD
I honestly don't know. Sometimes I have gotten good advice from those guys so I guess it might be not awful :D
@TheGuyWhoCouldn'tTalkToTheGirl OOP has several distinct advantages over procedural, but only when done correctly
(i.e. that fact that you have class Something { in your code, doesn't mean you're programming OOP.
^ I think that applies to everything (pdo for example)
@MadaraUchiha How about OOP vs MVC?
Those guys asked me to look into MVC.
MVC is a design pattern, OOP is a paradigm, they are two completely different things.
You cannot hope to approach MVC (and don't try, because you'll do it the wrong way), without first understanding basic OOP.
MVC is a way to separate the key three parts of your application
Well I did do a little of OOP in school, not sure if that helps though.
Input (controller), Output (view) and "heavy lifting" (Model)
@TheGuyWhoCouldn'tTalkToTheGirl what did they teach you at school?
Java programming, with basic OOP approach. Like bare minimum.
For example, building a pizza order application, so pizza is the object which you generate tons of. It accepts all sorts of parameters such as size, toppings etc. and then an object that fits the specification is returned.
@TheGuyWhoCouldn'tTalkToTheGirl That's a good start
But objects don't always match a physical object in the real world
@MadaraUchiha would adding methods such as addTopping($type) and addSauce($type) be appropriate in a situation such as this one?
Well, I am happy to know that what I learned in school has at least some value in the real world, since I have discovered on SO that what they teach on school doesn't matter.
For example, you can have a QueryResolver object (that would probably resolve some sort of query), but it's not an actual real-world objects.
@DaveChen Sure
Even addTopping(Toppin $type)
Well, the web app that i have been working on is actually a community discussion type app. When I first started to make it, I thought about how I would make it with OOP approach, but couldn't figure it out so I just let it go. But now, I am starting to think again if I should do it the OOP way. The only problem is, I don't think its possible to build such an app the "OOP way."
@TheGuyWhoCouldn'tTalkToTheGirl It is possible
does webapp mean on a mobile device or just web application->website?
@DaveChen Web application, basically a website.
@MadaraUchiha how?? :S
Who/What do you center the application around?
@TheGuyWhoCouldn'tTalkToTheGirl Hold on, brb
@MadaraUchiha back yet?
@TheGuyWhoCouldn'tTalkToTheGirl Now I have
got back :P
So basically, you're making some sort of a forum?
Hi guys, can anyone help me with this comment? stackoverflow.com/questions/18429145/…
not really.
Look at quora and something similar to it.
it is mysql related
Actually twitter would be a better example.
@MostafaShahverdy .
I don't remember if we had a beginner OOP reference laying around somewhere
Maybe @tereško knows something about it.
@TheGuyWhoCouldn'tTalkToTheGirl dot what :D ?
Ow ok
@TheGuyWhoCouldn'tTalkToTheGirl basically, you want to construct an object graph (in the case of a Q&A site, it's a Question object that holds Comment objects and Answer objects, each Answer can hold Comment objects. Both Question and Answer are subclasses of the abstract Post object.
You construct it from database when a question page is requested
And you alter it, then save changes to the database when someone edits something.
@cspray well, metrics are only heuristics. they don't substitute a closer inspection. they just give you clues where to start looking.
moin @Wes
moin all
lol, just created some Q&A for references and it got quite some traction within the minute...
Q: Does PHP create the directory for the error log if it does not exist?

hakreDoes PHP create the directory for the error log if it does not exist? For example, the error_log directive is set to /var/logs/php/errors.log but the folder /var/logs/php does not exist.

morning... interesting, i'd have expected a startup error or smt
@hakre if the directory for the logfile doesn't exist, how would you expect an error to be logged ?
@JoeWatkins well only if PHP would mkdir the path to the error log. But my question was because of expectation just because I wanted to know if.
background: I did made a setup where I deploy with git
as git doesn't create empty folders (and actually I did have it under .gitignore) I was curious.
but if php makes the directory it could write the log so there would be no error to report ...
anyway the log isn't opened during startup
because ideally there should be no errors, so you wouldn't want to add the overhead of another fopen to every single execution of the interpreter ...
sure, I don't want to suggest with that question the "error" should be logged.
I also do not think that PHP should create the directory.
^ logging errors can help btw :D
Q: How do I add an empty directory to a git repository

Laurie YoungHow do I convince git that I really do want an empty directory?

well I know some other trick as well :)
I need help with codeigniter
while($query_result= mysql_fetch_array($q_query))

$title[] = $query_result['title'];//get question title.
how it should be written in codeigniter
someone please answer
I'm hitting my head here.
How can I make sure that both the PHP process and I (the author) have all permissions to a file?
or a folder for that matter?
Hi Hriju Please see the manual. It is in the manual of CodeIgniter and that is very good..
Hriju please see this
@MadaraUchiha make sure that the file is owned by a group that both you and the PHP process are in?
@Danack Great, how do I do that? :D (I'm a level-0 linux user)
I'm only level 0.5...
@MadaraUchiha So I usually create a group www-data for all web related stuff to belong to. So for your own account you can add yourself via "usermod -a -G www-data madara"
For php-fpm you can set the user + group that it runs as via the settings "user = intahwebz
group = www-data". I usually create a user per website for deployed sites and create that user in the www-data group, so that they can share files via the group permission where necessary.
@LeviMorrison I'm not saying everyone needs to. But having only a handful go is part of the problem IMHO
Could someone ask @ircmaxell to un-ignore me :)
@ircmaxell hum hum hum
@NikiC ping
@Simon_eQ yes?
I bought this site, and just placed a blank page in it. But, according to page visitor statistic, the page gets 10 visits a day
How is that possible? @NikiC
The domain name is not even simple, its like unthinkable name.
@Simon_eQ uh, maybe you're visiting it? ^^
or it's linked from somewhere
@NikiC Nope. Trust me! I just go to site.com/visit.txt to check the page.
No links, its a blank page, and new domain.
never had a content before
I was thinking maybe google spiders crawl, but not sure, if that is done trough page refreshs
or likely the domain name is available somewhere for DNS resolution (though I have no idea how the stuff works), so that might be used to crawl it
I guess that is the only viable solution there is. I probably will check the geo-location if where the traffic is coming from
@Simon_eQ Try looking to see what host name they are accessing the site by. It's always fun when you get an dynamically allocated IP address from say Amazon to see what it has been used for before.
@Simon_eQ have you tried typing the domain name into google? some bots crawl whois databases to discover new domain names.
@igorw Nope. I wouldn't check on it, as it is just blank site with no content. I was just testing a script with it.
<?php $read = file_get_contents('rob.txt');
$newValue = $read + 1;
fwrite(fopen('rob.txt', 'w'), $newValue); ?>
@Danack Yea, I will check that out. It should be fun to know
@Simon_eQ it's quite possible that it's your own requests...
if you open it in a browser you'll usually also make 2 requests instead of one. one request for the file, another for the favicon.
@igorw Nope. for example, when I put the script inside my index file, I refereshed to try it, and it wrote "2" I left it as is, yesterday and checked today, it was "11"
Anyone familiar with kohana framework, please help stackoverflow.com/questions/18558194/kohana-i18n-using-database
@Simon_eQ some web counters things only re-dump a web interface periodically
@heron You have changed the function parameters for the function you're over-riding from __($string, array $values = NULL, $lang = 'en-us') to __($token, $lang = 'en') which won't work. However you also have posted the code where the error is actually happening - hint read the error message.
I found the Joe Armstrong quote, it's from The How and Why of Fitting Things Together
s/"have posted"/"have not posted"
damn, I got outsmarted again. stackoverflow.com/questions/18557986/…
Guys, I just made a batch file to start the php built-in server for quick access.
@echo off
cd /
cd c:/users/bivoc/desktop
php -S localhost:8888
But, I want to see my test.php file, as soon as I load the server, meaning I need it to show me localhost:8888/test.php instead of localhost:8888
@Simon_eQ " If a URI request does not specify a file, then either index.php or index.html in the given directory are returned." php.net/manual/en/features.commandline.webserver.php
@Danack Yea, I was trying to avoid, having index file in my desktop.
I named it test.php
its just for quick function/logic testing.
I guess, its not possible
@JoeWatkins I actually have no idea what that cas is about at all. Far beyond my expertise, sorry.
atomics, lock free programming, know what they are ?
Boo for locks, yay for atomics.
Boo for atomics, yay for actors.
programmers are literally impossible to please, has anyone ever noticed that ??
in another 5 years you'll be chanting Boo for actors, Yay for our new shit that we just heard about ...
impossible ...
if you'd stop chanting for five minutes you might get some ruddy work done and learn to overcome the perceived problems of the pattern/implementation that is "best" right now ...
@JoeWatkins I'm kidding of course, atomics address a very different problem domain. Actors are generally not as low level but work very well (Agents too!) in very big problems, especially those requiring deliberation and lots of parallelism.
anyway, is this sound reasoning do you think ... implementing atomics is something that makes sense when you are executing assembly or C, or even java, maybe others, the sum of what they provide divided by what it takes to implement is the thing that makes it a good idea ... implementing the same in Zend, and we are in Zend, not in C, doesn't benefit from the same ratio, while it's possible to do I don't think it's a good idea ...
What's the best option, array_push($arr, "test") OR $array[] = test
@niels123 they're pretty much equivalent
@igorw not to the compiler or executor
@igorw since that's everything, bar the user ... not really equivalent ...
@JoeWatkins hm?
the parser/compiler need to parse it differently, the function call produces a couple more opcodes. hence the "pretty much" equivalence.
anyone familiar with LDAP? Everytime I do a ldap_search in php it only return 12 results, while in python I can have way more results, any idea whats wrong?
@JoeWatkins on a higher level, and in the context of a user wanting to push an element onto an array, they are equivalent. the potential performance difference should not matter for 98% of the use cases.
do you disagree?
Hey everyone :)
@igorw okay but when asked the question, which one is better, there is clearly a better one ...
@igorw Why? Isn't the compiler smart enough to optimize away that function call? (Honest question)
@igorw 98% is a number picked from the air with no real basis, there is a better one, do it once in an application because there is "no difference" and you will not suffer, get to thinking that there is no difference and do it 1000/10000 times in an application and it could easily be a problem ...
guys a language agnostic question: is there a way to improve this sorting?

usort($x, function($team1, $team2){

	$t1 = ($team1->points * 1000) + ($team1->goalsFor - $team1->goalsAgainst);
	$t2 = ($team2->points * 1000) + ($team2->goalsFor - $team2->goalsAgainst);

	if($t1 == $t2) return 0;
	return $t1 > $t2 ? 1 : -1;
@JoeWatkins "better" in performance, maybe. what about readability? what if you have a conceptual stack, and you want to use push/pop terminology? ok, you could also use SplStack, but my point is that better does not always mean performance, and that performance does not always matter.
@Wes wish I could help, but me don't know closures :/
i have always used this method, but doesn't look decent to me
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm pretty sure it doesn't, but I would imagine it to be trivial to optimize that case, yes.
@Simon_eQ lol, me neither
@igorw I can understand when an English speaking individual complains about the readability of egyptian text, I cannot understand when a programmer complains about the readability of code, they are equally readable to a programmer ...
@igorw I know that at least in JS it's very common for modern run times to optimize function calls like String.charAt, date functions and such away.
@Wes isn't there a closure in your script?
Quick Q: What's the best cheap web hoster out there? I think I'm going to go with hostgator, but not sure yet.
@Simon_eQ maybe O_O where is it?
@Wes That depends what data are you expecting in practice.
@Ahmad no one can outcheap hostgator
@igorw you got a minor typo here explode('/', shortName, 2); missing $ btw awesome post. Really helped me a lot.
@JoeWatkins that's like saying single quotes are faster than double quotes or vice versa. it's negligible most of the time, and has been optimized away by the compiler by now. yes, sometimes it matters, but assuming it matters when it doesn't is a mistake lots of newcomers make.
Ok thanks @Simon_eQ :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum i just want to sort "BY points DESC, gd DESC"
.. of course you get the level of support and quality that is equivalent of the cost there
:11551997 Not every anonymous function introduces a closure...
gd = Goals difference
@crypticツ thanks, fixed
@crypticツ hello :o
@igorw for sure, but this isn't optimized away by the compiler is it, there is clearly a better one and you should assume if something happens once it can and will happen an infinite number of times, now the overhead of 1 execution is negligible but to an application or framework underneath it is not negligible, it seems to me that whatever it is you are going for, readability, whatever, performance should not needlessly suffer should it ?
@BenjaminGruenbaum that code works, but let's say for example a team reaches a "goals difference" of 2000, the sorting will not function anymore.... basically i don't like the *1000
@crypticツ hiii hows you..??
@SilentKiller good, and you?
@crypticツ Me so..so...
@crypticツ hiii hows you..??
@SilentKiller hiii hows you..??
hi all
@Hardy see above ^
does someone work with php and smartfox server?
@Hardy me fine you say..
@SilentKiller Me too brother.
@crypticツ Pizza......
anyone? smartfox?
Sorry no idea buddy.
@JoeWatkins when you write a program, what is your priority number one? performance? more specifically, producing the theoretically most performant implementation of that program?
don't get me wrong, I'm not saying perf does not matter - it clearly does.
@igorw I don't think anyone cares much about performance in the general $array[] = sense in practice anymore.
but many other things also matter. including correctness, readability, and not wasting your time on things that will not make a significant difference.
I think these sort of cosiderations have passed from the world, and people address then only after profiling and on a need to do basis.
Or at least, I'd like to hope so
@igorw if you're asking if performance matters more than readability, yes, I think it does ...
@BenjaminGruenbaum You're wrong there
Newbies always care about micro-optimization a lot
@JoeWatkins I retract my last statement :(
And I think most non-newbies too :/
@igorw yes, okay, but say you are writing a large application that uses a lot of needless function calls that opcodes exist for, at which point do you swap from function to operator , and what about readability and consistency then ??
@JoeWatkins basically, this
as a general guideline, I'd say: if possible, optimize at the compiler level. profile, and hand-optimize the hot paths that really matter.
Q: user defined sorting functions, how to properly use them?

WesI have always used this method for accomplishing this kind of sort, but doesn't look correct to me usort($array, function($team1, $team2){ $t1 = ($team1->points * 1000) + ($team1->goalsFor - $team1->goalsAgainst); $t2 = ($team2->points * 1000) + ($team2->goalsFor - $team2->goalsAgainst)...

is there anyway to declare a namespace like : namespace Blah\Something\Default\Foo; ? Using the keyword 'Default' in the namespace causes a parse error. Or do I just need to find a different name other than Default?
@crypticツ it might be because it is a reserved word (from switch syntax)
if you really wanted to, you could try hacks with class_alias or such. but it's probably not worth the trouble, since calling it will be a pain also. :)
I'll just rename it =oP
besides "default" seems to be a really bad name
IMHO, the name of a namespace should describe the the group of structures that it contains
@crypticツ one of the reasons why anything parsing or language related written in PHP is better off using underscores instead of namespaces. You can't easily use names like Class, Function, List, etc.
yeah, there's a couple other ones
maybe standard instead of default
Especially the array / list combo
Hey I have some array parser: /My/Parser/Array. Ow noes. Well ok. My/Parser/List sounds also okish.
the list thing sometimes is annoying when you are writing class's methods
for, if, else, use, new, var... had issues with all of those
@igorw we should drop var
I think at this point nobody is writing sofware that is both compatible with PHP4 and the current PHP5 version
So we can drop everything from PHP4
@NikiC we also should drop static
@tereško that could be a tiny little bit harder ^^
@NikiC I wish we'd reuse var, honestly.
start using again or use in some other context?
Force every variable to be declared before use.
I just woke up, may not be thinking clearly.
there is an idea to drop function floating round
what we need to do is get rid of all the useless function aliases
@LeviMorrison in other words: lexical scope
Or if you want to kill var, we could use let.
@tereško yes, I heard about that one too. Static methods ftw
@LeviMorrison meeeeh
just drop the undef var notice instead :P
@NikiC and then we could introduce something like this in php:
10 $a = (int)$_GET['foo'];
12 if ( $a === 0 ) {
15     do_something();
16     goto 10;
20 }
someone can help me with ldap?
there are several of those
Yes, but this one is getting a lot of press (comparatively).
A cursory glance of each section shows it's made some poor design decisions, but it's still interesting.
@LeviMorrison such as?
called support because form was not updating my account info. Their solution: update the info for me and call it good, but disregard the fact the form still does not work. One guy even said he would reset my password...still how does that fix the root problem? *sighs*
% GET /blog/view
view('GET', []) ->
% GET /blog/view/1234
view('GET', [Id]) ->
% GET /blog/view/tag/funny
view('GET', ["tag", Tag]) ->
% GET /blog/view/tag/funny/author/saint-paul
view('GET', ["tag", Tag, "author", AuthorName]) ->
% GET /blog/view/2009/08
view('GET', [Year, Month]) ->
^ That's their 'Controller' example.
Still no one to help me with ldap?
@LeviMorrison ew :)
@Mokkun I know a bit about LDAP which is why I chose not to respond.
@Mokkun why don't you just state your problem, pastebin code, etc
@crypticツ my problem is I can only get max 12 results from a ldap search
@crypticツ while in python I can get 500 results on the same ldap server
@crypticツ I tried different "examples" I found on the internet, they all give me 12 results at max
@Mokkun post your code on pastebin.com and paste the link here. I've only used PHP LDAP once, so will see if I can help or not.
@crypticツ my php code: pastebin.com/jsjVjpWV
@crypticツ my python code: pastebin.com/epVKZZ7u
if on php code I search cn=randomname* it will show 12 results, if I do the same in python it will show for example 50 results
it doesn't even say "partial result bla bla bla"
@Mokkun have you tried setting sizelimit for ldap_search() to 0?
docs don't show a default value being set for it, but the docs have been wrong for extensions at times.
@crypticツ I'll try that, do you know where I have to put it?
> ldap_search ( resource $link_identifier , string $base_dn , string $filter [, array $attributes [, int $attrsonly [, int $sizelimit [, int $timelimit [, int $deref ]]]]] )
@crypticツ damn I think it was the sizelimit
@crypticツ thanks! :D
02:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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