@Yotam 'learning debug' is learning to read these debugging messages, and rather than copy/paste them to other people, you need to understand what they mean, and where you can go to fully understand what they mean
@Jimbo I hate seeing that spammed everywhere. Having seen this guy not know he has to use a password however, I really don't want him using a library which has the nuances of mysql_*.
@Yotam : Please go to php.net and read the manual. No offence, but this is really simple stuff, and if you can't grasp the basics of it you're really going to struggle further on, if you even manage to get there
I have successfully connect to the My VPS using phpscelib library.Now i want to connect to my existing database.Please help me for this ?
set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . 'phpseclib');
$ssh = new Net_SSH2('192.ccc.ccc.ccc');
if (!$ssh->logi...
I got an idea for that emailish thing ... We will make use of ^$ and match every possible combination. For example if we have We'll use this http://stackoverflow.com/a/172316 And see how it works out We then use this http://stackoverflow.com/a/12941133 to be certain it's valid We;ll maybe also check for @ of course ...
teresko: ur generalizing things. Those are very basic errors that you'll only face getting started. If you use an MVC framework, you will be stuck for the first few days on really easy things
@dragon112 It's more about how you carry yourself in the manner. Humility, patience, sympathy, understanding and humbleness are great traits some people lack. Or at least the social ability to carry yourself in this manner, even if it isn't the case.
@Fabien Humility isn't a good trait. Being humble doesn't sell products or win interviews. Confidence in your abilities can come across as arrogant but it's not a terrible trait.
@I'll-Be-Back on a french site for the basics, then moved on answering Questions on SO and learned many things. Of course some advanced concepts learned them from english websites ...
I have successfully connect to the My VPS using phpscelib library.Now i want to connect to my existing database.Please help me for this ?
set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . 'phpseclib');
$ssh = new Net_SSH2('192.ccc.ccc.ccc');
if (!$ssh->logi...
@SweetieBelle what's wrong in respecting someone as a dev who thinks he is a dev? yes, he might no be as good as bill gates, he must be a beginner, or he might be bad at it, still he is better than many others
class Person
private $respect = true;
public function askedStupidQuestion()
$this->respect = false;
public function blewMyMind()
$this->respect = true;
@tereško yea, just what @Jimbo told, am not getting rude with you, it's just I've seen many users hate you, for example, Simon, it's just that if you don't like it, ignore it, speaking bad stuff turns down their confidence..