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if it's not configured to accept remote connections, it will refuse them until you configure it to do so. Have you done that at all? Or has your host?
socket connections?
like www.mywebsite.com?
Use localhost.
I'll try that.
different error: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)
Well then you need to supply a password...
I use that $con = mysql_connect("localhost","root","") or die(mysql_error());
Yes, you have to put in the root password.
Oh ok, i'll try
And don't use mysql_* on new code unless you have a pressing reason to. Those functions are deprecated.
@tereško Actually the Chinese words don't make any sense lol.
@Yotam you should learn just one thing - debug. then everything will be ok
@SweetieBelle Public aren't too bad. Certainly helped me when I had a blood clot in my arm :P
@AlmaDoMundo Why should i learn debug?
@Yotam Read this and implement it before you put anything online.
@Yotam because then you'll be able to figure out reasons for almost every error in your application
Especially when the error is as simple as 'Access denied'. -_-
yep. no offense - it's simple, but it's true and important - to learn debug
@AlmaDoMundo MySQL provide me debug messages, I think that enough for now, maybe later I'll learn debug
googling is part of debug :p
(the f is for Friday)
@Yotam 'learning debug' is learning to read these debugging messages, and rather than copy/paste them to other people, you need to understand what they mean, and where you can go to fully understand what they mean
@SweetieBelle Let's copy / paste this on ALL THE THINGS
Please, don't use mysql_* functions in new code. They are no longer maintained and are officially deprecated. See the red box? Learn about prepared statements instead, and use PDO or MySQLi - this article will help you decide which. If you choose PDO, here is a good tutorial.
Lol, that language is complicated! now all it does is using password: YES. What use that it make for me?
@Jimbo I hate seeing that spammed everywhere. Having seen this guy not know he has to use a password however, I really don't want him using a library which has the nuances of mysql_*.
I'm gonna learn installing this thing, because its way more complicated than i though it would be.
later for now.
@Yotam Probably that you're using the wrong username and password...
@Yotam: This is why you need to learn to debug.
I saw plenty of funny typos during my time in China.
is that wrong? $con = mysql_connect("localhost","root","username","password","database") or die(mysql_error());
It's amazing how they don't 'really' check their menus and stuff, even in the fancier restaurants.
@Fabien Best typo I've seen is 'Do not shit on the table.' in Vietnam.
Instead of 'Do not sit on the table'
^ Crying at that one
@Yotam debug is simple as well:
[writed a code]--->[run code]--->(error?)--{No}->[Exit]
    ^                               |
    |                             {Yes}
    |                               |
    |                               V
    +--{Yes}--(reason found?)<-[google it]
                    |              ^
                    |              |
Hahahaha LOL
'Fuck the duck until exploded'
Lol, its suprisly worked
'Fuck the duck until exploded' LOL
@Yotam : Please go to php.net and read the manual. No offence, but this is really simple stuff, and if you can't grasp the basics of it you're really going to struggle further on, if you even manage to get there
@Jimbo In Guildford there's a chinese called Ming Bing Bum or something
I was laughing my ass off when I went past it...
^ Seen that one before
@SweetieBelle Ha, got you. You live in Guildford, you wear black mlp t-shirts, and you have a beard. "Googles" >:P
@Jimbo I live in Naples :P Havent been to the UK in years
Q: connet to the mysql databe using phpseclib library

ఠ_ఠI have successfully connect to the My VPS using phpscelib library.Now i want to connect to my existing database.Please help me for this ? <?php set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . 'phpseclib'); include('Net/SSH2.php'); $ssh = new Net_SSH2('192.ccc.ccc.ccc'); if (!$ssh->logi...

@jrdnhannah That what I was planning to do, I just tried playing around a bit with open source so I would know what i suppose to do
@SweetieBelle NAPLES!! We narrowed it down to a city @NSA
@SweetieBelle xD
@dragon112 Pretty sure NSA know who I am if they want to :D
Yea probably :)
Could just look up the account details on my Netflix account or something :P
@AlmaDoMundo are you aware that real developers can determine the reason for an error without searching for it in google ?
@tereško yes
suddenly :p
@tereško In many cases, not all.
@tereško Pretty elitest thing to say. How do said "real" developers initially learn to solve the issue?
@SweetieBelle Be happy to have Netflix...
People google to learn
I ain't got no nothing
@tereško Depends how well the error is presented by the compiler/program :P
@tereško I don't think many of us (possibly with the exception of Israelis) figured out T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM without search.
@Fabien they start by learning english
and if you are learning to write basic code, then i would not consider you a developer
@Fabien people read books to learn
@dragon112, he's correct, that scheme is not well - because it supposes googling everything
but for novice that will fit
@tereško So a person is not a developer unless he has a complete understanding of whatever he develops?
I disagree @AlmaDoMundo even a beginner can understand many errors with some basic english knowledge and common sense.
In your eyes
no, person is not a developer, if he does not understand what error message means
u said u busy :p
Understanding the error message doesn't mean you can't google for a solution
What if I have a solution but I want to see if there's some better or new way of solving it?
let's clear this up: I think you are not a developer
deal with it
@Fabien I said many and emphasis on common sense.
@dragon112 - looking for all that 'parse error..' questions on SO, it's hard to believe in that :p
@Fabien Then you're not searching for the error, you're searching for best practices.
Well worded errors are solvable without googling most of the time
I do that sometimes if I feel like my solution is hacky.
^ Jup everyone does it
yeah how about: Unknown Error #3212 happened
@Jimbo that's trololo-man? :p
@SomeshMukherjee when have you seen something like that in php ?
@PeeHaa are you here ?
Salaam @HamZa
@I'll-Be-Back wa 3aleikom elsalam wa rahmato Allahi wa barakatoho
its not a standard php error
@tereško If we're being clear you demonstrate a clear god complex, one of the worst features a developer can have.
^ this means peace uppon you ...
i had to fix one of those 9gag clone scripts for a client
You should read up on the Dunning Kruger effect.
^ How I feel when I code asm
You know Google is tracking your every move
When you search for 'evil ritual' and get a pony pic as first result
@Fabien Creating something from nothingness == god right?
@SweetieBelle Well that's pretty obvious
@HamZa Yes sort of.
@Ocramius lol excellent
@Gordon I would like you to check here for the questionupvotes...
@Ocramius Wow this is amazing
@dragon112 I always get ponies in unrelated searches
@dragon112 heh in a sense I guess.
@SweetieBelle Google is like this chick likes MLP, better show some MLP shit
I got an idea for that emailish thing ...
We will make use of ^$ and match every possible combination. For example if we have
We'll use this http://stackoverflow.com/a/172316 And see how it works out
We then use this http://stackoverflow.com/a/12941133 to be certain it's valid
We;ll maybe also check for @ of course ...
@Fabien In that case devleopers are gods:)
@tereško wow so much cleanup to do ...
also, @HamZa, the number triples if you add the questions WITH accepted answers
@tereško 1k+... Damn that's bad
@tereško haha
teresko: ur generalizing things. Those are very basic errors that you'll only face getting started. If you use an MVC framework, you will be stuck for the first few days on really easy things
@HamZa I like what I am seeing
@Fabien If you're really worried about some guy on the Internet validating your developer credentials, I'd suggest more self-confidence. :P
@dragon112 It's more about how you carry yourself in the manner. Humility, patience, sympathy, understanding and humbleness are great traits some people lack. Or at least the social ability to carry yourself in this manner, even if it isn't the case.
@SomeshMukherjee noobs should not use frameworks. At first you learn the language, preferably some advanced OOP and only then you look at frameworks
@PeeHaa I'll maybe work on it later on, I'll go grab something to eat. Regex is wonderful lol
@SweetieBelle Nah, it's just a shame is all.
@Fabien Humility isn't a good trait. Being humble doesn't sell products or win interviews. Confidence in your abilities can come across as arrogant but it's not a terrible trait.
@HamZa Where did you learn regex?
@SweetieBelle Which is why knowing when to be what is so important.
@I'll-Be-Back on a french site for the basics, then moved on answering Questions on SO and learned many things. Of course some advanced concepts learned them from english websites ...
@dragon112 lolwut ? I'll be back
Good stuff.
@I'll-Be-Back Use perl for all your coding for a few weeks. You'll come out fluent in regex.
I don't like perl :P
@HamZa "De Speld" is awesome, you should check out some more articles:p
Q: connet to the mysql database using phpseclib library

ఠ_ఠI have successfully connect to the My VPS using phpscelib library.Now i want to connect to my existing database.Please help me for this ? <?php set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . 'phpseclib'); include('Net/SSH2.php'); $ssh = new Net_SSH2('192.ccc.ccc.ccc'); if (!$ssh->logi...

@Fabien respect is something you earn. You have done nothing that in my eyes would deserve any respect.
Your respect must be difficult to earn. :P
@tereško Which I guess is primarily where we differ. Respect is something you lose in my eyes.
@SweetieBelle can't
@SweetieBelle Isn't everything worth having hard to get?
@Fabien So you respect everyone by default?
I agree that respect is something you earn, but I tend to give people a fair shot as long as they're clearly trying (as opposed to Help Vampires).
wouldn't that mean that an ignorant person in your eyes could never regain any respect
.. and then he has the balls to label me "disrespectful" and "impatient"
Did I? o.O
@dragon112 Sure, why not? Treat people the way you wish to be treated.
@SweetieBelle Pretty sure he's talking about Fabien
is it easy to convert codeigniter library to laravel package?
@tereško I never mentioned anything about not being able to gain respect. I am only saying I believe it starts with respect already being present.
@Fabien am with you on that
Respect isn't boolean though. There is civil respect and there is professional respect.
@Fabien I agree partially but that respect is VERY easily lost. After that it has to be earned.
I give everyone civil respect by default, doesn't mean I respect them as a developer until I see them do something that shows me they're capable.
I guess that's about right ^
But the civil respect is very easily lost in my eyes.
After that it has to be earned
@SweetieBelle what's wrong in respecting someone as a dev who thinks he is a dev? yes, he might no be as good as bill gates, he must be a beginner, or he might be bad at it, still he is better than many others
@Mr.Alien you're talking about potential, @SweetieBelle is talking about actual results
class Person
    private $respect = true;

    public function askedStupidQuestion()
        $this->respect = false;

    public function blewMyMind()
        $this->respect = true;
Change the topic dude...
TBF though, even if I didn't respect someone, I would still be respectful to them. As much as I could at least.
Screw it, $respect is a float
anyone here with the knowledge of both larael and CI?
laravel and ci?
@Fasilkk Oh, not Israel and CI then
@Jack Haha
@PeeHaa @dragon112 also found this: soundcloud.com/yacht/party-at-the-nsa
@Jimbo i mean laravel..:) anyone?
@Ocramius Rofl
Ah nice. Mouth is beginning to stop being numb. Damn filling.
@Fabien What happened to your mouth to make it numb? Filled with what?
I never take anesthetics for fillings.. Too much of a hassle.
@Jimbo local narcosis
Dentist. Had a filling, one of many I have had.
Funny how our teeth will be here long after we're gone yet require regular 6 month checkups
@tereško can't you be good with people?
@Mr.Alien I mostly am. This guy is just rubbing me the wrong way.
He thinks that professional developers google all the error messages.
@tereško Show him the right way then ;) How to rub you so you like it
ehh .. pointless
@tereško yea, just what @Jimbo told, am not getting rude with you, it's just I've seen many users hate you, for example, Simon, it's just that if you don't like it, ignore it, speaking bad stuff turns down their confidence..
@Jimbo Hmm I know a way or two :p
@Mr.Alien there are only few more severe security vulnerabilities than an overconfident noob

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