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Thanks to anyone and everyone who thinks my answer is right.
$greet = function($name)
{  printf("Hello %s\r\n", $name); };

This does not show the importance of closures, does it ?
@Simon_eQ No, that could be refactored as a function very easily.
@SweetieBelle Well, why was it in the phpmanual then?
@Simon_eQ That's not what that example is for, that's just a basic usage example
Let's FIX IT
I was trying to read up on closures, the simplest example I found seems to to be nor right
function greet($name) {
    printf("Hello %s\r\n", $name);

@SweetieBelle E_PARSE
@DaveRandom :D
Right, I'll see you bitches later, I'm going to tidy my house up :-(
I know anonymous function, just when are they important to use, is my question.
Is there a way in SQL to select the fields in order of the top ten? For like a leaderboard (SELECT * FROM users WHERE score [is within top ten] ORDER BY score DESC)
@Simon_eQ They're best to use when you're only going to use that function in one place, like in a preg_replace_callback block or something.
@DaveRandom See ya later
@Alec combine order by and limit
What's the difference between a closure, an anonymous function and a lambda? That's something I've never understood. cc @Gordon
I just call all of them lambdas.
This may sound daft, but I was under the impression that (version number wise) 5.3.27 was lower than 5.3.3
But, nope!
@Jimbo If 27 is lower than 3, please send me €27 and I'll send you €3 :D
@Jimbo semver.org not everyone follows it, but it does give a good idea of how things are generally done (and of course, it is good to follow it)
@Simon_eQ the power of closures isn't easily explained in one or two sentences. I could say a Closure is neat because it allows you to close over a snapshot of the environment state they are defined in into a function but that would probably just confuse you
@PeeHaa lol ... whaaat? is it wrong? :)
@Gordon You'r right. That was confusing.
ehh, its time will come up. Like, arrays were hard for me to understand once.
echo preg_replace_callback(
        ... do something ...
Does that help @Simon? :P
@SweetieBelle Hmm, I guess @ircmaxell will complain about that definition but Lambda and Closure are both Anonymous functions with Lambda being just the regular $fn = function() {} things and Closures being the $fn = function() use ($env) {} things
@Gordon I've never used the latter form.
I think the later is used in Silex.
@SweetieBelle A lambda is typically a single expression anonymous function. A closure is an anonymous function which "closes" the scope of the function in which it was defined (inheriting variables)
Which was the point of my curiosity to learn about closures.
oh look. he didnt complain but agreed :)
@ircmaxell @Gordon Thanks, I learned something today. :)
@Gordon yeah, with one tiny addition (a lambda is a single expression only, where anonymous functions can be any length)
what's the meaning of length in this context?
@Jasper Thanks I got it! SELECT * FROM users ORDER BY score DESC LIMIT 0 , 10
@Jack number of statements or expressions
ah got it :)
@ircmaxell You are really good at explaining things like this.
@SweetieBelle Thanks!
If I had a YT account I'd subscribe.
@Gordon: I'm trying to explain polymorphism in 2 slides...
Slide 1: "Behavior is determined dynamically / Dynamic Dispatch"
Slide 2:
interface Number {
     * return Number a new Number
    public function add(Number $n);
function add(Number $n1, Number $n2) {
    return $n1->add($n2);
do you think that's a good enough example to get the concept across?
Slide 1: "Behavior is determined dynamically / Dynamic Dispatch"
Slide 2: its really funky shiznit
@ircmaxell hmm. without explanation. no
well, of course there would be explanation...
@ircmaxell I know you're not asking me, but it's hard to know if it's good enough without knowing what you'd be saying
@Jeremy very fair point...
I'm wondering if I can explain it in a slide or two without significant explanation
@ircmaxell I mean, I get the example. you'll tell that the result of the addition will vary depending on the type of object passed in
Yup, and that the specific behavior is dependent upon the types, but the general behavior is expressed by the api...
I just cant think of many ways to add Numbers :)
I'd probably try to borrow and distill something from sourcemaking.com/refactoring/…
yeah. Perhaps
Not that it would need much more than what you show
I don't like either of those because the average developer doesn't do either of those often (african swallow?)
I just find add() not so obvious as getPay() or something
Can't you just do the classic example of Animal and feed( Animal $animal )
Maybe filtering or validation?
Good Evening all.... :)
@Jeremy because that's a horrible way of explaining OOP... Which is exactly what I'm trying to avoid
@coderkane....Sorry but I do not know 'code igniter', is it an editor? — Bobby 12 mins ago
Well determining the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow will be a problem that most programmers will be familiar with.
Sounds like horrible articles to me. Why you shouldn't use try-catch? Do you want that a 1 in a million exception to reveal your entire debug stack? Why you should be emulating prepare statements? Why the hell would you ever want that?! — Madara Uchiha 10 secs ago
Dafuq? ^
Q: Executing C++ object file on web server

KarimkhanWhile working on localhost, I am executing C++ object file from php file using exec() call. The object file then send request to daemon process, which is also one executable file;works as server(I need to execute it manually so that it remains in listening mode i.e. ./server). Now I want to put ...

@Karimkhan Questions on professional server, networking, or related infrastructure administration are off-topic for Stack Overflow unless they directly involve programming or programming tools. You may be able to get help on Server Fault.
@Danack I've been reading more about the principal of messages; I'm wondering though; say a message changes state over the course of a pipeline so significantly that it's best represented as another message type, what's a good strategy to manage n-type pipelines?
Perhaps it would be best to bail out of the current pipe, run the message through an adapter (or proxy it, or whatever), and push it into another.
@Gordon I got a better example
if ($user->isAdmin()) {
    print “Hi Admin”;
} elseif ($user->isEditor()) {
    print “Hi Editor”;
} else {
    print “Hi ” . $user->getName();
print $user->getGreeting();
@Bracketworks You're probably asking the wrong guy - I am seriously crap at talking about abstract code, but "say a message changes state over the course of a pipeline" that sounds like you should have two separate pipelines, one connected to the other.
If you have a concrete example to talk about, I am much better at those.
@Danack Not off hand, I'm just play-testing some code and pondering hypotheticals.
But that was my first instinct too; separate pipelines, patched together with a message adapter.
btw this is why I was asking people earlier for an example ZF2 project - they use events/messages to pipeline stuff around, but I haven't been able to see a large example project that actually uses that, to see how it feels like (in ZFs implementation at least).
@Danack Ah ok. Well I'm actually incorporating this practice into a .NET application, so the examples from your article are nearly copy-paste ;-) nearly
The availability of generics certainly helps with managing pipeline type-safety/flexibility.
But in PHP it would be a breeze (with optional run-time type-checks of course)
@Danack Ping me if you ever find a PHP implementation as you described; I'd be interested in seeing it.
@ircmaxell yeah.
@Gordon K.
@Bracketworks will do.
Ugh, my brain doesn't cooperate anymore... Could someone help me out? I have a 64bit integer, and I need its 32bit signed representation...
Simple and yet so far. Lousy bits...
What's the purpose of the substr() function?
I understand what it does, but what's a real life example of when you'd want to use that?
Ah, to answer myself: unpack('l',pack('i',$thisLittle64BitBugger));
evening all ...
Hm, instead of pack/unpack $bit64 | (-1 << 32) seems to help as well.
Not really PHP related, but how does one call the security hole in an app which outputs database values without using htmlentities()?
@ComFreek XSS?
I have a video and i made a link, now when i click on that link the video file opens in brower, is there any way.. we can give a direct link for download. I am trying to chrome, firefox.
Cross-site scripting (XSS) is a type of computer security vulnerability typically found in Web applications. XSS enables attackers to inject client-side script into Web pages viewed by other users. A cross-site scripting vulnerability may be used by attackers to bypass access controls such as the same origin policy. Cross-site scripting carried out on websites accounted for roughly 84% of all security vulnerabilities documented by Symantec as of 2007. Their effect may range from a petty nuisance to a significant security risk, depending on the sensitivity of the data handled by the vulnera...
@Rafee Lookup the Content-disposition header.
@MadaraUchiha Thanks!! I couldn't remember that name ;) Forgot it somehow
Or, the less evil variant "Borked Layout'.
@MadaraUchiha I am not redirecting to other page for download.
Its a direct link.
@Rafee Your point?
what is the PHP variable naming convention for a table column that needs to begin with a number?
the video, pdf file opens in browsers itself.. its not downloading.
@Rafee My answer still stands.
2 mins ago, by Madara Uchiha
@Rafee Lookup the Content-disposition header.
@hanleyhansen: usually, avoiding naming a variable and just using arrays...
i'm creating a model in yii with gii and i'm getting this constraint
'Column names that does not follow PHP variable naming convention: tagmap.7d_id.'
and their documentation doesn't really say much
@hanleyhansen Use arrays.
it's not me. it's the yii framework.
@hanleyhansen Code please.
Hello World
@LeviMorrison hi
yii has a code generator tool namely gii
The 20cent PHP shell linter - use additional PHP settings as required, e.g. short_open_tag etc.:
`$ find . \( -name \*.php* -o -name \*.phtm* \) -exec php -nl -d error_reporting=2147483647 -d display_errors=stderr "{}" \; 2>&1 >/dev/null`
it gives all errors nicely lined-up, one per line.
i was using the "model generator"
@MadaraUchiha no seperate video or pdf file.
question was good.
@hanleyhansen: well, that's not playing nice that Yii... However, you could define a view in which you alias the column.
yeah annoying. i changed the column name to conform. way to twist my arm. tag_7d_id
here is a hint: Yii is terrible
@JoeWatkins Evening Joe. So I think either I've misunderstood you or possibly you misread the test case I did. With the test case I was doing, when I start the worker with "$worker->start();" I get the error message about the interface not existing. So the default is not working for me.
@tereško here is another hint. You are terrible.
lemme guess, you have never used Yii in a project
@tereško what framework do you like?
by what criteria ?
for what type of project ?
@hanleyhansen Using code generators is an awesome way to get free crappy code.
for an internal web app, basic CRUD with role-based authentication
@Simon_eQ Oi
Watch it.
@MadaraUchiha ?
@Simon_eQ Be nice.
@MadaraUchiha why?
@Simon_eQ Because.
@hanleyhansen Not sure what role-based auth means, but basic CRUD signals --Silex--
role-based auth meaning different levels/types of users with access to different parts of the site respectively
@hanleyhansen thats actually MAC
nothign to do with RBAC
and if you are using Yii's approach to access control, you will be pulling you hair out in no-time
believe me, i've been there and done that
this i my first encounter with yii. just experimenting.
what do you recommend?
@hanleyhansen Any reasons why you didn't decide to go with Symfony2?
for a highly specific project with a team of professional developers - custom code all the way
for a small mayfly project - silex
the second problem (after figuring out how exactly that crap works) that you will encounter with Yii's access control will be fact, that whenever you change something in your access scheme , you will have to go back to every controller and rewrite it
... and hope that you didn't forgot any
that's gonna suck
i've never even heard of silex
guess i'll give it a look
it's a micro-framework .. you could call it "symfony lite"
@Danack in your example, you autoload TestClass1 in the main thread and TestClass2 in the worker, TestClass2 is not loaded in the main thread so spl_autoload_register must be called, if you change testClass2 to testClass1 in the test thread you will not need to register autoloader ...
@MadaraUchiha i did write
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$file_name");
its downloading the html page.
not the video or pdf file
:D anyone have a freetime check check this stackoverflow.com/questions/18239282/… having a problem with query output
@ErmelJustinPabloLopez please learn to use PDO or MySQLi with prepared statements
also .. why would you put screenshots there ?!
to clarify the error i'm having. yes i'll put that after i escape the querry of death :D didn't know that posting screen shot on post is bad sorry :) @tereško
it's not "bad"
it just makes no sense to the rest of us
couldnt you just added "here , this is the result set that i get , and this is approximately what i expected"
noted @tereško it's just that the last one i post got bad feedback on grammar so i'm relying on screen shot :D.
oh .. and one another thing: MySQL sucks at search. You should look into use of Sphinx. It's what you put on top of existing MySQL database
@ErmelJustinPabloLopez true or false and false == true, but (true or false) and false == false.
@Baba Hey there.
it's for our thesis fixed it problem with groupign thanks guys :D
Would appreciate thoughts on reddit.com/r/PHP/comments/1k4zgf/… and other comments in thread as well.
Maybe I'm crazy but it seems like I'm the only one who doesn't equate lightweight with features.
Q: PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function json_decode()

MirroredFateApache is loggin PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function json_decode(). After some googling, it seems this problem is a result of not having the latest version of php. Oddly, running php --version ouputs PHP 5.5.1-2+debphp.org~precise+2 (cli) (built: Aug 6 2013 10:49:43) Copyright (c) 19...

probably the only Call to Undefined Function question not worth closing
The hell? That's just.. pff.
require_once __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php';
$app = new Silex\Application();
$app['debug'] = true;

$app->get('/hello/{name}', function($name) use($app) {
	return 'Hello '.$app->escape($name);

Can't seem to notice, anything wrong in that script
@Gordon How did I not know this
@Gordon mostly a redhat packaging issue ... nothing really to do with php ...
PHP removed the standard JSON extension as of 5.5rc2 due to a license conflict
I don't recall ever hearing about this on the ML
Not Found
The requested URL /test/silex/web/hello/foo was not found on this server.
Remi Collet brought it to our attention a couple of months ago in IRC, dunno about ML ...
@LeviMorrison I had no clue about this either. If it was on Twitter I didnt catch it. It's not on the php main site as far as I can see
How on earth did something like this go so unnoticed?
In related news: Douglas Crockford can blow me.
Happy Independence Day.
#IndependenceDay #India
This information is incorrect. The JSON extension is still in PHP 5.5. Proof In Source Code. What actually happened is that DISTRIBUTIONS have pulled it from the source code. Namely Mandriva/Fedora/Debian as per the bug report you link. So no, PHP did not remove anything. The Linux distributions themselves have. So if you're using a custom build, or non-distro maintained packages, you've still got it. I can confirm that installing on OSX via brew does still contain it. — ircmaxell 56 secs ago
@LeviMorrison because it never happened
@ircmaxell Would have still expected to hear about it.
"The Software shall be used for Good, not Evil."
is the issue ...
pretty stupid really ...
Yes, but it is a legally binding clause.
@JoeWatkins can be used too.
They'd have to battle over definitions but it would still be a real issue.
@LeviMorrison I very highly doubt that it would stand up in court
A decent question on Quora, btw:
@ircmaxell I don't. I am very sure it would.
I don't know if "Good" and "Evil" have any legal definition.... so I doubt they would stand up in court.
@Rafee That header should be applied on the file, not on the HTML page.
If you don't have some sort of PHP serve page for files, you need to configure your web server to send those headers for those files.
@LeviMorrison it's not the first time someone took offense on it though. I think it was IBM who requested the license to be changed in the past
@Orangepill It's not that they don't have definitions, but it clearly defines intention.
And using it for illegal activities would clearly hold up as Evil without much dispute at all, I would think.
only lawyers have a hard time deciding is something is good or evil, a product of their vocation ...
@ircmaxell the answer says "Some distributions have removed the standard JSON extension as of PHP 5.5rc2 due to a license conflict:" so that seems to be correct then. the explanation in the links seem wrong then. right?
@Gordon the answer's been updated after the comment
@cheesemacfly ah ok
Ah well, the same reason we still have lousy readline support in Debian & a broken php-cli...
@JoeWatkins Nah, google doesn't know one from the other either.
@MadaraUchiha its the file not the html file.
@Gordon perhaps after the edit
because the original (still there now) is: PHP removed the standard JSON extension as of 5.5rc2 due to a license conflict:
@ircmaxell yup. didnt notice the edit
Not that it matters, but...
Any thoughts on procedural examples of encapsulation or information hiding, specifically around a user
@ircmaxell like what? static variables in functions?
I don't even know how that would look ..
nevermind, I got one
I got a procedural registry in stackoverflow.com/questions/2613618/… if you want that. it's an abomination though
@MadaraUchiha requirements
@Gordon Last time I felt this disgusted was after I watched 2g1c.
I wish this was possible ;)
`$foo = 5;

$bar = echo $foo;

echo $bar;`
if ($password == $user->pass) {
    print “Password Valid”;
} else {
    print “Password Invalid”;
if ($user->checkPassword($password)) {
    print “Password Valid”;
} else {
    print “Password Invalid”;
@YouKnowNothingJonSnow It is. php.net/ob_start
@ircmaxell that's no difference if you ask me. it's both asking the object
@Charles An example please.
@Gordon No, because one leaks information about the password (plain-text), where the other encapsulates that detail
@YouKnowNothingJonSnow $foo = 5; ob_start(); echo $foo; $bar = ob_get_clean(); echo $bar;
@ircmaxell ok, from that perspective. yes.
which is all I'm trying to get across :-D
@YouKnowNothingJonSnow: why would you echo echo $bar;? ($foo = function() use ($bar){echo $bar;}; $foo();`
@Wrikken Don't confuse the newbies!
@ircmaxell I'd name it isValidPassword or something though. checkPassword sounds like a command to me. Not a query.
@Charles: start high, adjust lower as necessary... :P
@Wrikken.An example please.
@YouKnowNothingJonSnow: more example then I gave you?
@Gordon thanks man video is interesting.
@Wrikken It's sometimes preferable.
@Wrikken I tried what you are suggesting in codeigniter and doesn't work as well as this tehplayground.com/#VHrOmZxvu
Well, not in this exact format, but imagine this
You want to perform DOM manipulation on a legacy piece of codes that generates and echoes HTML code.
You can get it by applying the output buffer, and getting it into a variable instead of the output.
@Gordon fair enough, changing now
@YouKnowNothingJonSnow: it depends or whether you want to run that code at that time, or only later. Different solutions for different problems.
Okay thanks.let me retry it with your suggestion.
@YouKnowNothingJonSnow: my solution would be only interesting if whatever echo $bar; is in actual code is either costly, and may not be needed later on or if that creates so much output you wouldn't want to cache it in a variable.
@Gordon: what else does good OOP give you:
Modular Code
Extendable Code
Easy To Read Code
Maintainable Code
Easy To Understand Code
Clean Abstractions (mostly)
I'm trying to think of other benefits
is somebody here from mexico?
@ircmaxell Relates better to real life
However you'll word it
@MadaraUchiha that's actually the exact sentiment and concept I'm trying to get away from ;-)
@ircmaxell Easy to use code assuming I dont need to know the internals of the class or package and can treat it as a black box
@ircmaxell lol, why?
It's a very strong motivator (what made me learn it).
@Gordon I can beg the differ :|
That works the same with functions and procedural code.
@MadaraUchiha because I really feel that the "objects represent physical things" leads to an improper understanding of OOP
I'm up to:
Modular Code
Reusable Code
Extendable Code
Easy To Read Code
Maintainable Code
Easy To Understand Code
Clean Abstractions (mostly)
@Gordon yeah, that's what Clean Abstractions and Easy To Understand Code is supposed to mean
@ircmaxell The way of thinking that you can look at real life objects (even if not actual, physical, objects) and observe how they communicate, can help you a lot in understanding OOP.
For example, observe the communication between the departments at your workplace.
@ircmaxell @MadaraUchiha has a point though that these are not traits of OOP alone. You can write procedural code that has these properties, too
@MadaraUchiha you hit the nail on the head. It's about communication
or how I'm describing it, about behavior
The relationship between cargo suppliers and retail, etc.
it's not really about communication or behavior in the human sense
from a system theory perspective we could argue that a human is just a system and an application or module is just a system too
but a human is much more complex
while an application is deterministic
but anyway. pizza is here.
later, thanks!
@ircmaxell: the fact that I don't care whether I use A or B as long as they implement C (in other words: interfaces) would fall under 'Modular code' and/or `'Clean Abstractions' I presume? As long as PHP doesn't force method return types we can't speak of 'Predictable Code' IMO
@MadaraUchiha You have worked with Silex before right?
@Simon_eQ I haven't.
Oh, Ok.
my bad
you really shouldn't touching frameworks yet
fyi: I made a fully-fledged blog page, with sf2/doctrine2 not a week ago ^
require_once __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php';
$app = new Silex\Application();
$app['debug'] = true;
$app->get('/go/', function() {
    return 'Hello!';
I just don't get it, why would the above script be wrong?
@Simon_eQ define "wrong"
I'm trying to access it from
And it gives me
Not Found The requested URL /web/go/ was not found on this server.
All files are in C:/wamp/www/
I even downloaded the fat archive, manually, because composer has problems of some kind with silex.
Well, doesn't seem to be pointing to your silex app. I don't mess around with WAMP so I can't help you there
@Simon_eQ: /web/go/ != /go/, I assume that's the problem...
Or does Silex autodetect it's working from a subdirectory?
@Wrikken The error doesn't seem to resemble a Silex 404 page but instead something Apache would spit back
Nope, that was me. Even tried as a benefit of doubt.
@Wrikken It does not. The Silex app I built this past weekend was in a subdir and it did not auto-detect
The weird thing, is if I remove go/ it works
In other words, $app->get('/', function() { return 'Hello!'; }); works
but, not $app->get('/go/', function() { return 'Hello!'; });
@JoeWatkins Yes Joe, I realise that I need to register the autoloader in the Worker thread - which is being done. The autoloader is being called to load TestClass2. The error comes when the parser reaches the "implements TestInterface" in TestClass2. The registered autoloader is not called to load "TestInterface", and so the TestInterface is not defined, and so the parser cannot complete parsing of TestClass2.
@Simon_eQ: and with get('/web/go', .. ?
"PHP Fatal error: TestClass2 cannot implement TestInterface - it is not an interface" not TestClass2 is not defined.
@Wrikken It does not work
Aight, it was worth a shot.
Hm, what else... /go/ versus /go (no ending / ) ?
a picture is worth a 1000 codes
If the Interface was not already loaded in the main thread (by instantiating) TestClass1, then it is loaded in the worker thread just fine.
To lazy to install Silex myself ;)

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