@Gordon I executed the queries. The first query (without distinct) take 0.0004 seconds. The second query (with distinct) take 0.0005 seconds. I have to execute second query 6 times for every column. therefore the first option is better I think so
Hey @JoeWatkins, is it normal/expected that valgrind reports still reachable: 224 bytes in 2 blocks in the leak summary when I run PHP under it or have I done made a mistake up that I can't find?
some extensions have intentional processwide leaks, such as curl ...
if the allocation traces are nothing to do with your code then it's likely okay ... 224 seems a strange amount, I don't think I've seen that number before, maybe one reachable is yours ...
+try valgrind without your extension for a baseline
@JoeWatkins 192 bytes in php_ini_register_extensions (php_ini.c:727) and 32 in main (php_cli.c:1358) - this is a build from the git sources on the master branch so it might be a new issue
@Anton_Sh Readability matters more than whether something takes 3 milliseconds or 0.5 milliseconds, imo (assuming this is for web). Choose the query which you think is easier to read & maintain. If you spend 30 seconds reading one of those queries and trying to understand it, thats the same as 10,000x the efficiency savings on a query.
^ And developer time is much more valuable than CPU time.
@Anton_Sh when you are optimizing your code for speed, you should always have an aim. Like for instance, you want to deliver a page in less than 100ms. When you then profile your application and find that the 0.0001 seconds the one query is faster than the other achieves that goal, then go for it. But don't do that when you dont have a goal. Always optimize for readability then instead.
@Gordon Typically, I find buying bigger servers or more servers does a lot more than optimizing my code for speed, in terms of economic value. Though optimizing is better for e-peen.
@DaveRandom yeah they originate from (g)libc and are process wide leaks, nothing can be done about that sort of thing, the memory is free'd when the process exits anyways ...
Ultimately, buying an E5 instead of an E3 is going to do a lot more for speed than spending the same $500 worth of time (15-20 hours? idk what the going rate is for good PHP development) optimizing code. In most cases, I find that to be true.
@JoeWatkins Not comparing 'crap' code to 'good' code, comparing 'decent performing' code to 'better performing' code. By choosing not to code in assembler, you have already made the decision to accept an optimization ceiling.
that aside, if you have code with a bottleneck, which is the barrier to performance, it wil not perform any better on hardware with the same clockspeed (because mostly they are) but more cores (which is mostly what an upgrade consists of), more ram won't help it, shit 10 servers won't help it, what you need to do is fix the code ... and until your optimizations are good, don't upgrade, and don't leave your office/house ... oh and hang your head in shame :)
@JoeWatkins but that doesnt invalidate what I said. of course you dont buy better hardware when the hardware doesnt yield a benefit. that would be pointless, wouldnt it?
also, I said always optimize with an aim. and if that aim cannot be reached by better hardware …
@JoeWatkins well, you do the profiling, look at the cause of the bottlenecks and then make an educated guess. Obviously, it won't help to add more webservers when the bottleneck is the query executed on the db machine.
@JoeWatkins Not necessarily. What if squeezing everything you can from what you have takes 100 hours (or more) which you could be spending fixing bugs or developing features? Your time is valuable and limited too.
@JoeWatkins That's absurd. Optimization can be taken to a ridiculous degree if you allow it to. Most of us accept that all production code is in some way sub-optimal. Also sometimes the best performing code is horribly unreadable.
@JoeWatkins optimized code is usually inlined and more difficult to read and maintain so what if I squeeze out the last bit of performance and then end up with code people have a hard time to understand which then slows down development?
how would you have got yourself into the position where it would take that long to optimize ?? by avoiding optimization and blindly upgrading hardware when you should be optimizing is my guess
not worried about other peoples ability to read my code, that's not really my problem, if you downgrade from me then it's on your own businesses head, and, I'm not talking about stupid optimization, I'm talking about making the most, reasonably, from reasonable hardware ...
@JoeWatkins If you really want to squeeze everything you can out of what you're doing, I'd suggest writing in a compiled language or directly in assembler. It's going to run faster than the same code in PHP.
@JoeWatkins oh, but it should be your problem. as a professional developer you have to make sure people can pick up your code and figure it out when you are gone.
I subscribe all what @Gordon said. A good dev writes readable code in first place... Writing code that is fast but is un-readable is quite useless considered how much time we waste only reading code...
I agree with @Ocramius. It's very easy to forget what you wrote. I have code from a few years back where I have no clue what it does and reading it to figure that out is just tedious.
well I don't, and I genuinely don't have to worry about anyone picking up my code, and if they did they'd have no problem reading it if they had half the experience I do ...
@JoeWatkins Assuming that the code is linked to you forever is a really bad way to look at any project. The bus effect is an important consideration in any area of project management.
I dont write websites, I write systems, using several languages, from the ground up, I comment every method I ever write with the appropriate tags for documentation, pdfs are generated with each api update, none of the things you mention are problems if you follow best practices in the first place ...
I would never, ever be in a position where it would take me several tens of hours to optimize anything because it's written optimized and maintained well ...
@JoeWatkins So, presumably you're self employed and the company will die when you choose it to. In that instance I guess it's your perogative if you want readable code or not.
@JoeWatkins not only is that tedious to do, but it will still happen eventually (the sync). I've used to be a documentation nazi because I haven't seen people write code that is really self documenting. Can't say it helped me too much though.
I would never hire anyone who writes unreadable code... Considered that 3/4 of what we do is debugging (even on clean code) you don't want to read ugly code
From a POV of performance, the best code is usually written in a way to make the machine best interpret the code. The machine does not think like you do.
Most of the time the only thing I need from the docs is argument description and return value. So I often omit description part (name should be descriptive enough).
@Gordon, omit tags and it might be omitted from the documentation upon generation, how useful is that ?? who are you writing documentation for, people that can read code, that know your codebase anyway, or people that are not ???
it should be a force of habit, if doc tags have more than ^^ to say, then you have a place to say it, if not, you know it will be included in the documentation ...
@JoeWatkins With the exception of the @return void there is nothing in the DocBlock that isn't already expressed in the method signature and we could argue that the return is implied because setFoo is a Command and by principle of CQS it should not return. That makes the entire DocBlock superfluous
@JoeWatkins we are not ignoring it. Omitting the documentation for code like that is the best practise. Only document what needs documentation
Of course, if you are going to write a framework that is supposed to be used by other people, you might not get around adding these docblocks. But that's a requirement of the product then.
I don't agree with that, different devs will have a different idea of what requires documentation. Best practice is to satisfy everyone from the newbie to the expert, so document every function & class.
@JoeWatkins Replaced with pastebin.com/8LQY8t30, it seems to be completely hit an miss. It periodically does something weird but most of the time it works ok
@SweetieBelle regex are perfectly fine example of code that I tend to forget what they do after a week. It's okay to document then, especially since you can use x to put documentation right into the regex. But that's a different thing than having DocBlocks that are already clear from the API signature
@Gordon I wont forget what this does: wget -q https://check.torproject.org/cgi-bin/TorBulkExitList.py?ip=my.server.ip.address -O - | sed '/^\#/d' | sed "s/^/RewriteCond %{REMOTE_ADDR} ^/g; s/\./\\\./g; s/$/\$ \[OR\] /g; 1i# TOR-REDIRECT-BLOCK" >> /path/to/www/.htaccess but I would still comment it.
return preg_match_all(
http:// # match hyperlinks
(?:www\.)? # optionally starting with www
stackoverflow.com/ # pointing to stackoverflow
q(?:uestions)?/ # with path q or questions
(?P<qid>\d+) # and get the Question ID
And I'd be surprised if you'd say yours is more readable ;)