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@Jasper thanks a lot for this i will do accordingly
doubt it really happened, but a cool story nevertheless
Ok bbye
Can anybody offer some guidance on this? ...
Thank's for your answer! I created this question because I was not absolutely sure about. Another question. What should I do with questions like this, which can't be marked as accepted. Should I delete it? Or leave it as it is? — My-Name-Is 1 min ago
^ Should that just be closed?
@rdlowrey I'd say no. The fact that it's complete and correct is significant. I think it should be treated no different from a question that is the same but without the correct list in the question (except for the no research part, obv)
What's a good host that can support an epicly high cpu usage game?
@TheGuyWhoCouldn'tTalkToTheGirl which game?
@Jasper angry birds
@TheGuyWhoCouldn'tTalkToTheGirl: amazon aws
@Jasper Its a basketball simulation game.
Currently, we have a simulation game that is purely coded in JavaScript and runs client-side on IndexedDB. The reason it is structured like that is because the game uses very high CPU usage.
@TheGuyWhoCouldn'tTalkToTheGirl As in an EA Sports like game?
The problem is, that since it uses IndexedDB (only client-side), it can only run single-player.
that really doesn't sound like "epically high" if you ask me. Sure, it may not be friendly on the CPU, but it's probably going to be taking up less CPU power than a server for a recent FPS with a lot of players
@Jasper Well, the current web hosting will crash for sure since it won't be able to support it.
@TheGuyWhoCouldn'tTalkToTheGirl what is your current hosting?
and also, in what price range are you looking?
@JoeWatkins Actually it looks like that error is present when running in php-fpm as well, so not just CLI. Also - have you seen any errors in autoloading when running pthreads? I've suddenly getting an error in composer's autoloader, which 'goes away' when adding debug statements nearby. "Call to a member function findFile() on a non-object in /home/intahwebz/intahwebz/vendor/composer/ClassLoader.php on line 188""
  public function loadClass($class)
        //trigger_error("LoadClass ".$class, E_USER_WARNING); //Uncommenting this makes the error go away.

        if ($file = $this->findFile($class)) {
            include $file;

            return true;
I'm off to install xdebug to investigate moar.
@Jasper "$8.50/month (paid yearly) or $9.50/month (paid monthly)"
@TheGuyWhoCouldn'tTalkToTheGirl what is that even? more-than-shared-but-not-quite-vps?
@rdlowrey Had an issue with latest pull of Aerys
> PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '$this' (T_VARIABLE) in ReverseProxyHandler.php on line 278
@Jimbo one second ...
@Jimbo dah, missing semi-colon. Just add that at line 278 and you should be good to go.
@rdlowrey lol
I'll add a PR :D
No need. I'll handle it now :)
I thought I had to PR it, it just went through - nvm :')
@TheGuyWhoCouldn'tTalkToTheGirl but you do have ssh access and you can install things (though not through a package manger, it seems) so it's not quite traditional shared hosting
@TheGuyWhoCouldn'tTalkToTheGirl why don't you get a VPS instead?
@reikyoushin Because it isn't cheap.
@Jimbo Oh yeah, I forgot since it's a private repo and you're on there as a collaborator github just assumes you have permission. So don't push anything stupid :)
@rdlowrey Of course
i can give you this link but try at your own risk lowendbox.com
And not being cheap means the game then is no longer free, since there is no other way to generate revenue to support the servers.
@Jimbo Anyway, thanks for finding that. Everything seems to be working correctly on my end with the reverse proxy with that fix.
If we're talking servers here - Obliged to point out www.kimsufi.co.uk
if openvz is okay to you.. i think thats fine
@rdlowrey It's okay, it's just a semi-colon :)
Equal Share CPU
2048MB RAM
2048MB vSwap
40GB SSD RAID10 Diskspace
3000GB Bandwidth
100Mbps Port Speed
1 IPv4 Address
@TheGuyWhoCouldn'tTalkToTheGirl Anyway, I'd look into the option of getting a VPS in your price range. You're probably not going to get the specs that site claims but in practice I suspect you'll be better off concerning performance
7usd per month
(i said.. get one at your own risk) cuz i havent tested them thoroughly yet
I have yet to tell you guys another problem :D
@TheGuyWhoCouldn'tTalkToTheGirl I use vpscorner.co.uk, $10/mo gets you a decent VPS
Have only had one downtime in 6 months, ymmv
@SweetieBelle how long have you been with them?
@SweetieBelle what virtualization?
was planing to get one for l2tp but openvz doesn't allow it T-T
@reikyoushin Shitty ovz
It's just part of my ghetto cdn
Because they do Moldova
ahh. i can't get that if that's the case
And East Europe VPS are expensive
The game is currently structured in JavaScript. Multiplayer would require PHP, but the guy who created the game wants to use Node.js so it shared code with the single player stuff too.
node.js can support multiplayer
@reikyoushin they don't even list what CPU you're getting... they just say "Equal CPU Share"...
you get 2 cores for the 2mb plan
@Jasper They're on 3770k
check the bench lowendbox.com/blog/…
CPU model : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1240 V2 @ 3.40GHz
vendor_id       : GenuineIntel
cpu family      : 6
model           : 58
model name      : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770K CPU @ 3.50GHz
stepping        : 9
cpu MHz         : 872.968
^ That's from mine, $10/mo plan
@SweetieBelle I have never used node.js before, which will be a problem.
@reikyoushin problem is, that's what one user got. As long as they don't list what you're getting, they are free to give you something else entirely
if only it's not ovz i would stay with them.
@Jasper i registered with them.. and i got the same cpu too
@Jasper Of course, they're probably using a mix of cheap servers
@Jasper Cheap servers tend to be i7-2600, i7-3770 and low end E3s
@Jasper its actually fast.. the only problem why i left is openvz
and they refunded me even if im past their 72 hr refund period since i can't do l2tp on openvz
@SweetieBelle still, they should list their poorest option with an "or better" note, not just leave it completely unspecified
Both 3770 based
@Jasper I only have 2 servers with them, one in NL, one in Moldova
tbh I'd be more worried about IO on a VPS than CPU
@Jasper well, if you just want a cheap vps, it would be ok.. if you want a high end one, you wouldn't go cheap anyways
@SweetieBelle It depends entirely on what you're going to do with it. Either way, I'm worried about anything that's left unspecified.
@rdlowrey Do you need to add Amp to the --recursive download or is it already included?
@Jimbo Actually Amp is no longer included in the aerys repo. It's a separate thing entirely.
@SweetieBelle lowendbox.com/blog/… IO says 299 MB/s is that real? that's slow right? last time it says I/O speed : 628 MB/s hmm..
Ah, I just looked at the gist "use Amp\JobDispatcher;
use Amp\CallResult;" and expected to have to include Amp
@Jimbo Yeah you'll have to include the amp autoloader somewhere in your app -- it's just not bundled with the server anymore.
+50 rep for correct answer, PLS
Hm, I assume this is the proper duplicate.. ? stackoverflow.com/questions/17961214/…
(yeah, browsing through unanswered questions)
@ahmadalbayati: have you tried (1) looking up those user-agent strings and (2) using that followlocation from the comments?
yuh yuh
both don't help me
So, edit that in your question, explain what you are actually trying now, and what the current result actually is.
followlocation is a +. i needed that. but when i use the i find on the internet, i get error
the problem is, idk how to get into the site with cURL. i know it's reffering me when i use a pc. but when i use cURL, i get error
that all i know
codeigniter is used by a bunch of retards ... there is no other explanation
@tereško I have no words
Which error? curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_VERBOSE, true); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_STDERR,STDOUT);
it's error from the domain
i try to acces using cURL
i can give you the link
Or,..... you could tell me what error... :P
but the error won't help you. cause it's not an error, it's more like a message from the website telling me i can't access it
this is the link
Have you tried setting that verbose thingamyig I just gave you?
when you visit it, you will end on a different page when the page have loaded
i'll try right now
It sets some elaborate cookies... I'd setup a cookiefile/jar too
Anyone with zf2 knowledge?
Notice: Use of undefined constant STDOUT - assumed 'STDOUT'
i get that error when inserting your lines
should i use this
Ugh. that old old chestnut. use fopen("php://output","a") instead then.
& don't forget the COOKIEFILE
@an1zhegorodov: zero zf2 knowledge... however, just ask your question...
it fixed it O_O
after adding this line
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, 'a.txt');
post a comment to my question
i'll give you correct answer
thank you very much, btw
Where does zf2 parse query_sting and passes it to Params object?
@an1zhegorodov: you mean when using Zend's controller?
@Wrikken zf2 doesn't capture query string to $_GET, the Request object allows access to query string parameters via Params object. So it should be parsing query string to array somewhere...
@an1zhegorodov: a quick search seems to indicate in Zend_Controller_Request_Http::setRequestUri()
But I might be wrong. this line shows a few possible candidates if you run it under linux ine Zend dir: $ find -name '*Request*' -exec grep -Hinr parse {} \;
@an1zhegorodov: hm, also, found this tidbit:` public function getParam($key, $default = null)
$keyName = (null !== ($alias = $this->getAlias($key))) ? $alias : $key;

$paramSources = $this->getParamSources();
if (isset($this->_params[$keyName])) {
return $this->_params[$keyName];
} elseif (in_array('_GET', $paramSources) && (isset($_GET[$keyName]))) {
return $_GET[$keyName];
} elseif (in_array('_POST', $paramSources) && (isset($_POST[$keyName]))) {
return $_POST[$keyName];

return $default;
@Wrikken could you name the class (and path)?
Same as before Zend_Controller_Request_Http
And the path should be obvious from the name no? ( _ => / )
@Wrikken Are you sure you are reading zf2?
Truth be told.... I just downloaded zend framework, which i assumed was 2, but I may have made an ass of myself ;) Hold on...
We currently have 6,666 starred posts. If that isn't proof that PHP is evil, then I don't know what would be.
@Wrikken github.com/zendframework/zf2/tree/master/library/Zend there is no Controller under Zend dir
I'll download it manually instead of me package manager & see what I can find...
Hm, indeed, some thingamyig with Stdlib/Parameters.php... Hmm..
Zend\Http\PhpEnvironment\Request::setServer() is where the magic happens
    if (isset($this->serverParams['QUERY_STRING'])) {
Which seems to be using Zend\Uri\Uri
@Gordon the main difference here is that you are not a noob an have a solid understanding of OOP as whole
@Wrikken thanks
for newbies it is much more productive to have a set of semi-strict rules which they have to follow
@Wrikken That's only applicable if you call the setServer() method. If you do not call this and use the __construct() for that object it just uses $_GET
@cspray: yep, seems to be correct., that'll teach me to blindly grep around an unknown framework ;)
@reikyoushin huh ? What ? A regex ?!
@Wrikken still, that's not what I looked for. $this->setQuery part just assigns query string to Uri->query. It should parse the query string into an array and build new Params($array)...
@an1zhegorodov: why should it do that (and as @cspray pointed out... you can better ask him :P).
See his answer: $this->setQuery(new Parameters($_GET)); is used in the request constructor.
@Wrikken That's it, $_GET will contain your query string params only if you have [QSA] flag in .htaccess rewrite rule
@Orangepill lol
@an1zhegorodov: so, setQuery() somewhere else?
@Wrikken probably
@an1zhegorodov: d'OH! I was right the first time, the __construct() calls setServer()...
@Charles I could be anal and point out that "666" is likely a mistranslation of "616", but instead I'm going to be anal and point out that 6660 would be 10x the number (so possibly proof that PHP is evil or something) of the beast, 6666 is just a number.
evening @all
@DaveRandom evening
That's my contribution to the proceedings
^^ @Hamza
I warn you now, I'm mildly intoxicated

RegexI think it is trolling when a comment is posted automatically or whatever saying the question is OFF TOPIC that comment is assumed to have been typed by a human hand no-one knows it's automated that is trolling. and no-one knows why a comment is necessary . it's like an unwanted advertise...

I think the dude from yesterday is back...
@Orangepill haha indeed. You rarely need a regex, that's what I realised :p
@Wrikken From yesterday lol ? He's an old one !
@Wrikken yep, but $this->sererParams['QUERY_STRING'] still contains a string, not and array
Is @JoeWatkins really here or is that just an avatar pretending to be here?
@an1zhegorodov: yes, have you looked at Stdlib\Parametters?
Ah, he has more history? It's usually cleaned up fast ;)
@Wrikken and a lot more, this dude is staining the religion and all programming languages I admire: php, regex, python lol
@HamZa madara is saying i need jquery to put capitals on this password.. "안녕 하세요", i said i will ask you to create a regex for that.. :P not important anyway. haha. see this chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/11203699#11203699
@reikyoushin lol
@DaveRandom Or we could go the Heinlein route and go six to the sixth to the sixth... But whatevs.
@HamZa he says that password is too easy cuz its all small letters. XP
Well, duh, that password is just 'hello' in Korean....
@Charles Theology scholars probably have dinner parties that are as suicide-inducing as programmers
@Charles You've done some stuff with php-src haven't you? (or did I just make that up?)
@DaveRandom No, I don't have the C-fu to actually work on php-src. I can usually read it fine, but haven't contributed.
@DaveRandom: ooh. that reminds me... still haven't watched the new ones...
@Charles As of yesterday I actually officially have contributed (like 6 lines of code that any idiot could have written) but I still have No Idea What I'm Doingâ„¢
Nowadays, this is how you earn rep: pointing out to print_r()
A: Regular expression with subexpression

AbsoluteƵERØYou can see all of the matches by something something like: print_r($matches); You can learn more about capturing groups in PHP here at the regular-expressions.info site.

@DaveRandom Yeah, but no normal idiot wrote them, you did! No, wait, that doesn't sound right...
I'm just wondering when one would use a (array as zval*) vs. h (array as HashTable*) as a function argument
@Charles No that's pretty bang on
oh. that's right, aha! It seems like I'm failing to understand the whole session-less-ness concept. Have any link that might help me understading? — john smith 1 min ago
I Don't know any good references
@Wrikken Highly recommended. I actually bought a month's netflix specifically for it and I'm happy with my purchase. It's not same as the old ones (the format is slightly different) but considering they had so long away they could have really f*cked it up and they didn't IMO
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'd start with just reading the REST entry on wikipedia (since that's basically what you are talking about) and follow the refs from there
@DaveRandom Right, but would that be what you'd suggest to someone who has no clue what a session is?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Oh god no. First I'd suggest they go learn how to do it with server side persistent state, since that's easier to get your head around, and then learn about REST. But I realise that is sort of directly at odds with what you are trying to say.
@DaveRandom Right, what I want is a reference explaining what a session is, and how it's typically implemented - preferably it should be language agnostic and explain the concept. Surprisingly, I can't find such an article anywhere.
Pfff, waiting for Netflix to be available here.... I'll just , erm,.... borrow it from a friend...
@BenjaminGruenbaum The concept can surely be summed up in a couple of sentences, everything else would be implementation details (and therefore not language agnostic)
@BenjaminGruenbaum: what's wrong with en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Session_(computer_science) ?
Most NodeJS users are experienced developers who only went to Node to solve another problem they couldn't in more mature production ready environments like your beloved PHP or other common technologies (RoR, C# with ASP.NET , Python with Django). Node excels at solving scaling issues and other problems - it's normally not the first web technology a person learns.
As such, tutorials on "how to do X" for some basic concept X are extremely rare and tutorials on how to create a multi user interactive socket.io app with a backing document store, persistence, fallback and failure are way too common.. and generally uninteresting.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Absolutely true (or at least, the important part is :-P) - my advice to someone who is learning the web by learning node would be "go learn something else first". Node is awesome and JS is awesome but both are actually pretty advanced. JS is not a simple language implemented in an (at first glance) unintuitive way and Node takes that counter-intuitive element to the extreme. That guy is gonna have a bad time.
@DaveRandom FWIW I think It's very intuitive if you come from a non classical oop language. Most people come from a classical OOP language though.
Q: controlling / parsing website from php/jquery

Fuxia few years ago i wrote an app for reading and parsing data from a website using visualbasic6 (using the webbrowser control) and i was wondering if this would also be possible using php/jquery. i'd like to perform tasks (by code) like: login (filling textfields, simulating clicks) parsing/gra...

^ I though there was something for that, but can't remember the name
@BenjaminGruenbaum I think the reason it isn't is that it lets you do too much classical-OOP like things if you bend the rules a bit. I might have less of an issue getting my head around POOP if for ex. new didn't exist in JS
@HamZa: do you mean Selenium?
But the counter-intuitive element that's going do be difficult to understand is the asyncsaucezOMG nature of node
@Wrikken ah that rings a bell !
More importantly, PHP (and it's comparables) are a lot easier to get production ready than Node. Node is a lot less forgiving.
@DaveRandom Doing I/O in a way that's not asynchronous is silly..
@BenjaminGruenbaum I absolutely agree. I'm just saying it might be hard for a newbie to comprehend
@BenjaminGruenbaum Eh, in the circle I know the people using NodeJS are really ignorant, honestly. I guess we don't overlap with the same crowd at all :)
I had to learn how to do everything in a straight line to see why that's not the best way of doing things
Yes, that's another thing, unlike most platforms Node requires you to understand a lot more 'implementation detail'. It doesn't abstract the protocol away.
@DaveRandom Thank goodness I'm not the only one who thinks that.
@LeviMorrison Why are they using Node?
@BenjaminGruenbaum doing I/O in a way that does not look synchronous is silly
@BenjaminGruenbaum They run web services with NodeJS.
@cspray My JS hurts prototypal fans, I basically write classical OOP code in JS. I personally can't wait for ECMA6.
@LeviMorrison "web services" are a huge pain.
I work in HPC (High Performance Computing) and I get to learn about all sorts of performance issues.
@igorw First of all, coding in CPS (and more nicely put reactively) works really well in a lot of times. That said there are times it doesn't, in C# for example you can write asynchronous code synchronously (with the await keyword). In Node we have that in alpha with a shim for early adapters.
@DaveRandom Hah, did you see my post about it?
@BenjaminGruenbaum ?
Turns out that a lot of 'blocking' behavior just means that the process gives control to the CPU to go do something else and it will come back later. In practice this means that if your CPU's are saturated you will see no difference between synchronous and asynchronous I/O, though if you are too saturated you'll see bad performance on both, though worse on the blocking calls.
I saw ryan posted something about it a while ago
@DaveRandom A lot of JS people 'hate' structural inheritance and even more don't get behavioral typing.
@BenjaminGruenbaum coding in CPS doesn't work well at all most of the time. things liked await and yield help quite a lot. but not having to explicitly do that is much better imo...
The only real boon to asynchronous I/O is when you can actually do something during the wait. I'm guessing that a lot of web applications are not really like this unless they consume two database connections or something of the like.
@DaveRandom there are some mistakes here, but generally - that's my opinion
@BenjaminGruenbaum On a tangentially related note, what do you think of typescript?
@igorw It's surprisingly easy to get used to CPS, and to even like it as much if not better. I recall @rdlowrey first hating it, then getting used to it in a month or two and saying "It's as easy now".
@DaveRandom I never had a typing issue in JavaScript that took me more than a minute to solve and I never had a typing issue make it into production or even beta. In practice, type safety in a continuously tested and developed app where bug fixes can be instant is not as much of an issue and the flexibility of JS is amazing in a lot of regards. TypeScript looks like an interesting idea and I used it for 'a' project- it's nice but honestly it didn't knock my socks off.
Have you got to play with Dart yet?
@LeviMorrison I've solved a lot of my performance problems by switching to asynchronous I/O from threads.
@LeviMorrison I feel like Dart was written to be optimized by a VM, which is very interesting from A VM standpoint..
@BenjaminGruenbaum I've done quite a bit of async stuff in both js and PHP... I've been used to it. I still think it's a very bad style that is really hard to read and understand. the way scope nests is highly problematic, and it just makes software even harder to make reliable. which in node you also get punished for because your mistakes will make your whole server go down.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Well, in a lot of ways, yeah, it was :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum I was only talking about the difference between blocking I/O and asynchronous I/O, not threads vs asynchronous I/O.
@igorw Well, we'll agree to disagree then. I read my NodeJS code much faster than I read my synchronous ASP.NET code since parts are built like a reacting system where parts react to each other and the client. It's clear 'what should happen when' which makes it more readable IMO. That said I've seen some horrible asynchronous code with implicit (yet tight!) coupling and dependencies. It's really not that simple and a lot of people get it really wrong in JS (not saying you did)
(And I do a lot more asp.net)
@LeviMorrison Fair enough and good point. How do you do blocking I/O without threads though? What do you 'block'?
@igorw Also, NodeJS has asynchronous exception handling... you have to do something seriously wrong since 0.8 for your whole server to go down.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I shouldn't need to explain that to someone with your knowledge. Maybe we aren't quite on the same page for terms we are using. For blocking I/O, I mean that control does not return to the caller until the callee has finished. For asynchronous I/O, I mean that control returns to the caller without little-to-no guarantee when the callee will finish. We good on terms?
@BenjaminGruenbaum well, manual async error handling also really obfuscates code imo, and forgetting to handle just one of them will make error propagate all over the place.
yea, no thanks. :)
It's pretty new (about a year), but it pretty much solves that problem.
it's all band aid
@LeviMorrison So C# async/await is not asynchronous but is blocking?
@BenjaminGruenbaum It is PHP itself that sucks in that regard, mostly because of the errors vs. exceptions stupidity. Error handling in PHP is a real mess. it's getting better, but it's not there yet by a long way.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I don't ever use a Windows OS, so I've never even touched C#. I'm not sure what those functions exactly do in C#, but I have a good idea from the name.
@igorw Again, let's agree to disagree. I think domains solve a huge problem in a clever way, it completely separates layers of operation into self contained segments. You can trivially implement an asynchronous 'work as expected' try/catch/finally clause with it but it gives you so much more in terms of abstraction.
My guess is that async returns control to the caller before finishing, which would be non blocking. I'm not sure what your point is.
@BenjaminGruenbaum yea, fair enough. imo promises - while still hackish - handle it a lot better. but indeed, at least there is some approach. assuming people actually use domains, then that's at least something. :)
Hey @LeviMorrison, on a more-or-less completely unrelated subject:
38 mins ago, by DaveRandom
I'm just wondering when one would use a (array as zval*) vs. h (array as HashTable*) as a function argument
Any useful opinions?
@LeviMorrison await works like generators. so you can do the stuff that nikic showed in his generator coroutine blog post.
 //create a request
 var request = (new HttpClient()).GetAsync("http://www.google.com");
 // waits for the headers, performs an asynchronous event based GET
 var result = await request;
 //here I have access to headers
 var content = await result.Content.readAsStringAsync();
 //here I have access to content
so the control flow of the program pauses at that point, but the process does not block the CPU. instead you do your own scheduling of the generator "pseudo-process" inside of the actual process.
@LeviMorrison it is written in a synchronous fashion
control flow of the generator*, it yields back to the scheduler/event-loop
Yeah, that ^ , internally async/await is just a clever generator.
var db = await db.getConnection();
dynamic result = await db.Query("SELECT * FROM 'users'");
foreach(var user in result){
@BenjaminGruenbaum await is definitely a blocking call. I don't see your point though.
@LeviMorrison What is it blocking?
If I understand what's going on (I don't know C#), it's blocking the main flow of execution until the await condition has resolved.
The whole point of 'await' is that it isn't a blocking call, the compiler translates it into a callback/generator.
you can do fancy stuff like this:
$data = yield async\read($fd, 1024);
$more_data = yield async\read($fd, 1024);
async\write($fd, "hello world");
yield async\sleep(3);
@LeviMorrison It's not the main flow of execution, that's the beautiful part. The code is asynchronous... lemme try a different example.
the I/O is non-blocking. the main flow of the process is not interrupted.
@Jimbo lol I did, but there is a duplicate xD
@HamZa Yeah it just needed to go before people got upvoted for silly answers on silly questions
@Jimbo daaaaamn, already 4 answers ...
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yeah I mean it's not the easiest thing to get used to at the beginning but I kind of like it now. It just makes sense to me because I've really gotten used to thinking and writing code that way. I find it easier to reason about in my head than other things because I can associate a single cause with each next step in the program.
3K and I'll get access to mod tools !
Yeah, exactly :) That's what I meant
@HamZa Let me catch up and then we'll have a race
@BenjaminGruenbaum In particular, PHP automatically binding the $this scope of an object to closures significantly mitigates callback hell IMO. You can write ultra-readable, totally understandable callback code in your classes without having to go to futures or promises all with a single level of indentation.
@Jimbo sigh I've got so many chances in the regex tag but I don't want to rep***** so I close vote them
@rdlowrey You don't need this in JavaScript if you don't like it. You can just as easily do var $this=this in the constructor and put functions in the closure and do exactly that in JS, or inject it. CoffeeScript just lets you do => which autobinds it to what you'd do in PHP (where -> acts normally). Personally I really like mutable this in some situations - it's a really powerful concept.
@DaveRandom No. I'm not sure on that particular detail.
I'm off to sleep, night
@BenjaminGruenbaum later
Later, Ben.
@rdlowrey, @DaveRandom: the mock/sub from earlier, I now have a DebugCountingIteratorDecorator after I also experimented with some more fancy stuff, but this one is straight forward and basically the stub as suggested.
I found some use-case for testing purposes for Mocks with iterators and that was mocking an IteratorAggregate. - Example: github.com/hakre/Iterator-Garden/blob/development/test/…
@hakre Nice. I try to use the built-in phpunit mock stuff whenever I can because it's a shared API that everyone can make sense of. But for anything that's very complex I often end up just creating stub classes like that.
@BenjaminGruenbaum 'night
I'm falling asleep now as well. gn8 folks!
nite @hakre
@hakre later.
@LeviMorrison No worries, I'm sure I'll figure it out eventually. Even now it's starting to become more obvious - the zval gives you access to the var and it's associated meta data, the HT just gives you access to the values, so in the majority of cases the HT is probably what you want
Variable variables, yay!
A: Replacing variables in a string

JimboHere's a portable solution, using variable variables. Yay! $string = "I need to replace {X} and {Y}"; $X = 'something'; $Y = 'something else'; preg_match_all('/\{(.*?)\}/', $string, $matches); foreach ($matches[1] as $value) { $string = str_replace('{'.$value.'}', ${$value}, $st...

@DaveRandom does PHP ever create HashTables in uzerland?
@igorw I think every array has one underneath doesn't it?
arrays are a bit of magic I'm trying to figure out and haven't yet come anywhere close :-P
This is probably the best page in the PHP manual: php.net/manual/en/internals2.classes.php
@Jimbo you're now using regex :p
@HamZa No, I'm now using Google >:P
@Jimbo haha :)
lol, although I did understand that one :D
@Jimbo ...are pretty much always better implemented with arrays. They certainly are in that situation.
Eeeew.... variable variables....
@DaveRandom I know it's late, but could you draw up a super quick example of how you'd approach that?
I'm in "coding mode"
@Jimbo lol what about str_replace and eval looool
preg_replace_callback('...',function(match) use ($arrayofreplaces){return $arrayofreplaces[$match[1]];}_
@Wrikken ah another regex guru !
    pattern:  /blog/{id}
    defaults: { controller: bivocSiteBundle:Page:blog }
        _method: GET
          id: \d+
Anyone spot me an error
@Jimbo Easy, just $map = array('X' => 'something','Y' => 'something else'); and $map[$value] instead of ${$value}, apart from that it's identical
I@HamZa: Do you accuse me of using regexes? I took special care not to include a regex in that one, only what could be done with it :P
@Wrikken hahahaha
@Simon_eQ Yes, you're using YAML
@DaveRandom Oh yeah, nice!
@DaveRandom Yep. Just getting an error, originating from that router. in sf2
@Simon_eQ Oh I can't help you with the error in the data. I just think that using YAML is an error. YAML is just one big error.
Although to be honest (as you well know :-P) errors usually have messages that make them easier to solve ;-)
@Simon_eQ: does that id: \d+ have more whitespace in front of it then _method?
@DaveRandom :)
@Wrikken nope.
(Unable to parse at line 17 (near " id: \d+").)
So, Yes
" id" not "id"
@igorw FYI I'm going to keep you posted with the http server progress. It should be possible to write a silex port for it that's much faster than what's possible behind normal php SAPIs. Faster as in 4,000 requests per second and not 400. I'm going to do it either way but I don't want to step on your toes and I'd like to keep you in the loop should you wish to do something in that area. Also, I'll try very hard to make hooking the server up to a react-based framework as simple as possible.
@Wrikken I don't get it
@Simon_eQ: I see you posting:
    _method: GET
      id: \d+
Should be:
    _method: GET
    id: \d+
... probably, don't know what kind of Yaml parser they use.
@Wrikken You devil you. Ya, I guess that was the problem. Its phpStrom's fault. With Notepad++ the editor highlights the syntax, if something is wrong.
But, not with this storm thing

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