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what would be result of if($var) for $var = 0, = 1, and = 2
i assume 0 is false 1 is true
but 2 ?
or ints are simply all true ?
Hi guys, I got a form that return me a date with no format (yyyymmdd) how could I format it ?
@JonathanLaf There's a function on the Datetime class (or is it the constructor?) and there's a fairly obviously named function. (I don't know the specifics by heart, and I don't feel much like looking it up since you can it up yourself)
@purplecircles 0 is false, all else is true
@Jasper I just found my error... i forgot to use strtotime
date('F j, Y', strtotime($delivery_date))
@JonathanLaf ah yes, that was the function's name
@Jasper thank you Jasper
@purplecircles php.net/manual/en/… (or for more general information: php.net/manual/en/language.types.type-juggling.php)
I have a number of classes that are Conditions, the classes basically representing ==, !=, <, <=, > and >=. Currently the naming is horribly inconsistent and I want to fix that.
Does anybdy have any suggestions on what to call these classes?
Currently I use Greater and Less, which don't feel perfect but are the best I have come up with. The real problems start with GreaterOrEquals and Equality (the tough one being Inequality). I'm also thinking about whether or not I should add the word Than as in GreaterThan (one of the drawbacks is that GreaterThanOrEqualTo (or something to that effect) becomes a rather long name)
Any thoughts?
ty for answer, @jasper
on another question why $_SESSION['string'] += ' more string'; doesnt work and you have to use
$_SESSION['string'] = $_SESSION['string'] . ' more string';
@purplecircles .= works. + is just a different operator in php
what exactly is + ?
@purplecircles "5" + 3 == 8. it just does addition, not concatenation (the fancy name for appending one string to another)
Can anyone help me with this problem?
jasper, ty once again
@Someone Your question is quite hard to read, since it relies on the code to tell what your problem is. Instead, you should explain the problem in words and use code to illustrate only (using a minimal sample).
@purplecircles np
@Someone If I read it correctly, though, you might want to look into using subqueries
well, as you see above of the code I get values with variables. (So I set value and used it). But I don't want to set value I want to get them the from the second table.
is $_SESSION['a']++; correct ?
@Jasper I improved it a little. Could you please check it again?
@purplecircles yes it is
@Someone Sorry was busy for a moment there. Have you looked at subqueries, or multiple tables in the from statement (or even a join would do, though it's really clean to do it that way, I'd say). It still really feels like "I found this code some way, and want to change it but don't really know what I'm doing, could you modify it for me?" (and that's frowned upon here)
@Jasper thanks. I myself wrote the code but dunno how to make it work as I want.
I think join will not help me because 2 tables dont have common keys
@Someone You don't need to have keys for a join. (You do need them if you want to cleanly do a join, but from a technical standpoint they aren't necessary). The cleaner method would be to use multiple tables in the from as in sagibb's answer. Have you tried that?
@Jasper @Jasper as soon as I understood from sagibb's answer I should create common field for both of tables. But I don't want to do that because each table has different number of columns and they can not be joined with common field. That is the problem.
@Someone Ah yes I didn't read the answer creafully enough. I'll write an answer, since it is so simple (you just keep the from like that, but change the where clause to what you need).
@Jasper it might seem you more clear if you reread the post. I improved it. Thank you.
@Someone I did reread the question, I just didn't pay enough attention to what the answer was actually saying.
ah ok
how can I change where clause?
@Someone I wrote you an answer
@Jasper OK thanks
@Someone Does the answer work?
no unfortunately
I think I did not explain it well or people did not get me
@Someone well, what's the problem?
the query return null value
1 hour later…
"python if god had a sexy donkey would he name it php or python" HA!
The spam titles just keep getting weirder and weirder
this one was lol
is this a good idea?
^ btw I've done this already with jQuery :P
Needs more red circles for emphesis
I do like the idea though
@Someone Updated my answer and should no longer by total nonsense. I'm sorry for stating the obvious. While the things I suggested would have been good as "what I have tried but didn't work in your question", they did not work as easily as I said.
@DaveChen what's the force edit link supposed to do?
edits as if the suggested edit didn't exist
Should it invalidate the suggested edit?
Q: Force Edit suggested reviews

Dave Chen Review edits have the option to force edit, which will edit the original post, as opposed to improve which will edit the suggested edit. UserScript: // ==UserScript== // @name Force edit suggested reviews Stackoverflow // @namespace stackoverflow // @description Allows you to b...

@Jasper it's not an idea, it works fine as a userscript
^ when you run out of suggested edits (max 20), you can't improve, or edit, so a post is crippled there, un-formatted, until it gets rejected or edited. Major pain, considering most of us hit that limit daily.
Is calling other answers 'assy' in an answer enough to warrant a flag?
Words used.. But,
A: Disable Submit Button until all fields have data (PHP)

ThomasSince everyone else just gave you assy answers. The best way to go about it is, is to implement an onchange on your form or something like that.

flagged as naa :P
alright then; thanks for the second opinion
What does assy means ?
I assume something like 'half assed', but seems bad form to insult others attempts anyways
got a MySQL+SSL question feel free to answer or help =o)
Thanks ...flagged
mysql>  SHOW VARIABLES LIKE '%ssl%';
| Variable_name | Value                 |
| have_openssl  | DISABLED              |
| have_ssl      | DISABLED              |
| ssl_ca        | /etc/mysql/cacert.pem |
| ssl_capath    |                       |
| ssl_cert      | /etc/mysql/09.pem     |
| ssl_cipher    |                       |
| ssl_key       | /etc/mysql/mysql.key  |
why is it still showing DISABLED?
it's loaded the keys as far as I can tell, right?
@crypticツ does that help? mifosforge.jira.com/wiki/display/MIFOS/…
@rdlowrey I've read that requests that comes from a HTTPS connection don't send the referrer header to a non-HTTPS connection... is that true? is same for viceversa? if I get SSL on my site will I resolve the "not provided" values that I see in Google Analytics because of this reason? ty
@Wes nope, also that page is wrong, where it talks about adding the config section to the config file. They have a section called client and another called mysqld, you only need one, and if you do put both, well the latter will overwrite the prior since they are named the same.
> The [client] option group is read by all client programs (but not by mysqld). This enables you to specify options that apply to all clients.
@Wes but why would I put the client private key on the database server?
i don't even know what a private key is :P
@Wes yeah it's meant for if a client program I use can read the config file and use those settings in that section. I don't have clients to do so since everything is done on another server.
@Wes RFC 2616 specifically advises clients not to send the Referer header when going from an encrypted resource to an unencrypted resource. You don't have anything to worry about as a server, though, because you have no control over the Referer header; it's a client-only issue.
> Clients SHOULD NOT include a Referer header field in a (non-secure) HTTP request if the referring page was transferred with a secure protocol.
ok, so, if get SSL referer will be sent, right? do you know if it will resolve the "not provided" issue of analytics? my stats are getting always less useful since i have 40% of "not provided"
@Wes not will be, but might be
probably, it will increase the percentage of cases in which it is sent, but there's no way to tell for sure
@Wes Well the obvious answer should be that switching between encrypted and unencrypted resources is usually a bad idea in the first place.
It opens you up to potential insecurity for a number of reasons.
no, i mean
@Wes It depends entirely on the client, though, whether or not to send the Referer header.
google is https, my site is not
Ah, I see. Well that's another reason to bite the bullet and go https, isn't it? :)
i can't read anymore the search keywords because the referrer isn't sent anymore
Honestly there's not much you can do other than encrypt your site :/
It's up to the browser whether or not to include the Referer header. It's a safety precaution the major browser vendors aren't likely to compromise.
@rdlowrey yes indeed... i would have more time to understand how ssl works, otherwise i would have just go with ssl
^ english not working
I know SSL (TLS is the official name these days) is kind of a mystery to many people but it's really not that complicated. That's one of the things I've focused on with the server I've been writing is making it extremely easy to encrypt your http and websocket resources.
anyway... i don't have clue about how to start
If you have a VPS hosting service they'll usually do it for you. They may charge you a few dollars but not much.
and old non-https urls can still work?
maybe with a redirect to https ?
Absolutely. Usually people just create a redirect that just sends all requests arriving at an http:// URI to the equivalent with the https:// scheme.
adding a new entry in the todo
I found a way to instantly reject suggested edits with the power of Community ♦...is this a security issue for stackoverflow? stackoverflow.com/review/suggested-edits/2692833
@DaveChen ...how?
Secret-! :) Is this a risk for SO?
@DaveChen I guess it depends on how you got there :P
You can ask a mod though
whats force reject?
A stackapp?
I thought they kept a new button there, hehe gudmorning anyways
@Jeremy just tampermoney, unreleased
@DaveChen what's the button do?
it gets Community to reject it
@DaveChen I should be more clear: how?
@DaveChen Has something to do with improve?
Allright, @Jimbo. If you pull the latest aerys changes you should be able to use this thoroughly-commented example to get start creating super-legit asynchronous websocket applications in php using the amp job server. Let me know if you have problems.
@MadaraUchiha nah, I ran out of reviews, I can't review anymore today :(
@MadaraUchiha That's what I was thinking, but I'm still not sure because it doesn't say that he edited. Do you see it as a security risk?
(as a mod and all)
Depends on how unfair that is :P
@DaveChen do tell how you did it (Otherwise, I will see it as a security risk, and have to ask the supermods, and we don't want to involve them just yet :P)
If you don't want anyone else to know of it, I can arrange a private room.
@DaveChen Just accessing it automatically rejects a suggested edit?
pressing Save Edits, without changes rejects the edit
@DaveChen I'll test it and let you know. Thanks. You should file a bug-report on it on Meta Stack Overflow.
Hm, I couldn't get it to work out
Please don't reject possible valid edits :P
I'll test it over on my site with a sock
Symfony 2.3 is looking pretty sexy, i've been using 1.4 for the longest time now
@MadaraUchiha When trying to figure it out what he did it was actually pretty annoying. I kept skipping edits because I didn't want to reject ones that were perfectly valid and I'd keep coming to the end of the queue before finding an edit to reject =/
Can I use two input type="file" and separate button for each type. I did it and only one file is uploading. Second one is for updating the file.
@DaveChen Hi
@vinaysingh hi
Read my doubt above.
I have just asked
uhhh, the button is usually with the element, notice how the styling is different per browser
@DaveChen I am using jquery just plain html and php
not using*
wait, why 2 input type files?
loose coupling and high cohesion ftw
@DaveChen amazing thing is that script worked yesterday ans then it didn't worked.
It is throwing $_FILES['file']['error'] value 4
which mean no file
Confirmed @DaveChen
Are you posting it on meta, or do you want me to?
Q: /edit-inline shouldn't bypass suggested edits

Dave ChenUsing http://stackoverflow.com/posts/?/edit-inline while ? is the ID of the post. Pressing Save Edits without changing the textbox on a post that has Edit (1), will reject the edit by Community ♦

please edit if I missed anything :D
@DaveChen However, I can compromise with this. Allowing only uploading
Okay. Bye
@DaveChen Great, thanks
composer = bye apt
@MadaraUchiha That's so odd, why can't I do it?
@Jeremy Do you have inline-editing capabilities?
dafuq? lol
more gravatar penises! i.imgur.com/20AWu4h.png
@MadaraUchiha Oh psh, I'm just doing it wrong. I was using the edit's ID instead of the post's ID
the second one is incredibly detailed
How can I refresh a block on the page, without refreshing entire page?
@Mr.Alien ajax?
I already got the solutions but they need to send ajax req to another page, and not self
What do you mean?
@Jeremy for example am having an element with an id blahblah
@Mr.Alien GET or sessions ?
now in ajax code I pass the path of the page containing id blahblah because this page has few queries too... I don't want another page just to get the refresh stuff...
please someone help me and solve my problem please i share link please show
Q: Joomal not Showing Dropdown SubMenu to SubMenu?

Rock DeveloperHello friends i create dropdown menu into the my joomla website i created menu like: Parent-1 sub menu-1 sub menu-1 sub menu-2 sub mwnu-2 sub menu-3 sub menu-4 parent-2 parent-3 parent-4 that like i created menu but joomla show only the parent ...

now the element silently refreshes but it acts like an iframe, instead of the content itself getting refreshed, it loads entire page inside that element
@RockDeveloper Your question is unclear and doesn't provide much information. Have you tried searching for the solution ?
@Mr.Alien Well, first, it looks like you should be using JSON for something like that
@HamZa well I've no idea how to reload that particular div only, it does reload but entire page is embedded inside that div
@Mr.Alien I hope you removed the "noconflict" part :)
@HamZa I already did
@Mr.Alien I'm pretty sure the assumption there is that the "refresh-me.php" page is just what's within the DIV, not a whole page that contains the div
this guy fetches the data from another page inside an element placed on one page, whereas I converted the html page to index.php, removed refresh.php and than I used index.php in the ajax, so it loads entire webpage in the element, just like what iframe does
@Mr.Alien Oh, and you have the whole "iframe"-like thing, but are only wanted to refresh a particular part?
The whole situation sounds poorly-designed. I'd still go with JSON. If you can't use some sort of API (unless the link to refresh-me.php is yours), you can go with some kind of scraping technique.
/me is exhausted and will now fall asleep. good night.
I am thinking to build a page, like queries.php which I will refresh every minute, and than I will refresh the elemnts accordingly..
@Jeremy thanks pal and good night :)
@HamZa no work?
@Mr.Alien I really gotta go now
I've got to work
not developing, so I won't be online until tonight ...
@HamZa cool, cyaaa ;)
@Jeremy done, page holding only queries works, just that it should hold processes, if any html is there on that page, it will mess up
@HamZa troll avatar?
haii all
can anyone clear my doubt
@IceCreamSandwitch Don't ask to ask, just ask.
@IceCreamSandwitch Tab to complete names :D
@MadaraUchiha am searching for a online complier to execute php script on my website.. how can i do it?
@IceCreamSandwitch It's a very bad idea unless you know exactly what you're doing.
Why can't you use an existing service?
how to do that.. how can i get those 3rs party services
@IceCreamSandwitch Just use codepad.viper-7.com or 3v4l.org or something
Why do you need this functionality on your site?
if i use those existings website links in my site. wat is the use for those who visit my site.. they will directly go to those existing site if they know abt it
@IceCreamSandwitch Again, why do you need this functionality on your site??
It's a thing where if you don't get it 100% right, you are exposing your server to a world of hurt.
So I'll ask again, why do you need it?
users can execute or test example code in mysite like w3schools
@IceCreamSandwitch Note the difference
w3schools (which is a very bad site, by the way) allows you to test HTML and CSS, which have no effect on your site.
PHP however, can alter files on the server, erase database records, expose administrative privileges and all sorts of other fun stuff.
so if i use any online comlier on my site for programming languages that effects my site?
For PHP, which runs on the server, yes.
w3schools? What is wrong with jsFiddle?
why are all audits related to Haskell? :S
@DaveChen Are you sure you don't have a filter tag?
usually I filter php or python, but I disabled filtering momentarily
@IceCreamSandwitch It's not hard to do.
It's very hard to get right.
It's very possible that those sites have vulnerabilities which might kill the site if exploited.
@MadaraUchiha even if i use subdomains will that effects my site
@IceCreamSandwitch You need to understand.
Anything that you, as the author of the site can do, might be exposed when you allow random people run arbitrary code on your site
@MadaraUchiha fine atleast let me try to implement that functionality in localserver, i donno hw to implement, i can learn it by trying
^ and then get your host compromised, :D
@MadaraUchiha why +1? clock.getMonth()+1
@Mr.Alien Wha?
@IceCreamSandwitch See eval().
Like I said, be very very careful when using it on production environments.
I am using var clock = new Date(); clock.getFullYear() + "/" + (clock.getMonth()+1) + "/" + clock.getDate(); to throw date in jQuery
so why clock.getMonth()+1
and why not just clock.getMonth()
without using +1 I am getting the date a month back
@Mr.Alien Because in JavaScript, months go from 0-11 (Jan-Dec). So if you want the actual (human countable) number, you need to add +1.
so am adding +1
Ohhhh ok ok.. thnx,..
@MadaraUchiha yea sure n thax
@IceCreamSandwitch they basically disable everything that could be used in a malicious attack
sleep, fork, the list goes on ...
PHPPowerpoint users/gurus
Q: PHPPowerpoint : Grid Lines + Custom Chart Line Colors + Label Y-axis

asprinI'm using the following code to create a chart with the PHP Powerpoint library. $currentSlide = createTemplatedSlide($objPHPPowerPoint); $seriesData = array('ABC'=>97,'BCD'=>97,'CDE'=>97,'DEF'=>97,'EFG'=>97,'FGH'=>97); $lineChart = new PHPPowerPoint_Shape_Chart_Type_Line(); $series = new PHPPowe...

@JoeWatkins is their any plugin to implement this on webpages
array(1) {
  string(6) "Female"

array(1) {
  string(4) "Male"

array(1) {
  string(6) "Female"

array(1) {
  string(4) "Male"

array(1) {
  string(4) "Male"
How i count how many male and female in this array ?
are these multiple arrays?
count it based on string count
if string length is 4 male if length is 6 female
I was wondering if someone could help me add pagination to this gallery chris.proitservicesllc.com/Gallery.php I have asked this question on the site and got a response, but could use some help making sense of the code. Here is a link to the page stackoverflow.com/questions/18140324/…
someone's downvoting all my answers on by one within a certain interval. will the stackoverfllow system find that out?
only two downvotes, serial-downvoting requires more I think
I can provide the code I used to make the gallery, just messed with pagination before and its a little confusing to me. Any help would be appreciated. A private chat would be great.
@DaveChen: yeah, but notice the time
2013-08-10 02:21:36Z and 2013-08-10 02:21:30Z - 5 sec difference.
wait until the clock resets (forget 0:00UTC?), the server will (with a blackbox algorithm) reverse votes
also this ^
@IceCreamSandwitch no, you are asking for trouble ...
@joe : how are you?
I need some help regarding php
good good ... yourself ?
i m also gud
I want to make a group chat in php
with core base
but I do not know how to make a table script for group chat
@joe..R u there?
then you are planning a trip to the moon without a rocket ... your goal should be to build the rocket :D
@Manish use 3rd party plugins for that
hmmm...I have already made the table script for single user.
but i want to made table script for group
I never heard of a chat script for a single user before !!!
no ..I do not use the 3rd party
@Manish check this css-tricks.com/chat2/
it means:User1 send message to user2 so user2 have getting the message as per sent user1
chaps ++ me on reddit to keep this in ppls faces for as long as possible ...
@Manish css-tricks.com/chat2/
@IceCreamSandwitch:Let me check it
@IceCreamSandwitch:I have already found it..
But I didn't get any solution
@IceCreamSandwitch: Please provide any other url
@Manish lemme try
@JoeWatkins:As per sent url,i have not found any solution
@JoeWatkins If you have a little time do you think I could get your help over here? stackoverflow.com/questions/18140324/…
@Manish github.com/Frug/AJAX-Chat may b this will help u
@IceCreamSandwitch:I have checked it.But this is flash based.
I do not want flash based..
I have already made the design in html
@IceCreamSandwitch:I do not want any third party API
@daugaard47 why you query twice ?
@IceCreamSandwitch:I think that it is only for multiple user..Not for group
@JoeWatkins:I have not sending query twice
I apologize not used to this chat just trying to get some help from you.
@daugaard47:It's ok..Thanx for trying to my solution
morning ...
@IceCreamSandwitch:Any solution getting?
@IceCreamSandwitch:Let me check it
@daugaard47 something like pastebin.com/cjV66SgP will give you basic pagination, that's untested obviously, but it's a pretty simply thing ...
I kinda do prefer your suggestion of a glider, but it's out of the scope of chat and s/o to give you decent advice about how to go about it ...
you should be able to work it out from there ?
@IceCreamSandwitch:coursesweb.net/php-mysql/script-chat-simple_s2 as per sent url.
But this site is not working..still loaded
In here echo json_encode($gender);
Result was {"Female":329,"Male":743"}    .I need to make it like
  "cols": [
  "rows": [

  Need to add raws and columns       ?????????
any phppowerpoint users in here?
@JoeWatkins Thanks for the help I updated the code, but I dont get how to get the extra pages. I'm pretty new to php if you havent guessed. you can see the results here. chris.proitservicesllc.com/Gallery.php
you need to do a loop from 1 to $total, $page is current page, all other pages valid and should present link ...
@JoeWatkins ok I'll go check it out and see if I can figure it out. Thank you!
@daugaard47 np
Q: add raws and columns to the json object

ఠ_ఠI have a JON object like this {"Female":329,"Male":743"} I need to make it like bellow { "cols": [ {} ], "rows": [ {}, ] } How could i do this ?

@ఠ_ఠ your initial JSON string has apparently nothing to do with your "I need to make it" output. Apart from that the solution is trivial. StdClass Objects in PHP become object literals in JSON {'foo':bar}. PHP Arrays become JSON Array literals (['val','val']). So create a mixed graph of objects and arrays and json_encode them. See codepad.org/YcNsMdLU
morning fellow members of room 11
@PeeHaa Morning
@PeeHaa morningz
@PeeHaa morning ...
@MagentoDev howdy
fine and u?
Any problem for me?
You're a Magento dev so you have already enough problems of your own ;-)
@JoeWatkins Tried a few things out but still no luck, I'm not understanding what/how to do a loop from 1 to $total, $page?
you will pass data as parameter always for rows right?
@daugaard47 What are you trying to do?
@MagentoDev Who is this regarding to?
@MagentoDev if its for me than i aint pass param i only work on static php site .. where i dont use php xD
@NullPoiиteя can u share your file with me?
@daugaard47 change for ($current = 1; $current < $pages; $current++) for for ($current = 1; $current <= $pages; $current++)
@JoeWatkins for for?
@JoeWatkins okay I see, but how could I add this to the other categories?
@MadaraUchiha trying to add pagination to this gallery chris.proitservicesllc.com/Gallery.php but need it to effect each category.
@daugaard47 how are categories stored in database ?
by dataType
@daugaard47 assuming the categories are in database column named "category" ... pastebin.com/L0WpwjBy
@JoeWatkins here is my uploader code pastebin.com/GKTGQGU9
@daugaard47 I see no category being stored, is it dataType ?
@JoeWatkins yes the categories are dataType
@daugaard47 Indentation indentation indentation
@JoeWatkins Getting errors on lines 66 and 70?

@MadaraUchiha Indetation ...?
@daugaard47 which ide do you use ?
missing commas ... you really are new to PHP :D
@daugaard47 ...
And upvote my CW along the way, so that the crap answers don't get to the top.
Please, don't use mysql_* functions in new code. They are no longer maintained and are officially deprecated. See the warning? Learn about prepared statements instead, and use PDO or MySQLi - this article will help you decide which. If you choose PDO, here is a good tutorial.
@JoeWatkins Yeah our IT guy and another helpful person helped me write this gallery.
@daugaard47 Indenting is the act of adding spaces to the left of lines inside of blocks.

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