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@DaveChen - in your code, no way
wooooo ajax is pretty easy eh, just 1 thing I didn't understood, what are these things for? data: dataString,
cache: false,
uhh for cache, it's for GET, or post for IE, data is what gets passed :P as form-data
ohh just found a easy workaround, make doNeverEndingFunction protected and call it from Child :)
aahh I c, that's so powerful... no submit buttons nothing, pure fun, only thing is I need to make few things set right, like throwing errors and success messages
@DaveChen, the problem is that when you calling that 'neverending', program control is passed to it, and so, if it is a black box for you, you will not be able to interrupt it from outside. May be you should somehow call it in another process (system() for example) and then control by your script
Why is this still fetching the rows with nothing in the first_name?
SELECT * FROM ".$table." WHERE first_name IS NOT NULL
@Duikboot add && first_name != '' condition
Works like a charm
@Duikboot empty string vs null
@Duikboot Use either an OR or coalese
@DaveRandom jo nigaah
@Mr.Alien thankyou .. ill edit and add more information when i will free ...:) btw i got job in government :)
oh no he di'nt
Allright thx
@DaveRandom morningz
@JoeWatkins I thought you had forsaken us
@NullPoiиteя that is very tut, I merged your stuff with the 9lesson stuff and the process is really very easy, I use 10 lines and it's done, btw any security issues if I use a lot and lot of ajax + jquery (I don't use submit buttons too....)?
@NullPoiиteя btw I read that, congo :D
@DaveRandom ... I would never !!! nah, just taking a break for a few months I was ... easing back into it, September 1st I'll be knee deep in code and back to normal :)
@JoeWatkins /shakes fist I wish I was rich enough to do that, instead of having to get the train to work in the rain because I'm too poor to insure my car :-(
@NullPoiиteя bookmarking that right now, only thing I'll be using is this

type: "POST",
url: "delete_random.php",
data: dataString,
cache: false,

success: function()

also am learning that using error:func will trigger on what grounds, because it doesn't trigger if I've wrong db name or stuff so am trying to understand on what basis will that trigger
monrebeccaing Mario!
@Ocramius and again that annoying voice :p
@Ocramius morgenstond
@DaveRandom how did you get yourself in that position ?? if work doesn't pay you enough to work then demand more ... bugger walking, and rain ...
I totally LOVE ruining other people's youtube video suggestions
@JoeWatkins I am currently on an "acquire a new job" mission. Although the way I got myself into this position is illustrated by my avatar, I believe.
@Ocramius buongiormonrebeccaing!
@DaveRandom I have two of those too ... they can be expensive ... still, deffo get a new job ... I dunno what kind of position you have, but if I don't work then business falls apart, put yourself in a position that you are invaluable, and don't walk to work, the heart pumps a limited amount of times !!!
@Mr.Alien btw its quite ridiculous that ill get just 15k for first 2 year .... :( and i even don't wanted to get selected for that job ..
@JoeWatkins I kind of am in that position but my current employer is not aware of that and refuses to become aware of that and, more the point, refuses to stop forcing me to work with F*CKING M$ ACCESS so it's game over
@NullPoiиteя oyee y so less?
is that kinda internship?
@DaveRandom sounds like game over yeah ... you work on a big team or what ?? that's something I avoid, I am the team; first step toward becoming invaluable ...
@Mr.Alien probation period :)
that's way too much, I had same but for 2 mnths..\
gone to seek omega :p
@JoeWatkins I am also the team in its entirety
@DaveRandom yeah, then fuck that ... get some interviews and book some days off, when they see their business walking out the door they might think again ... I mean do they drive to work !? I'd be pretty pissed off in your position, in fact I think I might be a pit pissed off for you ...
@Mr.Alien its one of the demerit of government ...
@DaveRandom doooooo eeeeeeeeet!
@NullPoiиteя but anyways you will be permanent thereafter, also you'll get good retirement, though the growth will be sturdy right? You can't get increments now and than? or correct me if am wrong, but if you see, on one side it's good, and it's bad on other side
@Ocramius do you even sleep?
@DaveRandom why stay long enough to get into a position where you're being outright ignored ? I'm never ignored, don't ever be ignored, if someone is paying you for a skill set they aren't able to develop for themselves then they should listen to what you have to say ...
@Mr.Alien yaaa .. after tow year i will get full pay of 38k(per month)+ 8-12% anual++ and free medical ... bla bla more :)
shat, now even I am thinking to move forward to that lol, but am not a job material
@NullPoiиteя is that USD ?
@JoeWatkins nope, INR
@NullPoiиteя also, did you cleared your exam or you directly got the job via reference?
@Mr.Alien cleared exam ... i have got no reference :( but i am not going to join .. since i am aiming administrative job :)
@NullPoiиteя what is your job title ??
@JoeWatkins assistant programmer
@NullPoiиteя come on, atleast get this one and study side by side.. and did you got the job IT related or general public related?
is that good pay ?? what percentile of the industry are you falling in there ?
@JoeWatkins yupp its good pay .. its first grade(not first class gazetted ) job in india .. :)
@JoeWatkins 30K^/month is really good to get if you are under 25 years of age here...
why don't you work for European companies ?
@Mr.Alien I slept a couple of hours
I'm not talking about relocation, I'm talking about freelance/remote/whatever ... you stay where you are and get a much much much higher wage ?? ever tried that ??
@JoeWatkins i have no interest in working for companies ... its more fun in administrative job i mean it will get me 45k INR + big house + car + free servant +++ many more ..
@Ocramius yea, cuz you wer here wen I got up in the morning and you are back in no time
Thanks Valentin! — Elias Mamo 11 mins ago
@Mr.Alien yep, I don't sleep much
@NullPoiиteя but no programming :D
@Ocramius I used to sleep few hours, it troubles me now, my mum reminds me everytime I fall sick - see, this is the reason I used to shout wen you used to sit on pc for hours... :p
@Mr.Alien yupp but you can shout on programmers ... :D
@Mr.Alien I didn't get ill in 3 years except for eating junk food in rare cases ;)
lol, you will get half of your income from huge bribes.. and in no time you'll be having acres of land in rajasthan
@Ocramius than you must be drinking complan :p lol
you must misunderstand the difference ... you're looking at 3.75million (INR) on a european programmers wage ...
annually ...
@JoeWatkins actually he is not at all interested in comps
@JoeWatkins In fairness what I can't afford the insure for is my second car, I do normally drive to work because my gf works walking distance from my house. But yeh I'm going for a meeting with someone from computerfutures.com on Tues next week, I have had difficulty finding a job that will pay me enough due to the fact that I don't have a degree and HR people dicks about that.
@JoeWatkins I played that game for a year in south America
@Mr.Alien you mean like 1000k US $ per/year from bribe .. but i have no interest :D
@NullPoiиteя thats all? you will get lakhs
@JoeWatkins Went to Guatemala, took telework from USA
The fact that I am way better than most of the numpties they get applications from with a degree in something totally unrelated to programming seems to be irrelevant
@JoeWatkins Flew there twice in a year, lived like a king :P
@DaveRandom I have no degree, dude, I never even finished high school, not even a GCSE to my name ...
@Jimbo mornin
@Jimbo Way too late :-P
@JoeWatkins i dont care about money much .. :)
@DaveRandom Damnit, I need to start coming on at 12:01 and doing this
/me writes bot
@NullPoiиteя any idea how can I set interval between 1-2 ajax req like so?
@Mr.Alien you can use setInterval function
@NullPoiиteя what about setTimeout(autoUpdate, 5000);
like this ^^^ googled it
@DaveRandom it shouldn't matter, you ever tried self employment ??
@Mr.Alien it will work too
cool, now next step is to figure out to throw a message if user goes rogue that he need to wait hehe, thanks for all your help
@JoeWatkins My gf was going on about consultancy, I am considering it, but I need to guarantee a reasonably steady income so I'm a bit apprehensive about it
btw there goes +1 cuz that answer got me some basic knowledge
off to lunch, cyu guys later
@Mr.Alien ty ..cya and also check that its cool reallifejs.com/brainchunks/repeated-events-timeout-or-interval
@DaveRandom how about public sector in UK ?
@NullPoiиteя Public sector is a nightmare for HR
@DaveRandom I'd say go self employed, consultancy is a good idea, I've provided a few days here and there to some fancy names in the last year ... boring though right ... it's not for me, I'm a sit down and think guy not sit down and chat ... plus there's little point consulting with people who dunno what you are on about, which has been the case each time I've done it ..
@JoeWatkins Yeh I'm definitely not a people person, the other problem with consultancy is you have to sell yourself a bit, and I'm crap at selling things even to people who already want the thing
@LightningDust why ?... isnt it based on exam ?
@NullPoiиteя If you don't have an upper second degree in UK, forget about an interview
@DaveRandom ditto ... you got other languages under your belt ?
in the public sector
@LightningDust sorry what is upper second degree is it like 80% or 85% ?
@JoeWatkins @DaveRandom is a VB6 rockstar. Does that count? :D
@JoeWatkins I could work with anything C-syntax-ish really, plus I get VB, although quite frankly I'd rather shoot myself. I'm not that au-fait with the std libs for much other than PHP and VB6/A, but I could pick anything up pretty quickly. I've done quite a lot of pissing about in Java (no) and C# (maybe).
@PeeHaa only if we are playing Programming Heroes for PS3/4/8 whatever it is now ...
Oh and I'm pretty good at JS, although my view on design patterns in JS is... not in line with many other people's views.
ECMA6 will be awesome because it will let me work with it like I want to (i.e. classical model)
It may even happen during my lifetime.
@NullPoiиteя it's a 2:1, I don't know what the mark is. I think it's like 3.5 GPA in USA.
I keep meaning to write something properly in TypeScript, it seems like I would like it
@LightningDust ty oh got it .. Upper Second-Class Honours (2:1, 2.i) (60-70%) (OPEN UNIVERSITY 70-85%)
@DaveRandom Shouldn't write Java off
@DaveRandom Lots of work in Android using it
The Java language is nice. The JVM is... not.
@DaveRandom java is an easy way into the sector in my experience ... it's my experience that while most startups are into using php and ror and whatever, most startups fail, and legacy enterprise applications that keep legacy businesses going (and need devs) are written in java ... they might have some frontend php or whatever, but the applications themselves, the ones making a bunch of money, they aren't written in PHP ... and they won't be ...
company firewall blocks downformeoreveryone.org O_o
I don't like either but the money's there
@LightningDust i may be fit i have first class honors according to this
@NullPoiиteя I have first class honors too
@NullPoiиteя But I left the UK long ago :P
@LightningDust yeyeye ... xD
Right now I'm in southern Italy working primarily with C++
@Ocramius I've seen a lot of sites like that listed as proxy sites, which they aren't at all
Guys, does anyone know, what might be the reason, that when I install php modules like: curl, xdebug it creates ini files in old directory 20100525?
@LightningDust and i am not working .. and and preparing for public sector(have nothing to do with programming ) :P
@DaveRandom btw, I just switched to freelance and am currently giving 75% of my hours to my previous employer. Slowly decreasing those as I get more customers
you don't need to switch to full hunt immediately
@Eugene method of install ?
@JoeWatkins As much as I sort of hate it, I'm thinking .net might be a reasonable way forward. At one point I thought C++ might be it but then I used it.
@JoeWatkins pecl install xdebug
@Eugene you have more than one copy of PHP ?
@JoeWatkins as far as I know, no. Installed whole thing today with php 5.4.17
em, is there anyone I can get some advice from?
@Skippy see room topic
@Mr.Alien thanks :-)
@Ocramius so what so I do?
@Skippy I believe there are govt. funded helplines
@DaveRandom I use C++ on a day to day basis, I have my gripes but to be fair there's a library for everything and the documentation is vast.
@Skippy Just ask you question, whatever it is
@Eugene sudo find /usr -name pecl
@DaveRandom hahaha no I don't need litfeline
It's about a question I posted and I can get no koy.
@Skippy Post the link to your question then
@JoeWatkins /usr/bin/pecl
Q: Regex not matching digit

SkippyI am trying to validate data with php. I just want the input to be numbers only. I have tried every variation and cannot get it to work. Is there something I am missing? It will keep returning false. This is a simplified version of the code I am using. $text1 = $_POST['textbox1']; function text...

@DaveRandom, yeah there's lot's of C# about too ... but how much do you really want to HAVE to look at windows for years on end ...
@LightningDust I'm sorry but the inheritance model is f*cking stupid. Although it may be that I just don't get it.
@LightningDust Is it ok protocol to post the link to my question?
@Skippy Use \d+ for digits in regex.
@JoeWatkins That basically sums up the As much as I sort of hate it caveat
@LightningDust That will match even hebrew digits and other ...:)
@LightningDust I understand that.. but why isn;t the [0-9] not working? it should work hey?
@Skippy error reporting is off I presume ?
@Skippy It should.
Another question.. is it ok to come here and just post a link to a question if, not happy with the current answers to the question? Isn't that the same as saying.. Can anyone help me?
@JoeWatkins thoughts?
@HamZa I am validating it by uploading the files
@Eugene yeah you seem to have just one of those ... you could cat it, might be old maybe ... got a config file in place (php --ini)
@Skippy Your regex works, see my answer to your question. Problem is elsewhere.
@LightningDust sorry I got bumped off the site and this is my first access back to chat
will look ty
Yeah we all did
5 rating to 3k :o
hey guys, something very simple: I've included a file in header that contains a function definition. If I include header file in index.php, can I use that function in index.php?
@user1831003 Yes, but use require instead of include if you want to use the function.
@NullPoiиteя thanks, surely will give a read to that, want to make things cool this time in cms
I used require_once ... should I use require instead?
@user1831003 require_once is fine, though its performance profile is not amazing.
not working... it's giving function undefined error
@user1831003 You define the function in 2.php, which is required in 1.php, which is required in 0.php?
yes..... header.php has this code -> require_once('functiondefinitions.php'); and index.php has this code -> <?php require_once('header.php'); ?>
@user1831003 You can't use the function until after the file has been included.
Someone find me a dupe for stackoverflow.com/questions/18142964/…. I initially thought it was a good question because of the Mac Timestamp detail but now that I see my answer to it, it's basically yet another "how do I add time to a date"
@Skippy ping
@Skippy have you seen my comment ?>
yes it's my variables a
oh I'll go look @HamZa
@HamZa do you want to post it as an answer??
@Skippy nope, because the others have answered it somehow ...
okay....index.php is running the function now... it turns out index.php has a frame, and that's refusing to recognize the function... should I need to watch out for anything when using frames and function definitions in another file?
@Skippy You must get the concept that variables outside a function aren't accessible in it unless you pass a parameter :)
@HamZa ok I have no idea which one I should accept as answer.. everyone has helped.. I don't know what I've done to my code.. I have made some ridiculous change, as everyone is right
@HamZa yes yes
@Skippy if you think there is no answer better than the other (also think about clearness, formatting etc...) then choose the one that posted first
@Skippy Pick the one you think will help someone in future who has the same question in the cleanest & most clear manner. If you think many will do that, pick the one that was posted first.
@LightningDust good idea. and thnx to all for yr help
no one answered. is it ok to come here and post a link to a question? isn't that the equivalent of saying.. yoo hoo anyone home and available to help??
@Skippy It's OK, but be aware that people here may not answer either.
@LightningDust what??? you mean people may not jump when I snap my fingers?? O.O lol
@Skippy Like I said it's fine to post your question, just don't flood it. One time is enough. Also by bringing attention to your question may have good results (answers for example) or bad consequences (downvotes, close votes). It all depends on the nature of the Q :)
@Skippy I know right ;)
@HamZa In all fairness though, bringing attention to your question will only have bad results if it's a bad question. In which case, it's just speeding up the inevitable. :P
@HamZa I completely get that.. you should see my posts on Meta.. so many extremes..
@Skippy The last one ? I saw it :p
I don't know what y'all are talking about. I wrote 3 lines of code while Meta was down. That's an entire days work. Maybe I should [feature-request] random downtime. — Cody Gray 12 mins ago
@LightningDust true.. and as usual I look like a complete idiot.. I didn' think to retest the code, that I thought was working.. I serisouly don't know what I did.. :( could've been a blind \
@Skippy To be honest, a lot of questions are like that BUT most of those typos etc are common errors and your mistake may help someone in future who makes the same error.
@LightningDust yes.. true.. the trouble with code.. is it can be just one character that causes the problem and sends people over the edge :P we must be quite mad
@Skippy Votes on meta works differently: a downvote means "I don't agree with you"
@Skippy - On meta, a downvote doesn't mean 'This is a bad question' necesseraly, it means 'I don't agree with this proposal (or implied proposal)'.
guys, if I'm using frameset - how do I use function definitions that were included by the use of require_once in the parent file?
@user1831003 Don't use frameset.
@HamZa OMG I totally agree, I am just showing how I have brought attention to questions in the past and then had to accept the votes ;)
obsolete? should I use iframe?
what is the cvpls thingy??
@user1831003 Depends what you're using them for. Most of the time you should be using DIVs if you're creating a layout. Frames have been deprecated since HTML4.
@HamZa cheers.. I love this site.. I will have to finish my assignment.. but I get carried away so easily when I come here :P ty guys, yr terrific.. ps I am a girl, so does that mean you open and close the chat room doors for me :P hahahahahaha
@Skippy lolz
well, basically... when user clicks on a link, on the right-side, information related to that link is displayed
yesterday, by HamZa
@ThomasDavidPlat It may be a strategy (from some men) to seduce us to answer them :p
@HamZa oh you mean pretend to be a girl..?? I am a 46 woman ;) hang on will change my pic,, for the rest of the evening (not that can be used as a security check.. not like it's a passport)
@Skippy lol I though you were a guy. Sorry :p
@HamZa Sadly the natural assumption in programming due to the number of men in the field.
@HamZa no it's cool.. there are a lot more women in these fields than when I was a girl
@Skippy Yes there are, next just need women to break into game dev.
hm I updated my pic, but hasn't changed here
SO caches pics
yeh, when I was at school, I was one of two girls in the maths class (for the highest level maths).. but I will tell you an interesting story
@LightningDust "assumption" ? To be honest, most girls I knew weren't interested in IT and the few that were interested had difficulties with it ...
One of the boys I was in 4 unit maths with,. is now an engineer and programmer.. we happen to live next door to each other.. he is the one who got me into programming.. and he is the love of my life also :p
I think it's a fair think to assume a user is a guy.. @HamZa @LightningDust
@HamZa One of our teams is led by a woman :P The field is changing
Though, to be fair, we're still 80% male in development department (I'm a guy, btw)
@LightningDust "leading" a team doesn't mean you're a hardcore programmer
@HamZa She's a hardcore programmer ;)
@LightningDust Heh, I never met one ... I may fall in love then lol
@HamZa @LightningDust yes, intelligent women are the best.. and women are (can be) bossy :) I am.. on this happy note. I must drag myself away or I won't finish my assignment... due on Sunday
@Skippy Good luck with your assignment
I'm on compile break :P
ty :)))
@Skippy take care
@HamZa I hope you find one to fall in love with.. beautiful, intelligent, emotional, and strong :) cheers see ya later I'm sure
@LightningDust http://pastebin.com/jibz4XmN > main.html & http://pastebin.com/NfsTA58W > list.php
If you have 2min during your compile break
@Mokkun What's the problem? :)
the ajax call doesn't work, it puts all the POSTS in the main.html address
like main.html?enable_text=on&status=waiting&content=qsd
and firebug shows no error for the javascript
while it's supposed to send the POST to list.php
You need to change this, for one:
   'data': some-variable,
   'more-data': some-other-variable
If anyone wants to start a project and is looking for a designer. Count me in I am looking for a new project :)
To your actual data you want to send. Also, you should take the form out as right now you're using a submit action which will reload the page before your AJAX function runs.
@Duikboot I'm always looking for good designers :D
@LightningDust thanks, I don't remember the syntaxe to get an element value, could you please show me?
@Duikboot Are you looking for open sauce or paid or both?
Anything :)
The only requirement is that I can add it to my portfolio when it's finished.
kk I might have something for you later
@LightningDust same when I remove the form and put 'data': $('broadcast').text()
@Duikboot Where can I see your current portfolio?\
Hey guys:)
hi @dragon112
@Mokkun It's diffferent for different element types
@dragon112 hello !
Try .val();
@Leigh Just sent you some links :)
@Duikboot Can I see? Have a major project on right now
@LightningDust nope :(
@Mokkun Is broadcast an id?
If so you have to prefix it with a #
What do you think of my new avatar? :D
$('#broadcast') = the element with id broadcast
@LightningDust Sending you too some links
@LightningDust yep it's an ID, I just tried again with #broacast and .text .val none works
@Mokkun try alert($('#broadcast').text()); and see what comes up
The syntax may be off, I did write that stuff in a compile break :P
ok, need to find some questions for some rep ...
@LightningDust nothing comes up
I put reloadList(); on $('#submit').click(function(){
and alert($('#broadcast').text()); on function reloadList() {
Hello Everyone
even if I put directly alert($('#broadcast').text()); on $('#submit').click(function(){ it does nothing
@Mokkun is jQuery included ?
@aliasgarvanak Hi there
@HamZa yes <script src="jquery-1.10.2.js"></script>
@HamZa:- Hie ....bro i have one issue
@aliasgarvanak me too :p
@HamZa:- lol
@HamZa if I have <input id="submit" type="submit" value="Send" />
<textarea id="broadcast" name="content" rows="4" cols="80"></textarea>
<script src="jquery-1.10.2.js"></script>
<script language="JavaScript">
it's supposed to work?
@Mokkun Move that event binder statement inside a ready block like this:
I am back.
@Mokkun That means it wont be bound until the DOM has finished rendering.
@LightningDust it's still adding all the POST to the main.html
Likelihood is you're trying to bind a handler to an element that doesn't exist yet.
@Mokkun Change it from a 'submit' type to 'button' type
and it will stop doing that
@LightningDust thanks moving the event beinder inside a ready block worked! I'll try with the other functions now
@Mokkun The other functions don't need to be inside the ready block, but the binder will
Morning @Tredged
@LightningDust I meant I will try with the "real" code and not the alert test :p
     public function CheckStudentID($table, $SM_ID)
$sql = $this->conn->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . $table . " WHERE SM_ID=?");
return $sql->fetchALL(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
$gotUser = $helper->CheckStudentID("student_master", $SM_ID);
This function not return anything
it's only return array(0){}
What's the wrong ?
Everything, IMHO.
Or, there is no such record that matches query.
No.it has
i checked the ID in the DB
it's there
The clear injection vulnerability? Assuming $table comes from an input. :P
@ఠ_ఠ Have you also checked the query and the bound parameters?
I have only bound 1 parameter.
Either I am correct or @webarto is correct or there is some error in your query and you haven't enabled exceptions
function reloadList(statuses) {
        'list.php',{'data': $('#broadcast').val()},
        function(data,status) {

doesn't work, it doesn't load list.php on the div with the ID test
@Mokkun ctrl-k your code
@Mokkun Pleas use ctrl + k to format
damn you @Gordon
@PeeHaa snail
@Mokkun Open firebug, Net tab, submit request again and look for the POST request. You will be able to see:

a) if there IS a post request
b) what the response is, if there is
c) what data is being sent
@PeeHaa \@_
@webarto moustache?
Yep, yep.
@LightningDust the POST request works
@\__ <--- Sleepin
@LightningDust it says 1 request, it sends to list.php, it sends the text I input in the text area
@Mokkun Change $('#test').html(); to $('#test').html(data);
@LightningDust thanks it's now loading list.php on the div
Right now you're using the getter function .html() which will return the contents of the div, rather than the setter .html(value) which will write value to it.

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