@HamZa "delimiters as in regex"? Actually what i wanted to knw abt delimiters is that to define "x zeroes" say, 34 0s, there should be a delimiter to knw which number 34 is for 0's. See, 1222666000000896555 can be written as 1 delimiter 3 2 delimiter 3 6 delimiter 6 0 delimiter 8 delimiter 9 delimiter 6 delimiter 3 5
Run-length encoding (RLE) is a very simple form of data compression in which runs of data (that is, sequences in which the same data value occurs in many consecutive data elements) are stored as a single data value and count, rather than as the original run. This is most useful on data that contains many such runs: for example, simple graphic images such as icons, line drawings, and animations. It is not useful with files that don't have many runs as it could greatly increase the file size.
RLE may also be used to refer to an early graphics file format supported by CompuServe for compr...
What kind of cameras are used by lisbeth in the film. I know they had a vaio sort of laptop but I can't find any information on the make and model of the cameras. All I saw was that she used Milton security for the three cameras
@Orangepill that's is the issue, i don't want to output the html code.i only want to download the array data to csv.i have no idea why the html has been there with the array data
We have 43 different geographical branches within the country.We are creating a Web App which we can use to deal with our university students registration,marks,payments etc.each 43 branches don't want to connect with each branches but they should connect with the central sever.And if any branch have internet interrupts we are planning to use localhost to connect to the web app.So when network is ok that localhost data should sync with the central sever.Does it possible with mysql clustering ?
Hello Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at ....) i am getting this error on live server on local server working fine. what is problem?
@DaveChen still updated some tips for css optimization, also when you can do things easily with tables, like tables are meant for tabular data, don't use so much markup for a single cell
I have an application to list some website details using JavaScript. There will be a link to website which is generated using JavaScript itself. Sometimes I will get my link as,
<a href="http://www.google.com">Website</a>
But sometimes it will be,
<a href="www.yahoo.com">Website</a>
In th...
@webarto She's got whole armies protecting her, I think she's probably saved enough. Also it always kind bugged me that no-one is ever specific about exactly what she needs saving from.
@HamZa Last Friday, that was too hot, this is alright (even though I can't wear shorts :-( because clients come over pretty much every day and they all pass me)
@hek2mgl the answer in that post is "They use a pretty nice model where the module's name is used as a prefix to all exposed functions. A lot of the mechanics are automatic that way." and that doesn't answer anything. So without the link, the post is useless. And that qualifies as NAA then. See meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/8231/…
@Gordon First, to make it clear, I wasn't about to critisize you. :) just wanted to know why.. (and did a faulty flag, shame..) I don't think the answer is so bad and others think the same (+8). The question should be flagged instead
but they don't have time to make it inhouse, so I will be building at my place(obv will sell, nothing free here), so I want that if the cms is accessed, it should first call to my server, my server should pass some token and than allow the user to access the cms, how can this be achieved
@hek2mgl When handling flags, we usually just check the flagged posts, not the entire page. That's due to how the flagged posts show up in the flag queue. When something sounds particularly fishy we switch to the main post. In this case, the question would qualify as Off-Topic because No Minimal Understanding, but its from 2008. It was okay back then to ask questions like that.
@Gordon Ok, understood. Thx for your feedback. If you ask me, I would vote to undelete the answer. It isn't so bad and the answerer will surely be happy to get back his 80 reps.. but it's up to you, you are the moderator ;)
@YogeshSuthar yes, if you want the whole li to be a link, you need to use display block for a so that it will cover up the entire element, also you need to use height: 100%;
@HamZa lol. @Mr.Alien, I was just writing the thin client / server software for a firm. Now I have two jobs. Another firm asked me to design a motion control project with two steppers and a bunch of switches. So a bit overloaded now.
@Gordon Sometimes meta is just tl;tr ;) I like to read long articles about programming but not articles about articles about programming. Recursion alert! :)
@tereško come to mumbai and you will see even dirtier, just last week I was there and it was kinda low tides, the beach was full with flowers, dried coconuts and plastics (people throw all these after doing puja)
@Mr.Alien I guess the dirt that @tereško referred is somewhat of a different nature which involves harmful chemical infestation with environmental collapse. Mumbai can be cleaned up easily. But Baltic shores should be washed.
yea, but even here, the beaches are polluted, oil is leaked often from huge vessel, people throw crap, infact the public waste is more harmful compared to the chemical waste, we can mix anti chemicals in there, but the solid waste cannot be cleaned, when it goes high/low tides, the wastes end up on the beach