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currently excluded are IE and Opera, so that's good :D (sorry opera users)
^ time to watch 1hr+ of this
the link contains a "skip-to"
currently watching
I've seen something like this before. -- and this just proves, the implementation of classes and inheritance in JavaScript is not a strong as it could be, right?
now I will got to sleep before is start shouting at people ..
^ best grammar in the world
@tereško I find the argumentation provided feeble. Besically, it's just "I don't like how it looks"
Also, if you do go that route, you can always just define the object in (what's technically) the constructor:
pretty much haha, the methods that class has, aren't within the class, and they can't be written in the constructor
function MyClass ()
    this.myFunction = function () {}
it's less messy than what he's suggesting, the calling user doesn't have to be aware of it, and if you ask me, it looks better than what he's doing
so .. lemme guess: you stopped watching it after 2 minutes
that what this guy said :P http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ya4UHuXNygM&t=51m01s

"you're used to the idea of a class containing all of it's stuff", "people trying to assign prototypes within the constructor"
@tereško I watched till we got to the next subject, modules. Was I supposed to watch beyond that?
modules was not a "next subject"
@tereško Ah, I thought it was
me too haha
@PeeHaa Hi. I don't wanted to bash the newbie. (I helped him with my first comment). But I think sometimes hard words, especially at the beginning of a newbie carreer are better than helping them. Give a man a fish .... I think they should have a regular education or studies. For self-teachment there are books. I'm really afraid of SO being a place for newbies to ask question like that one....
^ what's the question at question?
@hek2mgl I agree that the question was stupid. I just don't know whether you should tell it OP like that. :) Now OP only knows his question is stupid without knowing exactly why
to all native speakers: When I say: "That's a stupid question".. Could this being understood as rude in English? in German it's not sooo hard speak.
@hek2mgl If you would say it to me I would punch you in the face. But I just don't like Germans in general :D
/me ducks for cover for @Gordon
@PeeHaa Ok. I was about to drop a more polite comment, but the question was already deleted when I pressed the submit button... Hopefully he will not get depressive from that ;)
ouutch ... ;)
@PeeHaa Come to Berlin and you will like Germany again :)
@hek2mgl I would love to go to Berlin sometime soon. It's a very cool city
@PeeHaa regarding github.com/PHP-Chat/CVBacklogUI/issues/10 seems we can't currently access such information, made an API feature request so we'll see.
@crypticツ I did see the stackapps post and upvoted it as many times and as hard as I could :)
@PeeHaa If you think so, you should do. Berlin is not my hometown, I'm living here since 5 years, and yes, it's still really cool! :) totally different to the rest of germany.. If you need some help when once travelling to here, don't hesitate to drop a chat message or an email if you need some help
@NikiC .. well, by the time your cortex implants will come with QPU (q for "quantum") alongside more classical 3 dimensional CPUs , someone might come up with a way to compress a file to one or more seed numbers for a fractal and the depth limits that have to be used
ok, will get a beer from the local "Spätkauf" ... See you guys, have you all a nice rest of the weekend! ................
later @hek2mgl!
This regex (.)\1{2,} matches all repeating character. How to make it match only the character ranging from chr(1) to chr(9) ?
while ($row = (object) $results->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC)) {
// why does using (object) cause an endless loop?
how to regex match chr(3) ?
@NokImchen \x03 or \03 or \003
why was that starred? O_0
@crypticツ Dunno. Why do you want to cast it to an object?
@crypticツ so, for chr(0), its \x00, chr(1) its \x01, chr(x) its \0x??
@NokImchen hex, decimal, or octal you can match it, if you do make sure they are in double quotes or put them in a char class
@crypticツ because var_dump((object)null == true)
@crypticツ cos u r so helpful...wish i could give u reputation... i have been googling the damn thing for hours. back bine is aching cos of that chr(1-9) :(
@PeeHaa objects easier to work with and also trying to create a 'site' object for each site on server, working on config script
.. sorry for multiple pings =/
@tereško ooh, ok so I should just cast the row inside the loop then?
ASCII of "n" is 110, so i tried this *(\x110)\1{2,}* but its not working :(
in the above code, i'm trying to match "n" the hard way..
thought , why the hell you insist on using that API instead of PDO ?
@PeeHaa Have to get on your nerves again :) ... I just had a look at your website. I see that you have released an online regex tool. nice :) I've code a min-library for this as well.. might be that we could elaborate on this... Havin in mind features like highlighting portions of the hexdump (useful for protocol stack analysis or just making portions of the hexdump more important).. I made my library having performance in mind. On the console it's currently faster than BSD hd..
@NokImchen post your regex code line
@crypticツ (.)\1{2,} is a working regex code. It match all the repeating character
@crypticツ but i dont want it to match all. i want it to match only chr(1) to chr(9)
@hek2mgl Yes I have been thinking about highlighting on hover. I started with adding spans to all elements, but the DOM exploded on large files.
@NokImchen ok...and where is the whole PHP line of code? like the preg_match portion
Have to think about something smart
@crypticツ oh, still not coded for that. !st the regex and then only i can go further for php :( I'm stuck in regex :( i'm testing using gskinner.com/RegExr
@PeeHaa You could fork this github.com/metashock/Hexdump if you want. (Would appreciate, of course). Code looks ugly but it's bullet proof and fast
all i want to do is something like this in english:
(x)\1{2,} where x=chr(1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 or8 or 9)
@NokImchen yeah it won't work there, you need to test it out using PHP
@crypticツ oh, i'll test it now and let you knw :)
@hek2mgl I will look into it :)
@tereško I still think that having "classes" that can be used with the native tools of the language (such as new) is better and just about every problem he has "solved" can be solved without sacrificing that.
there are no classes in javascript
@NokImchen Use [\1-\9]
what you are trying to do is make javascript act like some other language
@HamZa not working :(
@PeeHaa Ok, and don't worry. If you say this library is stupid I'll not punch in your face.. :) I would appreciate this (if reasons are provided) ....
@NokImchen viper-7.com/j3sFSE I'd use hex
@hek2mgl :D
@NokImchen how are you testing ? I hope you're using var_dump
i'm stuck!!!
my regex is ,say, *(.)\1{2,}*
if i write it in php i get error cos of 3 slashes:
echo (preg_replace('\(.)\1{2,}\', '$1', $ContentsStr));
@NokImchen your delimiters
@crypticツ i didnt get u , pliz explain
what char are you trying to match in above regex? right now it matches anything for .
@crypticツ so sweet of u, now u have given me for "n", i dont knw how to got it. how to get it for chr(0)? :)
@NokImchen \x00
@crypticツ in the above example i'm trying to match for anything. But actually i want to match chr(1) to chr(9)
@crypticツ huh! i read the whole manual, but found nothing. my bad eyes :(
@NokImchen the starring system is not for "this was useful to me" posts, but for "others may want to see this" posts, so solutions to your problem shouldn't really be starred
@crypticツ this code is working perfectly (\x6E)\1{2,}
@NokImchen easy preg_match('#[\x00-\x09]#', $val)
@Jasper oh, i thought star means u get +1 reputation :| sorry :(
@PeeHaa I meant "you've released an online hexdump tool" not regex....
@hek2mgl I suspected you meant that :)
@NokImchen you read the whole PHP manual? =oO
oops! jusr regex_match page :|
but the whole page esp example so that i can copy paste :P
@tereško What I'm trying to do? I'm describing the same thing the guy from your video is trying to do. I just call it classes (in quotes nonetheless, signifying that it isn't technically classes, but they do serve the same purpose as classes do in languages where they do exist) where he talks around what it's called by making up terms like "pseudoclassical inheritence"
@NokImchen copy/pasta code does not help you learn
hmmmm.. ya.. but now i'm not fully copy-pasting, i do modifications a lot :)
finanlly i have my preview code here :)
var_dump(preg_match_all('/([\x00-\x09])\1{2,}/', $contents,$res));

thank u so much for the help :)
hey, another prob (not mandatory),
*echo max(array(2, 4, 5)); *
output is "5", but how do i knw its index. i.e. 3 without looping ?
ANSWER: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1461348/return-index-of-highest-value-in-an-array
the LOCK_EX flag for file_put_contents() is to prevent anything from read/writing to the file while it is being written to, correct?
@crypticツ yes
Night everyone!
@crypticツ it's advisory, though, so processes may ignore and open the file anyway (and even then, only when you do ask for a lock in php)
compression algo is not possible ;'(
in a 1MB jpg file, there in not a single mach for
*preg_match_all('/([\x00-\x09]){3}/', $data,$res);*
so sad ;'(
i accidentally eat about 1kg of watermelon while watching tv. i'm feeling a bit sick
@Wesツ that's a strange accident O_0
actually what is strange is that i was watching sex & the city reruns..............................
I was just reading a piece and it wasn't until the last paragraph that I realized when it was written:
> As this text is being written, both Netscape and Microsoft are also working hard to get their next browsers out the door. Netscape has decided to replace the display engine in Navigator with "nglayout," which has been written from scratch with CSS as one of the foundations. Their new browser is code-named "Gecko" and you can download beta versions from mozilla.org.
> Microsoft has been releasing preview versions of Internet Explorer 5. Some CSS improvements are already in place, and it is expected that the WaSP initiative will remind the company that there is still some work to do before CSS1 is fully supported.
@Jasper mosaic is still better nowadays
@Wesツ better than what? IE 5?
maybe (?) xD
iirc internet explorer was built from the original mosaic's code
hm... while the bit I was reading was about the history of such things, it was mainly about the history of css, so it doesn't touch upon how IE came to be, and I don't just happen to know
i knew that someone would have starred that -__-
@crypticツ i know it's you xD
@Wesツ >.<
Anybody there?
sort of
> Discussion for all things PHP - Don't ask whether someone is here to help you. If someone is around and wants to help they will.
array(3) {
  object(stdClass)#32 (2) {
    string(20) "egg-house-nature.jpg"
    string(1) "3"
  object(stdClass)#33 (2) {
    string(32) "world-reflected-in-bubbles11.jpg"
    string(1) "3"
  object(stdClass)#34 (2) {
    string(17) "untitled-2793.jpg"
    string(1) "3"
I want to create a Multidimensional Array which one element has 4 sub arrays
@Samithaఠ_ఠ wat?
array(4) {
  object(stdClass)#32 (2) {
    string(20) "egg-house-nature.jpg"
    string(1) "3"
  object(stdClass)#33 (2) {
    string(32) "world-reflected-in-bubbles11.jpg"
    string(1) "3"
  object(stdClass)#34 (2) {
    string(17) "untitled-2793.jpg"
    string(1) "3"
  object(stdClass)#34 (2) {
    string(17) "untitled-2dff.jpg"
i want to recreate my array like above
if that doesn't help, be more specific and tell what your problem is, rather than what you want to achieve
i need to create a dynamic thumbnail slider using bootsramp UI .testingnow.bluewingholidays.com/content
public function getImages($table, $category, $folder)
$sql = $this->conn->prepare("SELECT `images`,`folder` FROM " . $table . " WHERE category ='$category'");
return $sql->fetchALL(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
this function return all the images according to category
nvm, I wasn't paying attention adn you were still typing
i don't want to hire anyone like you
i just need to know how will i create a Multidimensional Array which one element has 4 sub arrays
@Samithaఠ_ఠ that was the whole idea of the comment, that you shouldn't be asking us to write your code for you
@Samithaఠ_ఠ php brawl!!! fight! fight! fight!
@Samithaఠ_ఠ you mean $arr = array(array(1,2,3,4), array(1,2,3,4))?
i don't see 4 sub arrays xD
@Samithaఠ_ఠ then why didn't you read the manual? I even gave you a link to the correct page.
i need to create this dynamically
I just have this function
public function getImages($table, $category, $folder)
$sql = $this->conn->prepare("SELECT `images`,`folder` FROM " . $table . " WHERE category ='$category'");
return $sql->fetchALL(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
@Samithaఠ_ఠ and again, you go "this is what I want to do, please do it for me"
@Jasper come on man chill :P i don't think he meant that... for some people (for example me) results to be difficult to appear pleasant just because we are non english native...
in fact i'm very unpleasant
@Wesツ thanks.it worked
He gave us a long piece of code with a lot of information probably not relating to the question. Then, he asked how to create multidimensional arrays. Then, he reposted it because you didn't understand his question. Then he gave us a lot of js, html and css, stating that was what he wanted and a function that grabbed some data from a database.
There was never any indication of effort on his part whatsoever, he never tried to explain what he wanted and he gave us a load of code.
That has nothing to do with language
I need a little help.
just post your question here
Thanks. Ok
I have a file that have this data:




I need the simply clean script to add data down the [block2]

te rest of the block content
u mean add block 1 data to block 2 ? or all block content to another new (separate) block
I want keep all data intact. Just add data to the block I want.
Yes, I already know that.
My Point is.... How to add data before match
How to add data before match. In this case: [block2]
I want to have a modules section in my CMS project. Where I want to have article, comment, gallery, Adblock etc modules.
I am using CodeIgniter for development of this project.
What I need is the suggestion for how to develop this "Modules" section. I mean is there a need for implementing HMVC or can I develop it using normal MVC structure? I want develop in a way which is efficient and make the development easy in the future for development of another modules too.
2 hours later…
Mornings ;)
good morning :D
1 hour later…
@Samithaఠ_ఠ please , learn to use prepared statements
@JamshidHashimi you are already using CodeIgniter. Why the hell would you eve pretend to care about desing patterns or development practices ?!
@tereško I want to have a section like the picture above in my CMS.
I wanted know, if continue to develop in traditional manner of MVC is good for this or I must change to some other practices in order to have a better OOPed structure and can do the development more easier in the future. (re usable code, loose coupling, etc)
you are using codeigniter , there is NO "traditional MVC manner" in codeigniter
stop using words that you do not understand
and such section has nothing to do with code structure
@tereško I know. Did you use HMVC before?
@tereško I know what I am using. Don't worry. :)
@tereško in an example, what I mean was this: slideshare.net/jfox015/modular-php-development-using-ci-bonfire
please stop using acronyms you do not understand
@tereško Do you have any idea regarding my question?
> I mean is there a need for implementing HMVC or can I develop it using normal MVC structure?
@tereško Perfect. What I mean was that.
It would be better to implement it as MVC, where each of module has independent Services, Presentation objects and Templates
probably also separate domain objects and datamapeers
so what you are proposing? some other Frameworks?
is that HMVC is not what you are talking about?
what i am proposing is for you to stop throwing around fancy acronyms which you do not understand , and write your code the way you DO understand
also , the "modules" in that screenshot are actually more like features that you have added to a project in it's lifetime. That section would be mostly for user convenience. Items like "article manager" and "gallery" are entities of completely different scales.
I know what is MVC, what is HMVC. I developed a lot of applications using MVC. I just wanted to get some idea regarding any better patterns for developing "modules" in my CMS.
No one is here with his/her perfect English to express what he/she needed as it is written in a book.
Just get a cup of coffee and calm down. My advice :)
again MVC discussion
Room 11: All MVC, all the time.
@JamshidHashimi what @tereško is trying to tell you (in his somewhat passive aggressive manner) is that Code Igniter's MVC is not MVC. They got it all wrong, from assuming that the Model is just the database, over the idea that Controllers should hold your business logic to the conclusion that the View is just a template.
And in fact, if you study MVC outside CI, you'll realize that this is true.
The same is true for their Query Builder which they call an Active Record but which has nothing to do with Active Record at all.
Add to that the absence of sound programming principles like SOLID throughout the codebase and you'll understand why @tereško said
57 mins ago, by tereško
@JamshidHashimi you are already using CodeIgniter. Why the hell would you eve pretend to care about desing patterns or development practices ?!
But of course, all that doesn't help you solve your question.
the gist of @tereško's rant is this part: write your code the way you DO understand
@JamshidHashimi and I pretty much agree with that. Just take the patterns (as illdefined as they may be) you are familiar with and apply them as you see fit.
@JamshidHashimi if you want to look outside of the Code Igniter box and develop modular architectures, have a look at qafoo.com/talks/… and Symfony 2.
@crypticツ hello kitty cat
@Gordon Thank you very much. I now have a better solution than I was expected. I can understand @tereško too. No one is perfect here.
@JamshidHashimi you're welcome
@Gordon The reason why I asked this question and use this MVC and HMVC terms was that, I was in doubt to use a structure used in bonfire cms, which they called Modular PHP Development in CodeIgniter. slideshare.net/jfox015/modular-php-development-using-ci-bonfire
I can understand that CI is not that much MVC..
hi, i have been playing with the code u gave me. Now , i'm so confused. I just wanna clear one thing, for regex, *\x67* means chr(103), how do retrive *\x67* using php? for eg, to retrive 103 for "g", all i have to do is used ord("g")

GOT it: x67==> 67=hex :)
@JamshidHashimi if the stuff in bonfire works for you, use it. your aim is to produce working software after all.
@NokImchen echo "\x67"; or assign it to a var $var = "\x67"; make sure to use DOUBLE quotes.
ooh you mean how to convert from ASCII to hex?
@Gordon ok thank you.
@crypticツ i have more confusion! see, echo dechex(103); outputs 67, so i can use it like \x67 for regex to match chr(103). However, echo dechex(13); outputs d, if i use \xd, it dont match chr(13) :(
good mornings.
moooring @hakre
@crypticツ yes, from ord to hex so that i can use in regex
in short, *[\x01-\x09]* matches chr(1) to chr(9),
what regex will match chr(10) to chr(99) ?[\x10-\x99] is wrong as it matches even chr(103), etc
@crypticツ ok, let me rephrase my question, how to use the hex in regex generate from dechex() ? simply by adding a \x as prefix ?
@NokImchen you're thinking decimal, you need to think hex
@crypticツ i want to think hex and ascii, but dont knw how to :(
\x0A-\x63 will match char 10-99
you should Google a hex/decimal chart
@crypticツ but how did u knw that \x0A is char 10?? how to retrive \x0A using php?
what do you mean by retrieve? print out? calculate?
@crypticツ yes i did search a looooot of hex-dec-ascii-binary converter, i did all things that now i feel like throwing away my monitor :(
@crypticツ omg! i did the same but i got wrong result :(
@crypticツ he's trying to make a decimal based, character oriented compression algorithm, so he can do stuff like turn a string consisting of char(1), chr(5), chr(9) into chr(159). Perhaps that helps understanding where his questions come from and how he can't just use hex literals.
dechex() should work then, no?
You can even dynamically create the regexs using it
@Jasper u understood so well, now i'm expanding my algo like chr(10),.chr(11),chr12) into chr(101),chr(112) saving one byte :)
@crypticツ please wait, i'll code :)
@hakre morning
@NokImchen well, neither decimal based nor character oriented are properties that make sense in the context of compression, so I'm still not the least bit positive about it
@Jasper or, so should i go for binary? 0s and 1s?
@NokImchen why do you invent your own compression algorithm at all?
@Gordon u mean to ask , y do i want to create compression algo? :|
@NokImchen that's what I asked, yes.
Why cant you just use gzip compression or any other existing tried and tested compression algorithm?
1stly, its just a hobby cos i dont wanna study, so an excuse to keep me busy :)
2ndly, imagine, 10TB file into 1 MB, but i knw compression will take a looooot of time :)
@Gordon i cant give u the answer cos my answer is soooo stupid that u'll put me in mental category :(
@NokImchen yes, decent compression algorithms treat the data a stream, completely disregarding the fact there are bytes. It also makes little sense to say we're going to multiply bytes by 10^2, 10^1 and 10^0 and add them, since that regards them as decimal and the data isn't decimal (the data isn't binary, either, both are just representations of the data)
@NokImchen if it's for learning/hobby it's fine to do. just don't expect it to be better than anything that exists already.
Also, the expectations of the gain you're going to get are way to high. You won't be able to get better results than established algorithms
If you do want to go ahead and make a compression algorithm, Huffman coding might be something interesting to look at
@Jasper if the computer can think and somehow re-arrage the byte to bring most of the single digit char in a sequence with the help of a miraculous formula then it'll soooo great ...
@Jasper yup, i did learnt huffman cosing a bit through youtube video tutorial, its very easy :/ but i'm not satisfied with the compression ratioit can achieve :| greedy me
Finally, I'd also say that you shouldn't write compression at all. As everyone agreed yesterday, it's one of those things that you just don't want to write yourself.
@Jasper the data isn't binary, either, both are just representations of the data then what is the data? i want to get to the small unit of data so that i can squeeze it like a black hole :|
@Jasper ya, i'll try for a few more weeks, if i an unsuccessful (very high probability), then all i can do is shift+delete all the code :(
@NokImchen i)I strongly recommend reading this book: amazon.co.uk/Data-Compression-Book-Mark-Nelson/dp/1558514341 ii) I can't put this in a very nice way - trying to come up with a miraculous data compression algorithm without actually understanding data-compression is a stupid thing to do. Unfortunately you may only realise this after spending a lot of time doing stuff at random.
yes, ppl like me learn only from failures (i'll try all the possible ways to fail) :|
thanks a lot for the book, but i have no credit card to buy even if i have cash :(
@NokImchen Do you have a library near you?
@Danack oh, lots of library, but i'm not a library guy :| been to library only for 2 or 3 times in 25 yrs :|
@NokImchen the data is (for example) 101 (binary), 5 (decimal), 11 (quatral or whatever it is called) all at the same time, since they are all the same. They are just representation of the data. Also, the data doesn't really come in units. We generally limit it to bytes, but the smallest unit is of course a bit.
@NokImchen protip: type "book title" filetype:pdf into Google
@Gordon hehehe, i'm scared of that google dork, u knw y :P
i have read the *pigeon hole* mathematical theorem and its enough to prove that what i'm trying is real stupidity. yet, i wanna give a try :)
thanks a lot to u all for helping, i've lots of questions ahead :P
@NokImchen "but i'm not a library guy :|" So you just keep talking about the same dumb stuff in here rather than just go read a book that will explain why what you're trying to do is impossible? And sorry, but trying to recompress things that are already compressed because you have the vague hope that it might get smaller, is dumb and a waste of your time.
@Danack :(
Yeah, exactly.
@NokImchen this makes little sense, an extended implementation of huffman coding is going to let you save a lot more than you can probably come up with other algorithms. Especially the characters based thing you're currently doing
@NokImchen doing your own mistakes is a great way to learn, but ignoring the mistakes people have done before you and learning from these is the biggest mistake you can do.
finally a word of appreciation :)
i'll look at the huffman coding once again in youtube, cos video explanation is the best way t make me understand :)
@Gordon really good words :)
Dwarfs standing on the shoulders of giants () is a Western metaphor with a contemporary interpretation meaning "one who discovers by building on previous discoveries". Its most familiar expression is found in the letters of Isaac Newton: However, the metaphor was first recorded in the twelfth century and attributed to Bernard of Chartres. Attribution and meaning The attribution to Bernard is due to John of Salisbury. In 1159, John wrote in his Metalogicon: Bernard of Chartres used to say that we are like dwarfs on the shoulders of giants, so that we can see more than they, and thin...
you're the dwarf
I'm going to shut up now, though, as my only reason to bring it up again was to tell @crypticツ what you were needing it for to help understanding what the requirements were of the function you were looking for
I really didn't mean to reopen this discussion...
@Gordon i'll be like those Lilliput in that Jonathan Swift (not sure abt the author)story, who captured a "giant" :P (i'm just day dreaming)
@Jasper ya, right :) no prob :)
@Jasper - Nok is trying to re-compress a Jpeg file which is already uses Huffman compression for the bit that can benefit from Huffman compression: http://chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/11?m=11046565#11046565
@NokImchen Gulliver's Travel is a satire. It's meaning is pretty much linked to the political, religious and scientific events at the time it was written.
@Danack indeed
@Gordon wow! u remember! i had that in my school about 10 yrs back :) sweet memories :) u must have been a school :)
I can't even tag things today :(
> There is more backbiting and conspiracy in Lilliput than anywhere else, and more of the pettiness of small minds who imagine themselves to be grand. - sparknotes.com/lit/gulliver/themes.html
@Danack don't know why that is either. looks like a proper tag to me
must just be at the end of a long sentence or something..
@NokImchen so being a dwarf dreaming of capturing a giant is pretty much illusion of grandeur. not that its impossible, but for the majority of dwarfs the task is simply too big. try to grow into a giant instead.
ah, my genes are of dwarf , cant grow any bigger. But, unity we stand :P
anyways, lets end the discussion for now, there must be other ppl wit *real* serious prob in the community, :)
@Danack oh, i forgot to mention that, yes, its possible a re-compress a 1MB jpeg file but the data compressed (just a few hundred bytes) is not worth the power of the processor used. I'll work a bit more :) Thank u :)
is it possible to see the number of question in a tag as a function of time?
mornign all
Holy shit. Has somebody been starring trigger happy again?
@NokImchen Please stop starring stuff only useful for yourself
@PeeHaa ok :|
What is the code review site in the stackexchange network?
Thanks :)
@PeeHaa you will have an answer for this
public function selectDistrict($table, $district)
$sql = $this->conn->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . $table . " WHERE srilife_district = ?");
return $sql->fetchALL(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
is this code ok ?
lol @ hakre: wpkrauts
(I mean is it prevent from the SQL injection ? )
@Samithaఠ_ఠ Where does $table come from?
Also: is this a mysql connection?
@PeeHaa oh, nex place to hang out :) congrats :)
$categorySet = $helper->selectCategory("srilife_categories",$district);
@PeeHaa yes
Have you disabled emulated prepared statements?
that means ?
Q: How to prevent SQL injection in PHP?

Andrew G. JohnsonIf user input is inserted into an SQL query directly, the application becomes vulnerable to SQL injection, like in the following example: $unsafe_variable = $_POST['user_input']; mysqli_query("INSERT INTO table (column) VALUES ('" . $unsafe_variable . "')"); That's because the user can input ...

this is a PDO connection
By default mysql connections don't use server side prepared statements
@PeeHaa regex ([a-z])\1 matches any repetitive alphabets. How to make it match repetitive and sequence alphabets like how to match "ab", or "hi" or "jk"?
So,is my code ok ?
hmm, does anybody know of a print_r output => array convertor script/website that works? I was messing around with php.net/manual/en/function.print-r.php#93529 but that didn't work
@Samithaఠ_ఠ No. As stated you are using emulaterd prepares
Read the link I posted
@AmalMurali @hakre has one I think
@hakre: PING
@PeeHaa Did you remove my star? I thought the question was such a common thing it deserved a star. I do understand that you're a little trigger happy on the removing of stars, though.
@PeeHaa: wow
That works like super awesomely
@Jasper Sorry. It's too early to correctly validate stars :)
$dbConnection->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, false);
$dbConnection->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
yes @Samithaఠ_ఠ
@PeeHaa Too early? How late did it get yesterday? :P (no more Dutchism)
@Jasper Pretty damn late. I was working on my webmonitor site and all of a sudden it was kinda day again :P
@Jasper How's the weather outside?
@PeeHaa I know the feeling :P
@PeeHaa Pretty reasonable. Nothing amazing, but not too hot either.
@PeeHaa as he said those setAttributes is fine with mysql right ?
@Samithaఠ_ఠ As who said?
Theo and you ;)
@Samithaఠ_ఠ Ah that post. Yes that is correct :)
Hey @webarto
Long time
WHat have you been up to?
Hey @PeeHaa, had fun at gay pride? :P
Yeah. I was expecting to meet you there :)
I'm in Vienna, was going to come, but I realized I spent entire salary in 4 days :P
Have a mate at Amsterdam.
lol nice one
What's up with you?
Had to pass some exams in college (booooring), and took a few days off etc.
Nothing much. Counting down the days until I go to Spain
Ay Caramba :)
Where are you going?
I tipped for Ibiza :P What's up in Barca?
@webarto Drinks are up in Barca. And not working of course :)
Cheap drinks, even cheaper g ... food :)
Prices in Austria are f* crazy. Beer is 5€ in bar, and in supermarket it's 0.5€ (same one).
Can someone do that for PHP code please?
@Gordon IIRC ideone has an API

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