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ok sure
Variable Variables is the ugliest concept ever
in my whole life i never used it. :P
hardly anyone will use it, hardly
only creator may be using it. :P
not evn himself, and and it's really confusing
let it be.
@Mr.Alien wtf.
@Bracketworks ftw?
@Mr.Alien wtftw.
I'm off to the beach.
Adios amigos.
@Bracketworks strrev('wtftw');
Hi all! In jquery, If i combine selectors using commas, then it would return those elements which match either of the selectors.What if i want to combine them and want to get those elements which match all of the selectors?
PHP room here
@Mr.Alien ye le jsfiddle.net/qsFLa
Where are you guys from?
planet earth, you are not?
I'm from earth too
wow, It's a small universe
@YogeshSuthar loads of dirty things there, use this, I made from scratch jsfiddle.net/qsFLa/1
@Mr.Alien @YogeshSuthar the actual problem is that both of those things make the list overflow
than too I would like to tell you what's happening there, the thing is that the width is insufficient and hence it pushes the last box bellow, and it shows half because you've used height
Guys, i'm making a compression algorithm that can be compressed again and again. I have made it, but the processing is very slow. And the size saved is like ~50 bytes per 10 MB zip file. Can anyone tell me which is faster, vb.net or PHP ?
you need to reduce the width of the elements to the left and right
@Hiroto Answered the same thing ;)
@Hiroto did you compared the CSS, loads of junk there
@NokImchen neither
PHP will have problems with CPU time and multihreading
@AshneilRoy how fast can it loop per minute?
@NokImchen you have no clue what on earth you are talking about, do you?
depends on processor
my best guess would be O(n). ehehe.
@Hiroto then what is the best for file processing? my algorithm need to run through every byte
@Hiroto exactly what I was going to ask
@Hiroto hehehe sorry, that was a bad question indeed
and btw loop never lasts for a minute, , it hardly lasts for a milisecond
@Hiroto anways, what it do is: load 10MB file in a buffer. Loop through each byte.
@Mr.Alien processing time is measured in big-O notation or CPU-cycles; nanoseconds and milliseconds are irrelevant unless you're talking network payload time
@NokImchen what are you actually compressing?
@Hiroto am saying about the processing speed, in general, say you loop 0-10, you'll get output in no time'
@Mr.Alien my loop lasts for more than a minute! For 10 Mb file, it has to loop 2x of 10485760
@NokImchen btw y you would do that?
@AshneilRoy imy algo can compress any damn thing cos Its a lossless compression algo.
@NokImchen compression is slow, if you invent something better than, say (to give an example) LZMA, you'd get high adoption
but why not just use one of the many hundreds of lossless compression algorithms already out there
@Mr.Alien cos the 1st loop is to re-arrange the 10Mb data. the 2nd loop is to process the 10Mb re-arranged data
Douglas Crockford: Really. JavaScript., lecture, [46:10] , youtube.com/watch?v=lTWGoL1N-Kc
@NokImchen look into multithreading in Python or VB
@Hiroto i'm sorry, i didnt get anything :/ please simple english
@AshneilRoy vb.net multi-threating is a way to fool vb.net programmers! I tried multi-threating using the background worker. In an experiment, I loaded 10 background workers, and let those threats to loop like Do until (1==2), i figured out that the combined speed of all thread is same as only one thread loaded..!!!
It's just there to allow you to do more than one process at a time. It won't speed the actual processes up
@AshneilRoy ah, then its of no use! cos i want it to speed up the overall work done. Byw, the two loops are dependent. So unless the 1st loop is done, we cant processed to the 2nd loop
@NokImchen there's really no getting faster in your situation :). Try what hiroto said and see if an existing compression algorithm is faster
@AshneilRoy the existing compression algo has a demerit that it can compress once once. Using the existing algo, If we compress the compressed file, then the size gets larger.
@NokImchen I see. I don't know too much about compression. Sorry
@AshneilRoy no prob :)
@Mr.Alien try karta hu tera wala
what is the fastest way to achieve this (the code below take almost 5 Mins, something server error):
for($i = 0; $i < strlen($a)-1; $i++){$b.= ord($contents[$i])+1;}
@tereško worst answer ever. flagged :)
@tereško do u get paid to find all this kind of post? 'Cos u guys are working really hard :)
@NokImchen well first you use strlen() outside the loop, otherwise it will run for each loop
@NokImchen and where is $contents coming from?
@crypticツ yup, i did that in my original code, thanks :)
@crypticツ it comes from any file.
@NokImchen $a?
@crypticツ $a will be saved :0 wait i'll post the full code here
    global $filename;
    global $iFile;
    $name = (intval(pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_FILENAME))+1);
    $ext = pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
    $handle = fopen($filename, "rb");
    $fsize = filesize($filename);
    $contents = fread($handle, $fsize);

        for($i = 0; $i < $fsize; $i++)
            $asc = ord($contents[$i]) +1;

@NokImchen what exactly are you trying to do?
@crypticツ its a part of file compression algo that i'm currently developing as my hobby. The code above converts chr(0) to chr(1), chr(1) to chr(2), and so on
Why are you making your own compression algorithm? ok
@crypticツ yup, i'm making my own algo :)
@NokImchen when you post code, post the code as a single message and hit CTRL+K to make it appear as code. Thanks.
@Gordon oh, i didnt knw. thanks a lot for the tip. i hope i dont forget the Ctrl+K shortcut :)
@NokImchen right now you are loading the whole file into memory which for a 100MB file is a lot. I would use fseek() to read say 1024bytes at a time then save those bytes to new file and then read the next 1024 then save those bytes and so on.
@crypticツ that's a good idea. Yet, the overall loop will be of 100Mb, ie 100x1024x1024 times of loop!!! So, my question is, how is winzip/winrar able to handle large files in just a few mins? Do they loop through each byte?
@NokImchen For starters they don't run in PHP
You're comparing apples to oranges. PHP is not going to ever be like Winrar
Secondly they were made by smart people who know a lot about the subject
@PeeHaa smart ppl..!! ah!! Thats y i'm here wit u smart guys ;-)
@PeeHaa crap you edited the message!! xD evening
Also note the second part of my sentence ;)
@Wesツ ninja edit :)
@crypticツ yup, i heard that c++ is very fast. Yet, i want to try this algo php... just a challenge for php :P
@PeeHaa ah! there i lack :(
@NokImchen I once tried to create a car using PHP, but soon found out it would not work.
Can you people try to break my contact form? pieterhordijk.com/contact
in which way @PeeHaa ? injection?
Whatever way you can think of :)
@crypticツ lol, may be trying an ascii image car would prove to be better :P
i mean @PeeHaa "break" is highly subjective... what about invalid charset sequences? invalid message length?
@Wesツ What is an invalid message length?
whoa when did Firefox remove the disable JS option in preferences?
@crypticツ couple weeks ago.
@rdlowrey but whyyyy?
Because it isn't 2003? :)
You just summed up the three worst PHP frameworks and called them great... — PeeHaa 4 mins ago
@rdlowrey whatever happened to giving people choice
@PeeHaa also that is "break"... not a security issue, but could be annoying reiceving tons of mb of data
@Wesツ My server can handle it. I run a file locker on it ;)
@PeeHaa who is ur webhost? is it a VPS?
@crypticツ Well with js as ubiquitous as it has become I think providing the option to disable it is like optionally allowing you to disable HTML output and displaying everything as text/plain in your browser.
There's just no point.
@NokImchen yes
@crypticツ you can still disable it in about:config, though (javascript.enabled)
@PeeHaa donate half of ur vps to me :P
@Carsten I use NoScript or Webdeveloper so not a problem for me, I'm talking about regular users who say want to block it for privacy or performance reasons, blocking ads, trackers etc and possibly even bad;y done UA checks.
@crypticツ , btw, what's doing one with that fancy cv-backlog UI you were making ?
@tereško I got it up and working, just need to setup the cron now
I made a commit yesterday =oP
oh ... so I will take it as "it soon should be working again"
@tereško yeah, actually let me setup cron right now
ok, cron setup hopefully it updates in the next 2 mins, works
SO MANY LOLS "We have an employee whose last name is Null. He kills our employee lookup application..." http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4456438/how-can-i-pass-the-string-null-through-wsdl-soap-from-as3-to-coldfusion-web?rq=1
@igorw I don't know who dug that up. I think it was Chris Heilmann. But it's ancient.
This is my first time in a stackexchange chat, not to mention stackoverflow, so I don't know if this is appropriate but-

What are the hottest PHP web frameworks out there these days? I mean full-blown stuff like Django for Python.
@igorw we had to clean up a number of comments on it
@Gordon not surprised :)
hi everyone!
@AmirEldor it's not appropriate for Stack Overflow, but it's Sf2, ZF2. Also popular are Yii and Laravel. A lot of people still use CakePHP and Code Igniter, but you better not speak of the latter four in here ;)
@igorw If you really want to troll developers make your birthdate 1.1.1970 ;)
@Gordon that's Symfony 2 and Zend Framework 2? Why are Yii and Laravel only for hippes and one would prefer the two frameworks you mentioned?
@PeterKiss hi
@AmirEldor how extensive is your experience in PHP ?
who wants to host a mirror of the cv-pls ui? Also @Gordon I don't know where to start with setting up your backlog code on my server. It's all MVCed and I technically just need to fetch the question ids from chat only.
@AmirEldor yes, that's Symfony 2 and Zend Framework 2. The other four have questionable understanding of proper programming technique, e.g. bad OOD, Design Patterns applied wrongly, little/no SOLID code. To varying degrees, of course. You can be productive with them though. It's just that a lot of us in here are bigots when it comes to frameworks.
@tereško I've been messing around with PHP since PHP 4 :(
and what about understanding of OOP principles and practices ?
@crypticツ it should run out of the box when you checkout the code from github
@crypticツ question is, do we still need it at all?
@tereško more reading than actual experience :(
hmm ..
@Gordon well yeah, I have no way of getting the cv-pls posts from chat without it. Right now the UI can display either API or Chatroom sources as both have their pros/cons and right now it's pulling your JSON cache every 15 mins
@crypticツ ah ok. so all you need to do is do a checkout and then point the webroot to the webroot folder
@AmirEldor the major options then are, as mentioned above, Symfony2 and ZF2. You also might looks at Silex, which is kinda an extremely stripped down version of symfony.
@Gordon does it have to be in webroot? Can I just cron the file and run it via cli?
as for reasons against others: codeigniter and cakephp are simple old, badly written, filled with bad practices and surrounded by ignorant community
@crypticツ yes. yes.
Yii is an extremely poor clone of django, which treats "abuse of global state" as development technique
@tereško @Gordon well thank you both
and Laravel is mostly a collection of static classes .. basically - procedural code wrapped in class-shaped namespaces
@crypticツ It can likely run from anywhere you like. But if you want JSON responses it has to be accessible somehow via HTTP
@Gordon I'll have the JSON file save to the cache folder. Right now I cache your cache =oP so this would remove that step
@crypticツ probably the easiest would be to setup a subdomain for it.
have to prep dinner now. laters
@Gordon cv-pls.com/assets/cache/chat_backlog_ids.cache.json all the cache files are in that folder which is where the UI grabs them from. I'm not understanding the need for a subdomain.
@tereško ---> you tried to read twilight. This will be forever remembered ;)
I have also read Crowly's "The Book of the Law" ... I read, so sue me.
^ Yes, but after a quick google, that looks interesting, informative, and has more than an ounce of intelligence put into it
hey guys, is there any existing compression algo which uses something like instead of writing chr(1), chr(3), chr(5), we write chr(135) thus saving 2 bytes?
@tereško y u no use cv-pls extension? =oP
which of those work in opera?
I've a question for you guys.. I'm working on application which allows a user to plan certain projects. These projects are planned by weeknumbers. Let's say: Maintenance Google.com in week 4 of year 2013.

Basically what I want now too is that a certain project is able te repeat. For example: Every 2 weeks maintenance at Google.com

I also want to be able to retrieve all projects by a given weeknumber. The problem I'm facing is the repeating part. When a 'project' is created.. should I make multiple rows of it in the table? What's the best way to develop this? I'm clueless to be honest haha
@PeeHaa ahahahha
@BoltClock ;-)
haha lol
@PeeHaa y do we have two zeros for "1" in the beginning of "00110001" in binary?
@NokImchen We do?
why both the output are same? :/
echo decbin(0); //output 0
echo decbin(chr(0)); //output 0
@NokImchen Well what happens when you remove the leading 0s?
@PeeHaa is the leading 0's removed when a file is saved in hard-disk?
I'm pretty sure there is a duplicate for this question but I couldn't find it. If someone could find the duplicate that would be great. — Benjamin Gruenbaum 6 mins ago
does anyone here know about MVC in desktop programs
I have only ever done the web MVC
and this desktop one is confusing me a bit
@David almost the same thing, 1) Model is your abstraction 2) View is a winForm 3) Controller is an editor that respond on events, like onBtnClick....
@DaveJust yeah I have that and I have the observers etc but
in the web MVC your controller can have a getIndex() postIndex(), someOtherMethod() and so on which the URL entered picks
in desktop MVC what sort of methods would you have in it
@David Did you read original MVC paper?
in your controllers
I know how it works if thats what you mean? or are you on about the first ever paper published on it
@David Yes, I do MVC in desktop apps all the time (well, can't say it's mvc, but it's definitely some form of MV*)
Web MVC isn't mvc except for in JavaScript when doing client side MVC and the model updates can actually reflect in the view and so on.
@BenjaminGruenbaum in C# VS-2012, yeah?
I am not liking it so far because of the controllers
what sort of methods do they have?
in web mvc it is easy to pick the methods because they are determined by the URL most of the time
@DaveJust What do you mean? C# is a programming language and VS is an IDE, those have nothing to do with the pattern in which you model the user interaction in your application... it could be C and vim for all it matters.
@David Actions, did the user click on a button? That's an action right there. User requested the next slide? action and so on. Lots of newer desktop GUI frameworks do support URLs and navigation though.
@BenjaminGruenbaum this is the thing that is really messing me up in desktop MVC. the user clicks a button in the view, my controller gets notified and gets the data and invokes a method in one of my services and it returns true so it is time to close this window and open another,
in web mvc I do just do a simple redirect to whatever controller I want but in desktop mvc i have to instantiate the new controller and view from within this controller I am currently in
something about it does not feel right
@David Use clicks button -> button action notifies controller -> controller handles everything in between the UI and the business logic layer, if models get updated the views get notified and so on.
It's pretty simple to be honest - you just suddenly have state which makes actual MVC practical.
maybe I am too used to web mvc but I would love to be able to go back to the entry point of the application and then instantiate whichever view and controller is needed but that does not seam logical in a desktop program
@BenjaminGruenbaum ok this is my scenario...
the program runs and loads up this view with a username field and a "Connect" button. the user clicks the button and it goes to my controller
which calls a method on one of my services
and it returns true
and now
i now need to close this window and open a new one
@David Right, the controller does it, I don't see what the problem is?
i do not like creating the new view and controller from within this current controller
@David So have a router... that's perfectly fine if it makes your life easier. A lot of frameworks for MV* do that.
@BenjaminGruenbaum so it is actually correct for the controller initialize the new window and controller?
@BenjaminGruenbaum a router in a desktop application? i though that was only for web mvc
Yes, the controller can open the new window and the new controller will bind over it and take over and the old controller instance can be discarded. You don't have to do that though, if routing makes more sense for you do it.
@David What kind of desktop app are you building? In what language and what MV* framework if any?
in Java and using no framework. just trying out desktop MVC in something with state so I can have the views observing the model since you cannot really do it properly in web mvc
@David Sure you can. Just not with PHP alone
Sorry, I know this is unprofessional but I've just heard Java and have a strong urge to vomit. I'm going to puke my guts out and then go to the doctor. See ya around (also, check Spring)
(I'm off to a beer with a friend, byes)
@BenjaminGruenbaum haha its for work we are using it soon so I want to get a grip on it before it starts
@BenjaminGruenbaum I think wanting to vomit at the first sign of Java is a strong indicator of professionalism ;)
we usually do C WINAPI procedural but I don't like that either with the messages
hoy hoy
@PeeHaa no thanks MVC and PHP has given me enough heart ache
Well... I think I have said it before a couple of times. If MVC is the goal you're doing it wrong. If clean, readable, testable and maintainable code is the goal however...
@PeeHaa what do you mean im doing it wrong>
All the questions I have seen from you involve something like how would I do this in MVC? What is this in MVC? Something something MVC?
Implementing the MVC pattern should not be the end goal
@PeeHaa I think i finally understand it now though. web mvc not the original one
so , have you read the original paper ?
@tereško are you talking to me?
have you read what Fowler wrote about the pattern ?
Hi Guyz , can you solve my problem ?
Q: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'index'

Ocena PothikI am a newcomer programmer . I have just started learning php . At this moment I try to make log in page . For log-in , I have the following code named "index.php": <!-- LOGIN FORM in: admin/index.php --> <form method="post" action="restricted.php"> <p><label for="u_name">username:</label></p>

@OcenaPothik Yes, we'll glady close it :)
echo "You are not allowed. <a href="index.php">back to login page</a>";
@OcenaPothik @DaveChen already answered you
Please change it to:
echo 'You are not allowed. <a href="index.php">back to login page</a>';
^ also @PeeHaa: I like this trend :D
Thank you .
woah, never seen this before $usr = mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc, htmlentities($_POST['u_name']));
A: Can i use jquery to achieve this same css trick?

PeeHaaYes! There is a way to do that with jQuery.

Wow. That thing is still around :(
@PeeHaa why do chr(0) consumes 1 full byte? is there any char that consumes less than 8 bits? :/
@NokImchen Probably not, OSes don't generally like giving you access to less memory than a byte memory - or in fact even any amount of memory that is not a number of bytes (and language based allocators that do are really not worth the effort).
@Jasper i'm working on a "hopeless" "project", i'd like to have your ideas too....
what's the project, and why do you want less memory than a byte?
@Jasper well, what i'm doing is "developing" a compression algo, its does the basic things like instead of writing chr(1),chr(6),chr(9), it replaces those 3 bytes to delimiter i.e chr(0) and chr(169). The prob is with delimiters. I wonder how to use the delimiters cos the delimiters itself cost more bytes than the bytes saved!!!
now, the prob is , since i use chr(0) as delimiter, i have to add a chr(0) with the existing chr(0) inorder to distinguish between the existing chr(0) and the delimiter chr(0).
Since, there are lots of chr(0) in most of the huge files, the algo determines which chr() is least used through count_chars, still then, the delimiter end up using a huge portion of size. So, i want a chr() which cost less than a byte :|
^ nice idea, but if this is with PHP, you can forget it
hehheheh ya, its with php. every1 is telling me to forget it :(
but i have no prob shifting from php to vb.net :/
@DaveChen btw, give me a good reason why PHP should not be used for developing compression algo :/ i have few reasons, but hoping against hope :|
@NokImchen Your compression scheme sounds weird and will probably not yield good results
@NokImchen Have a look at Huffman coding
@NokImchen It will almost certainly be too slow by an order of magnitude compared to preexisting algos implemented in C.
@NokImchen First off, developing a compression algorithm isn't really a good idea. It's been done before, and it was done better. You probably have access to it too. Doing in php also won't be an advantage here.
@NikiC ya, i did have a look, but the prob is that if it compress a compressed file, then the result is bigger file! Thats y i want a new algo which can compress file againa and again
"compress file again and again" => That's not how things work, you know ;)
Perpetual motion describes motion that continues indefinitely without any external source of energy. This is impossible in practice because of friction and other sources of energy loss. Furthermore, the term is often used to in a stronger sense to describe a perpetual motion machine of the first kind, a "hypothetical machine which, once activated, would continue to function and produce work" indefinitely with no input of energy. There is a scientific consensus that perpetual motion is impossible, as it would violate the first or second law of thermodynamics. Nikola Tesla noted that we ...
@NikiC yes, the result is kinda pitiful. In, 10Mb, i can save just a few 100 bytes. But it can compress again and again :) provided there is no delimiter heheh
@Jasper hmmm... just wanna try :)
@NokImchen I'm a chronic wheel re-inventor myself but even I think compression algorithms are one of those problems for which rolling your own PHP solution makes exactly zero sense (unless you're looking for an educational experience).
@NokImchen Sorry, I was going to think about a way to make your idea work, but with that comment, I'm out. Anyone who thinks that really shouldn't even think about writing a compression algorithm
@NikiC yup! but u knw, like a gambler fallacy, i wanna try out till my beard turns grey :P
@rdlowrey sad review :( anyways, its not for educational purpose, its for saving my poor 40GB hard-disk which is almost full that i have only 2 GB free space :(
@rdlowrey the other examples would be: cryptography and pdf generation
@Jasper which comment? sorry, my words are not sweet even through i try :(
So guys, nobody of you invented a "compresses everything to one byte" algorithm yet?!?
this may sound a little wierd, but is there any way i can get a linux server to connect in to me, and allow me to use sshd over that connection, ie. sort of a PASV sshd?
... that did not deserve to be stared =/
@tereško yup! i have learnt a lot about crypto through this "hopeless" compression algo!
@NokImchen What did you learn?
@NokImchen the one I linked to. The one that if you hover your mouse ovr my comment, lights up. The compressing again and again idea.
@bizzehdee not really .. at least not in the way you made it sound
what exactly is the problem that you are trying to solve ?
u guys will laugh if i tell :|
but just simple crypto using various algo and then finally into a pic :)
@NikiC Oh sure, just output a null byte. I'm still working on the decompression algorithm
Wow. Did I just step into the terrible ideas night?
yay! beer for everyone!
@Jasper oh so simple why didn't I think of that
@tereško: sshd has stopped on our server, it is in dublin, i am not in dublin, and i have no other access to the server to fix this problem other than sshd, which i cant use, because it isnt there...
still no beer for me ... i really should visit dentist soon
@Jasper ah! compressing again and again is the only purpose of this new algo, :/
@PeeHaa i drnk wine :P
@bizzehdee are there any other active processes running on that server ?
@PeeHaa Nah, just one person with a bad idea, and everyone talking about other bad ideas, all agreeing that they are just that, bad ideas.
php, apache, plesk, mysql
@Jasper lemme raise my hand :P
first thing you could do is check if sshd is still up using PHP
(if you can upload code there)
already done, its stopped, also tried to start it, it starts, and then instantly stops again
@bizzehdee can you remotely restart the server? (who knows, if it's just a single crash it might help)
no error or anything, just starts with [OK] then silently stops
@bizzehdee can you perform root-level commands on it ?
@Jasper: tried, if anything, it made it worse
@tereško: if i could pass sudo password on the command line, yes, but, i dont know how to do that, so no
lemme see what are the options
ahh, just googled the question
"echo myPassword | sudo -S ls /tmp"
that should let you restart the sshd
appears php doesnt like | in commands
@bizzehdee try putting it in parens
no, sudoers file is 0777 and should be 0440 quitting...
thats the error im getting
@tereško first, third and fourth seem like perfect autodelete candidates to me. If edited, they might become good, if not they'll be removed automatically. No need to delete them by hand before that. Or am I misundersanding how the system works?
i mean that you should dump the command in some temp file , which then you execute as shell script
sshd being dead, sudoer file being mode 777, various other problems on the server, sounds like it has been hit with soemthing
@tereško: i am doing that, and im getting an error saying the sudoers file is invalid, so i cant run sudo at all even if i had sshd
the best i can recommend for you is to fire up IRC client and go to freenodes #gentoo or #slackware channels
people with a lot more linux experience should be able to suggest you something
tbh, this isnt my problem and this is the extent of my help that the server guy is getting
@bizzehdee how about su? (that is, if you know the root password)
server guy = new guy who happened to mention he knows a bit about linux and that i hated server management
i do know root pass, not tried su yet because i have never used it before, always used sudo
echo <password> | su -c <command> <user>
"standard in must be a tty"
well .. technically you could work around that too =]
i just don't remember how
the terminal was actually somewhere on /dev/...
also, you should be able to disable the requirement, since it is set in /etc/sudoers and that's now writable without being root
reached the end of "could be arsed"
i dont even work there anymore
only reason im bothered is that i have about 12 of my own sites hosted there
Just read in the steam user agreement: it actually has a clause that allow for fan-art/fan-fication of Valve games. That's pretty awesome if you ask me. (it's a strange place for it, just expressly allowing it is good)
valve's entire business model revolves around user content
they expressly allow it because they need it to make money
could @Orangepill please resist the urge to answer dirt simple questions before he checked for a dupe? Thanks.
@gordon sorry
@Gordon But but but all that low hanging fruit needs to be whored!!!
maybe we should start using Orange's "answers" list as supplement for the CV-backlog
also , guys , spend your votes before 00:00 UTC
@tereško hey now... I answer real questions too...
@PeeHaa what made him accept the answer?
@Gordon peer pressure?
Pure alcohol?
Q: PHP Object Reference As Variable

hellohellosharpIs it possible to reference part of a PHP object with a variable? So instead of $object->foo you have $object->$str ? I want to use number_format on multiple items in my object. The object looks like this: object(stdClass)#4 (22) { ["id"]=> ["offer_id"]=> string(3) "933" ["earnings"]=> ...

same here
@crypticツ What is the difference between the sources in the backlog?
@PeeHaa the API one pulls from the Stack API the latest questions in the PHP tag, and the chatroom one pulls from the cv-pls links in this room
@crypticツ do you still need help or did it work out?
@Gordon haven't did anything yet -=oP
@crypticツ aah i c
@PeeHaa the API will basically be more current and will help catch questions before they make it to this room, and the chatroom one allows a backlog of old questions which won't show up in the API one since they are not latest 1500 questions
got a recruiter mail. they are looking for a JS frontend dev. must have: academic degree, JS, HTML, CSS, JQuery, NoJS, ExtJS
i have to restrain myself not to hurl insults at them
hmmmm strange. I cannot vote in this because it is locked?? stackoverflow.com/questions/17762296/php-mysql-login
@Gordon it makes sense to me if you see the accept answer functionality as "the answer that helped me the most", don't realize that we like question to be a reference even after you are done with them and the accepted answer was there before the others, or you just happened tor read it first.
tl;dr: makes sense, it's just someone misunderstanding how SO works
@Jasper That's how it's presented to the asker if I recall (I only asked one question)
@Gordon i would respond with "please remove me from your mailing list"
@tereško yes. I guess that's what I will do
just out of curiosity how many people here are freelancers?
I'm not
@Orangepill now that you say that, I do remember something like that. I can't find it anywhere, though (including on questions I have not accepted an answer to), it may be displayed under different circumstances, or it may just have been something of the past. It should be best answer, and never "helped me the most because it was first, helped me solve the problem and meant I didn't even have to read the other answers"
i'm on sabbatical , there for i would fit in "unemployed" category
i will start looking for ways to earn money at the start of september
@tereško they are also looking for a Java Backend dev. Was in the same mail. must have: - Java - Experience Webdevelopment - Lookout for Front- and Backend - not scared about Frontend-Tools . nice to have: - Spring - GWT - Struts - Stripes - JSP, JSF
so the JS dev needs an academic degree. The Java dev just shouldn't be afraid of frontend tools and it would be nice if you had some experience with the common technologies people use in Java
they obviously have no information about the people they sent "proposals" to .. nor any information about what skills are required from candidates
@Gordon I take it you didn't come from an academic background?
@Orangepill it doesn't have anything to do with me at all. It was a recruiter spam
that java-thing sounds like they were asked to find someone skilled in GWT (if you know what it is)
hmm ... time to update opera to new chrome engine
have you heard of any new blink only bugs?
@tereško I've asked him never to send any project offers again and kindly requested him to read blog.careers.stackoverflow.com/2013/05/06/… - in the interest of all my colleagues.
@PeeHaa meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/147766/… this is the meta post on the same thing
@Gordon at least they are not saying W3Schools certifications preferred =oP
@PeeHaa huh?

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