@Gordon Usually, you shouldn't process stuff in ctor. But what if you call public methods that do, is it still bad?
class TestClass {
function __construct($args){
function test(){
Odd question: I know there is no need to pre-define variables like arrays in php, but is there any down side to doing it? It's a nice logical step for me, but I don't want to do it if it's detrimental is some way.
@ChristianSciberras If $ar was not initialized to an empty array, if there was another variable with the same name that was used before, you could run into issues.
For example, if $ar was an array with elements and you did not re-initialize $ar to be an empty array, you would be appending elements to the old array, which is not what you intended to do.
@ChristianSciberras take for example strpos. Sometimes false is a valid return value (that's not an error). But if you pass an array to it, it will generate an error
@ChristianSciberras I'm giving examples of where your concept breaks down. Remember, one working example does not prove anything. But one failed example disproves everything...
Look. Error return codes have been used since the dawn of programming. But no language that has been developed in the last 20 years with the exception of PHP actually uses them. Everything else uses exceptions in one way or another. Java, Python, Ruby, Go, JavaScript, C++, C#, etc, etc, etc. They are all wrong, and exceptions are evil. All errors should just be cast to a return boolean. I'll write RFCs for each one of the languages that uses exceptions, because they must be wrong...
@ircmaxell I don't want to continue on this, and I mostly agree with you, using @ is sign of very poor code, however sometimes (in very very specific case) it makes sense. like when you're deleting cache.
Using the @ modifier to suppress warnings & errors, particularly when talking to a database. The proper way is to make sure errors aren't displaying on screen, but are being logged where you address them.
@Artefacto and if you used error exceptions, it would not write to the error log
@ircmaxell Reminds me of an issue I had a while ago with json_encode(). It raised a warning even if it encoded correctly (something to do with character conversion).
@KamilTomšík even that case I think that supressing errors is bad, just as bad as catch (Exception $e) {} since you never know why the error was thrown
auto-converting all errors into exceptions doesn't seem like a good idea at all. I see errors as logging statements, not something that controls my logic
otherwise, someone comes up with the idea of adding a notice and the behavior of my program changes
@ircmaxell but that's the problem - even if you could catch that exception, there's really nothing what you can do about it - deleting old cache file, I could log it, but that's all, it's just cache
Which is ridiculous considering it could have been done inline where it should have. Instead of some global handler which abruptly caught application logic.
@ircmaxell I'm not sure, if you see, what I'm telling you - I can't imagine any other proper case for @, and I written a lot of code - so I second to you in this, and yes, exception would be better, but we're talking about caching, which is supposed to be fast. this is something which always bugged me, but I really couldn't come up with anything better
Then again, it's definitely possible @ircmaxell has an architecture which is all about avoiding this scenarios. We less luckier mortals have to resort to less methods :)
@KamilTomšík I tend to believe that if the only use case is so narrow, perhaps it's not really a valid usecase (or the reasoning for it is flawed in a way you can't understand)
I don't care. I'm trying to help show you a better, stronger and more robust way of writing code. A way where you system can't get into an unstable state
and there's also common convention in java, which says - always write constant (true/false/1/0/"string") as first one in conditions - this is because if ("string".equals(passedString)) can't raise NullPointerException...
I'm not going into this, but you must have null. It's a mathematical requirement... You can't have a concept of a variable without the concept of a null...
@ChristianSciberras null is the explicit lack of a value
@Artefacto all algorithms that back up modern CS are a derivative of either abstract algebras or set theory. And the concept of null (nil) is a fundimental axiom to both...
however my point was about functional languages - there are no variables at all, and you could program even without nil, but they're great as list terminators there...
Gah. Annoying :) Lots of results are people talking about how link stucture effects PR- so I just discredit anything they say and close the page- and its happening a lot.
UNH is the University I am attending, and I'm a computer science major. Currently I'm taking Java courses and have a job on campus writing (and learning) PHP
So PHP and not programming / beeing a software developer in general :) Thats enough to answer :)
(To answer the beeing a software developer in general there is a great book called "The Clean Coder" that goes over the general points of growing up in a young industiry)
For PHP: A lot of your peers will know pretty much nothing about programming and all and if your education is halfway decent and you have SOME knowleage of the language you will find a well paying job without much hassle
Of the scripting languages it's the most mature/uncool/boring one and much of the code (wordpress, joomla, many frameworks) is +5 years old
Or written like it was 2002 and OOP was the devil, so getting work beyond "make a shiny website" is something to focus on
@edorian Very interesting. I'll have to look at "The Clean Coder". I've heard a lot about it. I read "Godel, Escher, Bach" hoping to gain some insight into the logic behind good code. It was certainly an interesting read and helps in a more abstract way, but this book sounds like it's more narrowed down to the specifics. Which is nice.
Apart from that: currently there is dire need in the industry to support all the php applications and since the lang. it not 'cool' anymore the jobmarket is quite good (with many people going into ruby/python or if the go 'uncool' with java/c# )
When it comes to coding in PHP: Oh dear. The language is quite bad and has lots of ugly pitfalls that you'll learn over time
Nothing that makes it impossible to produce good code (php, for a scripting language, has very good tooling)
But many samples and stuff thats not updated for years teach you lots of bad practices
@ircmaxell @Gordon Where is the "Don't to that stuff in php" SO post (i just assume there is one) ? :)
@Zirak i dont want them to know about me. same reason im not using google mail, gtalk or those other services, including g+. im only using a few selected things.
Over specific things from specific locations. I only see ads saying "This XML editor is AWESOME" next to Feedburner notices about web dev blogs or stuff like that...Failblog notifications give me different ads.
well, they also collect your location data from androids and stuff. and who knows maybe they also use that data for customizing the searches. I dont want to see the world like Google wants me to see it
I'm creating a simple site plugin for photos. Someone downloads the zip file, unzips and uploads a folder, photos, to their site. They then have PhotographersSite.com/photos which is their gallary of photos. I want to have a little login link on the gallary to then add and delete photos. Having them make a database for their user account is too much, but having a flat file login system doesn't seem easy or secure. So can they be registered and authenticated through a site of mine?
That's a bit exaggerated, it's not seeing the world as Google wants it. Until you can show that they actually omit or at least bring minor pages to the first page, I'm not buying that