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Gordon has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
@DaveRandom you look for what on laptops?
@cspray yay!
im off to bed. night everyone
later @Gordon
@hakre Efficiency and responsiveness. I'm not too bothered about stupid specs, I don't really game and even if I did I wouldn't do it on a laptop. I basically want to be able to run the lighter-weight dev tools (IDEs etc, I don't build on laptops) and deal with media.
So basically what I need is lots of RAM
@DaveRandom okay, I know there is a benefit with SSDs if you virtualize on the laptop. - gentoo installs :D
I guess there's an argument that with SSDs paging is faster, but my response that would be that you're trying to solve the wrong problem and you should just buy more RAM.
@hakre Yeh I can see that
the other is a benefit on booting the machine.
I don't reboot much, my laptop doesn't like me
It's hard to get reputation today… less upvoters there than usually today…
eih. I mean to repwhore :-)
Neato, when you CV it auto-upvotes the auto-comment from previous CVs
posted on January 01, 0001

programming is not just writing code When I first started my journey to become a professional programmer almost 2 years ago I focused almost entirely on the "learning how to code" aspect. While this is very important, and something I would recommend to beginners, there are other aspects to becoming a great programmer that are just as, if not more, important than actually knowing how to write

posted on January 01, 0001

SprayFire services I've been hard at work lately getting things ready for the v0.1.0a release of SprayFire. One of the modules provided in the initial release is SprayFire\Service that takes care of providing dependencies to other modules. Dependency management is a highly controversial topic in the PHP community and can be implemented in a lot of different ways. Here we talk about SprayFire'

posted on January 01, 0001

you should'nt write a framework…probably It is almost a rite of passage in the PHP community. If you've ever done any serious object oriented PHP you've probably created, or at least used, a framework of some kind. There are literally thousands of shitty frameworks out there that will never get used for anything. Mine is SprayFire. My framework started as a learning experience. I had

posted on January 01, 0001

why I TDD A little over a year and a half ago I started working on the SprayFire project and Test Driven Development. At the time I started with unit testing I really wasn't sure what the benefits, if any, would be. Now having had time spent writing a decent sized codebase and many unit tests the benefits are obvious and numerous. Below are some of the primary reason I like to unit test my

posted on January 01, 0001

Web development: the problem This is part 1 of a 2 part series regarding my thoughts on the current state of web development. This article discusses the problems the web software industry faces today. The second part will discuss some potential solutions to some of the problems discussed. There's little doubt as to the importance of web-based software in today's world. The web powers a wide

yay ramblings :)
> posted on January 01, 0001
@Feeds Quit spamming :-P
@DaveRandom no shit
It always does that for new feeds. It stupid behaviour, but meh
@PeeHaa Clearly there are some errors I need to fix :P
@cspray fix the timestamp, remove the ramblings... and add author
@PeeHaa I'm looking at the raw XML
The timestamp seems to be fine? I have an <author></author> element
Or does <author></author> need to be in every <entry></entry>?
I should just find something that explains RSS...
See: planet-php.net/atom for an example
@PeeHaa "1993!? Boy, I've been writing PHP since before computers. I compiled Perl on an abacus in 1. That's right, year 1."
@Bracketworks Actually that's 2038 :)
@PeeHaa Go home Unix. You're drunk.
@PeeHaa Thank you
@Bracketworks :P
@PeeHaa (notice that PHP merely predates computers, while Perl predates electricity)
Speaking of Perl, I feel kinda silly having the xkcd snippet on my SO profile; I do not know Perl.
@cspray Try using <published> instead of/as well as <updated>
@DaveRandom Yep, I see that. I just pushed some changes to the feed. Hopefully should fix at least the author and date issues
I'd check but my laptop is currently running ridiculously slow because, contrary to something I stated 30 mins ago, I currently am building something on it, for reasons I'm not prepared to discuss untill I know it works :-P
14 mins ago, by hakre
@bwoebi Yea, that's been floating a little while now.
stackoverflow.com/a/17869910/2153758 … I like array_map :-) I never used to use it until a few days ago, and I think it's a powerful function :-)
Weird. So for a given token of T+ or T*, every T[n] where n > 0 is repeated of T[-1] (the last)
call_user_func_array on array_map is also very interesting
@bwoebi I wrote a naive parser with nothing but call_user_func_array, preg_replace_callback, preg_split and array_map
They're powerful.
preg_replace_callback especially. You don't even need to replace, just recursively match patterns.
@Bracketworks yes. but too much regex isn't always making code readable…
@bwoebi That's why you break it down into recursive callbacks
@Bracketworks yes, but even then…
@bwoebi I just realized you probably have even more shit in your questions than JavaScript :/
Can you edit this so it uses my variables? — jkushner 2 mins ago
These sort of comments make me wanna hurl ^
(anyway </rant> night)
@BenjaminGruenbaum Rewrite it in Perl
(let's see how many people get that)
@bwoebi also lolphp :P This is so much prettier in more functional languages
verbose != bad, IMO
Yeah, but that syntax is clumsy in php, not verbose
@BenjaminGruenbaum which questions?
@salathe Well if we want anything better, I don't think we can do it in only 16x16.
@bwoebi The file_get_contents one.
The currently favicon is pretty good considering the 16x16 restriction. The "p" was just an attempt to free up pixels for shiny stuff.
with the include instead
@BenjaminGruenbaum this is an answer :o … but as said… I wasn't aware that it was a dummy line… must have looked too fast over the question.
@bwoebi Not saying anything about your answer, I think your answer is correct. The whole 'eval is insecure' bit and the question and the OP asking the other guy to change to 'match his variable names' - that's the sad parts.
ah okay. yep.... :-/
Word. I'm out. Peas, and carrots.
(read it carefully)
I'm interested how you taste "pregnency"
Speeling mistaeks aside, I like how they put (presumably) the most common requirement at the bottom of the list
@DaveRandom I don't know man...maybe where they're located all the dudes gotta make sure their seman is all good to go
@DaveRandom actually, blood analysis is the most common , followed by urine
@tereško I don't want to know why you know that
a lot of doctors in the bloodline =P
Well, blood and urine you get both genders
I can't imagine many guys coming in for a pregnency analysis
you will get sent to blood analysis for an odd sounding cough or even if you come for yearly checkup
it's cheep, it's fast and it gives a lot of data
@tereško Sure, this also makes sense
@JoeWatkins ... So I have reproducible pthreads test script that segfaults and causes memory corruption -- it's not something dumb I'm doing, definitely a pthreads issue. Problem is there's no good way for me to pull it out of the specific environment. Are you totally against cloning a repo to run a test script?
also , an elevated leukocytes count in a healthy-looking person will mean that there might be some serious but undetected problem going on
@rdlowrey Have you got a sane Accept: parser (and preferably resolver) stashed away anywhere?
I keep re-reading the spec and my brain is starting to ooze from my ear canals
@DaveRandom Sadly, I don't think so. It's something I'd like to get to but just haven't had a chance :/
That is a proper specification born out of historical illogical implementations
Despite the fact that the format contains two sane delimiters (; and ,), the one that really matters is q=
@DaveRandom I have some shit code from an old project that parses the accept language which may be of use ? pastebin.com/0qu72rUw
preg_match_all('/([a-z]{1,8}(-[a-z]{1,8})?)\s*(;\s*q\s*=\s*(1|0\.[0-9]+))?/i', $languageString, $lang_parse);
What's with the {1,8} restriction?
And these days that generally doesn't match a lot of things :-P
But thanks
tbh the real problem is resolving them to the available content types I can provide
Yeah , obviously that was just for languages -
That's the thing really, all I provide is text/html, text/xml or application/json - I don't really care about all this precedence nonsense, but I do need to at least partially account for it
In the real world I've never come across something that actually provides more than just a couple of types for the same resource, even more than one is rare
good evening!
And all this accept-params business is fucking nonsense, frankly.
@JohnBlythe Good evening
got any GIT ninjas in here?
Seriously, I keep reading sec14.1 over an over and it make no sense
@PeeHaa lol
Octocat there just looks like some freakish dude with an extra arm
Oh - I just get:
arm... yeah
Blame your ISP or the CDN you are on
alrighty, so i'm needing some wisdom on issues of deployment and GIT management.
@Danack You just get an ajax loading spinner?
if certain features/stories are rolling along but we don't want them to be relased yet, what's the best method of plucking out the things i want that 1) are on dev w/ the other things i don't, 2) aren't yet on prod?
just grab up their sha and merge into a new release branch?
I did, until the image loading timed out.
@JohnBlythe Sounds like you need moar branches
hmm........time to reboot a modem I think.
I agree with @DaveRandom
As in, each new feature should be developed on its own branch
I can't get php-fpm to work on nginx =o( PHP files just download instead of being ran as PHP *sighs*
okay. clarification: they are
so i have a MASTER
and then DEV. then feature branches.
but after a feature is finished it gets rolled up into DEV
should I just not do that until it's ready to be moved through dev->staging->prod? leave it out until then?
@crypticツ 'tis a common problem, config file on pastebin plz?
Damnit you cannot revote on retracted votes :(
Thoughts on this version of the favicon?
I kinda liked the current [P] one hides for @salathe
This one looks a bit crappy on my screen
@JohnBlythe I'm not entirely sure how to deal with that element of it, now you say it.
Looks a bit crappy on my screen as well. Nicer on the iPad
Screenshot the crappy for me?
so right now we have let's say features A B C D on Master
we've developed E F G H I J on dev
all of them had their own branches
but are now merged into DEV
for the next deploy we just want F and H
@LeviMorrison It'll be the orange of his face reflecting off the screen and clashing with the purple
to be appended to A B C D, creating a Master that is A B C D F H
I still like the [P] as well. PHP already limits its usefulness as a language by clinging to suboptimal practices because "that's how PHP has always done it." Why make the PHP icon ugly for the same reason?
@DaveRandom pastebin.com/gSragLkj the paths to www folder is correct as I access it via browser. I think maybe the php-fpm init file might not be running? Not sure. I did do /etc/init.d/php-fpm start and it said 'Done'
But it is an improvement over the standard one over at php.net, I think.
@LeviMorrison +1
@crypticツ comment out the first fastci_pass line and verify that the referenced unix socket exists (and restart nginx)
Also, just the P doesn't convey "PHP" as well as PHP does, obviously.
awesome vs meh imho
Yeh I prefer the [P] I think
@PeeHaa Do me a favor and do the same thing with the current php.net ico in there too.
1 sec
@DaveRandom that socket does not exist
@JohnBlythe Right yeh, that's kinda tricky if you've actually commited incomplete features to dev (which is what that sounds like) - you'd be better off keeping features out of dev until you're happy for them to go into prod at the next roleout IMO
@crypticツ Well in that case you're gonna have a bad time...
@DaveRandom tcp 0 0 localhost:9000 *:* LISTEN 1503/php-fpm.conf) so it's listening on port 9000
ya. hmm. got a lot of my process from nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model/
Hang on let me pull up my own config
Okay, now I'm going to take another approach with just the P. Wish me luck.
Design like the wind, IconMaster!
I have no idea what that even means.
@rdlowrey never design into the wind
@LeviMorrison I've notified the village, search party on standby. God speed.

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