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@Mr.Alien any luck?
@TheGuyWhoCouldn'tTalkToTheGirl sorry, boss was here, so do you need like this? jsfiddle.net/cc2Rz
@TheGuyWhoCouldn'tTalkToTheGirl blue was just for debugging :p jsfiddle.net/cc2Rz/1
@Mr.Alien Yes that is exactly how I wanted it, but I am confused as to how you made the content div in the center at all times and the wrap div 100% of space without using %'s at all.
Also, what exactly is the point of <aside></aside> ?
@TheGuyWhoCouldn'tTalkToTheGirl am using margin-left to prevent the fixed div get over the center div, that's the crucial part, secondly, div are block level elements, they take entire horizontal space by default unless and until you float them or use display inline block so ..
@TheGuyWhoCouldn'tTalkToTheGirl It's an html5 tag, no special meaning but it is meaningful from SEO point of view, search engines are changing their algorithms, so using aside, you say that the content in the aside denotes your website sidebar, or just the content which is aside of the main flow
can a mysql query pro take a look at my Q stackoverflow.com/questions/17850076/… bit stuck with why adding an extra table stops it working
Do bounties have to be awarded when the time limit goes out even if there is no accepted answer?
@Orangepill yeah, otherwise they evaporate or are given to the highest scoring answer if I recall
@Orangepill if there are no accepted answers and the user doesn't care to award the bounty, than bounty will be split to top answers
oh split?
@crypticツ yes, if the user doesn't award and say bounty is worth 50, top 2 answers will get 25 each
@Mr.Alien what is there is only 2 answers where one is 0 and other is 1?
@crypticツ aa that's confusing, give me a minute :)
Here you go
or better yet -1 and 1 =oP
If anyone knows something about doctrine there is one closing in 2 hours....stackoverflow.com/q/17598629/2364629 I feel bad I couldn't help the guy out
lol i got oracle links posted on my mysql Q >.>
@Orangepill I guess you'll get it @crypticツ kitty you are confusing me :p
@crypticツ here you go
What happens if I feel my question is still unanswered?
What is automatic awarding?

Approximately 24 hours after the end of the bounty period, if the bounty starter has not manually awarded the bounty, the bounty may be awarded automatically.

If the bounty starter accepted an answer during the bounty period, that answer is awarded the bounty. Answers accepted before the bounty period are not eligible to be awarded the bounty automatically.

Otherwise, if there are eligible answers, the highest scoring is awarded half the bounty amount. The criteria for an answer to be eligible are:
(see full text)
No refunds, no exchanges, and no store credit!
@mr.Alien so based on that he will get it back unless he awards it to me because I only have a score of 1
@Orangepill is that you hinting for one of use to up-vote you? =oP
no... I don't want it... I didn't answer the question
@Orangepill I can award you +1 so that you get the bounty, it is better to get it rather than wasting it
@Mr.Alien but how would I sleep at night with my ill gotten gains :p
Btw, does anyone know why browser throws "Thr connection is untrusted" -> Get me outta here
@Orangepill sometimes its ok to take things wrong way :p
@MR.Alien Snakeoil or expired ssl cert?
@Orangepill I guess the second one, let me research over that, btw was studying yest about the network protocols.. I did gained some superb piece of info which I didn't knew...
Yes, the certificates are the issue
@Mr.Alien thank you so much for the help :)
@TheGuyWhoCouldn'tTalkToTheGirl You welcome :)
I guess not many people knew about this one:
A: swap two words in a string php

OrangepillUse strtr From the manual: If given two arguments, the second should be an array in the form array('from' => 'to', ...). The return value is a string where all the occurrences of the array keys have been replaced by the corresponding values. The longest keys will be tried first. Once a subst...

A: I need to find the position of the first vowel in a string in php

OrangepillUse the strcspn function. It will return the length of the string at the beginning not matching any of the characters you specified. $pos = strcspn(strtolower($str), "aeiou"); // and sometimes y

@Orangepill let me give you a badge
@Orangepill you'll get 2 badges now ;)
Q: Unable To Retrieve $_GET['id'] Value?

Taha KirmaniI am unable to retrieve the id from the $_GET variable. I am trying to update a table in a database with a specific id. The thing is, i can see the id on the address bar, but cannot retrieve it via $_GET this is the code. Here i am only sharing the part of the code. kindly check it and guide me. <...

The amount of crappy answers in this question... incredible
@Mr.Alien Thank you
@Orangepill sorry, 1 badge, you won't get the enlightened one as you didn't answered first
@crypticツ Speedy compile =D
@ThiefMaster I don't think the code is contributed which is on line 36
ah yeah, didn't noticed that part.. the answers are crap nonetheless
$badchars = array("\"", "\\", "/", "*", "'", "=", "-", "#", ";", "<", ">", "+", "%");
Could be from The Daily WTF
@ThiefMaster the best crap answers I would say is when users asks why the header doesn't redirect the page or it throws the headers already sent error, the answer he gets is use exit; after header()
heh, fail...
@ThiefMaster Bad question yields bad answer, what can I say? :)
Wanted dead or alive

The error location and the code you've shown here don't match. If you want us to help, provide the code up until that line. — Jack 2 mins ago
Q: How secure is SSL?

MalfistHow secure is SSL (Secure Socket Layer)? As in, how much will it take to crack a password sent through SSL?

How bad is this question?
It's like back in '09 SO was like the wild farking west when it came to horribly vague questions.
hi guys
Hi @libjup
mornignin all
Good moaning!
good afternoon
is there any drupal developer???????????
@Fairoz I have to do some things in drupal, but it is waaaay to early in the day for me to want to think about drupal right now
@PeeHaa I have small doubt
any1 ever experienced a problem where a string is actually too long for a post request to handle?
* already set
post_max_size max_input_time
to the max. values possible
Also how big is your request?
it's already 30 seconds
1second i show you my post
Funny, my UPDATE ... LIMIT statement was working fine until I decided to add a JOIN ... why-oh-why.
funny coincidence; SO won't let me post the post request... "message is too long"
here goes:
part 1
"{ \"date\": \"2013-07-25\", \"time\": \"09:23:16\", \"logLevel\": \"INFO\", \"comment\": \"street was changed to asdfdfasdffadsöljdsfdölkaj sdölkfasölkdf laökjsd fölkjasöjf aspijd fafadsdfasdfdfasdffadsöljdsfdölkaj sdölkfasölkdf laökjsd fölkjasöjf aspijd fafadsdfasdfdfasdffadsöljdsfdölkaj sdölkfasölkdf laökjsd fölkjasöjf aspijd fafadsdfasdfdfasdffadsöljdsfdölkaj sdölkfasölkdf laökjsd fölkjasöjf aspijd fafadsdflköjw AFDÖLAJSDF ÖLKAJSDF ÖLKASJDFÖLK L laösdjdföalksjdfaasdfdfasdffadsöljdsfdölkaj sdölkfasölkdf laökjsd fölkjasöjf aspijd fafadsdfasdfdfasdffadsöljdsfdölkaj sdölkf
(see full text)
part 2
fafadsdfasdfdfasdffadsöljdsfdölkaj sdölkfasölkdf laökjsd fölkjasöjf aspijd fafadsdfasdfdfasdffadsöljdsfdölkaj sdölkfasölkdf laökjsd fölkjasöjf aspijd fafadsdflköjw AFDÖLAJSDF ÖLKAJSDF ÖLKASJDFÖLK L laösdjdföalksjdfaasdfdfasdffadsöljdsfdölkaj sdölkfasölkdf laökjsd fölkjasöjf aspijd fafadsdfasdfdfasdffadsöljdsfdölkaj sdölkfasölkdf laökjsd fölkjasöjf aspijd fafadsdfasdfdfasdffadsöljdsfdölkaj sdölkfasölkdf laökjsd fölkjasöjf aspijd fafadsdfasdfdfasdffadsöljdsfdölkaj sdölkfasölkdf laökjsd fölkjasöjf aspijd fafadsdflköjw AFDÖLAJSDF ÖLKAJSDF ÖLKASJDFÖLK L laösdjdföalksjdfaasdfdfasdffadsöljd
(see full text)
@libjup What happened to good ol' pastebin?
1 sec :P
@Jack hacked. :P
Haha. right.
Q: How can i show 2 contents PHP

Moun SsifI was wondering how can i show 2 contents, If user is not logged in show "Please login (link) And if the user is logged in show: Welcome back Is this possible? Regards

worst question ever. :)^^^^^^
^christ, what is this hideous wall of text?
I leave for a couple of hours and shit goes crazy :p
@dragon112 great wall of code. :P
Ugly code.
:10829327 The pastebin text doesn't seem that long.
@Mr.Alien Do you use SASS or LESS or just hand code your css?
@Orangepill Totally from scratch, Traditional CSS
@Orangepill google css. :P
No skool like old skool
unfortunately it is ... if I use get everything goes through fine...
This guy is actually using Query in his question to explain CSS people..
So ORDER BY message_id ASC? :) — Jack 10 secs ago
@YogeshSuthar I just wanted to know how the cool kids are doing it these days :)
I think SASS is quite interesting when you're testing new concepts though.
@Orangepill It depends on that person, whether to use google OR own brain. :)
@YogeshSuthar I think you may have misunderstood his intentions ;-)
@Jack may be.
@Mr.Alien What the ... what kind of answer is that?
A: Display data in div from bottom to top in chat box

Mr. AlienWhat you need is display: table; and display: table-cell; properties div.wrap { display: table; height: 300px; width: 200px; background: #eee; } div.cell { display: table-cell; vertical-align: bottom; padding: 5px; } div.cell span { display: block; padding: ...

@yogeshsuthar I know css... (I suck at design but that's another issue) ... I was just wondering if he used any productivity tools...
Did you post that in the wrong question?
any idea @Jack y it didn't work ????
@libjup What's giving the error? json_decode()?
@Orangepill I am also going to learn CSS but use traditional one. :)
I think if anything went wrong in decoding, json_last_error() (or something) would give the reason.
@Jack no - json_decode is working fine since it's working correctly with passing via GET; POST value must be null since MSSQL Server returns an error that date is null which is caused by an empty POST string
@Jack Means?
@Mr.Alien Means what?
4 mins ago, by Jack
@Mr.Alien What the ... what kind of answer is that?
I had to see the fiddle to know what you were talking about, first and foremost.
Secondly, I'm not even sure whether that's what OP meant ... it could also be they want it reversed.
@Jack What he needs is like say SO chat here, he wants the messages to pile up from bottom to top, unlike default behavior of stacking where the elements stack from top to bottom
@Mr.Alien But the first message from the results is the latest one.
@Jack that he will handle via query sorting
I just showed him the stacking as it was just css tagged
@Mr.Alien Doesn't work that way ;-)
Hi guys. Is it possible to simplify ($i%2 === 0 && rand(0,1) === 0)?
@Jack As far as I know, this is what he wanted ;)
@estrar I don't think so. But it all depends on what you expect it to do.
hello everyone
Q: rule are not working fine for change password in yii php?

Amit SinglaI m creating change password functionality, all things are working fine except the old password validation rule.here is my code public function rules() { return array( array('is_active', 'numerical', 'integerOnly'=>true), array('first_name, joining_date,last_name, employee_co...

please help me
is there an easy way to find out matching brace in a long code which is opened in vim editor
solved the problem
indeed json was causing the problem
it didn't support \n and äöü in the string
thanks anyways @Jack etc :-))
@Jack I can barely remember myself. I guess I wanted something to kick in a bit more rarely than 1/2 of the times. I wonder how often that will return true in a loop of 10 times
Goooood morning!
monrinign new room 11 enterers
how do you post comments on here (i mean from questions)
^ that makes no sense!
Just paste the URL into the chatbox
If you right click on the timestamp of the comment and copy link address, that url
@DaveRandom Thanks
@Jack I was right
I love the hard core CSS ... It's like back to math..
Morning everyone
@PLB morning
good mornig
can i get help from someone here
@krishna Don't ping random people. Read our room topic please :-)
@krishna question
@PeeHaa That wasn't actually a ping because the @ is missing:p
LOL ^^^
dragon112 ...
i am using first data payment gateway (premium) for my wordpres site , i did the SSL certification also to get payment options now it is showing first data system error
what is first data system error
How would we know? :-)
@Mr.Alien Apparently lol ... I don't like those vague questions ;-)
That's so vague
@krishna First data system error is ... first data system error :)
how can i rectify that
@Jack nah it was not vague(@krishna not pointing to your question, your question actually is pretty vague) , it was on the point... it was nothing to do with php or sql, he wanted the stacking from bottom to top
@Mr.Alien He obfuscated that by talking about SQL.
PeeHaa Wut
ok guys sorry the distrubance
hello everyone
@Jack lol that's what I told you before...
i have to sleep... goodnight guys
@Orangepill Is not it always morning here? Have a good sleep.
Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [working_hour] => 4 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [working_hour] => 3 ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [working_hour] => 3 ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [working_hour] => 3 ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [working_hour] => 4 ) [5] => stdClass Object ( [working_hour] => 5 ) )
how can i sum these array??
@Gordon Truth
you guys read pretty fast :D
@Gordon I think the original is "bike wouldn't start, dunno why"
@user2206616 how do you think it could work?
@Gordon Without reading her diary I know exactly what is in it...
Actually I only read the guy's part haha
I have to show it to my wife :)
The images on my dev server are now in HD. The logo is smaller than before but much more crisp. A few smaller icons around the site and the To Top image are also HD. @rdlowrey @Jack
HD images++ :)
i believe evrything has a solution .bt right way is needed..
Good all :)
@LeviMorrison Still not losing the lightning bolts huh? ;-)
and here i m searching for the right way
@Jack Surprisingly the feedback on them has been quite good.
That is surprising, unless they were trolling haha
@user2206616 yeah, but that's evading my question. how do you think it could work? How would you do it?
good afternoon alll.... :)
this is where i am stuck on .
@Jack They weren't... I think.
@Gordon hello sir hws you.?
Hi All
Q: Ajax File Upload on File select not working

PadysterI have a ajaxForm jQuery library to do the task have created a sample script as given below: HTML & JS <!doctype html> <body> <head> <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7/jquery.js"></script> <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7/jquery.js"></sc...

Aaaaaand after a week we finally have a status update from crApple: developer.apple.com/support/system-status
@PeeHaa That looks pretty.
@LeviMorrison Btw, is Release and Notes supposed to be on two lines?
@user2206616 ok, look at your data dump. it says its an array of stdClass objects. how do you go through an array?
@SilentKiller fine. thanks. you?
@Jack Only on a certain size. I can maybe figure out a better way to display it for that particular size.
@LeviMorrison white-space: nowrap;?
@Gordon me too good... sir is there any update in FB integration with PHP...???
my old code was working fine but now on wards not working..
searching for error thought may you know about any update.
@SilentKiller I have no clue about the FB API
@PeeHaa That's not really a status update, it's just telling you it's all broken in a different way
@user2206616 Here's what I'd do for fun. In general, you can simply iterate over array and sum up desired values. This is quite trivial.
Facebook is one of those platforms that provides job security for those who build on it :)
@Gordon ohk sir thanks searching.. :)
@PeeHaa It's 5 days ;)
@Gordon The small amount of work I have done with it in the past indicates that FB don't either.
@dragon112 The hack happended last thursday night
@DaveRandom I'm happy with anything I get
@Jack Should be fixed now.
@PeeHaa Oh right, damn they sure took their sweet time
I mean 1 week of offline dev portal is unforgivable
They better give me a free year of ios dev xD
@dragon112 :D
@LeviMorrison Now I'm only seeing the old old version ;-)
Blame @rdlowrey -- it probably has something to do with his cookie mod he wrote for me.
Hit up leviathon.homenet.org/my.php and try to enable beta.
Okay, working now :)
Anyway, it's 2:40am here and I have to work at 8:00am.
Good night, all!
@LeviMorrison The manual index page looks odd with everything stuck to the left and scrolling down. Maybe collapsible sections so initially the whole thing fits on to one screen height and you can expand to the right section?
Also needs a new favicon
It would be nice if php provided the reverse function of parse_url() :)
here anybody know drupal ????????????
Guys I have an error when I 'Tried' setting mysql to mysqli (was an old script so)
Catchable fatal error: Object of class mysqli could not be converted to string in
This is the line:

mysqli_real_escape_string($this->connection, $url),
@Tredged Perhaps switch the parameter order
@Tredged You're mixing up OO with procedural.
Also ... use prepared statements.
While writing a research paper should I include the present state of technology that I am improving or just focus on my part ? I am asking this here because there is no one on academia chat :(
Im sorry I gave the wrong line @Jack
@silverflash if it's important to get your point across
@Tredged What's the sprintf() doing there?
@Jack nvm i noticed already ..
@Jack it's probably sprint effing
@silverflash Why not include both? Make it a well thought out explanation and you're sorted
@Gordon I have developed algorithms to improve filtering out garbage data out of search engines results. So, should I include how current search engines work ?
Yes, and explain the differences, and why yours is better / worse
Remember kids, "compare and contrast" - they're the magic words taught at high school level, but they're actually what you need to do at University level too
@Gordon Yeah, it's quite good at that :)
@silverflash what @Jimbo said
@silverflash Not sure how you're starting your paper, but I would start off your introduction with explaining how crap the current state of technology is, why, and how the rest of the paper will show how you aim to change that.
More importantly, how can you make money from filtering garbage data :)
What @Jack said too. Put confidence and enthusiasm behind what you're doing, see how much money it can make, drop hints at the end that regardless of what the idiot marking it thinks, you're already starting to be successful from it ;)
I am starting by telling that no one actually goes beyond the first page of Google :P
Q: What's the best place to hide a body?
A: On the second page of Google's search results.
@Jack I don't think we can make money from it.
@silverflash Advertisers will disagree I think.
@Jack It's not exactly hard to roll you own though, in fact I have one pre-rolled somewhere, hang on
@Jack lolz
@DaveRandom It's not, but you know ...
Just like how http_build_query() is not hard to roll either.
What to call it is another thing ... unparse_url() lol
My research aims at: If user has asked for some "abc.pdf" or "def.mp3" than I dont want to see "2.2 million results in 0.8ms" I want just one result that should be 100% accurate ...
@silverflash wut
Makes sense.
@HamZa ??
@silverflash just wondering
Wondering what ?
@silverflash I want just one result that should be 100% accurate .
Oh dear, that doesn't account for the port
@DaveRandom Damn, now I'm thinking of a smarter way =S
I've been using that for ages as well
Q: Break array_walk from anonymous function

Vlad PredaIs there a way to stop an array_walk from inside the anonymous function ? Here is some sample code (that works) to show what I mean, that checks if an array has only numeric values. $valid = true; array_walk($parent, function ($value) use (&$valid) { if (!is_numeric($value)) { $vali...

@HamZa I have achieved that in my algorithm.
@Jack I have read that as Damn, now I think I'm smarter lol
@HamZa Haha
@Jack The thing is, parse_url() is quite forgiving and does a bit of best-guess type logic (as does mine), in order to do that it's nasty nested logic.
Need some tunes to rock out to and keep me focussed today - any suggestions for 'power work' albums?
Motorhead / ACDC on the cards atm
@Gordon Nice!
@Jack slightly improved and pasted back into my codebase, I'll just pretend that never happened :-P
@Jimbo not exactly AC/DC or Motorhead but pretty straightforward in your face tunes with very little schnickschnack
@Gordon Google translated that - "chatter"?
@Jimbo "schnacken" is dialect for chatter. schnickschnack means "no frills"
I prefer schnickschnack, that's an awesome word
Tisch Tennis, Schnickschnack, I love the German language.
@Jimbo :)
@HamZa If it were possible I would say !!array_product($array, 'is_numeric') :)
In fact, I might bring that functionality up to the php d00ds
It's a great way to implement AND and OR operations on arrays.
I'm not a fan of !!
In fact I generally hate operator hacks instead of nice, readable casts.
+$var for number casts is just as bad
Although I must admit I wish there was a generic (number) when you want an int for ints and a float for floats
@DaveRandom Yeah, I mean ... whatever works ... (bool)array_product($array, 'is_numeric') ... sure :)
JS-y types are much worse for it
Q: Why are editors not suggested as targets of @ comments?

SkippyWhen replying to a user in a comment, their name is automatically suggested in a pop-up: But that only works if they have already left a comment. Sometimes I want to notify a user who has made a suggested edit, but there no pop-up that suggests the name of these users: Does the user still ...

@Jack What does !! mean ?
@HamZa It means you seriously want to cast it to boolean :)
@Jack ah I see, so it means double "not" ?
Yes, it's a double negation. The stuff your teacher said you shouldn't do ;-)
AKA the seed of evil
@Jack heh, I think it's the first time I see it. Nice hack to know ...
@Jack lol http://stackoverflow.com/q/17853660/
$arr = preg_spilt($pattern,$str);
@Jack an almost flying bus :O
@HamZa Coming through!!
This time no Sandra Bullock at the wheel though.
array_product(), Y U never stop iterating when intermediate product is already zero?!
@rdlowrey By the way, I discovered that WeakRef solved the DOMDocument memory release issue, I guess there was a floating reference somewhere
hello guys
can u please guys tell me how can i use preg_match in switch case.
What are the attempts which you have made?
@Jack thats was close..
Good Afternooooooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnn
@Rafee Yup, rogue buses hunt the singapore landscape.
@Gordon i found the solution and its pretty simple.
                                                             foreach($total as $val)

                                                                $sum += $val->working_hour;;

                                                               echo $sum;
another preg_match
another preg_match
end_switch !
@user2206616 congratulations :)
an alternative would be
echo array_reduce($data, function($sum, stdClass $obj) {
    return $sum += $obj->working_hour;
array_sum(array_map(function($i) {
    return $i->working_hour;
}, $total));
@user2206616 but your solution is perfectly fine and easy to read, so stick with that. there is no benefit doing it any different
@user2206616 double semicolons!
@salathe still better than 0 semicolons!
@zerkms Aye, PHP isn't JavaScript!
The locale information is maintained per process, not per thread. If you are running PHP on a multithreaded server API like IIS or Apache on Windows, you may experience sudden changes in locale settings while a script is running, though the script itself never called setlocale(). This happens due to other scripts running in different threads of the same process at the same time, changing the process-wide locale using setlocale(). - php.net/setlocale#refsect1-function.setlocale-notes
Who thought that was a good way to do it??
@zerkms that's somewhat inefficient though, isn't it. You create another array with the numbers and then iterate that to sum it when you can iterate the existing thing just once.
@salathe I won't be wondered if in php7 or php8 semicolon will be optional
@Gordon valid point
@Gordon array_reduce() to the rescue
@Gordon Working on a PR for that ;-)
@salathe yeah, see above ;)
If the elements implemented ArrayAccess would array_column() work?
@Gordon *looks up*
I still think that array_column() should work for object property names too.
@DaveRandom no
That kinda sucks IMO
@Jack +1
Although having said that, I also think that array_column() shouldn't exist at all
But if we must have it, it may as well be as useful as possible
@DaveRandom ArrayAccess is only concerned about $obj[...] syntax, nothing more.

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