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nuff said ...
the comments are funny though.
posted on July 17, 2013 by PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor

The PHP development team announces the immediate availability of PHP 5.5.1. About 20 bugs were fixed including a security fix in the XML parser (Bug #65236).For source downloads of PHP 5.5.1 please visit our downloads page, Windows binaries can be found on windows.php.net/download/. The list of changes is recorded in the ChangeLog.

A: PHP silently converting HTTP 429 and others to 500

hakreIt's perhaps your SAPI configuraiton. Last time I tested something similar, the conclusion looked like this: <?php header('HTTP/ 429 Too Many Requests', false, 429); echo "Too Many Requests\n"; Which in your case works still well for me (Apache 2.2 / FCGI / Windows): >curl -i "http://local.ex...

hey guys, got a question... My Form Dropdowns is displaying the ID's instead of the 'category_names'. Why? Here is the paste: $categories
if (Auth::check())
    echo "logged in.";
} else {
	echo "not logged in.";
Nevermind my code, figured it out.
here is the paste: paste.laravel.com/BZJ
my question was: My Form Dropdowns is displaying the ID's instead of the 'category_names'. Why?
oh wow, these things are funny: amplicate.com/hate/stackoverflow/…
None of these even make sense lol.
Seem more like troll posts.
@Jasper That one was funny as hell. This Poor guy: amplicate.com/hate/stackoverflow/… It seemed to have a real problem problem.
feel sorry for his 4 hours question
He spent 4 hours trying to get probably a gold badge for a good question --- hilarious
What I don't get about these is that I've posted plenty of questions which I now would view as completely retard-....highly unintellectual questions. Never was taken off of stack overflow and was never given any hate.
These people must have been even more unintellectual than I thought is possible.
I am sure, that YourCommonSense guy wrote one or two lines
@Alec Well, some of the worst questions are shown in this chat with a cv-pls request. The real kicker, though, is that these people don't realize that their questions are even remotely poor and so get upset
Probably. For me it's Stack Overflow search, if that fails then google search for a while, and if that fails then try to rethink the logic of my questions. Then if I continually fail at finding a solution that way I post it on SO.
Or sometimes if I'm having issues finding stuff with search I throw it in chat.
This one's good too, someone who is responding seriously to someone's rant: amplicate.com/hate/stackoverflow/…
I;m so sad there's only two pages even though it says there are 15. That side could have been my new favorite place to go for a laugh
Yea, sad ... it felt like a genuine joke
> I bet no one with a minimum respect and dignity would join such a website and allow a bunch of mentally ill idiots to put them on trials all the time round!
@igorw I generally disagree with this. Having implemented both protocols I see them as quite different. HTTP has been and should remain stateless. Websockets are not at all based on HTTP -- it's just that the HTTP Upgrade mechanism is the only way to ensure things work for a broad audience because there's so much garbage HTTP infrastructure between two given points in the internet. Anything that can't run on ports 80/443 is useless. And even 80 is suspect.
You actually have to TLS-encrypt your websockets or they're prone to severe breakage.
People complain about the websocket framing as a messaging protocol but I see the logic behind pretty much all of the RFC's decisions.
How can I show list of youtube videos and categories on my website? As I know, I should use API. But I don't know how to use it.
The interleaved control frames, though not trivial to accommodate, are necessary.
64-bit frame sizes are a little ridiculous, but whatever. It's up to the application to specify sensible limits on what it will and will not accept.
@rdlowrey by "based on HTTP" I do mean "designed to work with HTTP infrastructure". I guess I just disagree with piling more crap on top of HTTP.
pastebin.com/a2gNNacZ Thoughts? Using laravel. I've been trying to google the problem, but I can't figure out the right way to word it.
@igorw But it doesn't pile anything on HTTP. It simply takes advantage of ports 80/443 being universally open.
It's the only way to do anything that's useful for a broad audience on the internet. You have no choice but to use 80/443, and that necessarily means upgrading the HTTP connection.
> STUDY the mysterious rules buried deep in the system
@Alec double check cookies are set.
Of course this is all just my take on it. Everyone's free to disagree. Anyway, dinner time!
@hakre What cookies should I be looking for?
Yes. there are some things easily learned than others
@rdlowrey it uses HTTP infrastructure. it's a hack. it's a nice hack, it makes stuff work right now. my criticism is from a very idealistic long-term viewpoint, not a practical one.
@Alec those that are responsible for keeping the login-state.
which brings me to the point that you might create login state first before redirecting. Right now you're only authenticating so you might be missing to create the state.
however I'm not firm with laravel, so just an assumption based on the code you've posted.
When the attempt method is called, the auth.attempt event will be fired. If the authentication attempt is successful and the user is logged in, the auth.login event will be fired as well.
It's supposed to set the cookies and stuff if the function I called is an success I think.
@Alec yes, sounds so. so check if cookies are being set.
im trying to login to phpmyadmin on my localhost but i've updated my mysql root pw
so phpmyadmin won't connect anymore where can i update the pw?
@DaveRandom recommended I use a VM for a server instead of using a desktop computer I have lying around. Do you all agree with that? Or do you guys think its better to use the desktop computer as the server?
Is this a 'known' issue? as in are you guys aware about it?
nvm i found it
@AmalMurali It will be reversed in about 2 hours
now i forgot what i was going into phpmyadmin for ><
Q: What is serial voting and how does it affect me?

Cody GrayI just noticed that I lost a bunch of points from my reputation score on Stack Overflow, and I used the "reputation" tab on my user profile page to try and track down the cause. During my investigation, I noticed there was an unusual event of type "reversal". In the normal place of a question ti...

@DannyBeckett: yeah, I know. I've read that answer :>
Just wait til 3AM UTC
also: it's @Peeha's profile, not mine :P
i can't afford to lose rep! i got the bare minimum to join the chat as it is lol
hello everyone i'm just looking for a small tutorial if anyone can help me
Wow, it looks like Notepad++'s regex flavor got a LOT more powerful recently (recently meaning since I last updated)
@user2560430: try asking your question :p
i'm looking for a tutorial how i can start to use classes of twitter so i can start coding app for twitter
pew pew
completed removal of Zend\Code. Now only using PHP-Parser \o/
aaaaaand 95% coverage too =)
Good morning
@hakre Found the issue, I had the user ID in my database named user_id, the auth system built into the Eloquent driver of laravel has that field named id.
@igorw Well, FWIW I wholeheartedly agree with your opinions if you apply them to what's happening with HTTP/2.0 -- that is a mistake.
IMO HTTP should stay HTTP and thin wrappers around TCP should fill in the gaps (like websockets). But like you said, the two shouldn't be thrown together into an incomprehensible mish-mash because a few giant companies want to squeeze out more performance for their commercial interests.
@Alec Do you want that we review your questions :P ?
@Jasper Really some retarded people there or just some egoist helpvampires
Something just makes me feel it's more about not understanding than selfishness (and perhaps a bit not understanding that they are (egoist) help vampires). In that sense it may be good there's only two pages; it means more people do get how SO works
@Jasper Well can't be helped. I mean if they don't get or don't bother to check the difference between mods and 3K+ users, they are doomed anyways
fair enough
@Jasper isn't it late lol ?
@HamZa I've had stranger rhythms when it wasn't my summer vacation
1 hour later…
monring all. :)
Morning @YogeshSuthar
Morning ýall
ohh all came. :)
@Tredged monring.
@Jack :)
Q: BackSlash(\), Namespace Separator in namespaces aliasing in PHP

DasunI have been reading about Using namespaces: Aliasing/Importing in PHP. There are two things I don't understand. It says, Note that for namespaced names (fully qualified namespace names containing namespace separator, such as Foo\Bar as opposed to global names that do not, such as FooBar)...

anyone interested in this one ^^^^?
@Gordon Morning :)
Morning .... ;)
i need a quick help in regards to mysql date datatype
@user1927716 ask it if anyone knows they will answer you. :)
@Gordon is for rescue for BackSlash(), Name..... :)
We are creating the functionality where we use filter in the front-end with a search. when the user click on the filter, the search box will open and with have couple drop-down options like starts with, equal to and ends with.

MY issue is the date is saved in YYYY-mm-dd in the database as date datatype( mysql) and in the front-end we have search options like starts with, ends with and equal to and it works perfectly fine when we search for " starts with = 2013 "

But we have one more options where the user can change the format to " dd-mm-yyyy" in the settings page and when we search "star
@user1927716 asking question in chat and here stackoverflow.com/questions/17738197/… is not necessary.
@user1927716 use date in php for converting the date format.
@HamZa No I think I'll pass lol.
This is my first time it stack chat I am happy :)
@Gayan PHP coders are always happy. :)
@Wesツ JAVA loves you.
@Mr.Alien Morning ;)
@Tredged hi
@Mr.Alien mera chrome wala dekha kya?
@YogeshSuthar kya?
@Mr.Alien are vo breadcrum right side me jata he vo wala.
@YogeshSuthar I didn't knew that was not working in chrome, I had seen that in ff, btw if you are using jQuery for that toh u shudn
@Mr.Alien dekhke bata kya problem he.
When I type a url into my browser, it returns detailed output. However, when I try to then make this a curl request, the request is empty. Why is this? My code is below. You can see the url here: api.500px.com/v1/…
<!DOCTYPE html>


function fetchData($url) {
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, 0);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
$returned = curl_exec($ch);
echo 'Errors: ' . curl_errno($ch) . ' ' . curl_error($ch) . '<br><br>';
curl_close ($ch);
echo $returned;
return $returned;
@YogeshSuthar ok wait
This sis my code.
Can anyone help?
@user1605871 Discussion for all things PHP - Don't ask whether someone is here to help you. If someone is around and wants to help they will.
@Mr.Alien ok.
Read all the noob answers here
Is it possible to use githib so it fetches all the files every night?
or that has to be done manually
@Tredged you can setup a cronjob to do that
oh wait, you mean, you want github to fetch the files on your computer? that's not possible. it's not how GH works. You push stuff to GitHub. Not the other way round.
@Gordon no not from the computer, from my FTP to github
I mean the FTP
I hate email verification "We have sent a verification email" checking inbox nothing recieved.. :(
I am feeling like down voting all the answers here but will lose my rep in bulk
LOL @ your comments @Mr.Alien
Anybody here know .htaccess trick to redirect all abc.com/downloads/1234.exe to anotherwebsite.com/1234.exe without it showing in the URL?
@Mr.Alien wow. I am tempted to lock the question because all these answers are so poor
guys, anyone familiar here with rtmp module of nginx server?
@Gordon Yea, all answers are horrible...OP says session unsets(which should redirect after)...I think condition returns false..
Thanks :)
Is there a good alternative where you have github but where private repo's areny required to pay 7$
In cakephp controller I am having a function, now i have to call function which is also in the same controller file how to do it and how to get returned value ????
AnyOne ???
@Tredged bitbucket
Is my answer wrong here for Fatal error cannot use object of type ... as array ??
108K suggesting to use JS for redirects
In cakephp controller I am having a function, now i have to call function which is also in the same controller file how to do it and how to get returned value ????
@Mr.Alien Its old question may be after that he got that much reps. :)
@Gordon why did you reopened that question?
@YogeshSuthar just 2 years back... and it's not that old, php was quiet developed at those time too
@YogeshSuthar because he updated the stuff from the comments into the question, so closing it was not justified
@Gordon okk. And I have answered his second question. :)
[email protected] In cakephp controller I am having a function, now i have to call function which is also in the same controller file how to do it and how to get returned value ????
Is there any type of repo of thing where I put my FTP data into and it fetches and backups every day
@shivdhwajpndey Pure PHP guy here who hates frameworks and CMS
@YogeshSuthar URL of your site
oKIES @Mr.Alien
@Tredged google cloud backup. it's a different thing than sourcecode version control though
:10700474 that depends. you obviously need to run some sort of program on the fetching side to contact your computer. The only reason to use that though would be if you need to centralize backups. You don't, so any solution that lets you transfer to the cloud would suffice. so you initiate the backup from your computer. not vice versa.
The FTP is running on a linux server ;x not on my computer
but I understand what you mean
@JoeWatkins are you here?
@Tredged I've linked it already ;)
Oh mover.io seems epic @Gordon It can backup automaticly from alot to alot of things. FTP to skydrive, googledrive, dropbox and alot more.
@Tredged I just don't see why you would want that over github or bitbucket when your aim is to secure your code
I dont quite understand github plus it has to work with a windows application ..
@Mr.Alien mere profile me he.
@Tredged git works everywhere. and I gave you tutorials. so what's the problem?
@Gordon Main reason is that I can't use SSH on the host nor install any required windows applications.
Unless u have something that fits that? @Gordon
@Tredged I don't understand what you mean with "required windows application"
Doesnt github for example have a windows program that u need for controlling the repo ? @Gordon
@Tredged see, that's why I pointed you to the tutorials ;)
Bleh, ill just shutup and start reading ;x
52 mins ago, by Gordon
@Tredged see https://help.github.com/articles/set-up-git and also http://try.github.io and http://sixrevisions.com/resources/git-tutorials-beginners/
Its just so irritating that I cant install programs here. thats why :(
@Tredged git is not the same as github. github is just a company offering a public git server on the internet. git on it's own is a client/server version control system. it has a command line client, but also a GUI for those who like GUIs. But both command line client and GUI client (as well as the server) work on every platform. to use git, you dont need github but it's easier than setting up your own server.
the usual workflow with git is that you create a repository to hold all your code. if you use github or bitbucket, you create the repo there and then you clone that onto your dev machine. then you start working on your code, making small changes and recording these with commit messages. from time to time you push these changes back to the master repository
that's it in a nutshell. to deploy the code onto your host (not your dev machine), you ssh into the host and checkout the code from the repo
Hmm, but that ssh into my host is still something I am not able to do.
if you cannot ssh into your host, you need to find another way to deploy the code. for instance, you could just transfer all the files via sftp (probably what you do atm already).
I use normal FTP since SFTP is through SSH and I dont have acces to that.
@YogeshSuthar LOL you should really read my answer voted the highest :) try using <div style="clear: both;"></div> after your search div
@Tredged putting your code under version control and deploying the code is really two different things though. you can deploy code in numerous ways. which way is up to you. it's like picking your favorite shower gel. but putting your code under version control is basic hygiene.
Like this

<div id="header">
		<div id="logo">
            Appliton        </div>
        <div id="search">
            <input placeholder="Search..." id="searchbox" type="text" name="autoComplete" class="ui-autocomplete-input" autocomplete="off"><span role="status" aria-live="polite" class="ui-helper-hidden-accessible"></span>        </div>
  <div style="clear: both;"></div>

@Gordn Thats true xd
@Tredged if they don't offer sftp you might want to switch hosting.
The problem there is that the code is for the company I work for. and they wont switch @Gordon
@Tredged that's even more reason to change hosting. why would a company host their intellectual property on a host that forces them to transmit their username and password in cleartext? vanilla ftp is insecure. you can just as well give everyone the password then
@Mr.Alien you rally love you ID and inline css
@Gordon I totally agree, I will point this out in the meeting soon. it irritates me
@Tredged nah, just a quick fix to explain ;)
also, <div style="clear: both;"></div> has not been a valid clearfix for 5+ years
@tereško I cleared floats for him, it's @YogeshSuthar code
@Tredged also, if that's company code you should have version control for it. what are they thinking? that hard drives live forever?
@tereško it's just a quick fix to show him, personally what I use is .clear { content : ' '; display: table; clear:both;}
@Mr.Alien , @YogeshSuthar , please read: colinaarts.com/articles/the-magic-of-overflow-hidden
then you are also "personally wrong" .. congrats
Q: Dynamically loading Facebook JS sdk login using ajax/php

KarimkhanI can perform loging and get data using Facebook JS SDK without sdk. But I want it to do using ajax. <script> window.fbAsyncInit = function() { FB.init({ appId: '<?php echo $facebook->getAppID() ?>', cookie: true, xfbml: true, oauth: true }); **FB.Event.subs...

@Tredged This one looks useful slideshare.net/mamchenkov/…
@Gordon They are a bunch of idiots they run microsoft access system with local data in it hosted on a 5mbp/s server somewhere miles away which grows everyday with around 15mb the program has reached 600 mb
on data from years back, and keeps growing.
Literally takes almost 1minute to only load up
Maybe longer ;x
@Mr.Alien dont use that site .. jeez
@Gordon Thanks btw
@tereško clear fix, using the content after is good... not that bad
actly should be .clear:after... just a miss out
@Tredged well, if they are clueless to basic hygiene techniques, it's your job to take initiative and educate them. you work there. if you care about your work, improve the workspace. just don't tell them they are idiots. convince them that these things are needed. explain the problems the current situation has and offer solutions.
@tereško but that is a good fix, trust me, unless you are too cheesy to support ie8
@Gordon I am doing that as much as I can :=)
@Gordon If Im correct with revision control u can undo changes ?
@Tredged yes
@Gordon Does that mean files like latest edits back or in days, weeks months
@Tredged complete revision history. from first keystroke to last.
I need my ssh really bad :(
@Tredged just to make sure: you can use git even if you cannot use ssh on your host
Yes but why make it harder, if its safer over ssh and easier lol
Making it less complexer is always beter xD
@Tredged no. that's not what I mean
oh noes SO is broken again :(
still experimenting with https? xD
@Gordon I obviously mis understood then :P
@Tredged putting your code under version control is as easy as downloading a git client and creating a repository on your dev machine. that's all it takes. it will give you all the benefits of version control. unlimited undo, tracking of commit messages, branching, tagging, all the things.
actually it's just this question -> stackoverflow.com/questions/10730362
@Tredged the problem is that it's just version controlled on your dev machine then. which has two problems: 1) you cannot easily share the code with others 2) you need to backup this code
@Tredged to solve these two problems, you use a git server. you can either install one on your local intranet or you can use a service on the internet like GitHub or Bitbucket. Once you have a server, you can push all the stuff in your local repository to the server, which then allows other people to access and work on it and also serves as backup.
Is there any plugin for twitter invite friends
@Saravanan Google is better place to ask this.
@PLB but i couldn't find
should I use array_key_exists or isset to check if a key is inside an array? Like which is more efficient?
@Tredged getting that code onto your host is not related to version control. or let's say, it can be related but it doesnt have to be. you just want to deploy the latest stable code to your host. an easy way to do that is to pull it from where it's stored, e.g. the repository. but like I said, you can just as well use anything that works here, including sftp.
@crypticツ µ optimizations ftw!
@crypticツ isset() is faster , but it will fail if element contains something like null
@Gordon So it doesn't matter on very large arrays or there isn't a better practice one to use?
I guess array_key_exists will take more time compared to isset
@Gordon How would it deploy normally, automaticly? or manualy?
that said, i prefer to use array_key_exists() because the name of function tell exactly what i am checking
@crypticツ what @tereško said. isset is faster (like in 0.00000x) but behaves differently.
@Gordon if u pull it from where its stored wouldnt u be programming in git (sort of) then deploying it into the FTP as latest stable version?
codepad.org/rINjj5Rs yes much faster :D
@Tredged let's put it this way: one click automatic deployment is not easy. but like I said, your primary concern right now should not be deployment (although you definitely want to get rid of ftp) but on version controlling your code. That's two different things.
@Tredged can you reference the correct posts when replying to maintain consistency please :)
Yes, so basically it helps me organize since it monitors for 'modified code' for me its important I always have a up to date stable version then @Gordon
@Gordon What you mean with reference the correct posts?
@DaveChen do you really omit { ... } when the if has only one statement? Are you aware how annoying that is?!
@crypticツ "very large" and "it matters" are relative ;) the only way to find out is to profile the application and see if it matters. if array_key_exists is not severely slowing down things, you don't need to optimize it.
just when I have to type it really fast
then you are also an asshole
and for javascript you can chain with commas, if (statement) method(),method2();
@Tredged if you put your mouse over a message you'll see 3 buttons in the very right side. The rightest is the "reply to" button, use it when answering a particular phrase here
@zerkms Thanks!
yay! 9 o'clock and @tereško already starts the swearing. that's gonna be a great day!
@tereško it makes it look more like python :D
@Tredged if you follow it - you'll see that in the left of your answer there is a link that refers to what you replied to (like in the left of this answer)
@zerkms Oh thats nice! thanks.
@Gordon people who do not write curly braces in IF statements are, IMHO, on the same evolutionary stage as pond scum
hahaha I like python for that reason though, no curly braces, just indentation -- however I stick with PHP because it's loose
@Gordon I just asked the person about the host here, I contacted the hosting and they are upgrading the services right away ;)
@DaveChen just change the curly braces color in your IDE to the background color and write in php pretending it's a python
@tereško you are of course entitled your opinion and you may also voice it. but you also know we require etiquette so I'd appreciate if you could voice in a less offensive way. not that you wouldn't know that already …
@tereško @Mr.Alien I will look into this solution. :) But why it is working on FF and not on chrome?
@Tredged that's a win I guess
@PeeHaa there isn't even a g in that!
@PeeHaa good moroning
@Gordon tbg I wasn't evcen trying now :)
@PeeHaa come back when you can spell yourself out of a "bag"
@Gordon Gordon, what type of host panel would you suggest ? cpanel or directadmin
How about no panel?
@Tredged can't suggest anything. I don't use host panels. I prefer doing the things I can reasonably do on the shell myself or - if I cannot do that for any reason - I ask people with access to the machines that know better than me. yes, that means I sometimes have to pay for service, but it's usually cheaper than messing up anything.
@zerkms wow! an improvement!
it's like whitespace now
@Tredged if you're on shared, I'd recommend cPanel :)
@DaveChen keywords should be white as well. ;)
@DaveChen Thanks
uhhh...okay sweet xD puu.sh/3GsJu.png
And it's brainfuck now.
I wouldn't mind using an alphanumeric only language, all symbols ... xD
I'll start implementing its interpreter in php. It will be fun.
Anyone familiar with video streaming?
@Gordon I was thinking that any person is getting ban on flagging question, if his flags get declined or disputed?
PHP reserves all function names starting with __ as magical. -- ah PHP manual
@YogeshSuthar thats why we have a concept called cross browser compatibility
@Mr.Alien and how can we achieve that?
@YogeshSuthar by using correct markup practices and few of your css concepts should be strong, the main ones are positioning, floats, clearing, and the box model
Is this acceptable?
@Mr.Alien Thanks, will look into it.
@YogeshSuthar cool
@YogeshSuthar we are considering that
Here ^ ^ ^
good mornings
Going with the title.... what the hell is [if else ladder](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17740567/implementing-if-else-ladder-for-browsers-using-javascript)

somehing like this?
@hakre mornin
@Alec that makes sense!
@Gordon okk thanks.
if (0) {
   #              #
   #              #
} elseif (1) {
   #              #
   #              #
} elseif (2) {
   #              #
   #              #
} else {
   #              #
   #              #
@Mr.Alien no, like this ^^^ :D
@PLB You should prevent to use use new inside a class constructor. It's probably more applicable to create some sort of factory taking care of instantiating that object with the optional default member.
@hakre Would you mind updating my paste with sample?
Why are user-agent never clear about who they are ?

That's Chrome's user agent description, why does it have keywords like Safari, and Apple in it ?
Windows NT 6.2; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML,
like Gecko) Chrome/28.0.1500.72 Safari/537.36
@hakre I wanted to avoid passing factory object to ctor but I guess I don't have other choice.
@Alucard because tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1945#section-10.15. you might also be interested in useragentstring.com
@hakre haha am marking that as a fav ;)
> +50 5 hours ago reversal Serial downvoting reversed
mah precious repz. I haz it again
> -50 1 minute ago reversal Serial downvoting reversal reversed
@PeeHaa 1st @Jimbo, now its you...
@Gordon hehehehehehe
@Gordon Would be totally awesome if you could do that :)
@PeeHaa nah :)
If he does that, I will ban his account Mr. Alien ♦
@PeeHaa 50 !? Someone was REALLY pissed at you
@tereško Jimbo had someone hit him 19 times a few days ago
well .. we should be keeping score
AFAIK, 25 is the new record
@tereško yeah. It might be a personal record :)
Morning all
@Gordon Only 19?? That's not even proper butthurt :)
lemme check what's my personal
@Gordon Awesome, I had my aswers, thx a lot
@Alucard Hello Dracula ;-)
@PeeHaa +50?? That's some epic dving
@DaveRandom That's just 5 dv's :)
No it isn't, you don't lose 10 for a dv
Oh ... okay, don't mind me ...
@DaveRandom The guy should get a badge for it :)
@Jack actually, each DV gives you -2
@tereško Yep, got it, thanks :)
To think that I'm still drinking my coffee .. unbelievable =S
Hmm, I'm wondering what that second constructor argument of DateTime is really used for; I figured I could use it to convert between GMT and local timezone, but apparently that doesn't workz. I get +0800 (expected) but the time portion is the same!
@PLB well, you can do whatever you want. I just wrote should it's not a must but I didn't make any bad experiences to use new wisely.
@hakre Ok. Thanks. :)
$to = '[email protected]';
$subject = 'the subject';
$message = 'hello';
$headers = 'From: [email protected]' . "\r\n" .
'Reply-To: [email protected]' . "\r\n" .
'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion();

if(mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers)){
echo 'Mail Send Successfullly';
echo 'MAIL NOT SEND.';
not working any idea?
it display 'Mail Send Successfullly' but not send mail
I just got a CVA

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